Commit deb6466f authored by Vincent Povirk's avatar Vincent Povirk Committed by Alexandre Julliard

gdiplus: Implement GdipMeasureCharacterRanges.

parent f860285c
......@@ -3479,18 +3479,87 @@ static GpStatus gdip_format_string(GpGraphics *graphics,
return stat;
struct measure_ranges_args {
GpRegion **regions;
GpStatus measure_ranges_callback(GpGraphics *graphics,
GDIPCONST WCHAR *string, INT index, INT length, GDIPCONST GpFont *font,
GDIPCONST RectF *rect, GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format,
INT lineno, const RectF *bounds, void *user_data)
int i;
GpStatus stat = Ok;
struct measure_ranges_args *args = user_data;
for (i=0; i<format->range_count; i++)
INT range_start = max(index, format->character_ranges[i].First);
INT range_end = min(index+length, format->character_ranges[i].First+format->character_ranges[i].Length);
if (range_start < range_end)
GpRectF range_rect;
SIZE range_size;
range_rect.Y = bounds->Y;
range_rect.Height = bounds->Height;
GetTextExtentExPointW(graphics->hdc, string + index, range_start - index,
INT_MAX, NULL, NULL, &range_size);
range_rect.X = bounds->X +;
GetTextExtentExPointW(graphics->hdc, string + index, range_end - index,
INT_MAX, NULL, NULL, &range_size);
range_rect.Width = (bounds->X + - range_rect.X;
stat = GdipCombineRegionRect(args->regions[i], &range_rect, CombineModeUnion);
if (stat != Ok)
return stat;
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(GpGraphics* graphics,
GDIPCONST WCHAR* string, INT length, GDIPCONST GpFont* font,
GDIPCONST RectF* layoutRect, GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *stringFormat,
INT regionCount, GpRegion** regions)
FIXME("stub: %p %s %d %p %p %p %d %p\n", graphics, debugstr_w(string),
length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat, regionCount, regions);
GpStatus stat;
int i;
HFONT oldfont;
struct measure_ranges_args args;
TRACE("(%p %s %d %p %s %p %d %p)\n", graphics, debugstr_w(string),
length, font, debugstr_rectf(layoutRect), stringFormat, regionCount, regions);
if (!(graphics && string && font && layoutRect && stringFormat && regions))
return InvalidParameter;
return NotImplemented;
if (regionCount < stringFormat->range_count)
return InvalidParameter;
if (stringFormat->attr)
TRACE("may be ignoring some format flags: attr %x\n", stringFormat->attr);
oldfont = SelectObject(graphics->hdc, CreateFontIndirectW(&font->lfw));
for (i=0; i<stringFormat->range_count; i++)
stat = GdipSetEmpty(regions[i]);
if (stat != Ok)
return stat;
args.regions = regions;
stat = gdip_format_string(graphics, string, length, font, layoutRect, stringFormat,
measure_ranges_callback, &args);
DeleteObject(SelectObject(graphics->hdc, oldfont));
return stat;
struct measure_string_args {
......@@ -2590,10 +2590,10 @@ static void test_string_functions(void)
expect(InvalidParameter, status);
status = GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(graphics, teststring, 6, font, &rc, format, 2, regions);
todo_wine expect(InvalidParameter, status);
expect(InvalidParameter, status);
status = GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(graphics, teststring, 6, font, &rc, format, 4, regions);
todo_wine expect(Ok, status);
expect(Ok, status);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
......@@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ static void test_string_functions(void)
rc.Height = char_bounds.Height + char_height * 0.5;
status = GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(graphics, teststring, 6, font, &rc, format, 3, regions);
todo_wine expect(Ok, status);
expect(Ok, status);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
......@@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@ static void test_string_functions(void)
ok(!region_isempty[0], "region shouldn't be empty\n");
ok(!region_isempty[1], "region shouldn't be empty\n");
todo_wine ok(region_isempty[2], "region should be empty\n");
ok(region_isempty[2], "region should be empty\n");
ok(!region_isempty[3], "region shouldn't be empty\n");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
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