Commit e64e4e74 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

imm32: Pass the HIMC to the IME UI window IMMGWL_IMC.

Instead of the imc pointer.
parent 3e2edac4
......@@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetOpenStatus(HIMC hIMC, BOOL fOpen)
if (NtUserQueryInputContext( hIMC, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE;
if ((ui_hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) SetWindowLongPtrW( ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC, (LONG_PTR)data );
if ((ui_hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) SetWindowLongPtrW( ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC, (LONG_PTR)hIMC );
if (!fOpen != !data->IMC.fOpen)
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