Commit f1698c4b authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcmaker: Tweak the .dsp formatting to better match Visual Studio.

parent 72d5c0dd
......@@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
print OUT "CPP=cl.exe\r\n";
print OUT "MTL=midl.exe\r\n" if !$lib && !$exe;
print OUT "RSC=rc.exe\r\n";
print OUT "\r\n";
my $n = 0;
......@@ -591,12 +592,15 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
foreach my $define (@defines) {
print OUT " /D \"$define\"";
if ($define !~ /=/) {
print OUT " /D \"$define\"";
} else {
print OUT " /D $define";
print OUT " /YX" if $lib || $exe;
print OUT " /FD";
print OUT " /GZ" if $debug;
print OUT " " if $debug && ($lib || $exe);
print OUT " /c";
print OUT "\r\n";
......@@ -647,7 +651,7 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
foreach my $define (@defines2) {
if ($define !~ /[\\\"]/) {
if ($define !~ /=/) {
print OUT " /D \"$define\"";
} else {
print OUT " /D $define";
......@@ -660,7 +664,6 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
print OUT " /FR" if !$lib;
print OUT " /FD";
print OUT " /GZ" if $debug;
print OUT " " if $debug && $lib;
print OUT " /c";
print OUT " /TP" if !$no_cpp;
print OUT "\r\n";
......@@ -696,12 +699,12 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
if($exe || $dll) {
print OUT "LINK32=link.exe\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD BASE LINK32 ";
print OUT "# ADD BASE LINK32";
my @libraries = qw(kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib);
foreach my $library (@libraries) {
print OUT "$library ";
print OUT " $library";
print OUT " /nologo";
print OUT " /dll" if $dll;
......@@ -712,11 +715,11 @@ sub _generate_dsp($$) {
print OUT "\r\n";
print OUT "# ADD LINK32";
print OUT " /nologo";
print OUT " libcmt.lib" if $project =~ /^ntdll$/; # FIXME: Kludge
foreach my $import (@imports) {
print OUT " $import.lib" if ($import ne "msvcrt");
print OUT " /nologo";
print OUT " /dll" if $dll;
print OUT " /subsystem:console" if $console;
print OUT " /debug" if $debug;
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