Commit e14ae47c authored by Robert Reif's avatar Robert Reif Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Only return the number of bytes requested.

parent e490139d
......@@ -1200,13 +1200,15 @@ UINT16 WINAPI waveOutGetDevCaps16(UINT16 uDeviceID,
ret = waveOutGetDevCapsA(uDeviceID, &wocA, sizeof(wocA));
if (ret == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
lpCaps->wMid = wocA.wMid;
lpCaps->wPid = wocA.wPid;
lpCaps->vDriverVersion = wocA.vDriverVersion;
strcpy(lpCaps->szPname, wocA.szPname);
lpCaps->dwFormats = wocA.dwFormats;
lpCaps->wChannels = wocA.wChannels;
lpCaps->dwSupport = wocA.dwSupport;
woc16.wMid = wocA.wMid;
woc16.wPid = wocA.wPid;
woc16.vDriverVersion = wocA.vDriverVersion;
strcpy(woc16.szPname, wocA.szPname);
woc16.dwFormats = wocA.dwFormats;
woc16.wChannels = wocA.wChannels;
woc16.dwSupport = wocA.dwSupport;
memcpy(lpCaps, &woc16, uSize);
return ret;
......@@ -1495,12 +1497,14 @@ UINT16 WINAPI waveInGetDevCaps16(UINT16 uDeviceID, LPWAVEINCAPS16 lpCaps,
if (lpCaps == NULL) return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
if (ret == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
lpCaps->wMid = wicA.wMid;
lpCaps->wPid = wicA.wPid;
lpCaps->vDriverVersion = wicA.vDriverVersion;
strcpy(lpCaps->szPname, wicA.szPname);
lpCaps->dwFormats = wicA.dwFormats;
lpCaps->wChannels = wicA.wChannels;
wic16.wMid = wicA.wMid;
wic16.wPid = wicA.wPid;
wic16.vDriverVersion = wicA.vDriverVersion;
strcpy(wic16.szPname, wicA.szPname);
wic16.dwFormats = wicA.dwFormats;
wic16.wChannels = wicA.wChannels;
memcpy(lpCaps, &wic16, uSize);
return ret;
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