Commit e45caf5d authored by Greg Geldorp's avatar Greg Geldorp Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winmm/tests: Skip some tests on VMware.

parent 6fb10a6e
TESTDLL = winmm.dll
IMPORTS = winmm user32
IMPORTS = winmm user32 advapi32
C_SRCS = \
capture.c \
......@@ -625,6 +625,72 @@ static void test_midiStream(UINT udev, HWND hwnd)
static BOOL scan_subkeys(HKEY parent, const LPCSTR *sub_keys)
char name[64];
DWORD index = 0;
DWORD name_len = sizeof(name);
BOOL found_vmware = FALSE;
if (sub_keys[0] == NULL)
/* We're at the deepest level, check "Identifier" value now */
char *test;
if (RegQueryValueExA(parent, "Identifier", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) name, &name_len) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return FALSE;
for (test = name; test < name + lstrlenA(name) - 6 && ! found_vmware; test++)
char c = test[6];
test[6] = '\0';
found_vmware = (lstrcmpiA(test, "VMware") == 0);
test[6] = c;
return found_vmware;
while (RegEnumKeyExA(parent, index, name, &name_len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
! found_vmware) {
char c = name[lstrlenA(sub_keys[0])];
name[lstrlenA(sub_keys[0])] = '\0';
if (lstrcmpiA(name, sub_keys[0]) == 0) {
HKEY sub_key;
name[lstrlenA(sub_keys[0])] = c;
if (RegOpenKeyExA(parent, name, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &sub_key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
found_vmware = scan_subkeys(sub_key, sub_keys + 1);
name_len = sizeof(name);
return found_vmware;
* Usual method to detect whether running inside a VMware virtual machine involves direct port I/O requiring
* some assembly and an exception handler. Can't do that in Wine tests. Alternative method of querying WMI
* is not available on NT4. So instead we look at the device map and check the Identifier value in the
* registry keys HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SCSI\Scsi Port x\Scsi Bus x\Target Id x\Logical Unit Id x (where
* x is some number). If the Identifier value contains the string "VMware" we assume running in a VMware VM.
static BOOL on_vmware(void)
static const LPCSTR sub_keys[] = { "Scsi Port ", "Scsi Bus ", "Target Id ", "Logical Unit Id ", NULL };
HKEY scsi;
BOOL found_vmware = FALSE;
return FALSE;
found_vmware = scan_subkeys(scsi, sub_keys);
return found_vmware;
static void test_midi_outfns(HWND hwnd)
......@@ -662,11 +728,17 @@ static void test_midi_outfns(HWND hwnd)
for (udev=0; udev < ndevs; udev++) {
trace("** Testing device %d\n", udev);
test_midiOut_device(udev, hwnd);
Sleep(800); /* Let the synth rest */
test_midiStream(udev, hwnd);
rc = midiOutGetDevCapsA(udev, &capsA, sizeof(capsA));
if (rc || strcmp(capsA.szPname, "Creative Sound Blaster MPU-401") != 0 || ! on_vmware()) {
trace("** Testing device %d\n", udev);
test_midiOut_device(udev, hwnd);
Sleep(800); /* Let the synth rest */
test_midiStream(udev, hwnd);
win_skip("Skipping this device on VMware, driver problem\n");
trace("** Testing MIDI mapper\n");
test_midiOut_device(MIDIMAPPER, hwnd);
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