Commit c82cb23b authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

gdi32: Add initial support for a null graphics driver.

parent 5f5c7020
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ DC *alloc_dc_ptr( const DC_FUNCTIONS *funcs, WORD magic )
if (!(dc = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*dc) ))) return NULL;
dc->funcs = funcs;
dc->nulldrv.funcs = &null_driver;
dc->physDev = NULL;
dc->thread = GetCurrentThreadId();
dc->refcount = 1;
......@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ DC *alloc_dc_ptr( const DC_FUNCTIONS *funcs, WORD magic )
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dc );
dc = NULL;
dc->nulldrv.hdc = dc->hSelf;
return dc;
......@@ -312,6 +312,142 @@ done:
const DC_FUNCTIONS null_driver =
NULL, /* pAbortDoc */
NULL, /* pAbortPath */
NULL, /* pAlphaBlend */
NULL, /* pAngleArc */
NULL, /* pArc */
NULL, /* pArcTo */
NULL, /* pBeginPath */
NULL, /* pBitBlt */
NULL, /* pChoosePixelFormat */
NULL, /* pChord */
NULL, /* pCloseFigure */
NULL, /* pCreateBitmap */
NULL, /* pCreateDC */
NULL, /* pCreateDIBSection */
NULL, /* pDeleteBitmap */
NULL, /* pDeleteDC */
NULL, /* pDeleteObject */
NULL, /* pDescribePixelFormat */
NULL, /* pDeviceCapabilities */
NULL, /* pEllipse */
NULL, /* pEndDoc */
NULL, /* pEndPage */
NULL, /* pEndPath */
NULL, /* pEnumICMProfiles */
NULL, /* pEnumDeviceFonts */
NULL, /* pExcludeClipRect */
NULL, /* pExtDeviceMode */
NULL, /* pExtEscape */
NULL, /* pExtFloodFill */
NULL, /* pExtSelectClipRgn */
NULL, /* pExtTextOut */
NULL, /* pFillPath */
NULL, /* pFillRgn */
NULL, /* pFlattenPath */
NULL, /* pFrameRgn */
NULL, /* pGdiComment */
NULL, /* pGetBitmapBits */
NULL, /* pGetCharWidth */
NULL, /* pGetDIBits */
NULL, /* pGetDeviceCaps */
NULL, /* pGetDeviceGammaRamp */
NULL, /* pGetICMProfile */
NULL, /* pGetNearestColor */
NULL, /* pGetPixel */
NULL, /* pGetPixelFormat */
NULL, /* pGetSystemPaletteEntries */
NULL, /* pGetTextExtentExPoint */
NULL, /* pGetTextMetrics */
NULL, /* pIntersectClipRect */
NULL, /* pInvertRgn */
NULL, /* pLineTo */
NULL, /* pModifyWorldTransform */
NULL, /* pMoveTo */
NULL, /* pOffsetClipRgn */
NULL, /* pOffsetViewportOrg */
NULL, /* pOffsetWindowOrg */
NULL, /* pPaintRgn */
NULL, /* pPatBlt */
NULL, /* pPie */
NULL, /* pPolyBezier */
NULL, /* pPolyBezierTo */
NULL, /* pPolyDraw */
NULL, /* pPolyPolygon */
NULL, /* pPolyPolyline */
NULL, /* pPolygon */
NULL, /* pPolyline */
NULL, /* pPolylineTo */
NULL, /* pRealizeDefaultPalette */
NULL, /* pRealizePalette */
NULL, /* pRectangle */
NULL, /* pResetDC */
NULL, /* pRestoreDC */
NULL, /* pRoundRect */
NULL, /* pSaveDC */
NULL, /* pScaleViewportExt */
NULL, /* pScaleWindowExt */
NULL, /* pSelectBitmap */
NULL, /* pSelectBrush */
NULL, /* pSelectClipPath */
NULL, /* pSelectFont */
NULL, /* pSelectPalette */
NULL, /* pSelectPen */
NULL, /* pSetArcDirection */
NULL, /* pSetBitmapBits */
NULL, /* pSetBkColor */
NULL, /* pSetBkMode */
NULL, /* pSetDCBrushColor */
NULL, /* pSetDCPenColor */
NULL, /* pSetDIBColorTable */
NULL, /* pSetDIBits */
NULL, /* pSetDIBitsToDevice */
NULL, /* pSetDeviceClipping */
NULL, /* pSetDeviceGammaRamp */
NULL, /* pSetMapMode */
NULL, /* pSetMapperFlags */
NULL, /* pSetPixel */
NULL, /* pSetPixelFormat */
NULL, /* pSetPolyFillMode */
NULL, /* pSetROP2 */
NULL, /* pSetRelAbs */
NULL, /* pSetStretchBltMode */
NULL, /* pSetTextAlign */
NULL, /* pSetTextCharacterExtra */
NULL, /* pSetTextColor */
NULL, /* pSetTextJustification */
NULL, /* pSetViewportExt */
NULL, /* pSetViewportOrg */
NULL, /* pSetWindowExt */
NULL, /* pSetWindowOrg */
NULL, /* pSetWorldTransform */
NULL, /* pStartDoc */
NULL, /* pStartPage */
NULL, /* pStretchBlt */
NULL, /* pStretchDIBits */
NULL, /* pStrokeAndFillPath */
NULL, /* pStrokePath */
NULL, /* pSwapBuffers */
NULL, /* pUnrealizePalette */
NULL, /* pWidenPath */
NULL, /* pwglCopyContext */
NULL, /* pwglCreateContext */
NULL, /* pwglCreateContextAttribsARB */
NULL, /* pwglDeleteContext */
NULL, /* pwglGetProcAddress */
NULL, /* pwglGetPbufferDCARB */
NULL, /* pwglMakeCurrent */
NULL, /* pwglMakeContextCurrentARB */
NULL, /* pwglSetPixelFormatWINE */
NULL, /* pwglShareLists */
NULL, /* pwglUseFontBitmapsA */
NULL, /* pwglUseFontBitmapsW */
* DRIVER_GetDriverName
......@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ typedef struct tagDC
HDC hSelf; /* Handle to this DC */
struct gdi_physdev nulldrv; /* physdev for the null driver */
const struct tagDC_FUNCS *funcs; /* DC function table */
PHYSDEV physDev; /* Physical device (driver-specific) */
DWORD thread; /* thread owning the DC */
......@@ -389,10 +390,13 @@ extern int DIB_GetBitmapInfo( const BITMAPINFOHEADER *header, LONG *width,
LONG *height, WORD *planes, WORD *bpp, DWORD *compr, DWORD *size ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* driver.c */
extern const DC_FUNCTIONS null_driver DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern const DC_FUNCTIONS *DRIVER_get_display_driver(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern const DC_FUNCTIONS *DRIVER_load_driver( LPCWSTR name ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern BOOL DRIVER_GetDriverName( LPCWSTR device, LPWSTR driver, DWORD size ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
#define GET_DC_PHYSDEV(dc,func) ((dc)->physDev->funcs->func ? (dc)->physDev : &(dc)->nulldrv)
/* enhmetafile.c */
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