Commit d94b605a authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

unicode: Add JIS-0212 mappings to the 20932 (EUC-JP) codepage table.

parent f909d18b
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......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ my @allfiles =
[ 10082, "VENDORS/APPLE/CROATIAN.TXT", 0, "Mac Croatian" ],
[ 20127, undef, 0, "US-ASCII (7bit)" ],
[ 20866, "VENDORS/MISC/KOI8-R.TXT", 0, "Russian KOI8" ],
[ 20932, "OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/JIS/JIS0208.TXT", 0, "EUC-JP", 0, 0x3f, 0x30fb ],
[ 20932, "OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/JIS", 0, "EUC-JP", 0, 0x3f, 0x30fb ],
[ 21866, "VENDORS/MISC/KOI8-U.TXT", 0, "Ukrainian KOI8" ],
[ 28591, "ISO8859/8859-1.TXT", 0, "ISO 8859-1 Latin 1" ],
[ 28592, "ISO8859/8859-2.TXT", 0, "ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 (East European)" ],
......@@ -780,47 +780,49 @@ sub get_glyphs_mapping(@)
# build EUC-JP table from the JIS 0208 file
# FIXME: for proper EUC-JP we should probably read JIS 0212 too
# but this would require 3-byte DBCS characters
sub READ_JIS0208_FILE($)
# build EUC-JP table from the JIS 0208/0212 files
sub read_eucjp_files($)
my $name = shift;
my $dir = shift;
$default_char = $DEF_CHAR;
$default_wchar = 0x30fb;
# ASCII chars
for (my $i = 0x00; $i <= 0x7f; $i++)
$cp2uni[$i] = $i;
$uni2cp[$i] = $i;
foreach my $i (0x00 .. 0x7f) { add_mapping( $i, $i ); }
# lead bytes
foreach my $i (0x8e, 0xa1 .. 0xfe) { add_lead_byte($i); }
# JIS X 0201 right plane
for (my $i = 0xa1; $i <= 0xdf; $i++)
$cp2uni[0x8e00 + $i] = 0xfec0 + $i;
$uni2cp[0xfec0 + $i] = 0x8e00 + $i;
foreach my $i (0xa1 .. 0xdf) { add_mapping( 0x8e00 + $i, 0xfec0 + $i ); }
# lead bytes
foreach my $i (0x8e, 0x8f, 0xa1 .. 0xfe)
# undefined chars
foreach my $i (0x80 .. 0x8d, 0x8f .. 0x9f) { $cp2uni[$i] = $i; }
$cp2uni[0xa0] = 0xf8f0;
$cp2uni[0xff] = 0xf8f3;
# Fix backslash conversion
add_mapping( 0xa1c0, 0xff3c );
# Add private mappings for rows undefined in JIS 0208/0212
my $private = 0xe000;
foreach my $hi (0xf5 .. 0xfe)
foreach my $lo (0xa1 .. 0xfe)
add_mapping( ($hi << 8) + $lo, $private++ );
# undefined chars
foreach my $i (0x80 .. 0x8d, 0x90 .. 0xa0, 0xff)
foreach my $hi (0xf5 .. 0xfe)
foreach my $lo (0x21 .. 0x7e)
$cp2uni[$i] = $DEF_CHAR;
add_mapping( ($hi << 8) + $lo, $private++ );
# Shift-JIS compatibility
$uni2cp[0x00a5] = 0x5c;
$uni2cp[0x203e] = 0x7e;
# Fix backslash conversion
$cp2uni[0xa1c0] = 0xff3c;
$uni2cp[0xff3c] = 0xa1c0;
my $name = "$dir/JIS0208.TXT";
my $INPUT = open_data_file( $MAPPINGS, $name );
while (<$INPUT>)
......@@ -829,10 +831,23 @@ sub READ_JIS0208_FILE($)
next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
if (/^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\s+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\#.*)?/)
my $cp = 0x8080 + hex $1;
my $uni = hex $2;
$cp2uni[$cp] = $uni unless defined($cp2uni[$cp]);
$uni2cp[$uni] = $cp unless defined($uni2cp[$uni]);
add_mapping( 0x8080 + hex $1, hex $2 );
die "$name: Unrecognized line $_\n";
close $INPUT;
$name = "$dir/JIS0212.TXT";
$INPUT = open_data_file( $MAPPINGS, $name );
while (<$INPUT>)
next if /^\#/; # skip comments
next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
if (/^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\#.*)?/)
add_mapping( 0x8000 + hex $1, hex $2 );
die "$name: Unrecognized line $_\n";
......@@ -2624,8 +2639,7 @@ sub HANDLE_FILE(@)
# some codepage files are special
if ($codepage == 20932)
READ_JIS0208_FILE( $filename );
add_default_mappings( $first_private );
read_eucjp_files( $filename );
elsif ($codepage == 20127)
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