Commit c0b30432 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

gdi32: Support PALETTEINDEX colors for 1-bpp DIB blits.

parent d8c5ef33
......@@ -221,25 +221,38 @@ static DWORD blend_bits( const BITMAPINFO *src_info, const struct gdi_image_bits
return blend_bitmapinfo( src_info, src_bits->ptr, src, dst_info, dst_bits->ptr, dst, blend );
/* helper to retrieve either both colors or only the background color for monochrome blits */
void get_mono_dc_colors( DC *dc, BITMAPINFO *info, int count )
static RGBQUAD get_dc_rgb_color( DC *dc, COLORREF color )
RGBQUAD *colors = info->bmiColors;
COLORREF color = dc->backgroundColor;
colors[count - 1].rgbRed = GetRValue( color );
colors[count - 1].rgbGreen = GetGValue( color );
colors[count - 1].rgbBlue = GetBValue( color );
colors[count - 1].rgbReserved = 0;
RGBQUAD ret = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (count > 1)
if (color & (1 << 24)) /* PALETTEINDEX */
color = dc->textColor;
colors[0].rgbRed = GetRValue( color );
colors[0].rgbGreen = GetGValue( color );
colors[0].rgbBlue = GetBValue( color );
colors[0].rgbReserved = 0;
if (!GetPaletteEntries( dc->hPalette, LOWORD(color), 1, &pal ))
GetPaletteEntries( dc->hPalette, 0, 1, &pal );
ret.rgbRed = pal.peRed;
ret.rgbGreen = pal.peGreen;
ret.rgbBlue = pal.peBlue;
return ret;
if (color >> 16 == 0x10ff) /* DIBINDEX */
/* FIXME: need to propagate the index into the conversion functions */
WARN( "monochrome blit uses DIBINDEX %x\n", color );
return ret;
ret.rgbRed = GetRValue( color );
ret.rgbGreen = GetGValue( color );
ret.rgbBlue = GetBValue( color );
return ret;
/* helper to retrieve either both colors or only the background color for monochrome blits */
void get_mono_dc_colors( DC *dc, BITMAPINFO *info, int count )
info->bmiColors[count - 1] = get_dc_rgb_color( dc, dc->backgroundColor );
if (count > 1) info->bmiColors[0] = get_dc_rgb_color( dc, dc->textColor );
info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = count;
......@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_a8r8g8b8[] =
......@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_a8r8g8b8_bitfields[] =
......@@ -276,6 +278,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_a8b8g8r8[] =
......@@ -349,6 +352,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_r10g10b10[] =
......@@ -422,6 +426,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_r6g6b6[] =
......@@ -495,6 +500,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_24[] =
......@@ -572,6 +578,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_r5g5b5[] =
......@@ -644,6 +651,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_r4g4b4[] =
......@@ -722,6 +730,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_8_color[] =
......@@ -804,6 +813,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_8_grayscale[] =
......@@ -881,6 +891,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_8[] =
......@@ -953,6 +964,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_4[] =
......@@ -1025,6 +1037,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_4_grayscale[] =
......@@ -1115,6 +1128,7 @@ static const char *sha1_graphics_1[] =
......@@ -1189,6 +1203,7 @@ static const RECT graphics_bounds[] =
{ 100, 100, 356, 356 },
{ 10, 10, 356, 356 },
{ 100, 100, 356, 356 },
{ 0, 0, 260, 39 },
{ 10, 10, 416, 26 },
{ 10, 8, 60, 104 },
{ 0, 10, 511, 306 },
......@@ -2420,6 +2435,36 @@ static void draw_graphics(HDC hdc, const BITMAPINFO *bmi, BYTE *bits)
else compare_hash(hdc, bmi, bits, "AlphaBlend src 1-bpp" );
/* blitting with 1-bpp ddb source */
bmp = CreateBitmap( 16, 16, 1, 1, ddb_brush_bits );
DeleteObject( SelectObject( src_dc, bmp ) );
old_text = GetTextColor( hdc );
old_bkgnd = GetBkColor( hdc );
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 13)
SetTextColor(hdc, RGB( i, 2*i, 255 - i ) );
SetBkColor(hdc, RGB( 255 - i, i / 3, i ) );
BitBlt( hdc, i, 0, 13, 13, src_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 13)
SetTextColor(hdc, PALETTEINDEX( i ));
SetBkColor(hdc, PALETTEINDEX( i + 3 ));
BitBlt( hdc, i, 13, 13, 13, src_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 13)
SetTextColor(hdc, DIBINDEX( i ));
SetBkColor(hdc, DIBINDEX( i + 3 ));
BitBlt( hdc, i, 26, 13, 13, src_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
SetTextColor( hdc, old_text );
SetBkColor( hdc, old_bkgnd );
compare_hash_broken_todo(hdc, bmi, bits, "BitBlt src 1-bpp ddb SRCCOPY", 0,
bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8 /* todo: DIBINDEX for indexed formats */ );
DeleteDC( src_dc );
DeleteObject( bmp );
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