Commit e4e86a7c authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mshtml: Set proposed MIME to text/html on main document.

parent e62a8ee0
......@@ -1058,6 +1058,8 @@ static void on_stop_nsrequest(nsChannelBSC *This, HRESULT result)
static HRESULT read_stream_data(nsChannelBSC *This, IStream *stream)
static const WCHAR mimeTextHtml[] = {'t','e','x','t','/','h','t','m','l',0};
DWORD read;
nsresult nsres;
......@@ -1094,7 +1096,8 @@ static HRESULT read_stream_data(nsChannelBSC *This, IStream *stream)
if(!This->nschannel->content_type) {
WCHAR *mime;
hres = FindMimeFromData(NULL, NULL, This->nsstream->buf, This->nsstream->buf_size, NULL, 0, &mime, 0);
hres = FindMimeFromData(NULL, NULL, This->nsstream->buf, This->nsstream->buf_size,
This->window ? mimeTextHtml : NULL, 0, &mime, 0);
return hres;
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