Commit f238e846 authored by Bernhard Übelacker's avatar Bernhard Übelacker Committed by Alexandre Julliard

cmd.exe: Change parsing of the if command to avoid parsing the operators.

Found while trying to look into bug 44236. A batch script is executed containing a line like this: if (%1)==(p) start /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" wr2300.t35 3 This returns an error like this: Syntax error Can't recognize 'p' as an internal or external command, or batch script. It looks like native does handle the brackets differently when contained inside the condition part of the if command. Wine-Bug: 's avatarBernhard Übelacker <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent e045f4fc
......@@ -2837,25 +2837,9 @@ static int evaluate_if_comparison(const WCHAR *leftOperand, const WCHAR *operato
return -1;
* WCMD_if
* Batch file conditional.
* On entry, cmdlist will point to command containing the IF, and optionally
* the first command to execute (if brackets not found)
* If &&'s were found, this may be followed by a record flagged as isAmpersand
* If ('s were found, execute all within that bracket
* Command may optionally be followed by an ELSE - need to skip instructions
* in the else using the same logic
* FIXME: Much more syntax checking needed!
void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
int evaluate_if_condition(WCHAR *p, WCHAR **command, int *test, int *negate)
int negate; /* Negate condition */
int test; /* Condition evaluation result */
WCHAR condition[MAX_PATH], *command;
WCHAR condition[MAX_PATH];
static const WCHAR notW[] = {'n','o','t','\0'};
static const WCHAR errlvlW[] = {'e','r','r','o','r','l','e','v','e','l','\0'};
static const WCHAR existW[] = {'e','x','i','s','t','\0'};
......@@ -2863,43 +2847,43 @@ void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
static const WCHAR parmI[] = {'/','I','\0'};
int caseInsensitive = (wcsstr(quals, parmI) != NULL);
negate = !lstrcmpiW(param1,notW);
lstrcpyW(condition, (negate ? param2 : param1));
*negate = !lstrcmpiW(param1,notW);
lstrcpyW(condition, (*negate ? param2 : param1));
WINE_TRACE("Condition: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(condition));
if (!lstrcmpiW (condition, errlvlW)) {
WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter(p, 1+negate, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter(p, 1+(*negate), NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
WCHAR *endptr;
long int param_int = wcstol(param, &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr) goto syntax_err;
test = ((long int)errorlevel >= param_int);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+negate, &command, FALSE, FALSE);
*test = ((long int)errorlevel >= param_int);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+(*negate), command, FALSE, FALSE);
else if (!lstrcmpiW (condition, existW)) {
WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter(p, 1+negate, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter(p, 1+(*negate), NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
int len = lstrlenW(param);
/* FindFirstFile does not like a directory path ending in '\', append a '.' */
if (len && param[len-1] == '\\') lstrcatW(param, dotW);
hff = FindFirstFileW(param, &fd);
test = (hff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
if (test) FindClose(hff);
*test = (hff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
if (*test) FindClose(hff);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+negate, &command, FALSE, FALSE);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+(*negate), command, FALSE, FALSE);
else if (!lstrcmpiW (condition, defdW)) {
test = (GetEnvironmentVariableW(WCMD_parameter(p, 1+negate, NULL, FALSE, FALSE),
*test = (GetEnvironmentVariableW(WCMD_parameter(p, 1+(*negate), NULL, FALSE, FALSE),
NULL, 0) > 0);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+negate, &command, FALSE, FALSE);
WCMD_parameter(p, 2+(*negate), command, FALSE, FALSE);
else { /* comparison operation */
WCHAR leftOperand[MAXSTRING], rightOperand[MAXSTRING], operator[MAXSTRING];
WCHAR *paramStart;
lstrcpyW(leftOperand, WCMD_parameter(p, negate+caseInsensitive, &paramStart, TRUE, FALSE));
lstrcpyW(leftOperand, WCMD_parameter(p, (*negate)+caseInsensitive, &paramStart, TRUE, FALSE));
if (!*leftOperand)
goto syntax_err;
......@@ -2920,14 +2904,43 @@ void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
if (!*rightOperand)
goto syntax_err;
test = evaluate_if_comparison(leftOperand, operator, rightOperand, caseInsensitive);
if (test == -1)
*test = evaluate_if_comparison(leftOperand, operator, rightOperand, caseInsensitive);
if (*test == -1)
goto syntax_err;
p = paramStart + lstrlenW(rightOperand);
WCMD_parameter(p, 0, &command, FALSE, FALSE);
WCMD_parameter(p, 0, command, FALSE, FALSE);
return 1;
return -1;
* WCMD_if
* Batch file conditional.
* On entry, cmdlist will point to command containing the IF, and optionally
* the first command to execute (if brackets not found)
* If &&'s were found, this may be followed by a record flagged as isAmpersand
* If ('s were found, execute all within that bracket
* Command may optionally be followed by an ELSE - need to skip instructions
* in the else using the same logic
* FIXME: Much more syntax checking needed!
void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
int negate; /* Negate condition */
int test; /* Condition evaluation result */
WCHAR *command;
if (evaluate_if_condition(p, &command, &test, &negate) == -1)
goto syntax_err;
/* Process rest of IF statement which is on the same line
Note: This may process all or some of the cmdList (eg a GOTO) */
WCMD_part_execute(cmdList, command, TRUE, (test != negate));
......@@ -993,6 +993,26 @@ if "x" == "a" (
if "y" == "b" echo broken2
echo expected post-embedded if
if ()==() (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
) else (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to be broken
if 1(==1( (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
) else (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to be broken
if )==) (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
) else (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to be broken
if /i not (a)==(b) (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
) else (
echo comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to be broken
echo --- case sensitivity with and without /i option
if bar==BAR echo if does not default to case sensitivity
if not bar==BAR echo if seems to default to case sensitivity
......@@ -695,6 +695,10 @@ else if seems to work
else if seems to work
expected post-embedded if
comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
comparison operators surrounded by brackets seem to work
--- case sensitivity with and without /i option
if seems to default to case sensitivity
if /i seems to work
......@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ static inline BOOL ends_with_backslash( const WCHAR *path )
return path[0] && path[lstrlenW(path) - 1] == '\\';
int evaluate_if_condition(WCHAR *p, WCHAR **command, int *test, int *negate);
/* Data structure to hold context when executing batch files */
typedef struct _BATCH_CONTEXT {
......@@ -1943,13 +1943,35 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(const WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE
/* If command starts with 'if ' or 'else ', handle ('s mid line. We should ensure this
is only true in the command portion of the IF statement, but this
should suffice for now
FIXME: Silly syntax like "if 1(==1( (
echo they equal
)" will be parsed wrong */
should suffice for now.
To be able to handle ('s in the condition part take as much as evaluate_if_condition
would take and skip parsing it here. */
} else if (WCMD_keyword_ws_found(ifCmd, ARRAY_SIZE(ifCmd), curPos)) {
static const WCHAR parmI[] = {'/','I','\0'};
static const WCHAR notW[] = {'n','o','t','\0'};
int negate; /* Negate condition */
int test; /* Condition evaluation result */
WCHAR *p, *command;
inIf = TRUE;
p = curPos+(ARRAY_SIZE(ifCmd));
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
if (lstrcmpiW(WCMD_parameter(p, 0, NULL, TRUE, FALSE), notW) == 0)
p += lstrlenW(notW);
if (lstrcmpiW(WCMD_parameter(p, 0, NULL, TRUE, FALSE), parmI) == 0)
p += lstrlenW(parmI);
if (evaluate_if_condition(p, &command, &test, &negate) != -1)
int if_condition_len = command - curPos;
memcpy(&curCopyTo[*curLen], curPos, if_condition_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
} else if (WCMD_keyword_ws_found(ifElse, ARRAY_SIZE(ifElse), curPos)) {
const int keyw_len = ARRAY_SIZE(ifElse) + 1;
inElse = TRUE;
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