Commit d175419f authored by Fabian Maurer's avatar Fabian Maurer Committed by Alexandre Julliard

cmd: Handle quotes when parsing the folders in the PATH environment variable.

Semicolons are also allowed inside a path, as long as they are quoted. Wine-Bug: 's avatarFabian Maurer <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent bdca749f
......@@ -507,6 +507,23 @@ rem Only the final quote ends the string
set "WINE_FOO=apple"banana"grape"orange
echo '%WINE_FOO%'
rem set PATH must work with quotes
mkdir folder
mkdir "fol;der"
echo echo I'm here! > "fol;der\sub1.bat"
echo echo I'm here! > folder\sub1.bat
set PATH=nothing;"fol;der"
call sub1
set PATH="folder
call sub1
set PATH=folder"
call sub1
del "fol;der\sub1.bat"
del folder\sub1.bat
rmdir "fol;der"
rmdir folder
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
call :setError 0
......@@ -475,6 +475,9 @@ foo
'jim fred'
I'm here!@space@
I'm here!@space@
I'm here!@space@
------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
~p0 should be path containing batch file
......@@ -1099,24 +1099,41 @@ void WCMD_run_program (WCHAR *command, BOOL called)
while (pathposn) {
WCHAR thisDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
int length = 0;
WCHAR *pos = NULL;
BOOL found = FALSE;
BOOL inside_quotes = FALSE;
/* Work on the first directory on the search path */
pos = strchrW(pathposn, ';');
if (pos) {
pos = pathposn;
while ((inside_quotes || *pos != ';') && *pos != 0)
if (*pos == '"')
inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
if (*pos) { /* Reached semicolon */
memcpy(thisDir, pathposn, (pos-pathposn) * sizeof(WCHAR));
thisDir[(pos-pathposn)] = 0x00;
pathposn = pos+1;
} else {
} else { /* Reached string end */
strcpyW(thisDir, pathposn);
pathposn = NULL;
/* Remove quotes */
length = strlenW(thisDir);
if (thisDir[length - 1] == '"')
thisDir[length - 1] = 0;
if (*thisDir != '"')
strcpyW(temp, thisDir);
strcpyW(temp, thisDir + 1);
/* Since you can have eg. ..\.. on the path, need to expand
to full information */
strcpyW(temp, thisDir);
GetFullPathNameW(temp, MAX_PATH, thisDir, NULL);
/* 1. If extension supplied, see if that file exists */
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