35345 Multiple applications and games fail to enumerate display/monitor driver properties in registry using setupapi (Evoland (Steam), NVIDIA GeForce Experience 3.x)
39152 Monitor Test 3.2 fails to enumerate video devices/drivers in registry ('HKLM\\HARDWARE\\DeviceMap\\VIDEO', PnP Manager)
43286 WSARecvMsg wrongly forbids NULL control buffers (Qt 5.7.0 based: Cannot read UDP packets: "errno 90, (Message too long)")
46607 For Honor crash on "double free or corruption"
47411 TreeSize Free Portable exits silently on startup due to missing shell32.SHMultiFileProperties stub
47432 bcrypt always chooses ECB mode when using AES, even if a program indicates otherwise.
47437 Final Fantasy XIV 5.0 crashes on startup when using xaudio2_8.dll
47445 compile error: ‘AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT’ undeclared
47452 Ren'py unable to create displays in Wine 4.11
47473 armv7hl compile fails due to non-AAPCS variadic function calls
47479 Many D3D11 games show black or white screen with Wine 4.12.1 (Darkula by Locomalito, Magic the Gathering Arena, Battle.net, EVE Online, World of Warships)
47519 Amazon Workspaces - ABNT2 keyboard dont recognize characters
Bugs fixed in 4.14 (total 18):
34749 Eleusis Demo needs native dotnet40
39129 Cygwin's dash.exe crashes during installation
45449 Add diagnostic 'mscoree.dll.CorGetSvc' stub (NGEN client) to hint at broken Microsoft .NET Frameworks installation (Wine-Mono not uninstalled and/or 'mscoree.dll' placeholders not removed prior install)
46195 Multiple Windows 10 ARM64 apps need ntdll 'set_cpu_context' implementation (Windows PowerShell Core 6.2)
47074 World War Z crashes after intro logos due to unimplemented D3DKMTQueryStatistics
47514 AviUtl: Can't add a file to the ExEdit dialog after the first drop.
47546 Touhou 14-17 experience Spell Name and Music Room text issues starting in Wine 4.1
47561 Crash starting Rak24u Program
47564 Database mistmatch on brazillian timezone (America/Sao_Paulo)
47578 Omni-NFS 4.13's XLPD Server crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.MmIsThisAnNtAsSystem
47586 The Sims 1 visually freezes after alt-tabbing when in fullscreen mode
47594 Star Control Origins: very slow on new game. (a few minutes per frame)
47601 Process Hacker calls unimplemented ntoskrnl.exe functions SePrivilegeCheck and SeLocateProcessImageName
47605 Star citizen needs api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll._o_getenv
47611 LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner needs wlanui.dll to start
47612 LizardSystems Terminal Services Manager needs Ex functions from wtsapi32.dll
47616 LizardSystems Terminal Services Manager needs utildll.dll to start
47622 Wine 4.13 doesn't start Adobe Digital Editions 2 - works with 4.12.1