Commit f680ccb8 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

ntdll/tests: Test hardware breakpoints in newly created thread.

parent 26f9c73e
......@@ -822,12 +822,21 @@ static DWORD int3_handler( EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec, EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
static const BYTE int3_code[] = { 0xCC, 0xc3 }; /* int 3, ret */
static DWORD WINAPI hw_reg_exception_thread( void *arg )
int expect = (ULONG_PTR)arg;
got_exception = 0;
run_exception_test( bpx_handler, NULL, dummy_code, sizeof(dummy_code), 0 );
ok( got_exception == expect, "expected %u exceptions, got %d\n", expect, got_exception );
return 0;
static void test_exceptions(void)
struct dbgreg_test dreg_test;
if (!pNtGetContextThread || !pNtSetContextThread)
......@@ -881,6 +890,33 @@ static void test_exceptions(void)
/* test int3 handling */
run_exception_test(int3_handler, NULL, int3_code, sizeof(int3_code), 0);
/* test that hardware breakpoints are not inherited by created threads */
res = pNtSetContextThread( GetCurrentThread(), &ctx );
ok( res == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtSetContextThread failed with %x\n", res );
h = CreateThread( NULL, 0, hw_reg_exception_thread, 0, 0, NULL );
WaitForSingleObject( h, 10000 );
CloseHandle( h );
h = CreateThread( NULL, 0, hw_reg_exception_thread, (void *)4, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL );
res = pNtGetContextThread( h, &ctx );
ok( res == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtGetContextThread failed with %x\n", res );
ok( ctx.Dr0 == 0, "dr0 %x\n", ctx.Dr0 );
todo_wine ok( ctx.Dr7 == 0, "dr7 %x\n", ctx.Dr7 );
ctx.Dr0 = (DWORD)code_mem;
ctx.Dr7 = 3;
res = pNtSetContextThread( h, &ctx );
ok( res == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtSetContextThread failed with %x\n", res );
ResumeThread( h );
WaitForSingleObject( h, 10000 );
CloseHandle( h );
ctx.Dr0 = 0;
ctx.Dr7 = 0;
res = pNtSetContextThread( GetCurrentThread(), &ctx );
ok( res == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtSetContextThread failed with %x\n", res );
static void test_debugger(void)
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