 * Copyright 2001 Jon Griffiths
 * Copyright 2004 Dimitrie O. Paun
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
 *   Naming conventions
 *	- Symbols are prefixed with MSVCRT_ if they conflict
 *        with libc symbols
 *      - Internal symbols are usually prefixed by msvcrt_.
 *      - Exported symbols that are not present in the public
 *        headers are usually kept the same as the original.
 *   Other conventions
 *      - To avoid conflicts with the standard C library,
 *        no msvcrt headers are included in the implementation.
 *      - Instead, symbols are duplicated here, prefixed with 
 *        MSVCRT_, as explained above.
 *      - To avoid inconsistencies, a test for each symbol is
 *        added into tests/headers.c. Please always add a
 *        corresponding test when you add a new symbol!

#ifndef __WINE_MSVCRT_H
#define __WINE_MSVCRT_H

#include <stdarg.h>

#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"

#define MSVCRT_LONG_MAX    0x7fffffffL
#define MSVCRT_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffUL
#define MSVCRT_I64_MAX    (((__int64)0x7fffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
#define MSVCRT_I64_MIN    (-MSVCRT_I64_MAX-1)
#define MSVCRT_UI64_MAX   (((unsigned __int64)0xffffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)

#define MSVCRT__MAX_DRIVE  3
#define MSVCRT__MAX_DIR    256
#define MSVCRT__MAX_FNAME  256
#define MSVCRT__MAX_EXT    256

typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wchar_t;
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wint_t;
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wctype_t;
typedef unsigned short MSVCRT__ino_t;
typedef unsigned int   MSVCRT__fsize_t;
typedef int            MSVCRT_long;
typedef unsigned int   MSVCRT_ulong;
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef unsigned __int64 MSVCRT_size_t;
typedef __int64 MSVCRT_intptr_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 MSVCRT_uintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long MSVCRT_size_t;
typedef long MSVCRT_intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long MSVCRT_uintptr_t;
typedef unsigned int   MSVCRT__dev_t;
typedef int MSVCRT__off_t;
typedef int MSVCRT_clock_t;
typedef int MSVCRT___time32_t;
typedef __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT___time64_t;
typedef __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT_fpos_t;
typedef int MSVCRT_mbstate_t;

typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT_terminate_handler)(void);
typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT_terminate_function)(void);
typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT_unexpected_handler)(void);
typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT_unexpected_function)(void);
typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT__se_translator_function)(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info);
typedef void (*__cdecl MSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t)(void *);
typedef unsigned int (__stdcall *MSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t)(void *);
typedef int (*__cdecl MSVCRT__onexit_t)(void);
typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler)(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, unsigned, MSVCRT_uintptr_t);
typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_purecall_handler)(void);
typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_security_error_handler)(int, void *);

typedef struct {ULONG x80[3];} MSVCRT__LDOUBLE; /* Intel 80 bit FP format has sizeof() 12 */

struct MSVCRT_tm {
    int tm_sec;
    int tm_min;
    int tm_hour;
    int tm_mday;
    int tm_mon;
    int tm_year;
    int tm_wday;
    int tm_yday;
    int tm_isdst;

typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_ID {
    unsigned short wLanguage;
    unsigned short wCountry;
    unsigned short wCodePage;

typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct {
    int refcount;
    unsigned int lc_codepage;
    unsigned int lc_collate_cp;
    MSVCRT_ulong lc_handle[6];
    MSVCRT_LC_ID lc_id[6];
    struct {
        char *locale;
        wchar_t *wlocale;
        int *refcount;
        int *wrefcount;
    } lc_category[6];
    int lc_clike;
    int mb_cur_max;
    int *lconv_intl_refcount;
    int *lconv_num_refcount;
    int *lconv_mon_refcount;
    struct MSVCRT_lconv *lconv;
    int *ctype1_refcount;
    unsigned short *ctype1;
    unsigned short *pctype;
    unsigned char *pclmap;
    unsigned char *pcumap;
    struct MSVCRT___lc_time_data *lc_time_curr;
} MSVCRT_threadlocinfo;

typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct {
    int refcount;
    int mbcodepage;
    int ismbcodepage;
    int mblcid;
    unsigned short mbulinfo[6];
    char mbctype[257];
    char mbcasemap[256];
} MSVCRT_threadmbcinfo;

typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct *MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo;
typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct *MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo;

typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct
    MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo locinfo;
    MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo mbcinfo;
} MSVCRT__locale_tstruct, *MSVCRT__locale_t;

/* TLS data */
extern DWORD msvcrt_tls_index;

/* Keep in sync with msvcr90/tests/msvcr90.c */
struct __thread_data {
    DWORD                           tid;
    HANDLE                          handle;
    int                             thread_errno;
    MSVCRT_ulong                    thread_doserrno;
    int                             unk1;
    unsigned int                    random_seed;        /* seed for rand() */
    char                           *strtok_next;        /* next ptr for strtok() */
    MSVCRT_wchar_t                 *wcstok_next;        /* next ptr for wcstok() */
    unsigned char                  *mbstok_next;        /* next ptr for mbstok() */
    char                           *strerror_buffer;    /* buffer for strerror */
    MSVCRT_wchar_t                 *wcserror_buffer;    /* buffer for wcserror */
    char                           *tmpnam_buffer;      /* buffer for tmpname() */
    MSVCRT_wchar_t                 *wtmpnam_buffer;     /* buffer for wtmpname() */
    void                           *unk2[2];
    char                           *asctime_buffer;     /* buffer for asctime */
    MSVCRT_wchar_t                 *wasctime_buffer;    /* buffer for wasctime */
    struct MSVCRT_tm               *time_buffer;        /* buffer for localtime/gmtime */
    char                           *efcvt_buffer;       /* buffer for ecvt/fcvt */
    int                             unk3[2];
    void                           *unk4[4];
    int                             fpecode;
    MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo           mbcinfo;
    MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo           locinfo;
    BOOL                            have_locale;
    int                             unk5[1];
    MSVCRT_terminate_function       terminate_handler;
    MSVCRT_unexpected_function      unexpected_handler;
    MSVCRT__se_translator_function  se_translator;
    void                           *unk6[3];
    int                             unk7;
    EXCEPTION_RECORD               *exc_record;
    void                           *unk8[100];

typedef struct __thread_data thread_data_t;

extern thread_data_t *msvcrt_get_thread_data(void);

extern int MSVCRT___lc_codepage;
extern int MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp;
extern int MSVCRT___mb_cur_max;
extern WORD MSVCRT__ctype [257];
extern unsigned short *MSVCRT__pctype;

void   msvcrt_set_errno(int);

void __cdecl _purecall(void);
void __cdecl _amsg_exit(int errnum);

extern char **MSVCRT__environ;
extern MSVCRT_wchar_t **MSVCRT__wenviron;

extern char ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA(char **);
extern MSVCRT_wchar_t ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW(MSVCRT_wchar_t **);

MSVCRT_wchar_t *msvcrt_wstrdupa(const char *);

/* FIXME: This should be declared in new.h but it's not an extern "C" so
 * it would not be much use anyway. Even for Winelib applications.
int __cdecl MSVCRT__set_new_mode(int mode);

void* __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_new(MSVCRT_size_t);
void __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_delete(void*);

typedef void* (*__cdecl malloc_func_t)(MSVCRT_size_t);
typedef void  (*__cdecl free_func_t)(void*);

extern char* __cdecl __unDName(char *,const char*,int,malloc_func_t,free_func_t,unsigned short int);
extern char* __cdecl __unDNameEx(char *,const char*,int,malloc_func_t,free_func_t,void *,unsigned short int);

/* Setup and teardown multi threaded locks */
extern void msvcrt_init_mt_locks(void);
extern void msvcrt_free_mt_locks(void);

extern BOOL msvcrt_init_locale(void);
extern void msvcrt_init_math(void);
extern void msvcrt_init_io(void);
extern void msvcrt_free_io(void);
extern void msvcrt_init_console(void);
extern void msvcrt_free_console(void);
extern void msvcrt_init_args(void);
extern void msvcrt_free_args(void);
extern void msvcrt_init_signals(void);
extern void msvcrt_free_signals(void);

extern unsigned msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block(WORD*, BYTE**);

extern unsigned int __cdecl _control87(unsigned int, unsigned int);

/* run-time error codes */
#define _RT_STACK       0
#define _RT_NULLPTR     1
#define _RT_FLOAT       2
#define _RT_INTDIV      3
#define _RT_EXECMEM     5
#define _RT_EXECFORM    6
#define _RT_EXECENV     7
#define _RT_SPACEARG    8
#define _RT_SPACEENV    9
#define _RT_ABORT       10
#define _RT_NPTR        12
#define _RT_FPTR        13
#define _RT_BREAK       14
#define _RT_INT         15
#define _RT_THREAD      16
#define _RT_LOCK        17
#define _RT_HEAP        18
#define _RT_OPENCON     19
#define _RT_QWIN        20
#define _RT_NOMAIN      21
#define _RT_NONCONT     22
#define _RT_INVALDISP   23
#define _RT_ONEXIT      24
#define _RT_PUREVIRT    25
#define _RT_STDIOINIT   26
#define _RT_LOWIOINIT   27
#define _RT_HEAPINIT    28
#define _RT_DOMAIN      120
#define _RT_SING        121
#define _RT_TLOSS       122
#define _RT_CRNL        252
#define _RT_BANNER      255

struct MSVCRT___timeb32 {
    MSVCRT___time32_t  time;
    unsigned short millitm;
    short          timezone;
    short          dstflag;

struct MSVCRT___timeb64 {
    MSVCRT___time64_t time;
    unsigned short millitm;
    short          timezone;
    short          dstflag;

struct MSVCRT__iobuf {
  char* _ptr;
  int   _cnt;
  char* _base;
  int   _flag;
  int   _file;
  int   _charbuf;
  int   _bufsiz;
  char* _tmpfname;

typedef struct MSVCRT__iobuf MSVCRT_FILE;

struct MSVCRT_lconv {
    char* decimal_point;
    char* thousands_sep;
    char* grouping;
    char* int_curr_symbol;
    char* currency_symbol;
    char* mon_decimal_point;
    char* mon_thousands_sep;
    char* mon_grouping;
    char* positive_sign;
    char* negative_sign;
    char int_frac_digits;
    char frac_digits;
    char p_cs_precedes;
    char p_sep_by_space;
    char n_cs_precedes;
    char n_sep_by_space;
    char p_sign_posn;
    char n_sign_posn;

struct MSVCRT__exception {
  int     type;
  char*   name;
  double  arg1;
  double  arg2;
  double  retval;

struct MSVCRT__complex {
  double x;      /* Real part */
  double y;      /* Imaginary part */

typedef struct MSVCRT__div_t {
    int quot;  /* quotient */
    int rem;   /* remainder */
} MSVCRT_div_t;

typedef struct MSVCRT__ldiv_t {
    MSVCRT_long quot;  /* quotient */
    MSVCRT_long rem;   /* remainder */
} MSVCRT_ldiv_t;

struct MSVCRT__heapinfo {
  int*           _pentry;
  MSVCRT_size_t  _size;
  int            _useflag;

#ifdef __i386__
    unsigned long Ebp;
    unsigned long Ebx;
    unsigned long Edi;
    unsigned long Esi;
    unsigned long Esp;
    unsigned long Eip;
    unsigned long Registration;
    unsigned long TryLevel;
    /* Start of new struct members */
    unsigned long Cookie;
    unsigned long UnwindFunc;
    unsigned long UnwindData[6];
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
    unsigned __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(16) Part[2];
    unsigned __int64 Frame;
    unsigned __int64 Rbx;
    unsigned __int64 Rsp;
    unsigned __int64 Rbp;
    unsigned __int64 Rsi;
    unsigned __int64 Rdi;
    unsigned __int64 R12;
    unsigned __int64 R13;
    unsigned __int64 R14;
    unsigned __int64 R15;
    unsigned __int64 Rip;
    unsigned __int64 Spare;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm6;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm7;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm8;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm9;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm10;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm11;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm12;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm13;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm14;
    struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm15;
#endif /* __i386__ */

struct MSVCRT__diskfree_t {
  unsigned int total_clusters;
  unsigned int avail_clusters;
  unsigned int sectors_per_cluster;
  unsigned int bytes_per_sector;

struct MSVCRT__finddata32_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
  MSVCRT__fsize_t   size;
  char              name[260];

struct MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
  char              name[260];

struct MSVCRT__finddata64i32_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
  MSVCRT__fsize_t   size;
  char              name[260];

struct MSVCRT__finddata64_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
  char              name[260];

struct MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
  MSVCRT__fsize_t   size;
  MSVCRT_wchar_t    name[260];

struct MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
  MSVCRT_wchar_t    name[260];

struct MSVCRT__wfinddata64i32_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
  MSVCRT__fsize_t   size;
  MSVCRT_wchar_t    name[260];

struct MSVCRT__wfinddata64_t {
  unsigned int      attrib;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
  MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
  MSVCRT_wchar_t    name[260];

struct MSVCRT___utimbuf32
    MSVCRT___time32_t actime;
    MSVCRT___time32_t modtime;

struct MSVCRT___utimbuf64
    MSVCRT___time64_t actime;
    MSVCRT___time64_t modtime;

/* for FreeBSD */
#undef st_atime
#undef st_ctime
#undef st_mtime

struct MSVCRT__stat32 {
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_dev;
  MSVCRT__ino_t     st_ino;
  unsigned short    st_mode;
  short             st_nlink;
  short             st_uid;
  short             st_gid;
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_rdev;
  MSVCRT__off_t     st_size;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_atime;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_mtime;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_ctime;

struct MSVCRT__stat32i64 {
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_dev;
  MSVCRT__ino_t     st_ino;
  unsigned short    st_mode;
  short             st_nlink;
  short             st_uid;
  short             st_gid;
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_rdev;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_atime;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_mtime;
  MSVCRT___time32_t st_ctime;

struct MSVCRT__stat64i32 {
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_dev;
  MSVCRT__ino_t     st_ino;
  unsigned short    st_mode;
  short             st_nlink;
  short             st_uid;
  short             st_gid;
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_rdev;
  MSVCRT__off_t     st_size;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_atime;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_mtime;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_ctime;

struct MSVCRT__stat64 {
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_dev;
  MSVCRT__ino_t     st_ino;
  unsigned short    st_mode;
  short             st_nlink;
  short             st_uid;
  short             st_gid;
  MSVCRT__dev_t     st_rdev;
  __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_atime;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_mtime;
  MSVCRT___time64_t st_ctime;

#ifdef _WIN64
#define MSVCRT__finddata_t     MSVCRT__finddata64i32_t
#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t  MSVCRT__finddata64_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t    MSVCRT__wfinddata64i32_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t MSVCRT__wfinddata64_t
#define MSVCRT__stat           MSVCRT__stat64i32
#define MSVCRT__stati64        MSVCRT__stat64
#define MSVCRT__finddata_t     MSVCRT__finddata32_t
#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t  MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t    MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t
#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t
#define MSVCRT__stat           MSVCRT__stat32
#define MSVCRT__stati64        MSVCRT__stat32i64

#define MSVCRT_WEOF (MSVCRT_wint_t)(0xFFFF)
#define MSVCRT_EOF       (-1)
#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX   0x7fff
#define MSVCRT_RAND_MAX  0x7fff
#define MSVCRT_BUFSIZ    512


/* more file._flag flags, but these conflict with Unix */
#define MSVCRT__IOFBF    0x0000
#define MSVCRT__IONBF    0x0004
#define MSVCRT__IOLBF    0x0040

#define MSVCRT_DRIVE_MAX    3
#define MSVCRT_FNAME_MAX    256
#define MSVCRT_DIR_MAX      256
#define MSVCRT_EXT_MAX      256
#define MSVCRT_PATH_MAX     260
#define MSVCRT_stdin       (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDIN_FILENO)
#define MSVCRT_stdout      (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDOUT_FILENO)
#define MSVCRT_stderr      (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDERR_FILENO)

#define MSVCRT__P_WAIT    0
#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAIT  1
#define MSVCRT__P_DETACH  4

#define MSVCRT_EPERM   1
#define MSVCRT_ENOENT  2
#define MSVCRT_ESRCH   3
#define MSVCRT_EINTR   4
#define MSVCRT_EIO     5
#define MSVCRT_ENXIO   6
#define MSVCRT_E2BIG   7
#define MSVCRT_EBADF   9
#define MSVCRT_ECHILD  10
#define MSVCRT_EAGAIN  11
#define MSVCRT_ENOMEM  12
#define MSVCRT_EACCES  13
#define MSVCRT_EFAULT  14
#define MSVCRT_EBUSY   16
#define MSVCRT_EEXIST  17
#define MSVCRT_EXDEV   18
#define MSVCRT_ENODEV  19
#define MSVCRT_EISDIR  21
#define MSVCRT_EINVAL  22
#define MSVCRT_ENFILE  23
#define MSVCRT_EMFILE  24
#define MSVCRT_ENOTTY  25
#define MSVCRT_EFBIG   27
#define MSVCRT_ENOSPC  28
#define MSVCRT_ESPIPE  29
#define MSVCRT_EROFS   30
#define MSVCRT_EMLINK  31
#define MSVCRT_EPIPE   32
#define MSVCRT_EDOM    33
#define MSVCRT_ERANGE  34
#define MSVCRT_ENOLCK  39
#define MSVCRT_ENOSYS  40
#define MSVCRT_EILSEQ    42

#define MSVCRT_LC_ALL          0
#define MSVCRT_LC_COLLATE      1
#define MSVCRT_LC_CTYPE        2
#define MSVCRT_LC_MONETARY     3
#define MSVCRT_LC_NUMERIC      4
#define MSVCRT_LC_TIME         5
#define MSVCRT_LC_MIN          MSVCRT_LC_ALL

#define MSVCRT__HEAPEMPTY      -1
#define MSVCRT__HEAPOK         -2
#define MSVCRT__HEAPEND        -5
#define MSVCRT__HEAPBADPTR     -6

#define MSVCRT__FREEENTRY      0
#define MSVCRT__USEDENTRY      1


/* ASCII char classification table - binary compatible */
#define MSVCRT__UPPER    0x0001  /* C1_UPPER */
#define MSVCRT__LOWER    0x0002  /* C1_LOWER */
#define MSVCRT__DIGIT    0x0004  /* C1_DIGIT */
#define MSVCRT__SPACE    0x0008  /* C1_SPACE */
#define MSVCRT__PUNCT    0x0010  /* C1_PUNCT */
#define MSVCRT__CONTROL  0x0020  /* C1_CNTRL */
#define MSVCRT__BLANK    0x0040  /* C1_BLANK */
#define MSVCRT__HEX      0x0080  /* C1_XDIGIT */
#define MSVCRT__LEADBYTE 0x8000

#define MSVCRT__IOREAD   0x0001
#define MSVCRT__IOWRT    0x0002
#define MSVCRT__IOMYBUF  0x0008
#define MSVCRT__IOEOF    0x0010
#define MSVCRT__IOERR    0x0020
#define MSVCRT__IOSTRG   0x0040
#define MSVCRT__IORW     0x0080

#define MSVCRT__S_IEXEC  0x0040
#define MSVCRT__S_IWRITE 0x0080
#define MSVCRT__S_IREAD  0x0100
#define MSVCRT__S_IFIFO  0x1000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFCHR  0x2000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFDIR  0x4000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFREG  0x8000
#define MSVCRT__S_IFMT   0xF000

#define MSVCRT__LK_UNLCK  0
#define MSVCRT__LK_LOCK   1
#define MSVCRT__LK_NBLCK  2
#define MSVCRT__LK_RLCK   3

#define	MSVCRT__SH_COMPAT	0x00	/* Compatibility */
#define	MSVCRT__SH_DENYRW	0x10	/* Deny read/write */
#define	MSVCRT__SH_DENYWR	0x20	/* Deny write */
#define	MSVCRT__SH_DENYRD	0x30	/* Deny read */
#define	MSVCRT__SH_DENYNO	0x40	/* Deny nothing */

#define MSVCRT__O_RDONLY        0
#define MSVCRT__O_WRONLY        1
#define MSVCRT__O_RDWR          2
#define MSVCRT__O_APPEND        0x0008
#define MSVCRT__O_RANDOM        0x0010
#define MSVCRT__O_SEQUENTIAL    0x0020
#define MSVCRT__O_TEMPORARY     0x0040
#define MSVCRT__O_NOINHERIT     0x0080
#define MSVCRT__O_CREAT         0x0100
#define MSVCRT__O_TRUNC         0x0200
#define MSVCRT__O_EXCL          0x0400
#define MSVCRT__O_SHORT_LIVED   0x1000
#define MSVCRT__O_TEXT          0x4000
#define MSVCRT__O_BINARY        0x8000
#define MSVCRT__O_RAW           MSVCRT__O_BINARY

/* _statusfp bit flags */
#define MSVCRT__SW_INEXACT      0x00000001 /* inexact (precision) */
#define MSVCRT__SW_UNDERFLOW    0x00000002 /* underflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_OVERFLOW     0x00000004 /* overflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008 /* zero divide */
#define MSVCRT__SW_INVALID      0x00000010 /* invalid */

#define MSVCRT__SW_UNEMULATED     0x00000040  /* unemulated instruction */
#define MSVCRT__SW_SQRTNEG        0x00000080  /* square root of a neg number */
#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKOVERFLOW  0x00000200  /* FP stack overflow */
#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKUNDERFLOW 0x00000400  /* FP stack underflow */

#define MSVCRT__SW_DENORMAL     0x00080000 /* denormal status bit */

/* fpclass constants */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_SNAN 0x0001  /* Signaling "Not a Number" */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_QNAN 0x0002  /* Quiet "Not a Number" */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NINF 0x0004  /* Negative Infinity */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NN   0x0008  /* Negative Normal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_ND   0x0010  /* Negative Denormal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NZ   0x0020  /* Negative Zero */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PZ   0x0040  /* Positive Zero */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PD   0x0080  /* Positive Denormal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PN   0x0100  /* Positive Normal */
#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PINF 0x0200  /* Positive Infinity */

#define MSVCRT__MCW_EM        0x0008001f
#define MSVCRT__MCW_IC        0x00040000
#define MSVCRT__MCW_RC        0x00000300
#define MSVCRT__MCW_PC        0x00030000
#define MSVCRT__MCW_DN        0x03000000

#define MSVCRT__EM_INVALID    0x00000010
#define MSVCRT__EM_DENORMAL   0x00080000
#define MSVCRT__EM_ZERODIVIDE 0x00000008
#define MSVCRT__EM_OVERFLOW   0x00000004
#define MSVCRT__EM_UNDERFLOW  0x00000002
#define MSVCRT__EM_INEXACT    0x00000001
#define MSVCRT__IC_AFFINE     0x00040000
#define MSVCRT__IC_PROJECTIVE 0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__RC_CHOP       0x00000300
#define MSVCRT__RC_UP         0x00000200
#define MSVCRT__RC_DOWN       0x00000100
#define MSVCRT__RC_NEAR       0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__PC_24         0x00020000
#define MSVCRT__PC_53         0x00010000
#define MSVCRT__PC_64         0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__DN_SAVE       0x00000000
#define MSVCRT__DN_FLUSH      0x01000000
#define MSVCRT__EM_AMBIGUOUS  0x80000000


/* signals */
#define MSVCRT_SIGINT   2
#define MSVCRT_SIGILL   4
#define MSVCRT_SIGFPE   8
#define MSVCRT_SIGSEGV  11
#define MSVCRT_SIGTERM  15
#define MSVCRT_SIGABRT  22

typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT___sighandler_t)(int);

#define MSVCRT_SIG_DFL ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)0)
#define MSVCRT_SIG_IGN ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)1)
#define MSVCRT_SIG_ERR ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)-1)

#define MSVCRT__FPE_INVALID            0x81
#define MSVCRT__FPE_DENORMAL           0x82
#define MSVCRT__FPE_ZERODIVIDE         0x83
#define MSVCRT__FPE_OVERFLOW           0x84
#define MSVCRT__FPE_UNDERFLOW          0x85
#define MSVCRT__FPE_INEXACT            0x86
#define MSVCRT__FPE_UNEMULATED         0x87
#define MSVCRT__FPE_SQRTNEG            0x88
#define MSVCRT__FPE_EXPLICITGEN        0x8c

#define _MS     0x01
#define _MP     0x02
#define _M1     0x04
#define _M2     0x08

#define _SBUP   0x10
#define _SBLOW  0x20

#define _MBC_SINGLE     0
#define _MBC_LEAD       1
#define _MBC_TRAIL      2
#define _MBC_ILLEGAL    -1

#define _MB_CP_SBCS     0
#define _MB_CP_OEM      -2
#define _MB_CP_ANSI     -3
#define _MB_CP_LOCALE   -4

#define MSVCRT__TRUNCATE ((MSVCRT_size_t)-1)

#define _MAX__TIME64_T    (((MSVCRT___time64_t)0x00000007 << 32) | 0x93406FFF)

/* _set_abort_behavior codes */

/* _get_output_format return code */

void  __cdecl    MSVCRT_free(void*);
void* __cdecl    MSVCRT_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t);
void* __cdecl    MSVCRT_calloc(MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t);
void* __cdecl    MSVCRT_realloc(void*,MSVCRT_size_t);

int __cdecl      MSVCRT_iswalpha(MSVCRT_wint_t);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_iswspace(MSVCRT_wint_t);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_iswdigit(MSVCRT_wint_t);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_isleadbyte(int);

void __cdecl     MSVCRT__lock_file(MSVCRT_FILE*);
void __cdecl     MSVCRT__unlock_file(MSVCRT_FILE*);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_fgetc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_ungetc(int,MSVCRT_FILE*);
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetwc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetwc(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
void __cdecl     MSVCRT__exit(int);
void __cdecl     MSVCRT_abort(void);
MSVCRT_ulong* __cdecl MSVCRT___doserrno(void);
int* __cdecl     MSVCRT__errno(void);
char* __cdecl    MSVCRT_getenv(const char*);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT_fclose(MSVCRT_FILE*);
void __cdecl     MSVCRT_terminate(void);
MSVCRT_FILE* __cdecl MSVCRT__iob_func(void);
MSVCRT_clock_t __cdecl MSVCRT_clock(void);
MSVCRT___time32_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time32(MSVCRT___time32_t*);
MSVCRT___time64_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time64(MSVCRT___time64_t*);
MSVCRT_FILE*   __cdecl MSVCRT__fdopen(int, const char *);
MSVCRT_FILE*   __cdecl MSVCRT__wfdopen(int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *);
int            __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnprintf(char *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const char *format, __ms_va_list valist);
int            __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnwprintf(MSVCRT_wchar_t *str, MSVCRT_size_t len,
                                       const MSVCRT_wchar_t *format, __ms_va_list valist );
int            __cdecl MSVCRT__snwprintf(MSVCRT_wchar_t*, unsigned int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, ...);
int            __cdecl MSVCRT_sprintf(char*,const char*,...);
int            __cdecl MSVCRT__scprintf(const char*,...);
int            __cdecl MSVCRT_raise(int sig);


extern MSVCRT__locale_t MSVCRT_locale;
MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo get_locinfo(void);
void __cdecl MSVCRT__free_locale(MSVCRT__locale_t);
void free_locinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo);
void free_mbcinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo);

int            __cdecl MSVCRT__write(int,const void*,unsigned int);
int            __cdecl _getch(void);
int            __cdecl _ismbblead(unsigned int);
int            __cdecl _ismbstrail(const unsigned char* start, const unsigned char* str);
MSVCRT_size_t  __cdecl MSVCRT_mbstowcs(MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const char*,MSVCRT_size_t);
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnve(int,const char*,const char* const *,const char* const *);
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVRT__spawnvpe(int,const char*,const char* const *,const char* const *);
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnve(int,const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *);
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnvpe(int,const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *);
void __cdecl     MSVCRT__searchenv(const char*,const char*,char*);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT__getdrive(void);
char* __cdecl    MSVCRT__strdup(const char*);
char* __cdecl    MSVCRT__strnset(char*,int,MSVCRT_size_t);
char* __cdecl    _strset(char*,int);
int __cdecl      _ungetch(int);
int __cdecl      _cputs(const char*);
int __cdecl      _cprintf(const char*,...);
int __cdecl      _cwprintf(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,...);
char*** __cdecl  MSVCRT___p__environ(void);
int*    __cdecl  __p___mb_cur_max(void);
unsigned int*  __cdecl __p__fmode(void);
MSVCRT_wchar_t* __cdecl MSVCRT__wcsdup(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
MSVCRT_wchar_t*** __cdecl MSVCRT___p__wenviron(void);
char*   __cdecl MSVCRT__strdate(char* date);
char*   __cdecl MSVCRT__strtime(char* date);
int     __cdecl _setmbcp(int);
int     __cdecl MSVCRT__close(int);
int     __cdecl MSVCRT__dup(int);
int     __cdecl MSVCRT__dup2(int, int);
int     __cdecl MSVCRT__pipe(int *, unsigned int, int);
MSVCRT_wchar_t* __cdecl MSVCRT__wgetenv(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
void __cdecl    MSVCRT__wsearchenv(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnvpe(int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*);
void __cdecl MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(const MSVCRT_wchar_t *expr, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *func,
                                       const MSVCRT_wchar_t *file, unsigned int line, MSVCRT_uintptr_t arg);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT__toupper_l(int,MSVCRT__locale_t);
int __cdecl      MSVCRT__tolower_l(int,MSVCRT__locale_t);

/* Maybe one day we'll enable the invalid parameter handlers with the full set of information (msvcrXXd)
 *      #define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x) MSVCRT_call_invalid_parameter_handler(x, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
 *      #define MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(x)   ((x) ? TRUE : MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(#x),FALSE)
 * Until this is done, just keep the same semantics for CHECK_PMT(), but without generating / sending
 * any information
 * NB : MSVCRT_call_invalid_parameter_handler is a wrapper around MSVCRT__invalid_parameter in order
 * to do the Ansi to Unicode transformation
#define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x) MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0)

#define MSVCRT__ARGMAX 100
typedef int (*puts_clbk_a)(void*, int, const char*);
typedef int (*puts_clbk_w)(void*, int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
typedef union _printf_arg
    void *get_ptr;
    int get_int;
    LONGLONG get_longlong;
    double get_double;
} printf_arg;
typedef printf_arg (*args_clbk)(void*, int, int, __ms_va_list*);
int pf_printf_a(puts_clbk_a, void*, const char*, MSVCRT__locale_t,
        BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void*, __ms_va_list*);
int pf_printf_w(puts_clbk_w, void*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, MSVCRT__locale_t,
        BOOL, BOOL, args_clbk, void*, __ms_va_list*);
printf_arg arg_clbk_valist(void*, int, int, __ms_va_list*);


typedef struct
    float f;

#endif /* __WINE_MSVCRT_H */