Commit b6e78c4e authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

credui: Convert string table resources to po files.

parent ee3c1790
......@@ -14825,7 +14825,7 @@ wine_fn_config_dll comm.drv16 enable_win16
wine_fn_config_dll commdlg.dll16 enable_win16
wine_fn_config_dll compobj.dll16 enable_win16
wine_fn_config_dll compstui enable_compstui implib
wine_fn_config_dll credui enable_credui implib
wine_fn_config_dll credui enable_credui po,implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/credui/tests credui_test
wine_fn_config_dll crtdll enable_crtdll implib
wine_fn_config_dll crypt32 enable_crypt32 po,implib
......@@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ WINE_CONFIG_DLL(comm.drv16,enable_win16)
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ RC_SRCS = \
credui_Uk.rc \
PO_SRCS = credui.rc
......@@ -20,5 +20,19 @@
#include "credui_resources.h"
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Connect to %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Connecting to %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Make sure that your user name\nand password are correct."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n\nPress the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\nentering your password."
/* @makedep: banner.bmp */
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Annuller",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Tilslut til %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Tilslutter til %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Vær sikker på at dit brugernavn\nog kodeord er korrekt."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Du har sat Caps Lock til, dette kan være årsagen til at du indtaster kodeordet forkert.\n\nTryk på Caps Lock tasten for at slå det fra før du indtaster dit kodeord."
......@@ -42,13 +42,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Abbrechen",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Mit %s verbinden"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Verbindung mit %s wird hergestellt"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Benutzernamen\nund geben Sie das Kennwort neu ein."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Die Feststelltaste ist aktiviert"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Mit aktivierter Feststelltaste könnte das Kennwort falsch eingeben werden.\n\nVor der Eingabe des Kennworts sollten Sie die Feststelltaste deaktivieren."
......@@ -40,13 +40,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Connect to %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Connecting to %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Make sure that your user name\nand password are correct."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n\nPress the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\nentering your password."
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "Aceptar",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "Cancelar",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Conectar a %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Conectando to %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Identificación incorrecta"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Asegúrese que su nombre de usuario\ny contraseña son correctos."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Bloq Mayus está activado"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "El Bloq Mayus activado puede hacer que entre su contraseña incorrectamente.\n\nPulse la tecla Bloq Mayus de su teclado para desactivar Bloq Mayus antes\n de introducir su contraseña."
......@@ -42,13 +42,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Annuler",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Se connecter à %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Connexion à %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Échec lors de la connexion"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Assurez-vous que votre nom d'utilisateur\net votre mot de passe sont corrects."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Le verrouillage majuscule étant activé, cela pourrait provoquer une erreur lors de la saisie de votre mot de passe.\n\nAppuyez sur la touche VERR.MAJ de votre clavier afin de désactiver le verrouilage majuscule avant\nde saisir votre mot de passe."
......@@ -44,13 +44,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "ביטול",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "התחברות אל %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "בהליכי התחברות אל %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "נא לוודא כי שם המשתמש\nוהססמה שלך נכונים."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "כאשר מקש ה־Caps Lock פעיל יתכן שהזנת ססמה לא נכונה.\n\nנא ללחוץ על מקש ה־Caps Lock במקלדת שלך כדי לכבות את ה־Caps Lock בטרם\nהזנת הססמה שלך."
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Mégse",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Kapcsolódás: %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Kapcsolódás: %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Bejelentkezés sikertelen"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Kérem ellenőrizze a felhasználóneve\nés a jelszava helyességét."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "A Caps Lock be van kapcsolva"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Ha Caps Lock be van kapcsolva, elképzelhető hogy hibásan írja be a jelszavát.\n\nNyomja meg a Caps Lock gombot a billentyűzetén a Caps Lock kikapcsolásához\nmielőtt megadja a jelszavát."
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Annulla",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Connetti a %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Connettendo a %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Assicurati che il tuo nome utente\ne password siano corrette."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Il Caps Lock è acceso"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Avere Caps Lock acceso può portarti a immettere la password incorrettamente.\n\nPremere il tasto Caps Lock sulla tua tastiera per spegnere Caps Lock prima\n di immettere la tua password."
......@@ -43,14 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "확인",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "취소",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "당신의 사용자 이름과 암호가\n올바른지 확인하십시오"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Caps Lock 이 커져 있으면 암호가 잘못입력될 수 있습니다.\n\n 암호를 입력하기 전에\n키보드의 Caps Lock 키를 끄시기 바랍니다."
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "Gerai",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "Atsisakyti",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Užmegzti ryšį su %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Jungiamasi prie %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Prisijungimas nesėkmingas"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Įsitikinkite, kad naudotojo vardas\nir slaptažodis yra teisingi."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Didžiųjų raidžių būsena įjungta"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Kai įjungta didžiųjų raidžių būsena, savo slaptažodį galite įvesti neteisingai.\n\nPaspauskite didžiųjų raidžių klaviatūros klavišą didžiųjų raidžių būsenai išjungti\nprieš rinkdami savo slaptažodį."
......@@ -40,13 +40,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Annuleren",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Verbind met %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Verbinden met %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Controleer of uw gebruikersnaam\nen wachtwoord correct zijn."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Met Caps Lock aan kan uw wachtwoord verkeerd worden ingevoerd.\n\nDruk op de Caps Lock toets op uw toetsenbord om Caps Lock uit\nte zetten voor invoer van uw wachtwoord."
......@@ -40,13 +40,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Avbryt",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Koble til %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Srg for at du oppga riktig\nbrukernavn og passord."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON " ha Caps Lock p kan fre til at du skriver inn passordet p feil mte.\n\nTrykk p Caps Lock-knappen p tastaturet for sl av Caps Lock fr du\nskriver inn passordet p nytt."
......@@ -41,13 +41,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "&Anuluj",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Logowanie nie powiodo si"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Upewnij si, e nazwa uytkownika\ni haso s poprawne."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Caps Lock jest wczony"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Wczony tryb Caps Lock moe spowodowa, e wpiszesz haso niepoprawnie.\n\nNacinik klawisz Caps Lock key na klawiaturze, aby go wyczy\nprzed wprowadzeniem hasa."
......@@ -64,28 +64,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Cancelar",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Conectar a %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Conectando a %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Certifique-se de que nome de usuário\ne senha estão corretos."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Ter o Caps Lock ligado pode provocar a introdução incorreta da sua senha.\n\nPressione a tecla Caps Lock no seu teclado para desligar o Caps Lock antes\nde introduzir a senha."
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Verifique que o seu nome de utilizador\ne password estão correctos."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Tendo o Caps Lock ligado pode provocar que introduza a sua password incorrectamente.\n\nPressione a tecla Caps Lock no seu teclado para desligar o Caps Lock antes\nde introduzir a password."
......@@ -41,13 +41,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Renunță",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Conectare la %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Conectez la %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Verificați numele de utilizator și parola."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Tasta Caps Lock este activată"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Cu tasta Caps Lock activată este foarte probabil că veți introduce parola greșit.\n\nInainte de a introduce parola apăsați tasta Caps Lock pentru a dezactiva scrierea cu majuscule."
......@@ -43,13 +43,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Отмена",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Подключение к %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Подключение к %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Убедитесь, что имя пользователя\nи пароль верны."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Пароль может быть введён неправильно из-за нажатой клавиши Caps Lock.\n\nОтключите Caps Lock перед тем, как вводить пароль."
......@@ -42,13 +42,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "V redu",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "Prekliči",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Poveži se na %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Povezovanje na %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Preverite, ali ste vnesli pravilno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Caps Lock je vključen"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Vključen Caps Lock je lahko vzrok nepravilnega vnosa gesla.\n\nPritisnite tipko Caps Lock, s čimer ga izklopite\nin ponovno vnesite geslo."
......@@ -44,16 +44,6 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Откажи",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Повежи се са %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Повезивање на %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Пријављивање није успело"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Проверите да ли су подаци\nкоје сте унели исправни."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Caps Lock је укључен"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Caps Lock може бити разлог неисправности унетих података.\n\nПритисните тастер Caps Lock на тастатури да бисте искључили велика слова пре\nуношења лозинке."
......@@ -74,13 +64,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "U redu",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "Otkaži",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Poveži se sa %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Povezivanje na %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Prijavljivanje nije uspelo"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Proverite da li su podaci\nkoje ste uneli ispravni."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Caps Lock je uključen"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Caps Lock može biti razlog neispravnosti unetih podataka.\n\nPritisnite taster Caps Lock na tastaturi da biste isključili velika slova pre\nunošenja lozinke."
......@@ -40,13 +40,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Avbryt",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Anslut till %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Ansluter till %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORDTITLE "Inloggningen misslyckades"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Kontrollera att anvndarnamn\noch lsenord stmmer."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Om Caps Lock r p kan det leda till att lsenordet skrivs in felaktigt.\n\nTryck Caps Lock p tangentbordet fr att sl av Caps Lock innan\ndu skriver in ditt lsenord."
......@@ -44,13 +44,3 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Скасувати",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_TITLEFORMAT "Під'єднатись до %s"
IDS_MESSAGEFORMAT "Під'єднуюсь до %s"
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "Переконайтесь що ім'я користувача\nі пароль правильні."
IDS_CAPSLOCKONTITLE "Caps Lock включений"
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "Пароль може бути введений неправильно через натиснену клавішу Caps Lock.\n\nВимкніть Caps Lock перед\nвведенням паролю."
......@@ -44,16 +44,6 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "取消",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "请确认你输入的用户名和密码\n是否正确."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "开着大写锁定可能导致你输入错误的密码."
......@@ -74,13 +64,3 @@ BEGIN
DEFPUSHBUTTON "確定",IDOK,97,128,50,14
PUSHBUTTON "取消",IDCANCEL,156,128,50,14
IDS_INCORRECTPASSWORD "請確認你輸入的用戶名和密碼\n是否正確."
IDS_CAPSLOCKON "開著大寫鎖定可能導致你輸入錯誤的密碼."
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr "Днес:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Иди на днес"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,37 @@ msgstr "Dnes:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Jdi na dnešek"
#: credui.rc:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Připojit &síťové zařízení"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Idag:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Gå til i dag"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Tilslut til %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Tilslutter til %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Tilslutning fejlede"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Vær sikker på at dit brugernavn\n"
"og kodeord er korrekt."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Du har sat Caps Lock til, dette kan være årsagen til at du indtaster "
"kodeordet forkert.\n"
"Tryk på Caps Lock tasten for at slå det fra før du indtaster dit kodeord."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock er på"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,41 @@ msgstr "Heute:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Gehe zu Heute"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Mit %s verbinden"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Verbindung mit %s wird hergestellt"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Benutzernamen\n"
"und geben Sie das Kennwort neu ein."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Mit aktivierter Feststelltaste könnte das Kennwort falsch eingeben werden.\n"
"Vor der Eingabe des Kennworts sollten Sie die Feststelltaste deaktivieren."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Die Feststelltaste ist aktiviert"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Autoritätsschlüsselkennung"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr "Σήμερα:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Μετάβαση στα σημερινά"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Authority Key Identifier"
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Today:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Go to today"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Connect to %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connecting to %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Logon unsuccessful"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock is On"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Authority Key Identifier"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr "Hodiaý:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Iru a la hodiaý"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,42 @@ msgstr "Hoy:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Ir a hoy"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Conectar a %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Conectando to %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Identificación incorrecta"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Asegúrese que su nombre de usuario\n"
"y contraseña son correctos."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"El Bloq Mayus activado puede hacer que entre su contraseña incorrectamente.\n"
"Pulse la tecla Bloq Mayus de su teclado para desactivar Bloq Mayus antes\n"
" de introducir su contraseña."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Bloq Mayus está activado"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,44 @@ msgstr "Aujourd'hui :"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Aller à aujourd'hui"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Se connecter à %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connexion à %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Échec lors de la connexion"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Assurez-vous que votre nom d'utilisateur\n"
"et votre mot de passe sont corrects."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Le verrouillage majuscule étant activé, cela pourrait provoquer une erreur "
"lors de la saisie de votre mot de passe.\n"
"Appuyez sur la touche VERR.MAJ de votre clavier afin de désactiver le "
"verrouilage majuscule avant\n"
"de saisir votre mot de passe."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "VERR.MAJ est activé"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identifiant de l'autorité de la clé"
......@@ -42,6 +42,42 @@ msgstr "היום:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "מעבר ליום הנוכחי"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "התחברות אל %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "בהליכי התחברות אל %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "הכניסה נכשלה"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"נא לוודא כי שם המשתמש\n"
"והססמה שלך נכונים."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"כאשר מקש ה־Caps Lock פעיל יתכן שהזנת ססמה לא נכונה.\n"
"נא ללחוץ על מקש ה־Caps Lock במקלדת שלך כדי לכבות את ה־Caps Lock בטרם\n"
"הזנת הססמה שלך."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "ה־Caps Lock פעיל"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,43 @@ msgstr "Ma:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Ugrás mára"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Kapcsolódás: %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Kapcsolódás: %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés sikertelen"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kérem ellenőrizze a felhasználóneve\n"
"és a jelszava helyességét."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Ha Caps Lock be van kapcsolva, elképzelhető hogy hibásan írja be a "
"Nyomja meg a Caps Lock gombot a billentyűzetén a Caps Lock kikapcsolásához\n"
"mielőtt megadja a jelszavát."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "A Caps Lock be van kapcsolva"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Hitelesítési kulcs azonosító"
......@@ -37,6 +37,43 @@ msgstr "Oggi:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Vai a oggi"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Connetti a %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connettendo a %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Accesso fallito"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Assicurati che il tuo nome utente\n"
"e password siano corrette."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Avere Caps Lock acceso può portarti a immettere la password "
"Premere il tasto Caps Lock sulla tua tastiera per spegnere Caps Lock prima\n"
" di immettere la tua password."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Il Caps Lock è acceso"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identificatore chiave autorità"
......@@ -42,6 +42,37 @@ msgstr "今日:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "今日へ移動"
#: credui.rc:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "ネットワークドライブに接続(&N)"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "認証局鍵識別子"
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "오늘:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "오늘로 가기"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr " %s 연결"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr " %s 연결중"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "로그온 실패"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"당신의 사용자 이름과 암호가\n"
"올바른지 확인하십시오"
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Caps Lock 이 커져 있으면 암호가 잘못입력될 수 있습니다.\n"
" 암호를 입력하기 전에\n"
"키보드의 Caps Lock 키를 끄시기 바랍니다."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock 커짐"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "접근 키 식별자"
......@@ -43,6 +43,44 @@ msgstr "Šiandien:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Eiti į šiandien"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Užmegzti ryšį su %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Jungiamasi prie %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Prisijungimas nesėkmingas"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Įsitikinkite, kad naudotojo vardas\n"
"ir slaptažodis yra teisingi."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Kai įjungta didžiųjų raidžių būsena, savo slaptažodį galite įvesti "
"Paspauskite didžiųjų raidžių klaviatūros klavišą didžiųjų raidžių būsenai "
"prieš rinkdami savo slaptažodį."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Didžiųjų raidžių būsena įjungta"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Įstaigos rakto identifikatorius"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Idag:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Gå til idag"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Koble til %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Kobler til %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Klarte ikke logge på"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Sørg for at du oppga riktig\n"
"brukernavn og passord."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Å ha Caps Lock på kan føre til at du skriver inn passordet på feil måte.\n"
"Trykk på Caps Lock-knappen på tastaturet for å slå av Caps Lock før du\n"
"skriver inn passordet på nytt."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock er på"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identifikator for autentiseringsnøkkel"
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Vandaag:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Ga naar vandaag"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Verbind met %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Verbinden met %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Inloggen mislukt"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Controleer of uw gebruikersnaam\n"
"en wachtwoord correct zijn."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Met Caps Lock aan kan uw wachtwoord verkeerd worden ingevoerd.\n"
"Druk op de Caps Lock toets op uw toetsenbord om Caps Lock uit\n"
"te zetten voor invoer van uw wachtwoord."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock staat Aan"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Autoriteits Sleutel Identificatie nummer"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Dziś:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Idź do dziś"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Połącz z %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Łączenie z %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Logowanie nie powiodło się"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Upewnij się, że nazwa użytkownika\n"
"i hasło są poprawne."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Włączony tryb Caps Lock może spowodować, że wpiszesz hasło niepoprawnie.\n"
"Naciśnik klawisz Caps Lock key na klawiaturze, aby go wyłączyć\n"
"przed wprowadzeniem hasła."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock jest włączony"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identyfikator klucza urzędu"
......@@ -42,6 +42,42 @@ msgstr "Hoje:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Ir para hoje"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Conectar a %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Conectando a %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Logon mal sucedido"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Certifique-se de que nome de usuário\n"
"e senha estão corretos."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Ter o Caps Lock ligado pode provocar a introdução incorreta da sua senha.\n"
"Pressione a tecla Caps Lock no seu teclado para desligar o Caps Lock antes\n"
"de introduzir a senha."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock ligado"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identificador da Chave de Autoridade"
......@@ -42,6 +42,43 @@ msgstr "Hoje:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Ir para hoje"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Ligar a %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "A ligar a %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Logon mal sucedido"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Verifique que o seu nome de utilizador\n"
"e password estão correctos."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Tendo o Caps Lock ligado pode provocar que introduza a sua password "
"Pressione a tecla Caps Lock no seu teclado para desligar o Caps Lock antes\n"
"de introduzir a password."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock ligado"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identificador da Chave de Autoridade"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,41 @@ msgstr "Azi:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Mergi la Azi"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Conectare la %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Conectez la %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Autentificare eșuată"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr "Verificați numele de utilizator și parola."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Cu tasta Caps Lock activată este foarte probabil că veți introduce parola "
"Inainte de a introduce parola apăsați tasta Caps Lock pentru a dezactiva "
"scrierea cu majuscule."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Tasta Caps Lock este activată"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Identificatorul cheii autorității"
......@@ -37,6 +37,41 @@ msgstr "Сегодня:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Текущая дата"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Подключение к %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Подключение к %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Вход не был произведён"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Убедитесь, что имя пользователя\n"
"и пароль верны."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Пароль может быть введён неправильно из-за нажатой клавиши Caps Lock.\n"
"Отключите Caps Lock перед тем, как вводить пароль."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock включен"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr "Dnes:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Choď na dnešok"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,40 @@ msgstr "Danes:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Pojdi na danes"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Poveži se na %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Povezovanje na %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Prijava ni uspela"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr "Preverite, ali ste vnesli pravilno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Vključen Caps Lock je lahko vzrok nepravilnega vnosa gesla.\n"
"Pritisnite tipko Caps Lock, s čimer ga izklopite\n"
"in ponovno vnesite geslo."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock je vključen"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,43 @@ msgstr "Данас:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Пређи на данашњи дан"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Повежи се са %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Повезивање на %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Пријављивање није успело"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Проверите да ли су подаци\n"
"које сте унели исправни."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Caps Lock може бити разлог неисправности унетих података.\n"
"Притисните тастер Caps Lock на тастатури да бисте искључили велика слова "
"уношења лозинке."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock је укључен"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,43 @@ msgstr "Danas:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Pređi na današnji dan"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Poveži se sa %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Povezivanje na %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Prijavljivanje nije uspelo"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Proverite da li su podaci\n"
"koje ste uneli ispravni."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Caps Lock može biti razlog neispravnosti unetih podataka.\n"
"Pritisnite taster Caps Lock na tastaturi da biste isključili velika slova "
"unošenja lozinke."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock je uključen"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ msgstr "Idag:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Gå till idag"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Anslut till %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Ansluter till %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Inloggningen misslyckades"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kontrollera att användarnamn\n"
"och lösenord stämmer."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Om Caps Lock är på kan det leda till att lösenordet skrivs in felaktigt.\n"
"Tryck Caps Lock på tangentbordet för att slå av Caps Lock innan\n"
"du skriver in ditt lösenord."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock är på"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Authority Key Identifier"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr "วันนี้:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "ไปถึงวันนี้"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -37,6 +37,37 @@ msgstr "Bugün:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Bugüne git"
#: credui.rc:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "&Ağ Sürücüsüne Bağlan"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,42 @@ msgstr "Сьогодні:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "Поточна дата"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "Під'єднатись до %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Під'єднуюсь до %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "Вхід не відбувся"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
"Переконайтесь що ім'я користувача\n"
"і пароль правильні."
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
"Пароль може бути введений неправильно через натиснену клавішу Caps Lock.\n"
"Вимкніть Caps Lock перед\n"
"введенням паролю."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "Caps Lock включений"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr "Ідентифікатор ключа органу"
......@@ -37,6 +37,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -34,6 +34,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr ""
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,38 @@ msgstr "今天:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "转到今天"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "连接到 %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "正在连接到 %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "登录失败"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr "开着大写锁定可能导致你输入错误的密码."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "大写锁定开着"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
......@@ -42,6 +42,38 @@ msgstr "今天:"
msgid "Go to today"
msgstr "轉到今天"
#: credui.rc:27
msgid "Connect to %s"
msgstr "連接到 %s"
#: credui.rc:28
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "正在連接到 %s"
#: credui.rc:29
msgid "Logon unsuccessful"
msgstr "登錄失敗"
#: credui.rc:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that your user name\n"
"and password are correct."
msgstr ""
#: credui.rc:32
msgid ""
"Having Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly.\n"
"Press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard to turn off Caps Lock before\n"
"entering your password."
msgstr "開著大寫鎖定可能導致你輸入錯誤的密碼."
#: credui.rc:31
msgid "Caps Lock is On"
msgstr "大寫鎖定開著"
#: crypt32.rc:27
msgid "Authority Key Identifier"
msgstr ""
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