Commit bc440c9c authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

kernelbase: Add support for SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS in sortkeys.

parent b90f0be0
......@@ -3318,6 +3318,56 @@ static int get_compression_weights( UINT compression, const WCHAR *compr_tables[
return 0;
/* get the zero digit for the digit character range that contains 'ch' */
static WCHAR get_digit_zero_char( WCHAR ch )
static const WCHAR zeroes[] =
0x0030, 0x0660, 0x06f0, 0x0966, 0x09e6, 0x0a66, 0x0ae6, 0x0b66, 0x0be6, 0x0c66,
0x0ce6, 0x0d66, 0x0e50, 0x0ed0, 0x0f20, 0x1040, 0x1090, 0x17e0, 0x1810, 0x1946,
0x1bb0, 0x1c40, 0x1c50, 0xa620, 0xa8d0, 0xa900, 0xaa50, 0xff10
int min = 0, max = ARRAY_SIZE( zeroes ) - 1;
while (min <= max)
int pos = (min + max) / 2;
if (zeroes[pos] <= ch && zeroes[pos] + 9 >= ch) return zeroes[pos];
if (zeroes[pos] < ch) min = pos + 1;
else max = pos - 1;
return 0;
/* append weights for digits when using SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS */
/* return the number of extra chars to skip */
static int append_digit_weights( struct sortkey *key, const WCHAR *src, UINT srclen )
UINT i, zero, len, lzero;
BYTE val, values[19];
if (!(zero = get_digit_zero_char( *src ))) return -1;
values[0] = *src - zero;
for (len = 1; len < ARRAY_SIZE(values) && len < srclen; len++)
if (src[len] < zero || src[len] > zero + 9) break;
values[len] = src[len] - zero;
for (lzero = 0; lzero < len; lzero++) if (values[lzero]) break;
append_sortkey( key, SCRIPT_DIGIT );
append_sortkey( key, 2 );
append_sortkey( key, 2 + len - lzero );
for (i = lzero, val = 2; i < len; i++)
if ((len - i) % 2) append_sortkey( key, (val << 4) + values[i] + 2 );
else val = values[i] + 2;
append_sortkey( key, 0xfe - lzero );
return len - 1;
/* append the extra weights for kana prolonged sound / repeat marks */
static int append_extra_kana_weights( struct sortkey keys[4], const WCHAR *src, int pos, UINT except,
BYTE case_mask, union char_weights *weights )
......@@ -3614,6 +3664,19 @@ static int append_weights( const struct sortguid *sortid, DWORD flags,
append_sortkey( &s->key_case, weights._case );
int len = append_digit_weights( &s->key_primary, src + pos, srclen - pos );
if (len >= 0)
ret += len;
append_sortkey( &s->key_diacritic, weights.diacritic );
append_sortkey( &s->key_case, weights._case );
/* fall through */
append_normal_weights( sortid, &s->key_primary, &s->key_diacritic, &s->key_case, weights, flags );
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