Commit ca97db75 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

imm32/tests: Check current keyboard layout during ime calls.

parent db5cf9a5
......@@ -2489,6 +2489,11 @@ static BOOL todo_IME_DLL_PROCESS_DETACH;
static IMEINFO ime_info;
static UINT ime_count;
static WCHAR ime_path[MAX_PATH];
static HIMC default_himc;
static HKL default_hkl;
static HKL expect_ime = (HKL)(int)0xe020047f;
enum ime_function
......@@ -2498,8 +2503,9 @@ enum ime_function
struct ime_call
enum ime_function func;
HKL hkl;
HIMC himc;
enum ime_function func;
......@@ -2526,6 +2532,7 @@ static void ok_call_( const char *file, int line, const struct ime_call *expecte
if ((ret = expected->func - received->func)) goto done;
if ((ret = (UINT_PTR)expected->himc - (UINT_PTR)received->himc)) goto done;
if ((ret = (UINT)(UINT_PTR)expected->hkl - (UINT)(UINT_PTR)received->hkl)) goto done;
switch (expected->func)
......@@ -2543,12 +2550,12 @@ done:
todo_wine_if( expected->todo )
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got IME_SELECT himc %p, select %u\n", received->himc, received->select );
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got hkl %p, himc %p, IME_SELECT select %u\n", received->hkl, received->himc, received->select );
todo_wine_if( expected->todo )
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got IME_NOTIFY himc %p, action %#x, index %#x, value %#x\n",
received->himc, received->notify.action, received->notify.index,
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got hkl %p, himc %p, IME_NOTIFY action %#x, index %#x, value %#x\n",
received->hkl, received->himc, received->notify.action, received->notify.index,
received->notify.value );
......@@ -2557,12 +2564,12 @@ done:
todo_wine_if( expected->todo )
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "IME_SELECT himc %p, select %u\n", expected->himc, expected->select );
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "hkl %p, himc %p, IME_SELECT select %u\n", expected->hkl, expected->himc, expected->select );
todo_wine_if( expected->todo )
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "IME_NOTIFY himc %p, action %#x, index %#x, value %#x\n",
expected->himc, expected->notify.action, expected->notify.index,
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "hkl %p, himc %p, IME_NOTIFY action %#x, index %#x, value %#x\n",
expected->hkl, expected->himc, expected->notify.action, expected->notify.index,
expected->notify.value );
......@@ -2638,6 +2645,7 @@ static UINT WINAPI ime_ImeEnumRegisterWord( REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW proc, const WC
ime_trace( "proc %p, reading %s, style %lu, string %s, data %p\n",
proc, debugstr_w(reading), style, debugstr_w(string), data );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
CHECK_EXPECT( ImeEnumRegisterWord );
if (!style)
......@@ -2666,6 +2674,7 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI ime_ImeEscape( HIMC himc, UINT escape, void *data )
ime_trace( "himc %p, escape %#x, data %p\n", himc, escape, data );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
CHECK_EXPECT( ImeEscape );
switch (escape)
......@@ -2709,6 +2718,7 @@ static UINT WINAPI ime_ImeGetRegisterWordStyle( UINT item, STYLEBUFW *style )
ime_trace( "item %u, style %p\n", item, style );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
CHECK_EXPECT( ImeGetRegisterWordStyle );
if (!style)
......@@ -2755,6 +2765,7 @@ static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeProcessKey( HIMC himc, UINT vkey, LPARAM key_data, BYT
ime_trace( "himc %p, vkey %u, key_data %#Ix, key_state %p\n",
himc, vkey, key_data, key_state );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
ok( 0, "unexpected call\n" );
return FALSE;
......@@ -2763,6 +2774,7 @@ static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeRegisterWord( const WCHAR *reading, DWORD style, const
ime_trace( "reading %s, style %lu, string %s\n", debugstr_w(reading), style, debugstr_w(string) );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
CHECK_EXPECT( ImeRegisterWord );
if (style) ok_eq( 0xdeadbeef, style, UINT, "%#x" );
......@@ -2782,7 +2794,11 @@ static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeRegisterWord( const WCHAR *reading, DWORD style, const
static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeSelect( HIMC himc, BOOL select )
struct ime_call call = {.func = IME_SELECT, .himc = himc, .select = select};
struct ime_call call =
.hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), .himc = himc,
.func = IME_SELECT, .select = select
ime_trace( "himc %p, select %d\n", himc, select );
ime_calls[ime_call_count++] = call;
return TRUE;
......@@ -2816,6 +2832,7 @@ static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeUnregisterWord( const WCHAR *reading, DWORD style, con
ime_trace( "reading %s, style %lu, string %s\n", debugstr_w(reading), style, debugstr_w(string) );
ok_eq( default_hkl, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), HKL, "%p" );
CHECK_EXPECT( ImeUnregisterWord );
if (style) ok_eq( 0xdeadbeef, style, UINT, "%#x" );
......@@ -2835,7 +2852,11 @@ static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeUnregisterWord( const WCHAR *reading, DWORD style, con
static BOOL WINAPI ime_NotifyIME( HIMC himc, DWORD action, DWORD index, DWORD value )
struct ime_call call = {.func = IME_NOTIFY, .himc = himc, .notify = {.action = action, .index = index, .value = value}};
struct ime_call call =
.hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), .himc = himc,
.func = IME_NOTIFY, .notify = {.action = action, .index = index, .value = value}
ime_trace( "himc %p, action %#lx, index %lu, value %lu\n", himc, action, index, value );
ime_calls[ime_call_count++] = call;
return FALSE;
......@@ -2886,10 +2907,6 @@ static struct ime_functions ime_functions =
static UINT ime_count;
static WCHAR ime_path[MAX_PATH];
static HIMC default_himc;
static HKL ime_install(void)
......@@ -2930,7 +2947,7 @@ static HKL ime_install(void)
"MoveFileW failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
hkl = ImmInstallIMEW( ime_path, L"WineTest IME" );
ok( hkl == (HKL)(int)0xe020047f, "ImmInstallIMEW returned %p, error %lu\n", hkl, GetLastError() );
ok( hkl == expect_ime, "ImmInstallIMEW returned %p, error %lu\n", hkl, GetLastError() );
swprintf( buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\%08x", hkl );
ret = RegOpenKeyW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, buffer, &hkey );
......@@ -3776,13 +3793,25 @@ static void test_ImmActivateLayout(void)
const struct ime_call activate_seq[] =
{.func = IME_SELECT, .himc = default_himc, .select = 1, .todo = TRUE},
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = IME_SELECT, .select = 1,
.todo = TRUE,
const struct ime_call deactivate_seq[] =
{.func = IME_NOTIFY, .himc = default_himc, .notify = {.action = NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, .index = CPS_CANCEL, .value = 0}, .todo = TRUE},
{.func = IME_SELECT, .himc = default_himc, .select = 0, .todo = TRUE},
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = IME_NOTIFY, .notify = {.action = NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, .index = CPS_CANCEL, .value = 0},
.todo = TRUE,
.hkl = default_hkl, .himc = default_himc,
.func = IME_SELECT, .select = 0,
.todo = TRUE,
HKL hkl, old_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
......@@ -3846,6 +3875,8 @@ cleanup:
default_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
if (!is_ime_enabled())
win_skip("IME support not implemented\n");
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