Commit f88f3d41 authored by Alexander E. Patrakov's avatar Alexander E. Patrakov Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dsound: Replace convert() functions with get() and put().

parent 0195e019
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
......@@ -58,359 +59,104 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(dsound);
#define le32(x) (x)
static inline void src_advance(const void **src, UINT stride, INT *count, UINT *freqAcc, UINT adj)
static float get8(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel)
*freqAcc += adj;
if (*freqAcc >= (1 << DSOUND_FREQSHIFT))
ULONG adv = (*freqAcc >> DSOUND_FREQSHIFT);
*freqAcc &= (1 << DSOUND_FREQSHIFT) - 1;
*(const char **)src += adv * stride;
*count -= 1;
static void convert_8_to_8 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
*(BYTE *)dst = *(const BYTE *)src;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_8_to_16 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
WORD dest = *(const BYTE *)src, *dest16 = dst;
*dest16 = le16(dest * 257 - 32768);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_8_to_24 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
BYTE dest = *(const BYTE *)src;
BYTE *dest24 = dst;
dest24[0] = dest;
dest24[1] = dest;
dest24[2] = dest - 0x80;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_8_to_32 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
DWORD dest = *(const BYTE *)src, *dest32 = dst;
*dest32 = le32(dest * 16843009 - 2147483648U);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_16_to_8 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
BYTE *dst8 = dst;
*dst8 = (le16(*(const WORD *)src)) / 256;
*dst8 -= 0x80;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_16_to_16 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
*(WORD *)dst = *(const WORD *)src;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_16_to_24 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
WORD dest = le16(*(const WORD *)src);
BYTE *dest24 = dst;
dest24[0] = dest / 256;
dest24[1] = dest;
dest24[2] = dest / 256;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_16_to_32 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
DWORD dest = *(const WORD *)src, *dest32 = dst;
*dest32 = dest * 65537;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_24_to_8 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
BYTE *dst8 = dst;
*dst8 = ((const BYTE *)src)[2];
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_24_to_16 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
WORD *dest16 = dst;
const BYTE *source = src;
*dest16 = le16(source[2] * 256 + source[1]);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
const BYTE* buf = dsb->buffer->memory;
buf += pos + channel;
return (buf[0] - 0x80) / (float)0x80;
static void convert_24_to_24 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static float get16(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel)
while (count > 0)
BYTE *dest24 = dst;
const BYTE *src24 = src;
dest24[0] = src24[0];
dest24[1] = src24[1];
dest24[2] = src24[2];
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
const BYTE* buf = dsb->buffer->memory;
const SHORT *sbuf = (const SHORT*)(buf + pos + 2 * channel);
SHORT sample = (SHORT)le16(*sbuf);
return sample / (float)0x8000;
static void convert_24_to_32 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static float get24(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel)
while (count > 0)
DWORD *dest32 = dst;
const BYTE *source = src;
*dest32 = le32(source[2] * 16777217 + source[1] * 65536 + source[0] * 256);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
LONG sample;
const BYTE* buf = dsb->buffer->memory;
buf += pos + 3 * channel;
/* The next expression deliberately has an overflow for buf[2] >= 0x80,
this is how negative values are made.
sample = (buf[0] << 8) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 24);
return sample / (float)0x80000000U;
static void convert_32_to_8 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static float get32(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel)
while (count > 0)
BYTE *dst8 = dst;
*dst8 = (le32(*(const DWORD *)src) / 16777216);
*dst8 -= 0x80;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
const BYTE* buf = dsb->buffer->memory;
const LONG *sbuf = (const LONG*)(buf + pos + 4 * channel);
LONG sample = le32(*sbuf);
return sample / (float)0x80000000U;
static void convert_32_to_16 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static float getieee32(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel)
while (count > 0)
WORD *dest16 = dst;
*dest16 = le16(le32(*(const DWORD *)src) / 65536);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
const BYTE* buf = dsb->buffer->memory;
const float *sbuf = (const float*)(buf + pos + 4 * channel);
/* The value will be clipped later, when put into some non-float buffer */
return *sbuf;
static void convert_32_to_24 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
DWORD dest = le32(*(const DWORD *)src);
BYTE *dest24 = dst;
dest24[0] = dest / 256;
dest24[1] = dest / 65536;
dest24[2] = dest / 16777216;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
const bitsgetfunc getbpp[5] = {get8, get16, get24, get32, getieee32};
static void convert_32_to_32 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static void put8(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel, float value)
while (count > 0)
DWORD *dest = dst;
*dest = *(const DWORD *)src;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
BYTE* buf = dsb->device->tmp_buffer;
buf += pos + channel;
if(value <= -1.f)
*buf = 0;
else if(value >= 1.f * 0x7F / 0x80)
*buf = 0xFF;
*buf = lrintf((value + 1.f) * 0x80);
static void convert_ieee_32_to_8 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static void put16(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel, float value)
while (count > 0)
DWORD src_le = le32(*(DWORD *) src);
float v = *((float *) &src_le);
INT8 d = 0;
if (v < -1.0f)
d = -128;
else if (v > 1.0f)
d = 127;
d = v * 127.5f - 0.5f;
*(BYTE *) dst = d ^ 0x80;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
BYTE* buf = dsb->device->tmp_buffer;
SHORT *sbuf = (SHORT*)(buf + pos + 2 * channel);
if(value <= -1.f)
*sbuf = 0x8000;
else if(value >= 1.f * 0x7FFF / 0x8000)
*sbuf = 0x7FFF;
*sbuf = le16(lrintf(value * 0x8000));
static void convert_ieee_32_to_16 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static void put24(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel, float value)
while (count > 0)
DWORD src_le = le32(*(DWORD *) src);
float v = *((float *) &src_le);
INT16 *d = (INT16 *) dst;
if (v < -1.0f)
*d = -32768;
else if (v > 1.0f)
*d = 32767;
*d = v * 32767.5f - 0.5f;
*d = le16(*d);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
static void convert_ieee_32_to_24 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
while (count > 0)
DWORD src_le = le32(*(DWORD *) src);
float v = *((float *) &src_le);
BYTE *dest24 = dst;
if (v < -1.0f)
dest24[0] = 0;
dest24[1] = 0;
dest24[2] = 0x80;
else if (v > 1.0f)
dest24[0] = 0xff;
dest24[1] = 0xff;
dest24[2] = 0x7f;
else if (v < 0.0f)
dest24[0] = v * 8388608.0f;
dest24[1] = v * 32768.0f;
dest24[2] = v * 128.0f;
else if (v >= 0.0f)
dest24[0] = v * 8388608.0f;
dest24[1] = v * 32768.0f;
dest24[2] = v * 127.0f;
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
BYTE* buf = dsb->device->tmp_buffer;
buf += pos + 3 * channel;
if(value <= -1.f)
t = 0x80000000;
else if(value >= 1.f * 0x7FFFFF / 0x800000)
t = 0x7FFFFF00;
t = lrintf(value * 0x80000000U);
buf[0] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF;
buf[1] = (t >> 16) & 0xFF;
buf[2] = (t >> 24) & 0xFF;
static void convert_ieee_32_to_32 (const void *src, void *dst, UINT src_stride,
UINT dst_stride, INT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
static void put32(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD pos, DWORD channel, float value)
while (count > 0)
DWORD src_le = le32(*(DWORD *) src);
float v = *((float *) &src_le);
INT32 *d = (INT32 *) dst;
if (v < -1.0f)
*d = -2147483647 - 1; /* silence warning */
else if (v > 1.0f)
*d = 2147483647;
*d = v * 2147483647.5f - 0.5f;
*d = le32(*d);
dst = (char *)dst + dst_stride;
src_advance(&src, src_stride, &count, &freqAcc, adj);
BYTE* buf = dsb->device->tmp_buffer;
LONG *sbuf = (LONG*)(buf + pos + 4 * channel);
if(value <= -1.f)
*sbuf = 0x80000000;
else if(value >= 1.f * 0x7FFFFFFF / 0x80000000U) /* this rounds to 1.f */
*sbuf = 0x7FFFFFFF;
*sbuf = le32(lrintf(value * 0x80000000U));
const bitsconvertfunc convertbpp[5][4] = {
{ convert_8_to_8, convert_8_to_16, convert_8_to_24, convert_8_to_32 },
{ convert_16_to_8, convert_16_to_16, convert_16_to_24, convert_16_to_32 },
{ convert_24_to_8, convert_24_to_16, convert_24_to_24, convert_24_to_32 },
{ convert_32_to_8, convert_32_to_16, convert_32_to_24, convert_32_to_32 },
{ convert_ieee_32_to_8, convert_ieee_32_to_16, convert_ieee_32_to_24, convert_ieee_32_to_32 },
const bitsputfunc putbpp[4] = {put8, put16, put24, put32};
static void mix8(signed char *src, INT *dst, unsigned len)
......@@ -442,7 +188,7 @@ static void mix24(BYTE *src, INT *dst, unsigned len)
if (src[2] & 0x80)
field |= 0xFF000000U;
*(dst++) += field;
src += 3;
......@@ -516,7 +262,7 @@ static void norm24(INT *src, BYTE *dst, unsigned len)
dst[1] = *src >> 8;
dst[2] = *src >> 16;
dst += 3;
......@@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ typedef struct DirectSoundDevice DirectSoundDevice;
typedef struct DirectSoundCaptureDevice DirectSoundCaptureDevice;
/* dsound_convert.h */
typedef void (*bitsconvertfunc)(const void *, void *, UINT, UINT, INT, UINT, UINT);
extern const bitsconvertfunc convertbpp[5][4] DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
typedef float (*bitsgetfunc)(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *, DWORD, DWORD);
typedef void (*bitsputfunc)(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *, DWORD, DWORD, float);
extern const bitsgetfunc getbpp[5] DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern const bitsputfunc putbpp[4] DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
typedef void (*mixfunc)(const void *, void *, unsigned);
extern const mixfunc mixfunctions[4] DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
typedef void (*normfunc)(const void *, void *, unsigned);
......@@ -190,8 +192,10 @@ struct IDirectSoundBufferImpl
DS3DBUFFER ds3db_ds3db;
LONG ds3db_lVolume;
BOOL ds3db_need_recalc;
/* IKsPropertySet fields */
bitsconvertfunc convert;
/* Used for bit depth conversion */
bitsgetfunc get;
bitsputfunc put;
struct list entry;
......@@ -200,10 +200,8 @@ void DSOUND_RecalcFormat(IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb)
dsb->freqAcc = dsb->freqAccNext = 0;
dsb->freqneeded = needresample;
if (ieee)
dsb->convert = convertbpp[4][dsb->device->pwfx->wBitsPerSample/8 - 1];
dsb->convert = convertbpp[dsb->pwfx->wBitsPerSample/8 - 1][dsb->device->pwfx->wBitsPerSample/8 - 1];
dsb->get = ieee ? getbpp[4] : getbpp[dsb->pwfx->wBitsPerSample/8 - 1];
dsb->put = putbpp[dsb->device->pwfx->wBitsPerSample/8 - 1];
if (needremix)
......@@ -274,37 +272,47 @@ void DSOUND_CheckEvent(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD playpos, int len
* Copy a single frame from the given input buffer to the given output buffer.
* Translate 8 <-> 16 bits and mono <-> stereo
static inline void cp_fields(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, const BYTE *ibuf, BYTE *obuf,
static inline void cp_fields(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, const BYTE *ibuf,
UINT istride, UINT ostride, UINT count, UINT freqAcc, UINT adj)
DirectSoundDevice *device = dsb->device;
INT istep = dsb->pwfx->wBitsPerSample / 8, ostep = device->pwfx->wBitsPerSample / 8;
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == dsb->pwfx->nChannels ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 6) ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 8 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2) ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 6 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2)) {
dsb->convert(ibuf, obuf, istride, ostride, count, freqAcc, adj);
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 || dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2)
dsb->convert(ibuf + istep, obuf + ostep, istride, ostride, count, freqAcc, adj);
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 1 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2)
dsb->convert(ibuf, obuf, istride, ostride, count, freqAcc, adj);
float value;
ULONG adv;
DWORD ipos = dsb->sec_mixpos, opos = 0;
while (count-- > 0) {
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == dsb->pwfx->nChannels ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 6) ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 8 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2) ||
(device->pwfx->nChannels == 6 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2)) {
value = dsb->get(dsb, ipos, 0);
dsb->put(dsb, opos, 0, value);
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 || dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2) {
value = dsb->get(dsb, ipos, 1);
dsb->put(dsb, opos, 1, value);
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 1 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 2)
float val = (dsb->get(dsb, ipos, 0) + dsb->get(dsb, ipos, 1)) / 2.;
dsb->put(dsb, opos, 0, val);
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 1)
value = dsb->get(dsb, ipos, 0);
dsb->put(dsb, opos, 0, value);
dsb->put(dsb, opos, 1, value);
freqAcc += adj;
adv = (freqAcc >> DSOUND_FREQSHIFT);
freqAcc &= (1 << DSOUND_FREQSHIFT) - 1;
ipos += adv * istride;
opos += ostride;
if (device->pwfx->nChannels == 2 && dsb->pwfx->nChannels == 1)
dsb->convert(ibuf, obuf, istride, ostride, count, freqAcc, adj);
dsb->convert(ibuf, obuf + ostep, istride, ostride, count, freqAcc, adj);
WARN("Unable to remap channels: device=%u, buffer=%u\n", device->pwfx->nChannels,
......@@ -338,7 +346,7 @@ static inline DWORD DSOUND_BufPtrDiff(DWORD buflen, DWORD ptr1, DWORD ptr2)
static void DSOUND_MixToTemporary(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD tmp_len)
INT size;
BYTE *ibp, *obp;
BYTE *ibp;
INT iAdvance = dsb->pwfx->nBlockAlign;
INT oAdvance = dsb->device->pwfx->nBlockAlign;
DWORD freqAcc;
......@@ -352,7 +360,6 @@ static void DSOUND_MixToTemporary(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD tmp_l
dsb->device->tmp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tmp_len);
obp = dsb->device->tmp_buffer;
TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", dsb, ibp);
size = tmp_len / oAdvance;
......@@ -362,7 +369,7 @@ static void DSOUND_MixToTemporary(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD tmp_l
TRACE("(%p) Same sample rate %d = primary %d\n", dsb,
dsb->freq, dsb->device->pwfx->nSamplesPerSec);
cp_fields(dsb, ibp, obp, iAdvance, oAdvance, size, 0, 1 << DSOUND_FREQSHIFT);
cp_fields(dsb, ibp, iAdvance, oAdvance, size, 0, 1 << DSOUND_FREQSHIFT);
......@@ -372,7 +379,7 @@ static void DSOUND_MixToTemporary(const IDirectSoundBufferImpl *dsb, DWORD tmp_l
DSOUND_secpos_to_bufpos(dsb, dsb->sec_mixpos, dsb->sec_mixpos, &freqAcc);
/* FIXME: Small problem here when we're overwriting buf_mixpos, it then STILL uses old freqAcc, not sure if it matters or not */
cp_fields(dsb, ibp, obp, iAdvance, oAdvance, size, freqAcc, dsb->freqAdjust);
cp_fields(dsb, ibp, iAdvance, oAdvance, size, freqAcc, dsb->freqAdjust);
/** Apply volume to the given soundbuffer from (primary) position writepos and length len
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