Commit d9dcafab authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winetest: Allow submitting the results if not too many tests have been skipped.

Currently the limit is set at 10 tests or subtests.
parent aa424f81
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
#include "winetest.h"
#include "resource.h"
/* Don't submit the results if more than SKIP_LIMIT tests have been skipped */
#define SKIP_LIMIT 10
struct wine_test
char *name;
......@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ char *url = NULL;
char *email = NULL;
BOOL aborting = FALSE;
static struct wine_test *wine_tests;
static int nr_of_files, nr_of_tests;
static int nr_of_files, nr_of_tests, nr_of_skips;
static int nr_native_dlls;
static const char whitespace[] = " \t\r\n";
static const char testexe[] = "_test.exe";
......@@ -597,6 +600,7 @@ run_test (struct wine_test* test, const char* subtest, HANDLE out_file, const ch
report (R_STEP, "Skipping: %s:%s", test->name, subtest);
xprintf ("%s:%s skipped %s -\n", test->name, subtest, file);
......@@ -703,7 +707,11 @@ extract_test_proc (HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR lpszType,
ULONG_PTR cookie;
if (aborting) return TRUE;
if (test_filtered_out( lpszName, NULL )) return TRUE;
if (test_filtered_out( lpszName, NULL ))
return TRUE;
extract_test (&wine_tests[nr_of_files], tempdir, lpszName);
......@@ -902,6 +910,7 @@ run_tests (char *logname, char *outdir)
report (R_PROGRESS, 0, nr_of_files);
nr_of_files = 0;
nr_of_tests = 0;
nr_of_skips = 0;
if (!EnumResourceNames (NULL, "TESTRES", extract_test_proc, (LPARAM)tempdir))
report (R_FATAL, "Can't enumerate test files: %d",
GetLastError ());
......@@ -1172,35 +1181,32 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
SetEnvironmentVariableA( "WINETEST_REPORT_SUCCESS", "0" );
if (!nb_filters) /* don't submit results when filtering */
while (!tag) {
if (!interactive)
report (R_FATAL, "Please specify a tag (-t option) if "
"running noninteractive!");
if (guiAskTag () == IDABORT) exit (1);
report (R_TAG);
while (!email) {
if (!interactive)
report (R_FATAL, "Please specify an email address (-m option) to enable developers\n"
" to contact you about your report if necessary.");
if (guiAskEmail () == IDABORT) exit (1);
while (!tag) {
if (!interactive)
report (R_FATAL, "Please specify a tag (-t option) if "
"running noninteractive!");
if (guiAskTag () == IDABORT) exit (1);
report (R_TAG);
if (!build_id[0])
report( R_WARNING, "You won't be able to submit results without a valid build id.\n"
"To submit results, winetest needs to be built from a git checkout." );
while (!email) {
if (!interactive)
report (R_FATAL, "Please specify an email address (-m option) to enable developers\n"
" to contact you about your report if necessary.");
if (guiAskEmail () == IDABORT) exit (1);
if (!build_id[0])
report( R_WARNING, "You won't be able to submit results without a valid build id.\n"
"To submit results, winetest needs to be built from a git checkout." );
if (!logname) {
logname = run_tests (NULL, outdir);
if (aborting) {
exit (0);
if (build_id[0] && !nb_filters && !nr_native_dlls &&
if (build_id[0] && nr_of_skips <= SKIP_LIMIT && !nr_native_dlls &&
report (R_ASK, MB_YESNO, "Do you want to submit the test results?") == IDYES)
if (!send_file (logname) && !DeleteFileA(logname))
report (R_WARNING, "Can't remove logfile: %u", GetLastError());
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