Commit d1d494b3 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

wldap32: Convert translations to po files.

parent 8aefc908
...@@ -15294,7 +15294,7 @@ wine_fn_config_test dlls/wintab32/tests wintab32_test ...@@ -15294,7 +15294,7 @@ wine_fn_config_test dlls/wintab32/tests wintab32_test
wine_fn_config_dll wintrust enable_wintrust implib wine_fn_config_dll wintrust enable_wintrust implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/wintrust/tests wintrust_test wine_fn_config_test dlls/wintrust/tests wintrust_test
wine_fn_config_dll wlanapi enable_wlanapi wine_fn_config_dll wlanapi enable_wlanapi
wine_fn_config_dll wldap32 enable_wldap32 implib wine_fn_config_dll wldap32 enable_wldap32 po,implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/wldap32/tests wldap32_test wine_fn_config_test dlls/wldap32/tests wldap32_test
wine_fn_config_dll wmi enable_wmi wine_fn_config_dll wmi enable_wmi
wine_fn_config_dll wmiutils enable_wmiutils wine_fn_config_dll wmiutils enable_wmiutils
...@@ -2823,7 +2823,7 @@ WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wintab32/tests) ...@@ -2823,7 +2823,7 @@ WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wintab32/tests)
WINE_CONFIG_DLL(wintrust,,[implib]) WINE_CONFIG_DLL(wintrust,,[implib])
WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wintrust/tests) WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wintrust/tests)
WINE_CONFIG_DLL(wldap32,,[implib]) WINE_CONFIG_DLL(wldap32,,[po,implib])
WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wldap32/tests) WINE_CONFIG_TEST(dlls/wldap32/tests)
...@@ -25,25 +25,7 @@ C_SRCS = \ ...@@ -25,25 +25,7 @@ C_SRCS = \
search.c \ search.c \
value.c value.c
RC_SRCS = \ RC_SRCS = wldap32.rc
wldap32_Da.rc \ PO_SRCS = wldap32.rc
wldap32_De.rc \
wldap32_En.rc \
wldap32_Es.rc \
wldap32_Fr.rc \
wldap32_Hu.rc \
wldap32_It.rc \
wldap32_Ko.rc \
wldap32_Lt.rc \
wldap32_Nl.rc \
wldap32_No.rc \
wldap32_Pl.rc \
wldap32_Pt.rc \
wldap32_Ro.rc \
wldap32_Ru.rc \
wldap32_Sr.rc \
wldap32_Sv.rc \
wldap32_Tr.rc \
* Danish resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2008 Jens Albretsen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Success"
1 "Operationsfejl"
2 "Protokolfejl"
3 "Tidsbegrnsning overskredet"
4 "Strrelsesbegrnsing overskredet"
5 "Sammenligning falsk"
6 "Sammenligning sand"
7 "Autentikeringsmetoden understttes ikke"
8 "Strk autentisering krves"
9 "Henvisning (v2)"
10 "Henvisning"
11 "Administrationsbegrnsing overskredet"
12 "Kritisk udvidelse utilgngelig"
13 "Krver konfidencialitet"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Kender ikke attribut"
17 "Udefineret type"
18 "Upassende sammenligning"
19 "Begrnsning overskredet"
20 "Attribut eller vrdi findes allerede"
21 "Ugyldig syntaks"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Objekt eksistere ikke"
33 "Alias problem"
34 "Ugyldig DN syntaks"
35 "Er blad"
36 "Problem med alias dereference"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Upassende autenticering"
49 "Ugyldige kreditiver"
50 "Manglende rettigheder"
51 "Optaget"
52 "Utilgngelig"
53 "Uvillig til at udfre"
54 "Lkke opdaget"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Sorteringskontrol mangler"
61 "Fejl i indeksrkkeviden"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Navngivings overtrdelse"
65 "Objektklasse overtrdelse"
66 "Ikke tilladt p ikke blad"
67 "Ikke tilladt p RDN"
68 "Findes allerede"
69 "Ingen objektklasse modificerere"
70 "Resultaterne er for store"
71 "Berrer flere DSA'er"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Anden"
81 "Server nede"
82 "Lokal fejl"
83 "Kodings fejl"
84 "Dekodings fejl"
85 "Tidsafbrud"
86 "Ukendt autentikering"
87 "Filter fejl"
88 "Bruger afbrd"
89 "Parameter fejl"
90 "Intet hukommelse"
91 "Kunne ikke tilsluttes til LDAP serveren"
92 "Operationen understttes ikke af denne version af LDAP protokollen"
93 "Den specificerede kontroller blev ikke funndt i beskeden"
94 "Ingen resultater i besked"
95 "Flere resultater returneret"
96 "Lkke under hndtering af henvisninger"
97 "Grnse for henvisnings hop overskredet"
* German resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Henning Gerhardt
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Erfolgreich"
1 "Operationsfehler"
2 "Protokollfehler"
3 "Zeitlimit überschritten"
4 "Größenlimit überschritten"
5 "Vergleich falsch"
6 "Vergleich wahr"
7 "Authentifizierungsmethode nicht unterstützt"
8 "Starke Authentifizierung erforderlich"
9 "Weiterleitung (v2)"
10 "Weiterleitung"
11 "Verwaltungslimit überschritten"
12 "Kritische Erweiterung nicht verfügbar"
13 "Vertraulichkeit erforderlich"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Attribut nicht vorhanden"
17 "Nicht definierter Typ"
18 "Unzulässiger Vergleich"
19 "Restriktionsverletzung"
20 "Attribut oder Wert vorhanden"
21 "Ungültige Syntax"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Objekt nicht vorhanden"
33 "Aliasproblem"
34 "Ungültige DN Syntax"
35 "Endknoten"
36 "Alias Dereferenzierungsproblem"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Fehlerhafte Authentifizierung"
49 "Anmeldeinformationen fehlerhaft"
50 "Nicht ausreichende Rechte"
51 "Beschäftigt"
52 "Nicht verfügbar"
53 "Ausführung verweigert"
54 "Schleife erkannt"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Fehlende Sortiersteuerung"
61 "Indexbereichsfehler"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Bennenungsverletzung"
65 "Objektklasse verletzt"
66 "Nicht erlaubt für Nicht-Endknoten"
67 "Nicht erlaubt für RDN"
68 "Bereits vorhanden"
69 "Keine Objektklassenmodifikationen"
70 "Ergebnisse zu groß"
71 "Mehrere DSAs betroffen"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Andere"
81 "Server heruntergefahren"
82 "Lokaler Fehler"
83 "Kodierungsfehler"
84 "Dekodierungsfehler"
85 "Zeitüberschreitung"
86 "Unbekannte Authentifizierung"
87 "Filterfehler"
88 "Benutzerabbruch"
89 "Parameterfehler"
90 "Nicht genügend Speicher"
91 "Kann nicht zum LDAP Server verbinden"
92 "Die Operation wird durch dieses LDAP Protokoll nicht unterstützt"
93 "Angegebenes Steuerobjekt wurde in der Meldung nicht gefunden"
94 "Keine Ergebnisse in der Meldung vorhanden"
95 "Weitere Ergebnisse gefunden"
96 "Schleife während der Abarbeitung von Weiterleitungen"
97 "Überschreitung der maximalen Anzahl von Weiterleitungen"
* Spanish resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2006 José Manuel Ferrer Ortiz
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Éxito"
1 "Error en operacioens"
2 "Error de protocolo"
3 "Límite de tiempo excedido"
4 "Límite de tamaño excedido"
5 "Comparación falsa"
6 "Comparación verdadera"
7 "Método de autentificación no soportado"
8 "Autentificación fuerte requerida"
9 "Remisión (v2)"
10 "Remisión"
11 "Límite de administración excedido"
12 "Extensión crítica no disponible"
13 "Confidencialidad requerida"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "No existe dicho atributo"
17 "Tipo no definido"
18 "Emparejamiento inapropiado"
19 "Violación de restricción"
20 "El valor o atributo ya existe"
21 "Sintaxis inválida"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "No existe dicho objeto"
33 "Problema de alias"
34 "Sintaxis inválida de DN"
35 "Es una hoja"
36 "Problema de dereferencia de alias"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Autentificación inapropriada"
49 "Credenciales inválidos"
50 "Insuficientes permisos"
51 "Ocupado"
52 "No disponible"
53 "Reacio a actuar"
54 "Bucle detectado"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Falta control de orden"
61 "Error de rango de índice"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violación de nomenclatura"
65 "Violación de clase de objeto"
66 "No permitido en una no-hoja"
67 "No permitido en RDN"
68 "Ya existe"
69 "No Mods de clase de objeto"
70 "Resultados demasiado largos"
71 "Afecta a múltiples DSAs"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Otro"
81 "Servidor caído"
82 "Error local"
83 "Error de codificación"
84 "Error de decodificación"
85 "Tiempo de espera superado"
86 "Autentificación desconocida"
87 "Error de filtro"
88 "Cancelado por el usuario"
89 "Error de parámetro"
90 "Sin memoria"
91 "No se ha podido conectar al servidor LDAP"
92 "Operación no soportada por esta versión del protocolo LDAP"
93 "Control especificado no se ha encontrado en el mensaje"
94 "Ningún resultado presente en el mensaje"
95 "Más resultados devueltos"
96 "Bucle al manejar remisiones"
97 "Límite de saltos de remisiones excedido"
* French resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Jonathan Ernst
* Copyright 2009 Frédéric Delanoy
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Succès"
1 "Erreur d'opération"
2 "Erreur de protocole"
3 "Limite de temps dépassée"
4 "Limite de taille dépassée"
5 "Comparaison fausse"
6 "Comparaison vraie"
7 "Méthode d'authentification non prise en charge"
8 "Authentification forte requise"
9 "Référant (v2)"
10 "Référant"
11 "Limite administrative dépassée"
12 "Extension critique indisponible"
13 "Confidentialité requise"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Attribut inconnu"
17 "Type non défini"
18 "Correspondance inappropriée"
19 "Violation de contrainte"
20 "Attribut ou valeur préexistant(e)"
21 "Syntaxe invalide"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Objet inconnu"
33 "Problème d'alias"
34 "Syntaxe DN invalide"
35 "Est une feuille"
36 "Problème de déréférencement d'alias"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Authentification inappropriée"
49 "Autorisations invalides"
50 "Droits insuffisants"
51 "Occupé"
52 "Indisponible"
53 "Pas disposé à s'exécuter"
54 "Boucle détectée"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Contrôle de tri manquant"
61 "Erreur de plage d'index"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violation de nomenclature"
65 "Violation de classe d'objet"
66 "Interdit sur des non-feuilles"
67 "Interdit sur RDN"
68 "Existe déjà"
69 "Pas de modification de classe d'objet"
70 "Résultats trop grands"
71 "Affecte de multiples DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Autre"
81 "Serveur indisponible"
82 "Erreur locale"
83 "Erreur d'encodage"
84 "Erreur de décodage"
85 "Délai d'attente dépassé"
86 "Méthode d'authentification inconnue"
87 "Erreur de filtrage"
88 "Annulation par l'utilisateur"
89 "Erreur de paramètre"
90 "Mémoire insuffisante"
91 "Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP"
92 "Opération non supportée par cette version du protocole LDAP"
93 "Le contrôle spécifié n'a pas été trouvé dans le message"
94 "Aucun résultat dans le message"
95 "Plus de résultats reçus"
96 "Boucle lors du traitement des référants"
97 "Limite du nombre de référants dépassée"
* Hungarian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2010 Andras Kovacs
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Sikeres"
1 "Műveleti hiba"
2 "Protokoll hiba"
3 "Időkorlát túllépés"
4 "Méretkorlát túllépés"
5 "Hasonlítás hamis"
6 "Hasonlítás igaz"
7 "Hitelesítési mód nem támogatott"
8 "erős hitelesítés szükséges"
9 "Beszámoló (v2)"
10 "Beszámoló"
11 "Adminisztrációs korlát túllépés"
12 "Nem elérhető kritikus kiterjesztés"
13 "Bizalmasság szükséges"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Nincs ilyen attribútum"
17 "Definiálatlan típus"
18 "Alkalmatlan egyezés"
19 "Megszorítás megsértés"
20 "Attribútum vagy érték létezik"
21 "Érvénytelen szintakszis"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Nincs ilyen objektum"
33 "Álnév probléma"
34 "Érvénytelen DN szintakszis"
35 "Ez egy levél"
36 "Álnév dereferencia probléma"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Nem megfelelő hitelesítés"
49 "Érvénytelen azonosítók"
50 "Nem elegendő jogok"
51 "Foglalt"
52 "Nem elérhető"
53 "Nem akarja végrehajtani"
54 "Ciklus találva"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Rendezési vezérlés hiányzik"
61 "Index tartomány hiba"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Elnevezési összeférhetetlenség"
65 "Objektum osztály összeférhetetlenség"
66 "Nem negedélyezett nem levélen"
67 "Nem engedélyezett RDN-en"
68 "Már létezik"
69 "Nincsenek objektum osztály modok"
70 "Eredmény túl nagy"
71 "Több DSA-ra van hatással"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Egyéb"
81 "Kiszolgáló nem elérhető"
82 "Helyi hiba"
83 "Kódolási hiba"
84 "Dekódolási hiba"
85 "Időtúllépés"
86 "Ismeretlen hitelesítés"
87 "Szűrő hiba"
88 "Felhasználó megszakította"
89 "Paraméter hiba"
90 "Nincs memória"
91 "Nem tudok csatlakozni az LDAP kiszolgálóhoz"
92 "A műveletet az LDAP protokoll ezen verziója nem támogatja"
93 "A megadott vezérlő nem található az üzenetben"
94 "Nincs eredmény az üzenetben"
95 "Több eredmény jött vissza"
96 "Ciklus a beszámolók kezelése közben"
97 "Beszámolási ugrás limit túllépve"
* Italian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2010 Luca Bennati
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Successo"
1 "Errore nelle operazioni"
2 "Errore nel protocollo"
3 "Superato il tempo limite"
4 "Superata la dimensione massima"
5 "Compara falso"
6 "Compara vero"
7 "Metodo di autenticazione non supportato"
8 "Autenticazione forte richiesta"
9 "Rinvio (v2)"
10 "Rinvio"
11 "Superato il limite di amministrazione"
12 "Estensione critica non disponibile"
13 "Richiesta confidenzialità"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Attributo inesistente"
17 "Tipo non definito"
18 "Matching inappropriato"
19 "Violazione del vincolo"
20 "Attributo o valore esistente"
21 "Sintassi non valida"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Oggetto inesistente"
33 "Problema di alias"
34 "Sintassi DN non valida"
35 "È foglia"
36 "Problema di dereferenziazione di alias"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Autenticazione non appropriata"
49 "Credenziali non valide"
50 "Diritti insufficenti"
51 "Occupato"
52 "Non disponibile"
53 "Non intenzionato ad agire"
54 "Trovato Loop"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Controllo dell'ordine mancante"
61 "Errore di range dell'indice"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violazione di nominazione"
65 "Violazione di classe dell'oggetto"
66 "Non permesso su non-foglie"
67 "Non permesso su RDN"
68 "Esiste già"
69 "Nessuna mod di classi di oggetto"
70 "Risultati troppo grandi"
71 "Ha effetto su molti DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Altro"
81 "Server irraggiungibile"
82 "Errore locale"
83 "Errore di codifica"
84 "Errore di decodifica"
85 "Tempo scaduto"
86 "Autenticazione sconosciuta"
87 "Errore del filtro"
88 "Utente eliminato"
89 "Errore del parametro"
90 "Memoria non disponibile"
91 "Impossibile connettersi al server LDAP"
92 "Operazione non supportata da questa versione del protocollo LDAP"
93 "Il controllo specificato non è stato trovato nel messaggio"
94 "Nessun risultato presente nel messaggio"
95 "Più risultati ricevuti"
96 "Loop nel gestire i rinvii"
97 "Ecceduto il limite di salti di rinvio"
* Korean resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 YunSong Hwang
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "성공"
1 "작업 에러"
2 "프로토콜 에러"
3 "시간 제한 도달"
4 "크기 제한 도달"
5 "잘못된 비교"
6 "잘된 비교"
7 "인증방법은 지원하지 않습니다"
8 "강력한 인증이 요구됩니다"
9 "추천 (v2)"
10 "추천"
11 "관리 한도를 넘었습니다"
12 "치명적 확장은 가능하지 않습니다"
13 "기밀성이 요구됩니다"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "어떤 속성도 없습니다"
17 "정의되지 않은 타입"
18 "어울리지 않습니다"
19 "강제 위반"
20 "속성이나 값이 존재합니다"
21 "잘못된 문법"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "어떤 객체도 없음"
33 "Alias 문제"
34 "잘못된 DN 문법"
35 "이즈(IS) 리프(Leaf)"
36 "Alias 디레퍼런스 문제"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "부적절한 인증"
49 "잘못된 증명서"
50 "충분하지 않은 권리"
51 "바쁨"
52 "불가능"
53 "실행하는 것이 마음에 내키지 않습니다"
54 "루프가 발견되었습니다"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "정렬 제어가 빠졌습니다"
61 "인덱스 범위 에러"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "명명 위반"
65 "객체 클래스 위반"
66 "론-리프를 따를 수 없습니다"
67 "RDN은 따를수 없습니다"
68 "이미 존재합니다"
69 "어떤 객체 클래스 모드도 없숩니다"
70 "결과가 너무 큽니다"
71 "다양한 DSAs이 작용합니다."
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "다른 문제"
81 "서바 다운"
82 "로컬 에러"
83 "인코딩 에러"
84 "디코딩 에러"
85 "시간 초과"
86 "알수 없는 인증"
87 "필터 에러"
88 "사용자가 취소함"
89 "매개변수 에러"
90 "메모리 없음"
91 "LDAP 서버에 연결할수 없습니다"
92 " LDAP 프로토콜의 이 버젼은 그 작업을 지원하지 않습니다"
93 "지정된 제어는 메세지에서 발견할 수 없습니다"
94 "어떤 결과도 메세지에 존재하지 않습니다"
95 "더 많은 결과가 돌아왔습니다"
96 "리퍼럴을 다루는 동안의 루프"
97 "리퍼럴 홉 제한에 도달했습니다"
* Lithuanian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2009 Aurimas Fišeras <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Sėkmė"
1 "Operacijų klaida"
2 "Protokolo klaida"
3 "Viršytas skirtas laikas"
4 "Viršyta dydžio riba"
5 "Nelygu"
6 "Lygu"
7 "Tapatumo nustatymo metodas nerealizuotas"
8 "Reikalingas stiprus tapatumo nustatymas"
9 "Perdavimas (v2)"
10 "Perdavimas"
11 "Viršyta administravimo riba"
12 "Nepasiekiamas kritinis plėtinys"
13 "Reikalingas slaptumas"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Nėra tokio atributo"
17 "Neapibrėžtas tipas"
18 "Netinkamas atitikimas"
19 "Ribojimų pažeidimas"
20 "Atributas ar reikšmė egzistuoja"
21 "Neteisinga sintaksė"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Nėra tokio objekto"
33 "Alternatyviojo vardo problema"
34 "Neteisinga DN sintaksė"
35 "Objektas yra lapas"
36 "Alternatyviojo vardo reikšmės nustatymo problema"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Netinkamas tapatumo nustatymas"
49 "Neteisingi kredencialai"
50 "Nepakanka teisių"
51 "Užimtas"
52 "Nepasiekiamas"
53 "Nelinkęs aptarnauti"
54 "Aptiktas ciklas"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Trūksta rikiavimo valdiklio"
61 "Indekso rėžių klaida"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Įvardijimo pažeidimas"
65 "Objekto klasės pažeidimas"
66 "Leistina tik su lapu"
67 "Neleistina su RDN"
68 "Jau yra"
69 "Negalimas objektų klasės modifikavimas"
70 "Rezultatai per dideli"
71 "Įtakoja daugelį DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Kita"
81 "Serveris nepasiekiamas"
82 "Vietinė klaida"
83 "Kodavimo klaida"
84 "Dekodavimo klaida"
85 "Baigėsi laikas"
86 "Nežinomas tapatumo nustatymas"
87 "Filtro klaida"
88 "Nutraukta naudotojo"
89 "Parametro klaida"
90 "Trūksta atminties"
91 "Nepavyko prisijungti prie LDAP serverio"
92 "Operacija nepalaikoma šioje LDAP protokolo versijoje"
93 "Nurodytas valdiklis nerastas pranešime"
94 "Pranešime nėra rezultato"
95 "Grąžinta daugiau rezultatų"
96 "Aptiktas ciklas apdorojant perdavimus"
97 "Viršyta perdavimo šuolių riba"
* Dutch resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Hans Leidekker
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Succes"
1 "Operationele fout"
2 "Protocolfout"
3 "Tijdlimiet overschreden"
4 "Maximum omvang overschreden"
5 "Vergelijking niet waar"
6 "Vergelijking waar"
7 "Authenticatiemethode wordt niet ondersteund"
8 "Sterke authenticatie vereist"
9 "Verwijzing (v2)"
10 "Verwijzing"
11 "Administratieve limiet overschreden"
12 "Kritieke extensie niet beschikbaar"
13 "Vertrouwelijkheid vereist"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Attribuut bestaat niet"
17 "Ongedefinieerd type"
18 "Foutieve vergelijking"
19 "Schending van restrictie"
20 "Attribuut of waarde bestaat"
21 "Ongeldige syntax"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Object bestaat niet"
33 "Aliasprobleem"
34 "Ongeldige DN-syntax"
35 "Eindknoop"
36 "Alias volgprobleem"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Foutieve authenticatie"
49 "Ongeldige aanmeldingsgegevens"
50 "Onvoldoende rechten"
51 "Bezig"
52 "Niet beschikbaar"
53 "Uitvoering geweigerd"
54 "Lus gedetecteerd"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Besturingselement voor sorteren ontbreekt"
61 "Buiten indexbereik"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Naamgevingsfout"
65 "Schending objectklassedefinitie"
66 "Niet toegestaan op niet-eindknopen"
67 "Niet toegestaan op RDN"
68 "Bestaat reeds"
69 "Geen objectklassemodificaties"
70 "Resultaten te groot"
71 "Betreft meerdere DSA's"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Anders"
81 "Server plat"
82 "Lokale fout"
83 "Codeerfout"
84 "Decodeerfout"
85 "Timeout"
86 "Onbekende authenticatiemethode"
87 "Filterfout"
88 "Afgebroken door gebruiker"
89 "Parameterfout"
90 "Onvoldoende geheugen"
91 "Kan geen verbinding maken met LDAP-server"
92 "Operatie niet ondersteund door deze versie van het LDAP-protocol"
93 "Opgegeven besturingselement niet gevonden in bericht"
94 "Geen resultaat aanwezig in bericht"
95 "Meer resultaten teruggekregen"
96 "Lus gevonden bij het verwerken van verwijzingen"
97 "Overschrijding van limiet op verwijzingen"
* Norwegian Bokml resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Alexander N. Srnes <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Suksess"
1 "Operasjonsfeil"
2 "Protokollfeil"
3 "Tidsbegrensning overskredet"
4 "Strrelsesbegrensing overskredet"
5 "Sammenlikne usann"
6 "Sammenlikne sann"
7 "Autentiseringsmetoden stttes ikke"
8 "Sterk autentisering kreves"
9 "Henvisning (v2)"
10 "Henvisning"
11 "Administrasjonsbegrensing overskredet"
12 "Kritisk utvidelse utilgjengelig"
13 "Krever konfidensialitet"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Ingen snn attributt"
17 "Udefinert type"
18 "Upassende sammenlikning"
19 "Pressovertredelse"
20 "Attributt eller verdi finnes allerede"
21 "Ugyldig syntaks"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Ikke noe snt objekt"
33 "Alias-problem"
34 "Ugyldig DN-syntaks"
35 "Er blad"
36 "Problem med alias-dereferanse"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Upassende autentisering"
49 "Ugyldige kreditiver"
50 "Manglende rettigheter"
51 "Opptatt"
52 "Utilgjengelig"
53 "Uvillig til utfre"
54 "Lkke oppdaget"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Sorteringskontroller mangler"
61 "Feil med indeksrekkevidde"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Navngivingsovertredelse"
65 "Objektklasseovertredelse"
66 "Ikke tillatt p ikke-blad"
67 "Ikke tillatt p RDN"
68 "Finnes allerede"
69 "Ingen objektklassemodifiserere"
70 "Resultatene er for store"
71 "Berrer flere DSA'er"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Annen"
81 "Tjener nede"
82 "Lokal feil"
83 "Kodingsfeil"
84 "Dekodingsfeil"
85 "Tidsavbrudd"
86 "Ukjent autentisering"
87 "Filterfeil"
88 "Bruker avbrt"
89 "Parameterfeil"
90 "Intet minne"
91 "Kunne ikke koble til LDAP-tjeneren"
92 "Operasjonen stttes ikke av denne versjonen av LDAP-protokollen"
93 "Den oppgitte kontrolleren ble ikke funnet i meldingen"
94 "Ingen resultater i melding"
95 "Flere resultater returnert"
96 "Lkke under hndtering av henvisninger"
97 "Grense for henvisningshopp overskredet"
* Polish resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Hans Leidekker
* Copyright 2008 Mikolaj Zalewski
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Sukces"
1 "Bd operacji"
2 "Bd protokou"
3 "Przekroczony limit czasu"
4 "Przekroczony limit rozmiaru"
5 "Porwnanie dao wynik negatywny"
6 "Porwnanie dao wynik pozytywny"
7 "Metoda uwierzytelniania nie jest obsugiwana"
8 "Wymagana mocna metoda uwierzytelniania"
9 "Odwoanie (v2)"
10 "Odwoanie"
11 "Przekroczony limit administracyjny na serwerze"
12 "Bezwzgldnie wymagane rozszerzenie nie jest dostpne"
13 "Wymagana poufno"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Nie ma takiego atrybutu"
17 "Niezdefiniowany typ"
18 "Nieodpowiednie dopasowanie"
19 "Naruszenie wizw"
20 "Atrybut lub warto ju isniej"
21 "Bd skadni"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Nie ma takiego obiektu"
33 "Problem aliasu"
34 "Bd skadni DN"
35 "Jest liciem"
36 "Problem z odwoaniem do aliasu"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Niewaciwe uwierzytelnienie"
49 "Nieprawidowe powiadczenie"
50 "Niewystarczajce prawa dostpu"
51 "Zajty"
52 "Niedostpny"
53 "Brak chci wykonania"
54 "Wykryto ptl"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Brak formantu sortowania"
61 "Bd zakresu indeksu"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Naruszenie zasad nazewnictwa"
65 "Naruszenie klasy obiektu"
66 "Operacja niedozwolona na nie-liciu"
67 "Operacja niedozwolona na RDN"
68 "Ju istnieje"
69 "Nie mona modyfikowa klasy obiektu"
70 "Wynik zbyt duy"
71 "Dotyczy wielu DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Inne"
81 "Serwer wyczony"
82 "Bd lokalny"
83 "Bd podczas kodowania"
84 "Bd podczas dekodowania"
85 "Limit czasu"
86 "Nieznane uwierzytelnianie"
87 "Bd filtru"
88 "Akcja anulowana przez uytkownika"
89 "Bdny parametr"
90 "Brak pamici"
91 "Nie mona si poczy z serwerem LDAP"
92 "Operacja nie jest obsugiwana przez t wersj protokou LDAP"
93 "Brak okrelonego formantu w wiadomoci"
94 "Brak wynikw z wiadomoci"
95 "Zwrcono wicej wynikw"
96 "Natrafiono na ptl podczas obsugi odwoa"
97 "Przekroczono limit skokw odwoa"
* Portuguese resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2008 Ricardo Filipe
* Copyright 2010 Gustavo Henrique Milaré
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Sucesso"
1 "Erro de Operações"
2 "Erro de Protocolo"
3 "Tempo Limite Excedido"
4 "Tamanho Limite Excedido"
5 "Comparar Falso"
6 "Comparar Verdadeiro"
7 "Método de Autenticação Não Suportado"
8 "Autenticação Forte Necessária"
9 "Referência (v2)"
10 "Referência"
11 "Limite de Administração Excedido"
12 "Extensão Crítica Indisponível"
13 "Confidencialidade Necessária"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Atributo Não Encontrado"
17 "Tipo Indefinido"
18 "Atribuição Imprópria"
19 "Violação de Restrições"
20 "Valor ou Atributo Existente"
21 "Sintaxe Inválida"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Objeto Não Encontrado"
33 "Problema de Abreviatura"
34 "Sintaxe DN Inválida"
35 "É Leaf"
36 "Problema na Referência da Abreviatura"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Autenticação Imprópria"
49 "Credenciais Inválidas"
50 "Direitos Insuficientes"
51 "Ocupado"
52 "Indisponível"
53 "Indisposto a Realizar"
54 "Loop Detectado"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Falta de Controle de Ordenação"
61 "Erro de Limite de Índice"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violação de Nome"
65 "Violação da Classe de Objeto"
66 "Não Permitido em Non-leaf"
67 "Não Permitido em RDN"
68 "Já Existe"
69 "Sem modificações de Classe de Objeto"
70 "Resultados Muito Grandes"
71 "Afeta Múltiplos DSAs"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Outro"
81 "Servidor Desligado"
82 "Erro Local"
83 "Erro de Codificação"
84 "Erro de Descodificação"
85 "Tempo excedido"
86 "Autenticação desconhecida"
87 "Erro de Filtro"
88 "Cancelado pelo Usuário"
89 "Erro de Parâmetro"
90 "Sem Memória"
91 "Impossível conectar-se ao servidor LDAP"
92 "Operação não suportada por esta versão do protocolo LDAP"
93 "O controle especificado não foi encontrado na mensagem"
94 "Nenhum resultado presente na mensagem"
95 "Mais resultados devolvidos"
96 "Loop enquanto resolve referências"
97 "Limite de salto de referências excedido"
0 "Sucesso"
1 "Erro de Operações"
2 "Erro de Protocolo"
3 "Tempo Limite Excedido"
4 "Tamanho Limite Excedido"
5 "Comparar Falso"
6 "Comparar Verdadeiro"
7 "Método de Autenticação não Suportado"
8 "Autenticação Forte Necessária"
9 "Referência (v2)"
10 "Referência"
11 "Limite de Administração Excedido"
12 "Extensão Crítica Indisponível"
13 "Confidencialidade Necessária"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Atributo não Encontrado"
17 "Tipo Indefinido"
18 "Atribuição Imprópria"
19 "Violação de Restrições"
20 "Valor ou Atributo Existente"
21 "Sintaxe Inválida"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Objecto Não Encontrado"
33 "Problema de Abreviatura"
34 "Sintaxe DN Inválida"
35 "É folha"
36 "Problema na Referência da Abreviatura"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Autenticação Imprópria"
49 "Credenciais Inválidas"
50 "Direitos Insuficientes"
51 "Ocupado"
52 "Indisponível"
53 "Indisposto a Realizar"
54 "Ciclo Detectado"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Falta de Controlo de Ordenação"
61 "Erro de Limite de Índice"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violação de Nome"
65 "Violação da Classe de Objecto"
66 "Não Permitido em Não-folha"
67 "Não Permitido em RDN"
68 "Já Existe"
69 "Sem Modificações de Classe de Objecto"
70 "Resultados Muito Grandes"
71 "Afecta Múltiplos DSAs"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Outro"
81 "Servidor em Baixo"
82 "Erro Local"
83 "Erro de Codificação"
84 "Erro de Descodificação"
85 "Tempo Excedido"
86 "Autenticação Desconhecida"
87 "Erro de Filtro"
88 "Cancelado pelo Utilizador"
89 "Erro de Parâmetro"
90 "Sem Memória"
91 "Não consegue ligar ao servidor LDAP"
92 "Operação não suportada por esta versão do protocolo LDAP"
93 "O controlo especificado não foi encontrado na mensagem"
94 "Nenhum resultado presente na mensagem"
95 "Mais resultados devolvidos"
96 "Ciclo enquanto resolve referências"
97 "Limite de salto de referências excedido"
* Copyright 2005 Hans Leidekker
* Copyright 2010 Claudia Cotună
* Michael Stefaniuc
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Succes"
1 "Eroare de operațiuni"
2 "Eroare de protocol"
3 "Limită de timp depășită"
4 "Limită de mărime depășită"
5 "Comparație falsă"
6 "Comparație adevărată"
7 "Metodă de autentificare nesuportată"
8 "Autentificare puternică necesară"
9 "Referent (v2)"
10 "Referent"
11 "Limită administrativă depășită"
12 "Extensie critică indisponibilă"
13 "Confidențialitate necesară"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Atribut necunoscut"
17 "Tip nedefinit"
18 "Potrivire necorespunzătoare"
19 "Violare de restricție"
20 "Atributul sau valoarea există deja"
21 "Sintaxă nevalidă"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Obiect necunoscut"
33 "Problemă la alias"
34 "Sintaxă DN nevalidă"
35 "Este o frunză"
36 "Problemă de dereferențiere la alias"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Autentificare necorespunzătoare"
49 "Autorizații nevalide"
50 "Drepturi insuficiente"
51 "Ocupat"
52 "Indisponibil"
53 "Refuză să funcționeze"
54 "Buclă detectată"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Control de triere lipsă"
61 "Eroare de interval la index"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Violare de denumire"
65 "Violare de clasă de obiect"
66 "Nepermis pe non-frunze"
67 "Nepermis pe RDN"
68 "Există deja"
69 "Nici o modificare de clasă de obiecte"
70 "Rezultate prea mari"
71 "Afectează mai multe DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Altul"
81 "Server indisponibil"
82 "Eroare locală"
83 "Eroare de codificare"
84 "Eroare de decodificare"
85 "Timp alocat expirat"
86 "Autentificare necunoscută"
87 "Eroare de filtrare"
88 "Anulat de utilizator"
89 "Eroare de parametri"
90 "Memorie insuficientă"
91 "Nu se poate conecta la serverul LDAP"
92 "Operațiune nesuportată de această versiune a protocolului LDAP"
93 "Controlul specificat nu a fost găsit în mesaj"
94 "Nici un rezultat în mesaj"
95 "Mai multe rezultate returnate"
96 "Buclă la gestionarea referenților"
97 "Limită număr referenți depășită"
* Russian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Dmitry Timoshkov
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Успех"
1 "Ошибка операции"
2 "Ошибка протокола"
3 "Превышено ограничение по времени"
4 "Превышено ограничение по размеру"
5 "Сравнение неверно"
6 "Сравнение верно"
7 "Метод авторизации не поддерживается"
8 "Требуется строгая авторизация"
9 "Ссылка (v2)"
10 "Ссылка"
11 "Превышено ограничение администрирования"
12 "Критическое расширение недоступно"
13 "Требуется конфиденциальность"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Нет такого атрибута"
17 "Неопределённый тип"
18 "Неподходящее соответствие"
19 "Нарушение ограничения"
20 "Атрибут или значение существует"
21 "Неверный синтаксис"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Нет такого объекта"
33 "Проблема с псевдонимом"
34 "Неверный DN синтаксис"
35 "Это лист дерева"
36 "Проблема обращения по псевдониму"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Неподходящая авторизация"
49 "Неверное удостоверение личности"
50 "Недостаточно прав"
51 "Занято"
52 "Недоступно"
53 "Не желает выполнить"
54 "Обнаружено зацикливание"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Отсутствует управление сортировкой"
61 "Ошибка диапазона индекса"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Нарушение правил наименования"
65 "Нарушение класса объекта"
66 "Не разрешено не на листе дерева"
67 "Не разрешено на RDN"
68 "Уже существует"
69 "Нет режимов класса объекта"
70 "Результаты слишком велики"
71 "Влияет на несколько DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Другой"
81 "Сервер недоступен"
82 "Локальная ошибка"
83 "Ошибка кодирования"
84 "Ошибка декодирования"
85 "Тайм-аут"
86 "Неизвестная авторизация"
87 "Ошибка фильтра"
88 "Отменено пользователем"
89 "Ошибка параметра"
90 "Нет памяти"
91 "Невозможно подключиться к LDAP серверу"
92 "Операция не поддерживается этой версией протокола LDAP"
93 "Указанный управляющий элемент не найден в сообщении"
94 "Результата нет в сообщении"
95 "Ещё есть результаты"
96 "Зацикливание при обработке ссылок"
97 "Предел числа пересылки ссылок превышен"
* Serbian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Hans Leidekker
* Copyright 2010 Đorđe Vasiljević
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Успех"
1 "Грешка у радњама"
2 "Грешка у протоколу"
3 "Временско ограничење је прекорачено"
4 "Ограничење величине је прекорачено"
5 "Нетачно"
6 "Тачно"
7 "Начин потврде идентитета није подржан"
8 "Потребна је јака потврда идентитета"
9 "Упућивач (v2)"
10 "Упућивач"
11 "Административно ограничење је прекорачено"
12 "Недоступно је критичко проширење"
13 "Потребна је поверљивост"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Не постоји таква особина"
17 "Неодређена врста"
18 "Неприкладно подударање"
19 "Ограничење кршења"
20 "Особина или вредност постоји"
21 "Неисправна синтакса"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Не постоји такав објекат"
33 "Проблем у псеудониму"
34 "Неисправна DN синтакса"
35 "је лист"
36 "Проблем у деференцирању псеудонима"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Неприкладна потврда идентитета"
49 "Неисправни акредитиви"
50 "Недовољна права"
51 "Заузето"
52 "Недоступно"
53 "Невољно за извршавање"
54 "Пронађена је петља"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Поређај недостајуће контроле"
61 "Грешка у опсегу пописа"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Кршење именовања"
65 "Кршење класе објеката"
66 "Није дозвољено на не-листу"
67 "Није дозвољено на RDN-у"
68 "Већ постоји"
69 "Неме класе објеката"
70 "Резултати су превелики"
71 "Утиче на вишеструке алгоритме"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Остало"
81 "Сервер тренутно не ради"
82 "Локална грешка"
83 "Грешка у кодирању"
84 "Грешка у декодирању"
85 "Време истека"
86 "Непознат идентитет"
87 "Грешка у филтеру"
88 "Корисник је отказан"
89 "Грешка у параметру"
90 "Нема меморије"
91 "Повезивање на LDAP сервер није успело"
92 "Радња није подржана од стране овог издања LDAP протокола"
93 "Наведена контрола није пронађена у поруци"
94 "Нема резултата у поруци"
95 "Више резултата"
96 "Понављај при руковању с упућивачима"
97 "Ограничење чвора упућивача је прекорачено"
0 "Uspeh"
1 "Greška u radnjama"
2 "Greška u protokolu"
3 "Vremensko ograničenje je prekoračeno"
4 "Ograničenje veličine je prekoračeno"
5 "Netačno"
6 "Tačno"
7 "Način potvrde identiteta nije podržan"
8 "Potrebna je jaka potvrda identiteta"
9 "Upućivač (v2)"
10 "Upućivač"
11 "Administrativno ograničenje je prekoračeno"
12 "Nedostupno je kritičko proširenje"
13 "Potrebna je poverljivost"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Ne postoji takva osobina"
17 "Neodređena vrsta"
18 "Neprikladno podudaranje"
19 "Ograničenje kršenja"
20 "Osobina ili vrednost postoji"
21 "Neispravna sintaksa"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Ne postoji takav objekat"
33 "Problem u pseudonimu"
34 "Neispravna DN sintaksa"
35 "je list"
36 "Problem u deferenciranju pseudonima"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Neprikladna potvrda identiteta"
49 "Neispravni akreditivi"
50 "Nedovoljna prava"
51 "Zauzeto"
52 "Nedostupno"
53 "Nevoljno za izvršavanje"
54 "Pronađena je petlja"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Poređaj nedostajuće kontrole"
61 "Greška u opsegu popisa"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Kršenje imenovanja"
65 "Kršenje klase objekata"
66 "Nije dozvoljeno na ne-listu"
67 "Nije dozvoljeno na RDN-u"
68 "Već postoji"
69 "Neme klase objekata"
70 "Rezultati su preveliki"
71 "Utiče na višestruke algoritme"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Ostalo"
81 "Server trenutno ne radi"
82 "Lokalna greška"
83 "Greška u kodiranju"
84 "Greška u dekodiranju"
85 "Vreme isteka"
86 "Nepoznat identitet"
87 "Greška u filteru"
88 "Korisnik je otkazan"
89 "Greška u parametru"
90 "Nema memorije"
91 "Povezivanje na LDAP server nije uspelo"
92 "Radnja nije podržana od strane ovog izdanja LDAP protokola"
93 "Navedena kontrola nije pronađena u poruci"
94 "Nema rezultata u poruci"
95 "Više rezultata"
96 "Ponavljaj pri rukovanju s upućivačima"
97 "Ograničenje čvora upućivača je prekoračeno"
* Swedish resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2007 Daniel Nylander
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Lyckades"
1 "Operations Error"
2 "Protokollfel"
3 "Time Limit Exceeded"
4 "Size Limit Exceeded"
5 "Compare False"
6 "Compare True"
7 "Authentication Method Not Supported"
8 "Strong Authentication Required"
9 "Referral (v2)"
10 "Referral"
11 "Administration Limit Exceeded"
12 "Unavailable Critical Extension"
13 "Confidentiality Required"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Inget sådant attribut"
17 "Odefinierad typ"
18 "Inappropriate Matching"
19 "Constraint Violation"
20 "Attribut eller värde finns"
21 "Ogiltig syntax"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Inget sådant objekt"
33 "Alias Problem"
34 "Invalid DN Syntax"
35 "Is Leaf"
36 "Alias Dereference Problem"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Inappropriate Authentication"
49 "Invalid Credentials"
50 "Insufficient Rights"
51 "Upptagen"
52 "Otillgänglig"
53 "Unwilling To Perform"
54 "Loop Detected"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Sort Control Missing"
61 "Index range error"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Naming Violation"
65 "Object Class Violation"
66 "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
67 "Not allowed on RDN"
68 "Finns redan"
69 "No Object Class Mods"
70 "Results Too Large"
71 "Affects Multiple DSAs"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Other"
81 "Server Down"
82 "Lokalt fel"
83 "Encoding Error"
84 "Decoding Error"
85 "Tidsgräns överstigen"
86 "Auth Unknown"
87 "Filter Error"
88 "User Cancelled"
89 "Parameter Error"
90 "No Memory"
91 "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
92 "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
93 "Specified control was not found in message"
94 "No result present in message"
95 "More results returned"
96 "Loop while handling referrals"
97 "Referral hop limit exceeded"
* Turkish resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2006 Fatih Ac
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
0 "Baarl"
1 "lem Hatas"
2 "letiim Kural Hatas"
3 "Zaman Snr Ald"
4 "Boyut Snr Ald"
5 "Karlatrma Yanl"
6 "Karlatrma Doru"
7 "Yetkilendirme Yntemi Desteklenmiyor"
8 "Gl Yerkilendirme Gerekli"
9 "Bavuru (v2)"
10 "Bavuru"
11 "Ynetim Snr Ald"
12 "Kullanlabilir Olmayan Kritik Uzant"
13 "Gizli Olarak Gerekli"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Byle Bir znitelik Yok"
17 "Tanmlanmam Tr"
18 "Uygunsuz Eleme"
19 "Kstlama hlali"
20 "Varolan znitelik Veya Deer"
21 "Geersiz Szdizimi"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Byle Bir Nesne Yok"
33 "Takma Ad Sorunu"
34 "Geersiz DN Szdizimi"
35 "Yaprak Konumunda"
36 "Takma Ad Bavuru Sorunu"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Uygunsuz Yetkilendirme"
49 "Geersiz Belgeler"
50 "Geersiz Yetkiler"
51 "Megul"
52 "Kullanlabilir Deil"
53 "Yrtmeye steksiz"
54 "Dng Algland"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Sralama Denetimi Eksik"
61 "Eksik Dizin Aral Hatas"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Adlandrma hlali"
65 "Nesne Snf hlali"
66 "Yaprak olmayan konumda izinli deil"
67 "RDN zerinde izin verilmiyor"
68 "Zaten Var"
69 "Nesne Snf Modlleri Yok"
70 "Sonular ok Byk"
71 "Birden Fazla DSA Etkilenir"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Dier"
81 "Sunucu Kapal"
82 "Yerel Hata"
83 "Kodlama Hatas"
84 "Kod zme Hatas"
85 "Zaman Am"
86 "Yazar Bilinmiyor"
87 "Szme Hatas"
88 "Kullanc ptal Etti"
89 "Parametre Hatas"
90 "Bellek Yok"
91 "LDAP sunucusuna balanamyor"
92 "lem LDAP iletiim kuralnn bu srmnce desteklenmiyor."
93 "letide belirtilen denetim bulunamad"
94 "letide sonu yok"
95 "Dnen dier sonular"
96 "Bavurular ilerken dn"
97 "Paketin gnderildii ynlendirici snr ald"
* Ukrainian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Hans Leidekker
* Copyright 2010 Igor Paliychuk
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
0 "Успіх"
1 "Помилка операції"
2 "Помилка протоколу"
3 "Перевищено обмеження в часі"
4 "Перевищено обмеження в розмірі"
5 "Порівняння невірне"
6 "Порівняння вірне"
7 "Метод авторизації не підтримується"
8 "Потрібна тверда авторизація"
9 "Посилання (v2)"
10 "Посилання"
11 "Перевищено обмеження адміністрування"
12 "Критичне розширення недоступне"
13 "Потрібна конфіденційність"
14 ""
15 ""
16 "Немає такої властивості"
17 "Невизначений тип"
18 "Недоречна відповідність"
19 "Порушення обмеження"
20 "Властивість або значення існує"
21 "Неправильний синтакс"
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
32 "Немає такого об'єкту"
33 "Проблема з псевдонімом"
34 "Невірний DN синтаксис"
35 "Це лист дерева"
36 "Проблема звернення до псевдоніму"
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
48 "Невідповідна ідентифікація"
49 "Невірні облікові дані"
50 "Недостатньо прав"
51 "Зайнято"
52 "Недоступно"
53 "Не бажає виконувати"
54 "Виявлено зациклювання"
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
60 "Відсутнє управління сортуванням"
61 "Помилка діапазону індексу"
62 ""
63 ""
64 "Порушення прав найменування"
65 "Порушення класу об'єкту"
66 "Не дозволено не на листі дерева"
67 "Не дозволено на RDN"
68 "Вже існує"
69 "Немає режимів класу об'єкту"
70 "Результати завеликі"
71 "Впливає на декілька DSA"
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
80 "Інший"
81 "Сервер недоступний"
82 "Локальна помилка"
83 "Помилка кодування"
84 "Помилка декодування"
85 "Тайм-аут"
86 "Невідома авторизація"
87 "Помилка фільтру"
88 "Відмінено користувачем"
89 "Помилка параметра"
90 "Немає пам'яті"
91 "Неможливо підключитись до LDAP сервера"
92 "Операція не підтримується цією версією протоколу LDAP"
93 "Вказаний елемент керування не знайдено в повідомленні"
94 "В повідомленні немає результату"
95 "Існують ще результати"
96 "Зациклювання при обробці посилань"
97 "Перевищено граничну кількість пересилання посилань"
...@@ -2121,6 +2121,249 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2121,6 +2121,249 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Превърти надолу"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Ко&дировка"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -2211,6 +2211,249 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2211,6 +2211,249 @@ msgstr ""
"Nemohu zapisovat do zadaného souboru. Ujistěte se, že máte dost místa na " "Nemohu zapisovat do zadaného souboru. Ujistěte se, že máte dost místa na "
"disku nebo zda jste připojeni k síti." "disku nebo zda jste připojeni k síti."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Volby"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Digi&tální"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter error\n"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logové" msgstr "Ana&logové"
...@@ -2247,6 +2247,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2247,6 +2247,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke skrive til den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri " "Kunne ikke skrive til den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri "
"diskplads, og at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket." "diskplads, og at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Success"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operationsfejl"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokolfejl"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tidsbegrænsning overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Størrelsesbegrænsing overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Sammenligning falsk"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Sammenligning sand"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Autentikeringsmetoden understøttes ikke"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Stærk autentisering kræves"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Henvisning (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Henvisning"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administrationsbegrænsing overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Kritisk udvidelse utilgængelig"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Kræver konfidencialitet"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Kender ikke attribut"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Udefineret type"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Upassende sammenligning"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Begrænsning overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribut eller værdi findes allerede"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Ugyldig syntaks"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Objekt eksistere ikke"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alias problem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Ugyldig DN syntaks"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Er blad"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problem med alias dereference"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Upassende autenticering"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Ugyldige kreditiver"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Manglende rettigheder"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Optaget"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Utilgængelig"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Uvillig til at udføre"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Løkke opdaget"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Sorteringskontrol mangler"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Fejl i indeksrækkeviden"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Navngivings overtrædelse"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Objektklasse overtrædelse"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Ikke tilladt på ikke blad"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Ikke tilladt på RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Findes allerede"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Ingen objektklasse modificerere"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultaterne er for store"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Berører flere DSA'er"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Anden"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server nede"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokal fejl"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kodings fejl"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Dekodings fejl"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tidsafbrud"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Ukendt autentikering"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filter fejl"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Bruger afbrød"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter fejl"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Intet hukommelse"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Kunne ikke tilsluttes til LDAP serveren"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operationen understøttes ikke af denne version af LDAP protokollen"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Den specificerede kontroller blev ikke funndt i beskeden"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Ingen resultater i besked"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Flere resultater returneret"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Løkke under håndtering af henvisninger"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Grænse for henvisnings hop overskredet"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analog" msgstr "&Analog"
...@@ -2278,6 +2278,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2278,6 +2278,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist, oder dass die Netzwerkverbindung " "Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist, oder dass die Netzwerkverbindung "
"noch besteht." "noch besteht."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Erfolgreich"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operationsfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokollfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Zeitlimit überschritten"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Größenlimit überschritten"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Vergleich falsch"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Vergleich wahr"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Authentifizierungsmethode nicht unterstützt"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Starke Authentifizierung erforderlich"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Weiterleitung (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Weiterleitung"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Verwaltungslimit überschritten"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Kritische Erweiterung nicht verfügbar"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Vertraulichkeit erforderlich"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Attribut nicht vorhanden"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Nicht definierter Typ"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Unzulässiger Vergleich"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Restriktionsverletzung"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribut oder Wert vorhanden"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Ungültige Syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Objekt nicht vorhanden"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Aliasproblem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Ungültige DN Syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Endknoten"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alias Dereferenzierungsproblem"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Fehlerhafte Authentifizierung"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Anmeldeinformationen fehlerhaft"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Nicht ausreichende Rechte"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Beschäftigt"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Ausführung verweigert"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Schleife erkannt"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Fehlende Sortiersteuerung"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Indexbereichsfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Bennenungsverletzung"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Objektklasse verletzt"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Nicht erlaubt für Nicht-Endknoten"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Nicht erlaubt für RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Bereits vorhanden"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Keine Objektklassenmodifikationen"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Ergebnisse zu groß"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Mehrere DSAs betroffen"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Andere"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server heruntergefahren"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokaler Fehler"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kodierungsfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Dekodierungsfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Zeitüberschreitung"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannte Authentifizierung"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filterfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Benutzerabbruch"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameterfehler"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Nicht genügend Speicher"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Kann nicht zum LDAP Server verbinden"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Die Operation wird durch dieses LDAP Protokoll nicht unterstützt"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Angegebenes Steuerobjekt wurde in der Meldung nicht gefunden"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Keine Ergebnisse in der Meldung vorhanden"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Weitere Ergebnisse gefunden"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Schleife während der Abarbeitung von Weiterleitungen"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Überschreitung der maximalen Anzahl von Weiterleitungen"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2094,6 +2094,248 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2094,6 +2094,248 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Επιλογές"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "&Περιεχόμενα"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -2091,6 +2091,260 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2091,6 +2091,260 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operation Ceased"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Server Authentication"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Certificate Extensions"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Key Attributes"
#: wldap32.rc:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Content Type"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Server Authentication"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Digital Rights"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Available"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other Name="
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Scroll Down"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Local Port"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "&Encoding"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter error\n"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2234,6 +2234,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2234,6 +2234,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or " "Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Success"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operations Error"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protocol Error"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Time Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Size Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Compare False"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Compare True"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Authentication Method Not Supported"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Strong Authentication Required"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Referral (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referral"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administration Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Unavailable Critical Extension"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidentiality Required"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "No Such Attribute"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Undefined Type"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Inappropriate Matching"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Constraint Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribute Or Value Exists"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Invalid Syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "No Such Object"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alias Problem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Invalid DN Syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Is Leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alias Dereference Problem"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Inappropriate Authentication"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Invalid Credentials"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Insufficient Rights"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Busy"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Unavailable"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Unwilling To Perform"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Loop Detected"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Sort Control Missing"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Index range error"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Naming Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Object Class Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Not allowed on RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Already Exists"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "No Object Class Mods"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Results Too Large"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Affects Multiple DSAs"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server Down"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Local Error"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Encoding Error"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Decoding Error"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Auth Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filter Error"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "User Cancelled"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter Error"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "No Memory"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Specified control was not found in message"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "No result present in message"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "More results returned"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Loop while handling referrals"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Referral hop limit exceeded"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2123,6 +2123,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2123,6 +2123,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Diøi&ta"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&loga" msgstr "Ana&loga"
...@@ -2286,6 +2286,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2286,6 +2286,246 @@ msgstr ""
"No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente " "No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente "
"espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red." "espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Éxito"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Error en operacioens"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Error de protocolo"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Límite de tiempo excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Límite de tamaño excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Comparación falsa"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Comparación verdadera"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Método de autentificación no soportado"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autentificación fuerte requerida"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Remisión (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Remisión"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Límite de administración excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Extensión crítica no disponible"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidencialidad requerida"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "No existe dicho atributo"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tipo no definido"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Emparejamiento inapropiado"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violación de restricción"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "El valor o atributo ya existe"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxis inválida"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "No existe dicho objeto"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problema de alias"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxis inválida de DN"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Es una hoja"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problema de dereferencia de alias"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Autentificación inapropriada"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Credenciales inválidos"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Insuficientes permisos"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Ocupado"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "No disponible"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Reacio a actuar"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Bucle detectado"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Falta control de orden"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Error de rango de índice"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violación de nomenclatura"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violación de clase de objeto"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "No permitido en una no-hoja"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "No permitido en RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Ya existe"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "No Mods de clase de objeto"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultados demasiado largos"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Afecta a múltiples DSAs"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otro"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Servidor caído"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Error local"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Error de codificación"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Error de decodificación"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera superado"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Autentificación desconocida"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Error de filtro"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado por el usuario"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Error de parámetro"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Sin memoria"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "No se ha podido conectar al servidor LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operación no soportada por esta versión del protocolo LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Control especificado no se ha encontrado en el mensaje"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Ningún resultado presente en el mensaje"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Más resultados devueltos"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Bucle al manejar remisiones"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Límite de saltos de remisiones excedido"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico" msgstr "&Analógico"
...@@ -2131,6 +2131,251 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2131,6 +2131,251 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Valinnat"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Di&gitaalinen"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Vieritä Alas"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Koo&daus"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analoginen" msgstr "&Analoginen"
...@@ -2280,6 +2280,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2280,6 +2280,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Vérifiez que vous avez assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours " "Vérifiez que vous avez assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours "
"connecté au réseau." "connecté au réseau."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succès"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Erreur d'opération"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Erreur de protocole"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de temps dépassée"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de taille dépassée"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Comparaison fausse"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Comparaison vraie"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Méthode d'authentification non prise en charge"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Authentification forte requise"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Référant (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Référant"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limite administrative dépassée"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Extension critique indisponible"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidentialité requise"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Attribut inconnu"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Type non défini"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Correspondance inappropriée"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violation de contrainte"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribut ou valeur préexistant(e)"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Syntaxe invalide"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Objet inconnu"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problème d'alias"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Syntaxe DN invalide"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Est une feuille"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problème de déréférencement d'alias"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Authentification inappropriée"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Autorisations invalides"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Droits insuffisants"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Occupé"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Indisponible"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Pas disposé à s'exécuter"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Boucle détectée"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Contrôle de tri manquant"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Erreur de plage d'index"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violation de nomenclature"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violation de classe d'objet"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Interdit sur des non-feuilles"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Interdit sur RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Existe déjà"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Pas de modification de classe d'objet"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Résultats trop grands"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Affecte de multiples DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Serveur indisponible"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Erreur locale"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Erreur d'encodage"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Erreur de décodage"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Délai d'attente dépassé"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Méthode d'authentification inconnue"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Erreur de filtrage"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Annulation par l'utilisateur"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Erreur de paramètre"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Mémoire insuffisante"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Opération non supportée par cette version du protocole LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Le contrôle spécifié n'a pas été trouvé dans le message"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Aucun résultat dans le message"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Plus de résultats reçus"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Boucle lors du traitement des référants"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Limite du nombre de référants dépassée"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logique" msgstr "Ana&logique"
...@@ -2097,6 +2097,252 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2097,6 +2097,252 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "אפשרויות"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "&דיגיטלי"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "גלילה למטה"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "פתחה מקומית"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "&קידוד"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&אנלוגי" msgstr "&אנלוגי"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "डिज़िटल (&t)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "एनालॉग (&l)" msgstr "एनालॉग (&l)"
...@@ -2139,6 +2139,246 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2139,6 +2139,246 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sikeres"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Műveleti hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokoll hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Időkorlát túllépés"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Méretkorlát túllépés"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Hasonlítás hamis"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Hasonlítás igaz"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Hitelesítési mód nem támogatott"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "erős hitelesítés szükséges"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Beszámoló (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Beszámoló"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Adminisztrációs korlát túllépés"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Nem elérhető kritikus kiterjesztés"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Bizalmasság szükséges"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Nincs ilyen attribútum"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Definiálatlan típus"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Alkalmatlan egyezés"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Megszorítás megsértés"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribútum vagy érték létezik"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Érvénytelen szintakszis"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Nincs ilyen objektum"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Álnév probléma"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Érvénytelen DN szintakszis"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Ez egy levél"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Álnév dereferencia probléma"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Nem megfelelő hitelesítés"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Érvénytelen azonosítók"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Nem elegendő jogok"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Foglalt"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nem elérhető"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Nem akarja végrehajtani"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Ciklus találva"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Rendezési vezérlés hiányzik"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Index tartomány hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Elnevezési összeférhetetlenség"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Objektum osztály összeférhetetlenség"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Nem negedélyezett nem levélen"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Nem engedélyezett RDN-en"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Már létezik"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Nincsenek objektum osztály modok"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Eredmény túl nagy"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Több DSA-ra van hatással"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Egyéb"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Kiszolgáló nem elérhető"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Helyi hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kódolási hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Dekódolási hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Időtúllépés"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Ismeretlen hitelesítés"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Szűrő hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Felhasználó megszakította"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Paraméter hiba"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Nincs memória"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Nem tudok csatlakozni az LDAP kiszolgálóhoz"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "A műveletet az LDAP protokoll ezen verziója nem támogatja"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "A megadott vezérlő nem található az üzenetben"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nincs eredmény az üzenetben"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Több eredmény jött vissza"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Ciklus a beszámolók kezelése közben"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Beszámolási ugrás limit túllépve"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&lóg" msgstr "Ana&lóg"
...@@ -2264,6 +2264,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2264,6 +2264,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Impossibile scrivere il file specificato. Controllare di avere spazio libero " "Impossibile scrivere il file specificato. Controllare di avere spazio libero "
"sufficiente sul disco o di essere ancora connessi alla rete." "sufficiente sul disco o di essere ancora connessi alla rete."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Successo"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Errore nelle operazioni"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Errore nel protocollo"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Superato il tempo limite"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Superata la dimensione massima"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Compara falso"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Compara vero"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Metodo di autenticazione non supportato"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autenticazione forte richiesta"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Rinvio (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Rinvio"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Superato il limite di amministrazione"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Estensione critica non disponibile"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Richiesta confidenzialità"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Attributo inesistente"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tipo non definito"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Matching inappropriato"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violazione del vincolo"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attributo o valore esistente"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Sintassi non valida"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Oggetto inesistente"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problema di alias"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Sintassi DN non valida"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "È foglia"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problema di dereferenziazione di alias"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticazione non appropriata"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Credenziali non valide"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Diritti insufficenti"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Occupato"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Non disponibile"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Non intenzionato ad agire"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Trovato Loop"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Controllo dell'ordine mancante"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Errore di range dell'indice"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violazione di nominazione"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violazione di classe dell'oggetto"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Non permesso su non-foglie"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Non permesso su RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Esiste già"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Nessuna mod di classi di oggetto"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Risultati troppo grandi"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Ha effetto su molti DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altro"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server irraggiungibile"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Errore locale"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Errore di codifica"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Errore di decodifica"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tempo scaduto"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Autenticazione sconosciuta"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Errore del filtro"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Utente eliminato"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Errore del parametro"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Memoria non disponibile"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al server LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operazione non supportata da questa versione del protocollo LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Il controllo specificato non è stato trovato nel messaggio"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nessun risultato presente nel messaggio"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Più risultati ricevuti"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Loop nel gestire i rinvii"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Ecceduto il limite di salti di rinvio"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logico" msgstr "Ana&logico"
...@@ -2211,6 +2211,260 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2211,6 +2211,260 @@ msgstr ""
"指定されたファイルに書き込めません。ディスクに十分な空き容量があるか、あるい" "指定されたファイルに書き込めません。ディスクに十分な空き容量があるか、あるい"
"はネットワークに接続されているか確認して下さい。" "はネットワークに接続されているか確認して下さい。"
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operation Ceased"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "サーバ認証"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "証明書の拡張"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "鍵の属性"
#: wldap32.rc:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "内容の種類"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "サーバ認証"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "デジタル著作権管理"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Available"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other Name="
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "下にスクロール"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "ローカル ポート"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "エンコード(&E)"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter error\n"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "アナログ(&L)" msgstr "アナログ(&L)"
...@@ -2225,6 +2225,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2225,6 +2225,246 @@ msgstr ""
"지정된 파일에 기록할 수 없습니다. 디스크 공간이 충분한지 확인하거나. 네트워크" "지정된 파일에 기록할 수 없습니다. 디스크 공간이 충분한지 확인하거나. 네트워크"
"에 연결중인지 확인하십시오" "에 연결중인지 확인하십시오"
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "성공"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "작업 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "프로토콜 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "시간 제한 도달"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "크기 제한 도달"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "잘못된 비교"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "잘된 비교"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "인증방법은 지원하지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "강력한 인증이 요구됩니다"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "추천 (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "추천"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "관리 한도를 넘었습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "치명적 확장은 가능하지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "기밀성이 요구됩니다"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "어떤 속성도 없습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "정의되지 않은 타입"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "어울리지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "강제 위반"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "속성이나 값이 존재합니다"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "잘못된 문법"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "어떤 객체도 없음"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alias 문제"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "잘못된 DN 문법"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "이즈(IS) 리프(Leaf)"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alias 디레퍼런스 문제"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "부적절한 인증"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "잘못된 증명서"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "충분하지 않은 권리"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "바쁨"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "불가능"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "실행하는 것이 마음에 내키지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "루프가 발견되었습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "정렬 제어가 빠졌습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "인덱스 범위 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "명명 위반"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "객체 클래스 위반"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "론-리프를 따를 수 없습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "RDN은 따를수 없습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "이미 존재합니다"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "어떤 객체 클래스 모드도 없숩니다"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "결과가 너무 큽니다"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "다양한 DSAs이 작용합니다."
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "다른 문제"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "서바 다운"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "로컬 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "인코딩 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "디코딩 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "시간 초과"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "알수 없는 인증"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "필터 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "사용자가 취소함"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "매개변수 에러"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "메모리 없음"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "LDAP 서버에 연결할수 없습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr " LDAP 프로토콜의 이 버젼은 그 작업을 지원하지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "지정된 제어는 메세지에서 발견할 수 없습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "어떤 결과도 메세지에 존재하지 않습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "더 많은 결과가 돌아왔습니다"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "리퍼럴을 다루는 동안의 루프"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "리퍼럴 홉 제한에 도달했습니다"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "아날로그(&L)" msgstr "아날로그(&L)"
...@@ -2251,6 +2251,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2251,6 +2251,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Nepavyko rašyti į nurodytą failą. Įsitikinkite, kad yra pakankamai laisvos " "Nepavyko rašyti į nurodytą failą. Įsitikinkite, kad yra pakankamai laisvos "
"vietos diske, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo." "vietos diske, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sėkmė"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operacijų klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokolo klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Viršytas skirtas laikas"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Viršyta dydžio riba"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Nelygu"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Lygu"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Tapatumo nustatymo metodas nerealizuotas"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Reikalingas stiprus tapatumo nustatymas"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Perdavimas (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Perdavimas"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Viršyta administravimo riba"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Nepasiekiamas kritinis plėtinys"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Reikalingas slaptumas"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Nėra tokio atributo"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Neapibrėžtas tipas"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Netinkamas atitikimas"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Ribojimų pažeidimas"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Atributas ar reikšmė egzistuoja"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Neteisinga sintaksė"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Nėra tokio objekto"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alternatyviojo vardo problema"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Neteisinga DN sintaksė"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Objektas yra lapas"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alternatyviojo vardo reikšmės nustatymo problema"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Netinkamas tapatumo nustatymas"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Neteisingi kredencialai"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Nepakanka teisių"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Užimtas"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nepasiekiamas"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Nelinkęs aptarnauti"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Aptiktas ciklas"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Trūksta rikiavimo valdiklio"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Indekso rėžių klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Įvardijimo pažeidimas"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Objekto klasės pažeidimas"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Leistina tik su lapu"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Neleistina su RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Jau yra"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Negalimas objektų klasės modifikavimas"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Rezultatai per dideli"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Įtakoja daugelį DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Kita"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Serveris nepasiekiamas"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Vietinė klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kodavimo klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Dekodavimo klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Baigėsi laikas"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Nežinomas tapatumo nustatymas"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filtro klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Nutraukta naudotojo"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parametro klaida"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Trūksta atminties"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie LDAP serverio"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operacija nepalaikoma šioje LDAP protokolo versijoje"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Nurodytas valdiklis nerastas pranešime"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Pranešime nėra rezultato"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Grąžinta daugiau rezultatų"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Aptiktas ciklas apdorojant perdavimus"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Viršyta perdavimo šuolių riba"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&loginis" msgstr "Ana&loginis"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "_ഡിജിറ്റല്‍"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "_അനലോഗ്" msgstr "_അനലോഗ്"
...@@ -2237,6 +2237,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2237,6 +2237,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke skrive til den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok ledig " "Kunne ikke skrive til den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok ledig "
"diskplass, og at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket." "diskplass, og at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Suksess"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operasjonsfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokollfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tidsbegrensning overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Størrelsesbegrensing overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Sammenlikne usann"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Sammenlikne sann"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Autentiseringsmetoden støttes ikke"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Sterk autentisering kreves"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Henvisning (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Henvisning"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administrasjonsbegrensing overskredet"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Kritisk utvidelse utilgjengelig"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Krever konfidensialitet"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Ingen sånn attributt"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Udefinert type"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Upassende sammenlikning"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Pressovertredelse"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attributt eller verdi finnes allerede"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Ugyldig syntaks"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Ikke noe sånt objekt"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alias-problem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Ugyldig DN-syntaks"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Er blad"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problem med alias-dereferanse"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Upassende autentisering"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Ugyldige kreditiver"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Manglende rettigheter"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Opptatt"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Utilgjengelig"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Uvillig til å utføre"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Løkke oppdaget"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Sorteringskontroller mangler"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Feil med indeksrekkevidde"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Navngivingsovertredelse"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Objektklasseovertredelse"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Ikke tillatt på ikke-blad"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Ikke tillatt på RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Finnes allerede"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Ingen objektklassemodifiserere"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultatene er for store"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Berører flere DSA'er"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Annen"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Tjener nede"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokal feil"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kodingsfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Dekodingsfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tidsavbrudd"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Ukjent autentisering"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filterfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Bruker avbrøt"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameterfeil"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Intet minne"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Kunne ikke koble til LDAP-tjeneren"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operasjonen støttes ikke av denne versjonen av LDAP-protokollen"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Den oppgitte kontrolleren ble ikke funnet i meldingen"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Ingen resultater i melding"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Flere resultater returnert"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Løkke under håndtering av henvisninger"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Grense for henvisningshopp overskredet"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2253,6 +2253,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2253,6 +2253,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand niet schrijven. Controleer of er voldoende " "Kan het opgegeven bestand niet schrijven. Controleer of er voldoende "
"schijfruimte is, en controleer de verbinding met het netwerk." "schijfruimte is, en controleer de verbinding met het netwerk."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succes"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operationele fout"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protocolfout"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tijdlimiet overschreden"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Maximum omvang overschreden"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Vergelijking niet waar"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Vergelijking waar"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Authenticatiemethode wordt niet ondersteund"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Sterke authenticatie vereist"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Verwijzing (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Verwijzing"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administratieve limiet overschreden"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Kritieke extensie niet beschikbaar"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Vertrouwelijkheid vereist"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Attribuut bestaat niet"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Ongedefinieerd type"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Foutieve vergelijking"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Schending van restrictie"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribuut of waarde bestaat"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Ongeldige syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Object bestaat niet"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Aliasprobleem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Ongeldige DN-syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Eindknoop"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alias volgprobleem"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Foutieve authenticatie"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Ongeldige aanmeldingsgegevens"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Onvoldoende rechten"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Bezig"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Uitvoering geweigerd"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Lus gedetecteerd"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Besturingselement voor sorteren ontbreekt"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Buiten indexbereik"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Naamgevingsfout"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Schending objectklassedefinitie"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Niet toegestaan op niet-eindknopen"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Niet toegestaan op RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Bestaat reeds"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Geen objectklassemodificaties"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultaten te groot"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Betreft meerdere DSA's"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Anders"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server plat"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokale fout"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Codeerfout"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Decodeerfout"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Onbekende authenticatiemethode"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filterfout"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Afgebroken door gebruiker"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameterfout"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Onvoldoende geheugen"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met LDAP-server"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operatie niet ondersteund door deze versie van het LDAP-protocol"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Opgegeven besturingselement niet gevonden in bericht"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Geen resultaat aanwezig in bericht"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Meer resultaten teruggekregen"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Lus gevonden bij het verwerken van verwijzingen"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Overschrijding van limiet op verwijzingen"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analoog" msgstr "&Analoog"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "ଡିଜିଟାଲ (&)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ଆନାଲଗ ‍‌(&l)" msgstr "ଆନାଲଗ ‍‌(&l)"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "ਡਿਜ਼ੀਟਲ(&t)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ਐਨਾਲਾਗ(&l)" msgstr "ਐਨਾਲਾਗ(&l)"
...@@ -2255,6 +2255,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2255,6 +2255,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie można zapisać do podanego pliku. Upewnij się że masz wystarczająco " "Nie można zapisać do podanego pliku. Upewnij się że masz wystarczająco "
"miejsca na dysku lub czy jesteś nadal podłączony do sieci." "miejsca na dysku lub czy jesteś nadal podłączony do sieci."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sukces"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Błąd operacji"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Błąd protokołu"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Przekroczony limit czasu"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Przekroczony limit rozmiaru"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Porównanie dało wynik negatywny"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Porównanie dało wynik pozytywny"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Metoda uwierzytelniania nie jest obsługiwana"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Wymagana mocna metoda uwierzytelniania"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Odwołanie (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Odwołanie"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Przekroczony limit administracyjny na serwerze"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Bezwzględnie wymagane rozszerzenie nie jest dostępne"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Wymagana poufność"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego atrybutu"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Niezdefiniowany typ"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Nieodpowiednie dopasowanie"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Naruszenie więzów"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Atrybut lub wartość już isnieją"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Błąd składni"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego obiektu"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problem aliasu"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Błąd składni DN"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Jest liściem"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problem z odwołaniem do aliasu"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Niewłaściwe uwierzytelnienie"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowe poświadczenie"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Niewystarczające prawa dostępu"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Zajęty"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Niedostępny"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Brak chęci wykonania"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Wykryto pętlę"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Brak formantu sortowania"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Błąd zakresu indeksu"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Naruszenie zasad nazewnictwa"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Naruszenie klasy obiektu"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Operacja niedozwolona na nie-liściu"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Operacja niedozwolona na RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Już istnieje"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Nie można modyfikować klasy obiektu"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Wynik zbyt duży"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Dotyczy wielu DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Inne"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Serwer wyłączony"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Błąd lokalny"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Błąd podczas kodowania"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Błąd podczas dekodowania"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Limit czasu"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Nieznane uwierzytelnianie"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Błąd filtru"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Akcja anulowana przez użytkownika"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Błędny parametr"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Brak pamięci"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Nie można się połączyć z serwerem LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operacja nie jest obsługiwana przez tę wersję protokołu LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Brak określonego formantu w wiadomości"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Brak wyników z wiadomości"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Zwrócono więcej wyników"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Natrafiono na pętlę podczas obsługi odwołań"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Przekroczono limit skoków odwołań"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logowy" msgstr "Ana&logowy"
...@@ -2270,6 +2270,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2270,6 +2270,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar no arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que você possui " "Não é possível gravar no arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que você possui "
"espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado na rede." "espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado na rede."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sucesso"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Erro de Operações"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Erro de Protocolo"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tempo Limite Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tamanho Limite Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Comparar Falso"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Comparar Verdadeiro"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Método de Autenticação Não Suportado"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autenticação Forte Necessária"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Referência (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referência"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de Administração Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Extensão Crítica Indisponível"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidencialidade Necessária"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo Não Encontrado"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tipo Indefinido"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Atribuição Imprópria"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violação de Restrições"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Valor ou Atributo Existente"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxe Inválida"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Objeto Não Encontrado"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problema de Abreviatura"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxe DN Inválida"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "É Leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problema na Referência da Abreviatura"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticação Imprópria"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Credenciais Inválidas"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Direitos Insuficientes"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Ocupado"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Indisponível"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Indisposto a Realizar"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Loop Detectado"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Falta de Controle de Ordenação"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Erro de Limite de Índice"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violação de Nome"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violação da Classe de Objeto"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Não Permitido em Non-leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Não Permitido em RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Já Existe"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Sem modificações de Classe de Objeto"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultados Muito Grandes"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Afeta Múltiplos DSAs"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Outro"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Servidor Desligado"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Erro Local"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Erro de Codificação"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Erro de Descodificação"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tempo excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Autenticação desconhecida"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Erro de Filtro"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado pelo Usuário"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Erro de Parâmetro"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Sem Memória"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Impossível conectar-se ao servidor LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operação não suportada por esta versão do protocolo LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "O controle especificado não foi encontrado na mensagem"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nenhum resultado presente na mensagem"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Mais resultados devolvidos"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Loop enquanto resolve referências"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de salto de referências excedido"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico" msgstr "&Analógico"
...@@ -2266,6 +2266,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2266,6 +2266,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar no ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que possui espaço " "Não é possível gravar no ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que possui espaço "
"em disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede." "em disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sucesso"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Erro de Operações"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Erro de Protocolo"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tempo Limite Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Tamanho Limite Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Comparar Falso"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Comparar Verdadeiro"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Método de Autenticação não Suportado"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autenticação Forte Necessária"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Referência (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referência"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de Administração Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Extensão Crítica Indisponível"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidencialidade Necessária"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo não Encontrado"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tipo Indefinido"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Atribuição Imprópria"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violação de Restrições"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Valor ou Atributo Existente"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxe Inválida"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Objecto Não Encontrado"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problema de Abreviatura"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxe DN Inválida"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "É folha"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problema na Referência da Abreviatura"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticação Imprópria"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Credenciais Inválidas"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Direitos Insuficientes"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Ocupado"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Indisponível"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Indisposto a Realizar"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Ciclo Detectado"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Falta de Controlo de Ordenação"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Erro de Limite de Índice"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violação de Nome"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violação da Classe de Objecto"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Não Permitido em Não-folha"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Não Permitido em RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Já Existe"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Sem Modificações de Classe de Objecto"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Resultados Muito Grandes"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Afecta Múltiplos DSAs"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Outro"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Servidor em Baixo"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Erro Local"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Erro de Codificação"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Erro de Descodificação"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tempo Excedido"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Autenticação Desconhecida"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Erro de Filtro"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Cancelado pelo Utilizador"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Erro de Parâmetro"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Sem Memória"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Não consegue ligar ao servidor LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operação não suportada por esta versão do protocolo LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "O controlo especificado não foi encontrado na mensagem"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nenhum resultado presente na mensagem"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Mais resultados devolvidos"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Ciclo enquanto resolve referências"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Limite de salto de referências excedido"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico" msgstr "&Analógico"
...@@ -2268,6 +2268,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2268,6 +2268,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Nu se poate scrie în fișierul specificat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient " "Nu se poate scrie în fișierul specificat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient "
"spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea." "spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succes"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Eroare de operațiuni"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Eroare de protocol"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limită de timp depășită"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limită de mărime depășită"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Comparație falsă"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Comparație adevărată"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Metodă de autentificare nesuportată"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autentificare puternică necesară"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Referent (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referent"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Limită administrativă depășită"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Extensie critică indisponibilă"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidențialitate necesară"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Atribut necunoscut"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tip nedefinit"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Potrivire necorespunzătoare"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Violare de restricție"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Atributul sau valoarea există deja"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxă nevalidă"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Obiect necunoscut"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problemă la alias"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Sintaxă DN nevalidă"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Este o frunză"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problemă de dereferențiere la alias"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Autentificare necorespunzătoare"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Autorizații nevalide"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Drepturi insuficiente"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Ocupat"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Indisponibil"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Refuză să funcționeze"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Buclă detectată"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Control de triere lipsă"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Eroare de interval la index"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Violare de denumire"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Violare de clasă de obiect"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Nepermis pe non-frunze"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Nepermis pe RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Există deja"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Nici o modificare de clasă de obiecte"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Rezultate prea mari"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Afectează mai multe DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altul"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server indisponibil"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Eroare locală"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Eroare de codificare"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Eroare de decodificare"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timp alocat expirat"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Autentificare necunoscută"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Eroare de filtrare"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Anulat de utilizator"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Eroare de parametri"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Memorie insuficientă"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Nu se poate conecta la serverul LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operațiune nesuportată de această versiune a protocolului LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Controlul specificat nu a fost găsit în mesaj"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nici un rezultat în mesaj"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Mai multe rezultate returnate"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Buclă la gestionarea referenților"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Limită număr referenți depășită"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logic" msgstr "Ana&logic"
...@@ -2250,6 +2250,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2250,6 +2250,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Невозможно записать в указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно " "Невозможно записать в указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно "
"места, или проверьте сетевое подключение." "места, или проверьте сетевое подключение."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Успех"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Ошибка операции"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Ошибка протокола"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Превышено ограничение по времени"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Превышено ограничение по размеру"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Сравнение неверно"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Сравнение верно"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Метод авторизации не поддерживается"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Требуется строгая авторизация"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Ссылка (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Ссылка"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Превышено ограничение администрирования"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Критическое расширение недоступно"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Требуется конфиденциальность"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Нет такого атрибута"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Неопределённый тип"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Неподходящее соответствие"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Нарушение ограничения"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Атрибут или значение существует"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Неверный синтаксис"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Нет такого объекта"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Проблема с псевдонимом"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Неверный DN синтаксис"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Это лист дерева"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Проблема обращения по псевдониму"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Неподходящая авторизация"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Неверное удостоверение личности"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Недостаточно прав"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Занято"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Недоступно"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Не желает выполнить"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Обнаружено зацикливание"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Отсутствует управление сортировкой"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Ошибка диапазона индекса"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Нарушение правил наименования"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Нарушение класса объекта"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Не разрешено не на листе дерева"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Не разрешено на RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Уже существует"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Нет режимов класса объекта"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Результаты слишком велики"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Влияет на несколько DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Другой"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Сервер недоступен"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Локальная ошибка"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Ошибка кодирования"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Ошибка декодирования"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Тайм-аут"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Неизвестная авторизация"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Ошибка фильтра"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Отменено пользователем"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Ошибка параметра"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Нет памяти"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Невозможно подключиться к LDAP серверу"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Операция не поддерживается этой версией протокола LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Указанный управляющий элемент не найден в сообщении"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Результата нет в сообщении"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Ещё есть результаты"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Зацикливание при обработке ссылок"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Предел числа пересылки ссылок превышен"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Аналовые" msgstr "&Аналовые"
...@@ -2205,6 +2205,247 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2205,6 +2205,247 @@ msgstr ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or " "Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Digi&tálne"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&lógové" msgstr "Ana&lógové"
...@@ -2252,6 +2252,254 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2252,6 +2252,254 @@ msgstr ""
"V navedeno datoteko ni mogoče pisati. Preverite, ali je na disku še dovolj " "V navedeno datoteko ni mogoče pisati. Preverite, ali je na disku še dovolj "
"prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem." "prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Možnosti"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Digi&talna ura"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ethernet"
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Drsenje dol"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokalna vrata"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "N&abor znakov"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Nepoznano"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Napaka parametra\n"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logna ura" msgstr "Ana&logna ura"
...@@ -2125,6 +2125,246 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2125,6 +2125,246 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Uspeh"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Greška u radnjama"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Greška u protokolu"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Vremensko ograničenje je prekoračeno"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Ograničenje veličine je prekoračeno"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Netačno"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Tačno"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Način potvrde identiteta nije podržan"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Potrebna je jaka potvrda identiteta"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Upućivač (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Upućivač"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administrativno ograničenje je prekoračeno"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Nedostupno je kritičko proširenje"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Potrebna je poverljivost"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Ne postoji takva osobina"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Neodređena vrsta"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Neprikladno podudaranje"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Ograničenje kršenja"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Osobina ili vrednost postoji"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Neispravna sintaksa"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Ne postoji takav objekat"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Problem u pseudonimu"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Neispravna DN sintaksa"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "je list"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Problem u deferenciranju pseudonima"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Neprikladna potvrda identiteta"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Neispravni akreditivi"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Nedovoljna prava"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Zauzeto"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nedostupno"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Nevoljno za izvršavanje"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Pronađena je petlja"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Poređaj nedostajuće kontrole"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Greška u opsegu popisa"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Kršenje imenovanja"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Kršenje klase objekata"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Nije dozvoljeno na ne-listu"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Nije dozvoljeno na RDN-u"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Već postoji"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Neme klase objekata"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Rezultati su preveliki"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Utiče na višestruke algoritme"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostalo"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server trenutno ne radi"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokalna greška"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Greška u kodiranju"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Greška u dekodiranju"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Vreme isteka"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Nepoznat identitet"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Greška u filteru"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Korisnik je otkazan"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Greška u parametru"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Nema memorije"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Povezivanje na LDAP server nije uspelo"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Radnja nije podržana od strane ovog izdanja LDAP protokola"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Navedena kontrola nije pronađena u poruci"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Nema rezultata u poruci"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Više rezultata"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Ponavljaj pri rukovanju s upućivačima"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Ograničenje čvora upućivača je prekoračeno"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analogni" msgstr "&Analogni"
...@@ -2125,6 +2125,246 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2125,6 +2125,246 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Успех"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Грешка у радњама"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Грешка у протоколу"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Временско ограничење је прекорачено"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Ограничење величине је прекорачено"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Нетачно"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Тачно"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Начин потврде идентитета није подржан"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Потребна је јака потврда идентитета"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Упућивач (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Упућивач"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Административно ограничење је прекорачено"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Недоступно је критичко проширење"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Потребна је поверљивост"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Не постоји таква особина"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Неодређена врста"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Неприкладно подударање"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Ограничење кршења"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Особина или вредност постоји"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Неисправна синтакса"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Не постоји такав објекат"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Проблем у псеудониму"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Неисправна DN синтакса"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "је лист"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Проблем у деференцирању псеудонима"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Неприкладна потврда идентитета"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Неисправни акредитиви"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Недовољна права"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Заузето"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Недоступно"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Невољно за извршавање"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Пронађена је петља"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Поређај недостајуће контроле"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Грешка у опсегу пописа"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Кршење именовања"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Кршење класе објеката"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Није дозвољено на не-листу"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Није дозвољено на RDN-у"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Већ постоји"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Неме класе објеката"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Резултати су превелики"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Утиче на вишеструке алгоритме"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Остало"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Сервер тренутно не ради"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Локална грешка"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Грешка у кодирању"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Грешка у декодирању"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Време истека"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Непознат идентитет"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Грешка у филтеру"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Корисник је отказан"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Грешка у параметру"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Нема меморије"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Повезивање на LDAP сервер није успело"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Радња није подржана од стране овог издања LDAP протокола"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Наведена контрола није пронађена у поруци"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "Нема резултата у поруци"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Више резултата"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Понављај при руковању с упућивачима"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Ограничење чвора упућивача је прекорачено"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Аналогни" msgstr "&Аналогни"
...@@ -2235,6 +2235,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2235,6 +2235,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Kan inte skriva till angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt minne " "Kan inte skriva till angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt minne "
"eller är ansluten till nätverket." "eller är ansluten till nätverket."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Lyckades"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Operations Error"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Protokollfel"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Time Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Size Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Compare False"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Compare True"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Authentication Method Not Supported"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Strong Authentication Required"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Referral (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referral"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Administration Limit Exceeded"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Unavailable Critical Extension"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Confidentiality Required"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Inget sådant attribut"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Odefinierad typ"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Inappropriate Matching"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Constraint Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Attribut eller värde finns"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Ogiltig syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Inget sådant objekt"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Alias Problem"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Invalid DN Syntax"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Is Leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Alias Dereference Problem"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Inappropriate Authentication"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Invalid Credentials"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Insufficient Rights"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Upptagen"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Otillgänglig"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Unwilling To Perform"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Loop Detected"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Sort Control Missing"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Index range error"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Naming Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Object Class Violation"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Not allowed on RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Finns redan"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "No Object Class Mods"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Results Too Large"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Affects Multiple DSAs"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Server Down"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Lokalt fel"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Encoding Error"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Decoding Error"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Tidsgräns överstigen"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Auth Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Filter Error"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "User Cancelled"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parameter Error"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "No Memory"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Specified control was not found in message"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "No result present in message"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "More results returned"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Loop while handling referrals"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Referral hop limit exceeded"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "డిజిటల్ (&t)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ఎనలాగ్ (&l)" msgstr "ఎనలాగ్ (&l)"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "ดิจิตัล"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ธรรมดา" msgstr "ธรรมดา"
...@@ -2251,6 +2251,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2251,6 +2251,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosyaya yazılamıyor. Yeterli kullanılabilir disk alanına sahip " "Belirtilen dosyaya yazılamıyor. Yeterli kullanılabilir disk alanına sahip "
"olduğunuzdan veya ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun." "olduğunuzdan veya ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Başarılı"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "İşlem Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "İletişim Kuralı Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Zaman Sınırı Aşıldı"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Boyut Sınırı Aşıldı"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Karşılaştırma Yanlış"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Karşılaştırma Doğru"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Yetkilendirme Yöntemi Desteklenmiyor"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Güçlü Yerkilendirme Gerekli"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Başvuru (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Başvuru"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Yönetim Sınırı Aşıldı"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir Olmayan Kritik Uzantı"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Gizli Olarak Gerekli"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Böyle Bir Öznitelik Yok"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Tanımlanmamış Tür"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Uygunsuz Eşleşme"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Kısıtlama İhlali"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Varolan Öznitelik Veya Değer"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Geçersiz Sözdizimi"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Böyle Bir Nesne Yok"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Takma Ad Sorunu"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Geçersiz DN Sözdizimi"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Yaprak Konumunda"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Takma Ad Başvuru Sorunu"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Uygunsuz Yetkilendirme"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Geçersiz Belgeler"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Geçersiz Yetkiler"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Meşgul"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir Değil"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Yürütmeye İsteksiz"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Döngü Algılandı"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Sıralama Denetimi Eksik"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Eksik Dizin Aralığı Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Adlandırma İhlali"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Nesne Sınıfı İhlali"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Yaprak olmayan konumda izinli değil"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "RDN üzerinde izin verilmiyor"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Zaten Var"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Nesne Sınıfı Modülleri Yok"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Sonuçlar Çok Büyük"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Birden Fazla DSA Etkilenir"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Diğer"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Sunucu Kapalı"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Yerel Hata"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Kodlama Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Kod Çözme Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Zaman Aşımı"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Yazar Bilinmiyor"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Süzme Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Kullanıcı İptal Etti"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Parametre Hatası"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Bellek Yok"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "LDAP sunucusuna bağlanamıyor"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "İşlem LDAP iletişim kuralının bu sürümünce desteklenmiyor."
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "İletide belirtilen denetim bulunamadı"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "İletide sonuç yok"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Dönen diğer sonuçlar"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Başvuruları işlerken dön"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Paketin gönderildiği yönlendirici sınırı aşıldı"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log" msgstr "Ana&log"
...@@ -2243,6 +2243,246 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2243,6 +2243,246 @@ msgstr ""
"Неможливо записати до вказаного файлу. Переконайтеся, що на диску є " "Неможливо записати до вказаного файлу. Переконайтеся, що на диску є "
"достатньо вільного простору та що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі." "достатньо вільного простору та що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі."
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Успіх"
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "Помилка операції"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr "Помилка протоколу"
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Перевищено обмеження в часі"
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Перевищено обмеження в розмірі"
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr "Порівняння невірне"
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr "Порівняння вірне"
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr "Метод авторизації не підтримується"
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr "Потрібна тверда авторизація"
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr "Посилання (v2)"
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Посилання"
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Перевищено обмеження адміністрування"
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr "Критичне розширення недоступне"
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr "Потрібна конфіденційність"
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr "Немає такої властивості"
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr "Невизначений тип"
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr "Недоречна відповідність"
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr "Порушення обмеження"
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr "Властивість або значення існує"
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr "Неправильний синтакс"
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr "Немає такого об'єкту"
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr "Проблема з псевдонімом"
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr "Невірний DN синтаксис"
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr "Це лист дерева"
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr "Проблема звернення до псевдоніму"
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr "Невідповідна ідентифікація"
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr "Невірні облікові дані"
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "Недостатньо прав"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr "Зайнято"
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Недоступно"
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr "Не бажає виконувати"
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr "Виявлено зациклювання"
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr "Відсутнє управління сортуванням"
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr "Помилка діапазону індексу"
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr "Порушення прав найменування"
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr "Порушення класу об'єкту"
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr "Не дозволено не на листі дерева"
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr "Не дозволено на RDN"
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr "Вже існує"
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr "Немає режимів класу об'єкту"
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr "Результати завеликі"
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr "Впливає на декілька DSA"
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Інший"
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "Сервер недоступний"
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "Локальна помилка"
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "Помилка кодування"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr "Помилка декодування"
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Тайм-аут"
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Невідома авторизація"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr "Помилка фільтру"
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr "Відмінено користувачем"
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr "Помилка параметра"
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr "Немає пам'яті"
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr "Неможливо підключитись до LDAP сервера"
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr "Операція не підтримується цією версією протоколу LDAP"
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr "Вказаний елемент керування не знайдено в повідомленні"
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr "В повідомленні немає результату"
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr "Існують ще результати"
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr "Зациклювання при обробці посилань"
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr "Перевищено граничну кількість пересилання посилань"
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Анало&говий" msgstr "&Анало&говий"
...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2092,6 +2092,247 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "&Limerike"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analodjike" msgstr "&Analodjike"
...@@ -2085,6 +2085,246 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2085,6 +2085,246 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:109
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:110
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -2118,6 +2118,252 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2118,6 +2118,252 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "选项"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "数字时钟(&T)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "向下滚动"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "本地端口"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "语言编码(&E)"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "模拟时钟(&L)" msgstr "模拟时钟(&L)"
...@@ -2118,6 +2118,252 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2118,6 +2118,252 @@ msgid ""
"are still connected to the network." "are still connected to the network."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:27
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operations Error"
msgstr "選項"
#: wldap32.rc:29
msgid "Protocol Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:30
msgid "Time Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:31
msgid "Size Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:32
msgid "Compare False"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:33
msgid "Compare True"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:34
msgid "Authentication Method Not Supported"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:35
msgid "Strong Authentication Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:36
msgid "Referral (v2)"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:37
msgid "Referral"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:38
msgid "Administration Limit Exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:39
msgid "Unavailable Critical Extension"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:40
msgid "Confidentiality Required"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:43
msgid "No Such Attribute"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:44
msgid "Undefined Type"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:45
msgid "Inappropriate Matching"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:46
msgid "Constraint Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:47
msgid "Attribute Or Value Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:48
msgid "Invalid Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:59
msgid "No Such Object"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:60
msgid "Alias Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:61
msgid "Invalid DN Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:62
msgid "Is Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:63
msgid "Alias Dereference Problem"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:75
msgid "Inappropriate Authentication"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:76
msgid "Invalid Credentials"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insufficient Rights"
msgstr "數字時鐘(&T)"
#: wldap32.rc:78
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:79
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:80
msgid "Unwilling To Perform"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:81
msgid "Loop Detected"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:87
msgid "Sort Control Missing"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:88
msgid "Index range error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:91
msgid "Naming Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:92
msgid "Object Class Violation"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:93
msgid "Not allowed on Non-leaf"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:94
msgid "Not allowed on RDN"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:95
msgid "Already Exists"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:96
msgid "No Object Class Mods"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:97
msgid "Results Too Large"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:98
msgid "Affects Multiple DSAs"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:107
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Down"
msgstr "向下滾動"
#: wldap32.rc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Error"
msgstr "本地端口"
#: wldap32.rc:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encoding Error"
msgstr "語言編碼(&E)"
#: wldap32.rc:111
msgid "Decoding Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:112
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auth Unknown"
msgstr "Context Unknown"
#: wldap32.rc:114
msgid "Filter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:115
msgid "User Cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:116
msgid "Parameter Error"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:117
msgid "No Memory"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:118
msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP server"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:119
msgid "Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:120
msgid "Specified control was not found in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:121
msgid "No result present in message"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:122
msgid "More results returned"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:123
msgid "Loop while handling referrals"
msgstr ""
#: wldap32.rc:124
msgid "Referral hop limit exceeded"
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29 #: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log" msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "模擬時鐘(&L)" msgstr "模擬時鐘(&L)"
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