Commit bd9d83b7 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

unicode: Use existing helpers to build the l_intl.nls file.

parent 152bd21d
......@@ -1983,66 +1983,21 @@ sub dump_two_level_mapping($$@)
sub dump_binary_case_table(@)
my (@table) = @_;
my $max_char = 0x10000;
my $level1 = $max_char / 16;
my $level2 = $level1 / 16;
my %difftables_hash = ();
my @difftables;
my %offtables2_hash = ();
my @offtables2 = ();
my @offtable = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
my @offtable2 = ();
for(my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) # offset table for xx00-xxFF characters
my @difftable;
for (my $k = 0; $k < 16; $k++) # case map table for xxx0-xxxF characters
my $char = ($i<<8) + ($j<<4) + $k;
$difftable[$k] = (defined $table[$char]) ? (($table[$char]-$char) & 0xffff) : 0;
my $diff_key = pack "S*", @difftable;
my $offset3 = $difftables_hash{$diff_key};
if (!defined $offset3)
$offset3 = scalar @difftables;
$difftables_hash{$diff_key} = $offset3;
push @difftables, @difftable;
$offtable2[$j] = $offset3;
my $offtable2_key = pack "S*", @offtable2;
my $offset2 = $offtables2_hash{$offtable2_key};
if (!defined $offset2)
for (my $i = 0; $i < @table; $i++)
$offset2 = scalar @offtables2;
$offtables2_hash{$offtable2_key} = $offset2;
push @offtables2, \@offtable2;
$offtable[$i] = $offset2;
my @output;
my $offset = 0x100; # offset of first subtable in words
foreach (@offtable)
push @output, 0x10 * $_ + $offset; # offset of subtable in words
$offset = 0x100 + 0x10 * scalar @offtables2; # offset of first difftable in words
my $table = $_;
push @output, $_ + $offset; # offset of difftable in words
next unless defined $table[$i];
$difftable[$i] = ($table[$i] - $i) & 0xffff;
my $len = 1 + scalar @output + scalar @difftables;
return pack "S<*", $len, @output, @difftables;
my @row_array = compress_array( $level1, 0, @difftable[0..$max_char-1] );
my @array = compress_array( $level2, 0, @row_array[0..$level1-1] );
for (my $i = $level2; $i < @array; $i++) { $array[$i] += @array - $level1; }
return @array, @row_array[$level1..$#row_array];
......@@ -2050,14 +2005,17 @@ sub dump_binary_case_table(@)
# dump case mappings for l_intl.nls
sub dump_intl_nls($)
my @upper = dump_binary_case_table( @toupper_table );
my @lower = dump_binary_case_table( @tolower_table );
my $filename = shift;
open OUTPUT,">$" or die "Cannot create $filename";
printf "Building $filename\n";
binmode OUTPUT;
print OUTPUT pack "S<", 1; # version
print OUTPUT dump_binary_case_table( @toupper_table );
print OUTPUT dump_binary_case_table( @tolower_table );
print OUTPUT pack "S<*", 1 + scalar @upper, @upper;
print OUTPUT pack "S<*", 1 + scalar @lower, @lower;
close OUTPUT;
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