Commit fbc00db3 authored by Mike McCormack's avatar Mike McCormack Committed by Alexandre Julliard

server: Use a single inotify watch, as it scales better with a large

number of directories.
parent 38e1b853
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
......@@ -126,6 +129,12 @@ static inline int inotify_remove_watch( int fd, int wd )
struct inode;
static void free_inode( struct inode *inode );
static struct fd *inotify_fd;
struct change_record {
struct list entry;
int action;
......@@ -143,10 +152,10 @@ struct dir
int notified; /* SIGIO counter */
int want_data; /* return change data */
long signaled; /* the file changed */
struct fd *inotify_fd; /* inotify file descriptor */
int wd; /* inotify watch descriptor */
struct list change_q; /* change readers */
struct list change_records; /* data for the change */
struct list in_entry; /* entry in the inode dirs list */
struct inode *inode; /* inode of the associated directory */
static struct fd *dir_get_fd( struct object *obj );
......@@ -241,30 +250,6 @@ static inline void remove_change( struct dir *dir )
sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL );
struct object *create_dir_obj( struct fd *fd )
struct dir *dir;
dir = alloc_object( &dir_ops );
if (!dir)
return NULL;
list_init( &dir->change_q );
list_init( &dir->change_records );
dir->event = NULL;
dir->filter = 0;
dir->notified = 0;
dir->signaled = 0;
dir->want_data = 0;
dir->inotify_fd = NULL;
dir->wd = -1;
grab_object( fd );
dir->fd = fd;
set_fd_user( fd, &dir_fd_ops, &dir->obj );
return &dir->obj;
static void dir_dump( struct object *obj, int verbose )
struct dir *dir = (struct dir *)obj;
......@@ -352,8 +337,11 @@ static void dir_destroy( struct object *obj )
if (dir->filter)
remove_change( dir );
if (dir->inotify_fd)
release_object( dir->inotify_fd );
if (dir->inode)
list_remove( &dir->in_entry );
free_inode( dir->inode );
async_terminate_queue( &dir->change_q, STATUS_CANCELLED );
while ((record = get_first_change_record( dir ))) free( record );
......@@ -364,6 +352,12 @@ static void dir_destroy( struct object *obj )
release_object( dir->event );
release_object( dir->fd );
if (inotify_fd && list_empty( &change_list ))
release_object( inotify_fd );
inotify_fd = NULL;
static struct dir *
......@@ -391,6 +385,87 @@ static void dir_cancel_async( struct fd *fd )
#define HASH_SIZE 31
struct inode {
struct list dirs; /* directory handles watching this inode */
struct list ino_entry; /* entry in the inode hash */
struct list wd_entry; /* entry in the watch descriptor hash */
dev_t dev; /* device number */
ino_t ino; /* device's inode number */
int wd; /* inotify's watch descriptor */
struct list inode_hash[ HASH_SIZE ];
struct list wd_hash[ HASH_SIZE ];
static struct inode *inode_from_wd( int wd )
struct list *bucket = &wd_hash[ wd % HASH_SIZE ];
struct inode *inode;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( inode, bucket, struct inode, wd_entry )
if (inode->wd == wd)
return inode;
return NULL;
static inline struct list *get_hash_list( dev_t dev, ino_t ino )
return &inode_hash[ (ino ^ dev) % HASH_SIZE ];
static struct inode *get_inode( dev_t dev, ino_t ino )
struct list *bucket = get_hash_list( dev, ino );
struct inode *inode;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( inode, bucket, struct inode, ino_entry )
if (inode->ino == ino && inode->dev == dev)
return inode;
return NULL;
static struct inode *create_inode( dev_t dev, ino_t ino )
struct inode *inode;
inode = malloc( sizeof *inode );
if (inode)
list_init( &inode->dirs );
inode->ino = ino;
inode->dev = dev;
inode->wd = -1;
list_add_tail( get_hash_list( dev, ino ), &inode->ino_entry );
return inode;
static void inode_set_wd( struct inode *inode, int wd )
if (inode->wd != -1)
list_remove( &inode->wd_entry );
inode->wd = wd;
list_add_tail( &wd_hash[ wd % HASH_SIZE ], &inode->wd_entry );
static void free_inode( struct inode *inode )
if (!list_empty( &inode->dirs ))
if (inode->wd != -1)
inotify_remove_watch( get_unix_fd( inotify_fd ), inode->wd );
list_remove( &inode->wd_entry );
list_remove( &inode->ino_entry );
free( inode );
static int inotify_get_poll_events( struct fd *fd );
static void inotify_poll_event( struct fd *fd, int event );
static int inotify_get_info( struct fd *fd );
......@@ -442,12 +517,49 @@ static void inotify_do_change_notify( struct dir *dir, struct inotify_event *ie
static unsigned int filter_from_event( struct inotify_event *ie )
unsigned int filter = 0;
if (ie->mask & IN_MODIFY)
if (ie->mask & IN_ATTRIB)
if (ie->mask & IN_ACCESS)
if (ie->mask & IN_CREATE)
return filter;
static void inotify_notify_all( struct inotify_event *ie )
struct inode *inode;
struct dir *dir;
unsigned int filter;
inode = inode_from_wd( ie->wd );
if (!inode)
fprintf( stderr, "no inode matches %d\n", ie->wd);
filter = filter_from_event( ie );
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( dir, &inode->dirs, struct dir, in_entry )
if (filter & dir->filter)
inotify_do_change_notify( dir, ie );
static void inotify_poll_event( struct fd *fd, int event )
int r, ofs, unix_fd;
char buffer[0x1000];
struct inotify_event *ie;
struct dir *dir = get_fd_user( fd );
unix_fd = get_unix_fd( fd );
r = read( unix_fd, buffer, sizeof buffer );
......@@ -464,7 +576,7 @@ static void inotify_poll_event( struct fd *fd, int event )
ofs += offsetof( struct inotify_event, name[ie->len] );
if (ofs > r) break;
inotify_do_change_notify( dir, ie );
inotify_notify_all( ie );
......@@ -473,26 +585,19 @@ static int inotify_get_info( struct fd *fd )
return 0;
static inline struct fd *create_inotify_fd( struct dir *dir )
static inline struct fd *create_inotify_fd( void )
int unix_fd;
unix_fd = inotify_init();
if (unix_fd<0)
return NULL;
return create_anonymous_fd( &inotify_fd_ops, unix_fd, &dir->obj );
return create_anonymous_fd( &inotify_fd_ops, unix_fd, NULL );
static int inotify_adjust_changes( struct dir *dir )
static int map_flags( unsigned int filter )
unsigned int filter = dir->filter;
unsigned int mask = 0;
char link[32];
if (!dir->inotify_fd)
if (!(dir->inotify_fd = create_inotify_fd( dir ))) return 0;
......@@ -511,15 +616,131 @@ static int inotify_adjust_changes( struct dir *dir )
mask |= IN_ATTRIB;
sprintf( link, "/proc/self/fd/%u", get_unix_fd( dir->fd ) );
dir->wd = inotify_add_watch( get_unix_fd( dir->inotify_fd ), link, mask );
if (dir->wd != -1)
set_fd_events( dir->inotify_fd, POLLIN );
return mask;
static int inotify_add_dir( char *path, unsigned int filter )
int wd = inotify_add_watch( get_unix_fd( inotify_fd ),
path, map_flags( filter ) );
if (wd != -1)
set_fd_events( inotify_fd, POLLIN );
return wd;
static unsigned int filter_from_inode( struct inode *inode )
unsigned int filter = 0;
struct dir *dir;
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( dir, &inode->dirs, struct dir, in_entry )
filter |= dir->filter;
return filter;
static int init_inotify( void )
int i;
if (inotify_fd)
return 1;
inotify_fd = create_inotify_fd();
if (!inotify_fd)
return 0;
for (i=0; i<HASH_SIZE; i++)
list_init( &inode_hash[i] );
list_init( &wd_hash[i] );
return 1;
static int inotify_adjust_changes( struct dir *dir )
unsigned int filter;
struct inode *inode;
struct stat st;
char path[32];
int wd, unix_fd;
if (!inotify_fd)
return 0;
unix_fd = get_unix_fd( dir->fd );
inode = dir->inode;
if (!inode)
/* check if this fd is already being watched */
if (-1 == fstat( unix_fd, &st ))
return 0;
inode = get_inode( st.st_dev, st.st_ino );
if (!inode)
inode = create_inode( st.st_dev, st.st_ino );
if (!inode)
return 0;
list_add_tail( &inode->dirs, &dir->in_entry );
dir->inode = inode;
filter = filter_from_inode( inode );
sprintf( path, "/proc/self/fd/%u", unix_fd );
wd = inotify_add_dir( path, filter );
if (wd == -1) return 0;
inode_set_wd( inode, wd );
return 1;
static int init_inotify( void )
return 0;
static int inotify_adjust_changes( struct dir *dir )
return 0;
static void free_inode( struct inode *inode )
assert( 0 );
#endif /* USE_INOTIFY */
struct object *create_dir_obj( struct fd *fd )
struct dir *dir;
dir = alloc_object( &dir_ops );
if (!dir)
return NULL;
list_init( &dir->change_q );
list_init( &dir->change_records );
dir->event = NULL;
dir->filter = 0;
dir->notified = 0;
dir->signaled = 0;
dir->want_data = 0;
dir->inode = NULL;
grab_object( fd );
dir->fd = fd;
set_fd_user( fd, &dir_fd_ops, &dir->obj );
return &dir->obj;
/* enable change notifications for a directory */
......@@ -556,6 +777,7 @@ DECL_HANDLER(read_directory_changes)
/* assign it once */
if (!dir->filter)
insert_change( dir );
dir->filter = req->filter;
dir->want_data = req->want_data;
......@@ -570,9 +792,7 @@ DECL_HANDLER(read_directory_changes)
reset_event( event );
/* setup the real notification */
if (!inotify_adjust_changes( dir ))
dnotify_adjust_changes( dir );
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