Commit d6e1e0ef authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dmusic/tests: Test IDirectMusic(Port)Download interfaces.

parent bb9e5480
......@@ -947,6 +947,153 @@ static void test_synthport(void)
static void test_port_download(void)
struct wave_download
ULONG offsets[2];
DMUS_WAVEDATA wave_data;
static void *invalid_ptr = (void *)0xdeadbeef;
IDirectMusicDownload *download, *tmp_download;
struct wave_download *wave_download;
IDirectMusicPortDownload *port;
IDirectMusicPort *tmp_port;
DWORD ids[4], append, size;
IDirectMusic *dmusic;
void *buffer;
tmp_port = create_synth_port(&dmusic);
hr = IDirectMusicPort_QueryInterface(tmp_port, &IID_IDirectMusicPortDownload, (void **)&port);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
/* GetBuffer only works with pre-allocated DLId */
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 0, NULL);
ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 0, &download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_INVALID_DOWNLOADID, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 0xdeadbeef, &download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_INVALID_DOWNLOADID, "got %#lx\n", hr);
/* AllocateBuffer use the exact requested size */
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_AllocateBuffer(port, 0, NULL);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_AllocateBuffer(port, 0, &download);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_AllocateBuffer(port, 1, &download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
size = 0xdeadbeef;
buffer = invalid_ptr;
hr = IDirectMusicDownload_GetBuffer(download, (void **)&buffer, &size);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(size == 1, "got %#lx\n", size);
todo_wine ok(buffer != invalid_ptr, "got %p\n", buffer);
/* GetDLId allocates the given number of slots and returns only the first */
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetDLId(port, NULL, 0);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetDLId(port, ids, 0);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "got %#lx\n", hr);
memset(ids, 0xcc, sizeof(ids));
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetDLId(port, ids, 4);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(ids[0] == 0, "got %#lx\n", ids[0]);
ok(ids[1] == 0xcccccccc, "got %#lx\n", ids[1]);
/* GetBuffer looks up allocated ids to find downloaded buffers */
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 2, &download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_NOT_DOWNLOADED_TO_PORT, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetAppend(port, NULL);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
append = 0xdeadbeef;
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetAppend(port, &append);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(append == 2, "got %#lx\n", append);
/* test Download / Unload on invalid and valid buffers */
download = invalid_ptr;
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_AllocateBuffer(port, sizeof(struct wave_download), &download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(download != invalid_ptr, "got %p\n", download);
if (download == invalid_ptr) goto skip_tests;
size = 0xdeadbeef;
wave_download = invalid_ptr;
hr = IDirectMusicDownload_GetBuffer(download, (void **)&wave_download, &size);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(size == sizeof(struct wave_download), "got %#lx\n", size);
todo_wine ok(wave_download != invalid_ptr, "got %p\n", wave_download);
wave_download->info.cbSize = sizeof(struct wave_download);
wave_download->info.dwDLId = 2;
wave_download->info.dwDLType = 0;
wave_download->info.dwNumOffsetTableEntries = 0;
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 2, &tmp_download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_NOT_DOWNLOADED_TO_PORT, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Download(port, NULL);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Download(port, download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_UNKNOWNDOWNLOAD, "got %#lx\n", hr);
wave_download->info.dwDLType = DMUS_DOWNLOADINFO_WAVE;
wave_download->info.dwNumOffsetTableEntries = 2;
wave_download->offsets[0] = offsetof(struct wave_download, wave);
wave_download->offsets[1] = offsetof(struct wave_download, wave_data);
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.nChannels = 1;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.nAvgBytesPerSec = 44100;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.nBlockAlign = 1;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.wBitsPerSample = 8;
wave_download->wave.WaveformatEx.cbSize = 0;
wave_download->wave.ulWaveDataIdx = 1;
wave_download->wave.ulCopyrightIdx = 0;
wave_download->wave.ulFirstExtCkIdx = 0;
wave_download->wave_data.cbSize = 1;
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Download(port, download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Download(port, download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED, "got %#lx\n", hr);
tmp_download = invalid_ptr;
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 2, &tmp_download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(tmp_download == download, "got %p\n", tmp_download);
if (tmp_download != invalid_ptr) IDirectMusicDownload_Release(tmp_download);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Unload(port, NULL);
todo_wine ok(hr == E_POINTER, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Unload(port, download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetBuffer(port, 2, &tmp_download);
todo_wine ok(hr == DMUS_E_NOT_DOWNLOADED_TO_PORT, "got %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_Unload(port, download);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
/* DLIds are never released */
hr = IDirectMusicPortDownload_GetDLId(port, ids, 1);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#lx\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(ids[0] == 4, "got %#lx\n", ids[0]);
......@@ -967,6 +1114,7 @@ START_TEST(dmusic)
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