Commit c3f2ecea authored by Juan Lang's avatar Juan Lang Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ws2_32: Add debug support for IrDA addresses.

parent f166a9df
......@@ -197,6 +197,16 @@ static inline const char *debugstr_sockaddr( const struct WS_sockaddr *a )
return wine_dbg_sprintf("{ family AF_INET6, address %s, port %d }",
p, ntohs(sin->sin6_port));
case WS_AF_IRDA:
DWORD addr;
memcpy( &addr, ((const SOCKADDR_IRDA *)a)->irdaDeviceID, sizeof(addr) );
addr = ntohl( addr );
return wine_dbg_sprintf("{ family AF_IRDA, addr %08x, name %s }",
((const SOCKADDR_IRDA *)a)->irdaServiceName);
return wine_dbg_sprintf("{ family %d }", a->sa_family);
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