/* * MsHTML resources * French Language Support * * Copyright 2005 Jonathan Ernst * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ LANGUAGE LANG_FRENCH, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL /* FIXME: This should be in shdoclc.dll */ IDR_BROWSE_CONTEXT_MENU MENU { POPUP "Default" { MENUITEM "Page pr�&c�dente", IDM_BACK MENUITEM "Page sui&vante", IDM_FORWARD MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Enregistrer l'&arri�re-plan sous...", IDM_SAVEBACKGROUNDAS MENUITEM "�t&ablir en tant qu'�l�ment d'arri�re-plan", IDM_SETASBACKGROUND MENUITEM "Copie&r l'arri�re-plan", IDM_COPYBACKGROUND MENUITEM "D�finir comme �l�ment du &Bureau...", IDM_SETASDESKTOPITEM MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&S�lectionner tout", IDM_SELECTALL MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cr�er &un raccourci", IDM_CREATESHORTCUT MENUITEM "Ajouter au&x Favoris...", IDM_ADDTOFAVOURITES MENUITEM "A&fficher la source", IDM_VIEWSOURCE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Co&dage", IDM_ENCODING MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Imprimer", IDM_PRINT MENUITEM "Actualis&er", IDM_REFRESH MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Propri�t�s", IDM_PROPERTIES } POPUP "Image" { MENUITEM "Ou&vrir le lien", IDM_OPENLINK MENUITEM "Ouvrir le lien dans une &nouvelle fen�tre", IDM_OPENINNEWWINDOW MENUITEM "Enregistrer la cible so&us...", IDM_SAVETARGETAS MENUITEM "Imprimer la cib&le", IDM_PRINTTARGET MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Affic&her l'image", IDM_SHOWPICTURE MENUITEM "Enregistrer l'image &sous...", IDM_SAVEPICTUREAS MENUITEM "Envoyer l'image par &courrier �lectronique...", IDM_EMAILPICTURE MENUITEM "&Imprimer l'image...", IDM_PRINTPICTURE MENUITEM "Atteindre &Mes images", IDM_GOTOMYPICTURES MENUITEM "�&tablir en tant qu'�l�ment d'arri�re-plan", IDM_SETASBACKGROUND MENUITEM "D�finir comme �l�ment du &Bureau...", IDM_SETASDESKTOPITEM MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "Copier le r&accourci", IDM_COPYSHORTCUT MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Ajouter au&x Favoris...", IDM_ADDTOFAVOURITES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Propri�t�s", IDM_PROPERTIES } POPUP "Control" { MENUITEM "&Annuler", IDM_UNDO MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM "Suppri&mer", IDM_DELETE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&S�lectionner tout", IDM_SELECTALL } POPUP "Table" { POPUP "&S�lectionner" { MENUITEM "&cellule", IDM_CELL MENUITEM "&ligne", IDM_ROW MENUITEM "c&olonne", IDM_COLUMN MENUITEM "&table", IDM_TABLE } MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Propri�t�s de la &cellule", IDM_CELLPROPERTIES MENUITEM "Propri�t�s de la &table", IDM_TABLEPROPERTIES } POPUP "1DSite Select" { MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "Coller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM "&S�lectionner tout", IDM_SELECTALL MENUITEM "&Imprimer", IDM_PRINT MENUITEM SEPARATOR } POPUP "Anchor" { MENUITEM "Ou&vrir", IDM_OPENLINK MENUITEM "Ouvrir dans une &nouvelle fen�tre", IDM_OPENINNEWWINDOW MENUITEM "Enregistrer la cible so&us...", IDM_SAVETARGETAS MENUITEM "Imprimer la cib&le", IDM_PRINTTARGET MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "Copier le r&accourci", IDM_COPYSHORTCUT MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Ajouter au&x Favoris...", IDM_ADDTOFAVOURITES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Propri�t�s", IDM_PROPERTIES } POPUP "Context Unknown" { MENUITEM SEPARATOR } POPUP "DYNSRC Image" { MENUITEM "Ou&vrir le lien", IDM_OPENLINK MENUITEM "Ouvrir le lien dans une &nouvelle fen�tre", IDM_OPENINNEWWINDOW MENUITEM "Enregistrer la cible so&us...", IDM_SAVETARGETAS MENUITEM "Imprimer la cib&le", IDM_PRINTTARGET MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Affic&her l'image", IDM_SHOWPICTURE MENUITEM "Enregistrer la vid�o &sous...", IDM_SAVEPICTUREAS MENUITEM "�&tablir en tant qu'�l�ment d'arri�re-plan", IDM_SETASBACKGROUND MENUITEM "D�finir comme �l�ment du &Bureau...", IDM_SETASDESKTOPITEM MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "Copier le r&accourci", IDM_COPYSHORTCUT MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Ajouter au&x Favoris...", IDM_ADDTOFAVOURITES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Lecture", IDM_PLAY MENUITEM "Arr�t", IDM_STOP MENUITEM "&Propri�t�s", IDM_PROPERTIES } POPUP "ART Image" { MENUITEM "Ou&vrir le lien", IDM_OPENLINK MENUITEM "Ouvrir le lien dans une &nouvelle fen�tre", IDM_OPENINNEWWINDOW MENUITEM "Enregistrer la cible so&us...", IDM_SAVETARGETAS MENUITEM "Imprimer la cib&le", IDM_PRINTTARGET MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Affic&her l'image", IDM_SHOWPICTURE MENUITEM "Enregistrer l'image &sous...", IDM_SAVEPICTUREAS MENUITEM "�&tablir en tant qu'�l�ment d'arri�re-plan", IDM_SETASBACKGROUND MENUITEM "D�finir comme �l�ment du &Bureau...", IDM_SETASDESKTOPITEM MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Coupe&r", IDM_CUT MENUITEM "Copi&er", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "Copier le r&accourci", IDM_COPYSHORTCUT MENUITEM "C&oller", IDM_PASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Ajouter au&x Favoris...", IDM_ADDTOFAVOURITES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Lecture", IDM_PLAY MENUITEM "Arr�t", IDM_STOP MENUITEM "Retour arri�re", IDM_REWIND MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Propri�t�s", IDM_PROPERTIES } POPUP "Debug" { MENUITEM "Trace Tags", IDM_TRACETAGS MENUITEM "Resource Failures", IDM_RESOURCEFAILURES MENUITEM "Dump Tracking Info", IDM_DUMPTRACKINGINFO MENUITEM "Debug Break", IDM_DEBUGBREAK MENUITEM "Debug View", IDM_DEBUGVIEW MENUITEM "Dump Tree", IDM_DUMPTREE MENUITEM "Dump Lines", IDM_DUMPLINES MENUITEM "Dump DisplayTree", IDM_DUMPDISPLAYTREE MENUITEM "Dump FormatCaches", IDM_DUMPFORMATCACHES MENUITEM "Dump LayoutRects", IDM_DUMPLAYOUTRECTS MENUITEM "Memory Monitor", IDM_MEMORYMONITOR MENUITEM "Performance Meters", IDM_PERFORMANCEMETERS MENUITEM "Save HTML", IDM_SAVEHTML MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Browse View", IDM_BROWSEVIEW MENUITEM "&Edit View", IDM_EDITVIEW } POPUP "Vertical Scrollbar" { MENUITEM "D�filement ici", IDM_SCROLLHERE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Haut", IDM_TOP MENUITEM "Bas", IDM_BOTTOM MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Page pr�c�dente", IDM_PAGEUP MENUITEM "Page suivante", IDM_PAGEDOWN MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "D�filement vers le haut", IDM_SCROLLUP MENUITEM "D�filement vers le bas", IDM_SCROLLDOWN } POPUP "Horizontal Scrollbar" { MENUITEM "D�filement ici", IDM_SCROLLHERE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "C�t� gauche", IDM_LEFTEDGE MENUITEM "C�t� droit", IDM_RIGHTEDGE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Page vers la gauche", IDM_PAGELEFT MENUITEM "Page vers la droite", IDM_PAGERIGHT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "D�filement vers la gauche", IDM_SCROLLLEFT MENUITEM "D�filement vers la droite", IDM_SCROLLRIGHT } }