Commit caeaf638 authored by Józef Kucia's avatar Józef Kucia Committed by Alexandre Julliard

include/d3d12: Add PFN_D3D12_GET_DEBUG_INTERFACE declaration.

parent a40e04d6
......@@ -2177,4 +2177,6 @@ typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *PFN_D3D12_CREATE_DEVICE)(IUnknown *adapter,
[local] HRESULT __stdcall D3D12CreateDevice(IUnknown *adapter,
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL minimum_feature_level, REFIID iid, void **device);
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *PFN_D3D12_GET_DEBUG_INTERFACE)(REFIID iid, void **debug);
[local] HRESULT __stdcall D3D12GetDebugInterface(REFIID iid, void **debug);
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