Commit a521947e authored by Detlef Riekenberg's avatar Detlef Riekenberg Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winspool: Document the monitor functions.

parent e78997a7
......@@ -1119,6 +1119,8 @@ BOOL WINAPI OpenPrinterW(LPWSTR lpPrinterName,HANDLE *phPrinter,
* AddMonitorA [WINSPOOL.@]
* See AddMonitorW.
BOOL WINAPI AddMonitorA(LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors)
......@@ -1129,6 +1131,24 @@ BOOL WINAPI AddMonitorA(LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors)
* AddMonitorW [WINSPOOL.@]
* Install a Printmonitor
* pName [I] Servername or NULL (local Computer)
* Level [I] Structure-Level (Must be 2)
* pMonitors [I] PTR to MONITOR_INFO_2
* Success: TRUE
* Failure: FALSE
* All Files for the Monitor must already be copied to %winsysdir% ("%SystemRoot%\system32")
* only a Stub
BOOL WINAPI AddMonitorW(LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors)
......@@ -1166,6 +1186,8 @@ DeletePrinterDriverW (LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverName)
* DeleteMonitorA [WINSPOOL.@]
* See DeleteMonitorW.
DeleteMonitorA (LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pMonitorName)
......@@ -1179,6 +1201,20 @@ DeleteMonitorA (LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pMonitorName)
* DeleteMonitorW [WINSPOOL.@]
* Delete a specific Printmonitor from a Printing-Environment
* pName [I] Servername or NULL (local Computer)
* pEnvironment [I] Printing-Environment of the Monitor or NULL (Default)
* pMonitorName [I] Name of the Monitor, that should be deleted
* Success: TRUE
* Failure: FALSE
* only a Stub
DeleteMonitorW (LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, LPWSTR pMonitorName)
......@@ -4837,6 +4873,8 @@ BOOL WINAPI EnumFormsW( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pForm,
* EnumMonitorsA [WINSPOOL.@]
* See EnumMonitorsW.
BOOL WINAPI EnumMonitorsA(LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors,
DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned)
......@@ -4850,6 +4888,23 @@ BOOL WINAPI EnumMonitorsA(LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors,
* EnumMonitorsW [WINSPOOL.@]
* Enumerate available Monitors
* pName [I] Servername or NULL (local Computer)
* Level [I] Structure-Level (1:Win9x+NT or 2:NT only)
* pMonitors [O] PTR to Buffer that receives the Result
* cbBuf [I] Size of Buffer at pMonitors
* pcbNeeded [O] PTR to DWORD that receives the size in Bytes used / required for pMonitors
* pcReturned [O] PTR to DWORD that receives the number of Monitors in pMonitors
* Success: TRUE
* Failure: FALSE and in bufneeded the Bytes required for buffer, if bufsize is too small
* only a Stub
BOOL WINAPI EnumMonitorsW(LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitors,
DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned)
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