Commit e6e63828 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

imm32/tests: Add some ImmRequestMessageW tests.

parent 4a52781e
......@@ -2514,6 +2514,7 @@ enum ime_function
struct ime_call
......@@ -2585,6 +2586,7 @@ static int ok_call_( const char *file, int line, const struct ime_call *expected
if ((ret = expected->set_active_context.flag - received->set_active_context.flag)) goto done;
case MSG_IME_UI:
if ((ret = expected->message.msg - received->message.msg)) goto done;
if ((ret = (expected->message.wparam - received->message.wparam))) goto done;
if ((ret = (expected->message.lparam - received->message.lparam))) goto done;
......@@ -2621,6 +2623,10 @@ done:
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got hkl %p, himc %p, MSG_IME_UI msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", received->hkl,
received->himc, received->message.msg, received->message.wparam, received->message.lparam );
return ret;
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "got hkl %p, himc %p, MSG_TEST_WIN msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", received->hkl,
received->himc, received->message.msg, received->message.wparam, received->message.lparam );
return ret;
switch (expected->func)
......@@ -2650,6 +2656,10 @@ done:
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "hkl %p, himc %p, MSG_IME_UI msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", expected->hkl,
expected->himc, expected->message.msg, expected->message.wparam, expected->message.lparam );
ok_(file, line)( !ret, "hkl %p, himc %p, MSG_TEST_WIN msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", expected->hkl,
expected->himc, expected->message.msg, expected->message.wparam, expected->message.lparam );
return 0;
......@@ -2725,6 +2735,22 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK ime_ui_window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam,
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static LRESULT CALLBACK test_window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
struct ime_call call =
.hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ), .himc = ImmGetContext( hwnd ),
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = msg, .wparam = wparam, .lparam = lparam}
ime_trace( "hwnd %p, msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
if (ignore_message( msg )) return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
ime_calls[ime_call_count++] = call;
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static WNDCLASSEXW ime_ui_class =
.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW),
......@@ -2734,6 +2760,13 @@ static WNDCLASSEXW ime_ui_class =
.lpszClassName = L"WineTestIME",
static WNDCLASSEXW test_class =
.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW),
.lpfnWndProc = test_window_proc,
.lpszClassName = L"WineTest",
static BOOL WINAPI ime_ImeConfigure( HKL hkl, HWND hwnd, DWORD mode, void *data )
ime_trace( "hkl %p, hwnd %p, mode %lu, data %p\n", hkl, hwnd, mode, data );
......@@ -4920,10 +4953,148 @@ static void test_ImmSetActiveContext(void)
ime_call_count = 0;
static void test_ImmRequestMessage(void)
struct ime_call composition_window_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_COMPOSITIONWINDOW, .lparam = 0/*&comp_form*/}
struct ime_call candidate_window_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW, .lparam = 0/*&cand_form*/}
struct ime_call composition_font_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT, .lparam = 0/*&log_font*/}
struct ime_call reconvert_string_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, .lparam = 0/*&reconv*/}
struct ime_call confirm_reconvert_string_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING, .lparam = 0/*&reconv*/}
struct ime_call query_char_position_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION, .lparam = 0/*&char_pos*/}
struct ime_call document_feed_seq[] =
.hkl = expect_ime, .himc = default_himc,
.func = MSG_TEST_WIN, .message = {.msg = WM_IME_REQUEST, .wparam = IMR_DOCUMENTFEED, .lparam = 0/*&reconv*/}
HKL hkl, old_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
COMPOSITIONFORM comp_form = {0};
IMECHARPOSITION char_pos = {0};
CANDIDATEFORM cand_form = {0};
LOGFONTW log_font = {0};
HIMC himc;
if (!(hkl = ime_install())) return;
hwnd = CreateWindowW( test_class.lpszClassName, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
100, 100, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
ok( !!hwnd, "CreateWindowW failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ime_info.fdwProperty = IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD | IME_PROP_UNICODE;
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( hkl ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmLoadIME( hkl ) );
himc = ImmCreateContext();
ok_ne( NULL, himc, HIMC, "%p" );
ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc );
ok_ne( NULL, ctx, INPUTCONTEXT *, "%p" );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, 0xdeadbeef, 0 ) );
todo_wine ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_COMPOSITIONWINDOW, (LPARAM)&comp_form ) );
composition_window_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&comp_form;
ok_seq( composition_window_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW, (LPARAM)&cand_form ) );
candidate_window_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&cand_form;
ok_seq( candidate_window_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT, (LPARAM)&log_font ) );
composition_font_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&log_font;
ok_seq( composition_font_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, (LPARAM)&reconv ) );
todo_wine ok_seq( empty_sequence );
reconv.dwSize = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING);
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, (LPARAM)&reconv ) );
reconvert_string_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&reconv;
ok_seq( reconvert_string_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING, (LPARAM)&reconv ) );
confirm_reconvert_string_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&reconv;
ok_seq( confirm_reconvert_string_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION, (LPARAM)&char_pos ) );
query_char_position_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&char_pos;
ok_seq( query_char_position_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_DOCUMENTFEED, (LPARAM)&reconv ) );
document_feed_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&reconv;
ok_seq( document_feed_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( himc, IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW, (LPARAM)&cand_form ) );
ok_seq( empty_sequence );
ok_ret( 1, ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, himc, TRUE ) );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( himc, IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW, (LPARAM)&cand_form ) );
candidate_window_seq[0].message.lparam = (LPARAM)&cand_form;
ok_seq( candidate_window_seq );
ok_ret( 0, ImmRequestMessageW( default_himc, IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW, (LPARAM)&cand_form ) );
ok_seq( candidate_window_seq );
ok_ret( 1, ImmUnlockIMC( himc ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmDestroyContext( himc ) );
ok_ret( 1, ImmActivateLayout( old_hkl ) );
ok_ret( 1, DestroyWindow( hwnd ) );
ime_cleanup( hkl, TRUE );
memset( ime_calls, 0, sizeof(ime_calls) );
ime_call_count = 0;
default_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 );
test_class.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW( NULL );
RegisterClassExW( &test_class );
if (!is_ime_enabled())
win_skip("IME support not implemented\n");
......@@ -4961,6 +5132,7 @@ START_TEST(imm32)
if (init())
......@@ -4993,4 +5165,6 @@ START_TEST(imm32)
UnregisterClassW( test_class.lpszClassName, test_class.hInstance );
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