Commit ff88345f authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winemac: Directly use win32u in query_pasteboard_data.

parent f97f5e13
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(clipboard);
typedef void *(*DRVIMPORTFUNC)(CFDataRef data, size_t *ret_size);
typedef CFDataRef (*DRVEXPORTFUNC)(HANDLE data);
typedef CFDataRef (*DRVEXPORTFUNC)(void *data, size_t size);
typedef struct _WINE_CLIPFORMAT
......@@ -73,13 +73,12 @@ static void *import_nsfilenames_to_hdrop(CFDataRef data, size_t *ret_size);
static void *import_utf8_to_unicodetext(CFDataRef data, size_t *ret_size);
static void *import_utf16_to_unicodetext(CFDataRef data, size_t *ret_size);
static CFDataRef export_clipboard_data(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_dib_to_bmp(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_enhmetafile(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_html(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf16(HANDLE data);
static CFDataRef export_clipboard_data(void *data, size_t size);
static CFDataRef export_dib_to_bmp(void *data, size_t size);
static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(void *data, size_t size);
static CFDataRef export_html(void *data, size_t size);
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(void *data, size_t size);
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf16(void *data, size_t size);
......@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ static const struct
{ CF_DIBV5, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.dibv5"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
{ CF_DIF, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.dif"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
{ CF_ENHMETAFILE, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.enhmetafile"), import_clipboard_data, export_enhmetafile, FALSE },
{ CF_ENHMETAFILE, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.enhmetafile"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
{ CF_LOCALE, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.locale"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
{ CF_OEMTEXT, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.oemtext"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
{ CF_PALETTE, CFSTR("org.winehq.builtin.palette"), import_clipboard_data, export_clipboard_data, FALSE },
......@@ -770,20 +769,9 @@ static void *import_utf16_to_unicodetext(CFDataRef data, size_t *ret_size)
* Generic export clipboard data routine.
static CFDataRef export_clipboard_data(HANDLE data)
static CFDataRef export_clipboard_data(void *data, size_t size)
CFDataRef ret;
UINT len;
len = GlobalSize(data);
src = GlobalLock(data);
if (!src) return NULL;
ret = CFDataCreate(NULL, src, len);
return ret;
return CFDataCreate(NULL, data, size);
......@@ -793,18 +781,13 @@ static CFDataRef export_clipboard_data(HANDLE data)
* Export CF_DIB or CF_DIBV5 to BMP file format. This just entails
* prepending a BMP file format header to the data.
static CFDataRef export_dib_to_bmp(HANDLE data)
static CFDataRef export_dib_to_bmp(void *data, size_t size)
CFMutableDataRef ret = NULL;
BYTE *dibdata;
CFIndex len;
dibdata = GlobalLock(data);
if (!dibdata)
return NULL;
len = sizeof(bfh) + GlobalSize(data);
len = sizeof(bfh) + size;
ret = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, len);
if (ret)
......@@ -812,39 +795,13 @@ static CFDataRef export_dib_to_bmp(HANDLE data)
bfh.bfSize = len;
bfh.bfReserved1 = 0;
bfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
bfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(bfh) + bitmap_info_size((BITMAPINFO*)dibdata, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
bfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(bfh) + bitmap_info_size(data, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
CFDataAppendBytes(ret, (UInt8*)&bfh, sizeof(bfh));
/* rest of bitmap is the same as the packed dib */
CFDataAppendBytes(ret, (UInt8*)dibdata, len - sizeof(bfh));
return ret;
* export_enhmetafile
* Export an enhanced metafile to data.
static CFDataRef export_enhmetafile(HANDLE data)
CFMutableDataRef ret = NULL;
unsigned int size = GetEnhMetaFileBits(data, 0, NULL);
TRACE("data %p\n", data);
ret = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, size);
if (ret)
CFDataSetLength(ret, size);
GetEnhMetaFileBits(data, size, (BYTE*)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(ret));
CFDataAppendBytes(ret, data, size);
TRACE(" -> %s\n", debugstr_cf(ret));
return ret;
......@@ -855,10 +812,10 @@ static CFDataRef export_enhmetafile(HANDLE data)
* Export CF_HDROP to NSFilenamesPboardType data, which is a CFArray of
* CFStrings (holding Unix paths) which is serialized as a property list.
static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(HANDLE data)
static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(void *data, size_t size)
CFDataRef ret = NULL;
DROPFILES *dropfiles;
DROPFILES *dropfiles = data;
CFMutableArrayRef filenames = NULL;
void *p;
WCHAR *buffer = NULL;
......@@ -866,12 +823,6 @@ static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(HANDLE data)
TRACE("data %p\n", data);
if (!(dropfiles = GlobalLock(data)))
WARN("failed to lock data %p\n", data);
goto done;
filenames = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
if (!filenames)
......@@ -935,7 +886,6 @@ static CFDataRef export_hdrop_to_filenames(HANDLE data)
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer);
if (filenames) CFRelease(filenames);
TRACE(" -> %s\n", debugstr_cf(ret));
return ret;
......@@ -949,20 +899,17 @@ done:
* FIXME: We should attempt to add an <a base> tag and convert windows paths.
static CFDataRef export_html(HANDLE handle)
static CFDataRef export_html(void *data, size_t size)
CFDataRef ret;
const char *data, *field_value;
const char *field_value;
int fragmentstart, fragmentend;
data = GlobalLock(handle);
/* read the important fields */
field_value = get_html_description_field(data, "StartFragment:");
if (!field_value)
ERR("Couldn't find StartFragment value\n");
goto failed;
return NULL;
fragmentstart = atoi(field_value);
......@@ -970,18 +917,12 @@ static CFDataRef export_html(HANDLE handle)
if (!field_value)
ERR("Couldn't find EndFragment value\n");
goto failed;
return NULL;
fragmentend = atoi(field_value);
/* export only the fragment */
ret = CFDataCreate(NULL, (const UInt8*)&data[fragmentstart], fragmentend - fragmentstart);
return ret;
return NULL;
return CFDataCreate(NULL, &((const UInt8*)data)[fragmentstart], fragmentend - fragmentstart);
......@@ -990,16 +931,12 @@ failed:
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(HANDLE data)
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(void *data, size_t size)
CFMutableDataRef ret;
INT dst_len;
src = GlobalLock(data);
if (!src) return NULL;
dst_len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
dst_len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, data, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (dst_len) dst_len--; /* Leave off null terminator. */
ret = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, dst_len);
if (ret)
......@@ -1009,7 +946,7 @@ static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(HANDLE data)
CFDataSetLength(ret, dst_len);
dst = (LPSTR)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(ret);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, dst, dst_len, NULL, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, data, -1, dst, dst_len, NULL, NULL);
/* Remove carriage returns */
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < dst_len; i++)
......@@ -1021,7 +958,6 @@ static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(HANDLE data)
CFDataSetLength(ret, j);
return ret;
......@@ -1032,16 +968,13 @@ static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf8(HANDLE data)
* Export CF_UNICODETEXT to UTF-16.
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf16(HANDLE data)
static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf16(void *data, size_t size)
CFMutableDataRef ret;
const WCHAR *src;
const WCHAR *src = data;
INT src_len;
src = GlobalLock(data);
if (!src) return NULL;
src_len = GlobalSize(data) / sizeof(WCHAR);
src_len = size / sizeof(WCHAR);
if (src_len) src_len--; /* Leave off null terminator. */
ret = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, src_len * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (ret)
......@@ -1062,7 +995,6 @@ static CFDataRef export_unicodetext_to_utf16(HANDLE data)
CFDataSetLength(ret, j * sizeof(WCHAR));
return ret;
......@@ -1912,35 +1844,45 @@ done:
BOOL query_pasteboard_data(HWND hwnd, CFStringRef type)
struct get_clipboard_params params = { .data_only = TRUE, .size = 1024 };
HANDLE handle;
TRACE("win %p/%p type %s\n", hwnd, clipboard_cocoa_window, debugstr_cf(type));
format = format_for_type(type);
if (!format) return FALSE;
if (!OpenClipboard(clipboard_hwnd))
if (!NtUserOpenClipboard(clipboard_hwnd, 0))
ERR("failed to open clipboard for %s\n", debugstr_cf(type));
return FALSE;
if ((handle = GetClipboardData(format->format_id)))
for (;;)
CFDataRef data;
if (!( = malloc(params.size))) break;
if (NtUserGetClipboardData(format->format_id, &params))
CFDataRef data;
TRACE("exporting %s %p\n", debugstr_format(format->format_id), handle);
TRACE("exporting %s\n", debugstr_format(format->format_id));
if ((data = format->export_func(handle)))
ret = macdrv_set_pasteboard_data(format->type, data, clipboard_cocoa_window);
if ((data = format->export_func(, params.size)))
ret = macdrv_set_pasteboard_data(format->type, data, clipboard_cocoa_window);
if (!params.data_size) break;
params.size = params.data_size;
params.data_size = 0;
last_get_seqno = GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
last_get_seqno = NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber();
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