Commit a69bc029 authored by Karl Lessard's avatar Karl Lessard Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Never send a WM_CLOSE message to a popup window.

parent 228b0cc0
......@@ -737,14 +737,7 @@ static void EVENT_FocusOut( HWND hWnd, XFocusChangeEvent *event )
if (event->detail != NotifyPointer)
if (hWnd == GetForegroundWindow())
WND *pWnd = WIN_FindWndPtr(hWnd);
if( ((pWnd->dwStyle & WS_POPUP) == WS_POPUP) &&
SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
SendMessageA( hWnd, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0 );
/* Abey : 6-Oct-99. Check again if the focus out window is the
Foreground window, because in most cases the messages sent
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