# Copyright 1996-1998 Marcus Meissner
# IPC remove code Copyright 1995 Michael Veksler
# This perl script automatically test runs ALL windows .exe and .scr binaries
# it finds (and can access) on your computer. It creates a subdirectory called
# runs/ and stores the output there. It also does (unique) diffs between runs.
# It only reruns the test if ChangeLog or the executeable is NEWER than the
# run file. (If you want to rerun everything inbetween releases, touch
# ChangeLog.)

# Path to WINE executeable. If not specified, 'wine' is searched in the path.
$wine = 'wine';
# WINE options. -managed when using a windowmanager is probably not good in
# automatic testruns.
# Path to WINE ChangeLog. Used as timestamp for new releases...
$changelog = '/home/marcus/wine/ChangeLog';
# How long before automatically killing all subprocesses
# 30 is good for automatic testing, 300 or more for interactive testing.
$waittime = 50;
#diff command
$diff='diff -u';
# truncate at how-much-lines
$<||die "Running this script under UID 0 is a great security risk (and risk for existing windows installations on mounted DOS/W95 partitions). If you really want to, comment out this line.\n";

if (! -d "runs") { die "no subdirectory runs/ found in $cwd. Please create one first!\n";}

# look for the exact path to wine executeable in case we need it for a 
# replacement changelog.
if (! ($wine =~ /\//)) { # no path specified. Look it up.
	@paths = split(/:/,$ENV{'PATH'});
	foreach $path (@paths) {
		if (-e "$path/$wine" && -x "$path/$wine") {
			$wine = "$path/$wine";

# if we don't have a changelog use the modification date of the WINE executeable
if (! -e $changelog) {
	$changelog = $wine;

# sanity check so we just fill runs/ with errors.
(-x $wine)  || die "no $wine executable found!\n";
# dito. will print usage
system("$wine -h >/dev/null")||die "wine call failed:$!\n";

print "Using $wine as WINE executeable.\n";
print "Using $changelog as testrun timereference.\n";

chomp($cwd = `pwd`);

# Find out all present semaphores so we don't remove them later.
while(<IPCS>) {
    # try to find out the IPC-ID, assume it is the first number.
    foreach (@_) {
	$_ ne int($_) && next;	# not a decimal number
    if (/sem/i .. /^\s*$/ ) {
	index($_,$USER)>=0 || next;
	print "found $num\n";

sub kill_subprocesses {

	# FIXME: substitute ps command that shows PID,PPID and COMMAND
	# On Linux' latest procps this is "ps aulc"
	open(PSAUX,"ps aulc|");
	# lookup all processes, remember their parents and cmdlines.
	$xline = <PSAUX>; # fmtline 
	@psformat = split(/\s\s*/,$xline);

	psline: while (<PSAUX>) {
		@psline = split(/\s\s*/);
		for ($i=0;$i<=$#psformat;$i++) {
			if ($psformat[$i] =~ /COMMAND/) {
				die unless $pid;
			if ($psformat[$i] =~ /PPID/ ) {
				$parentof{$pid} = $psline[$i];
			if ($psformat[$i] =~ /PID/ ) {
				$pid = $psline[$i];

	# find out all kids of this perlscript
	%kids = ();
	$kids{$$} = 1;
	$changed = 1;
	while ($changed) {
		$changed = 0;
		foreach (keys %parentof) {
			next if ($kids{$_});
			if ($kids{$parentof{$_}}) {
				$changed = 1;
	# .. but do not consider us for killing
	delete $kids{$$};
	# remove all processes killed in the meantime from %killedalready.
	foreach $pid (keys %killedalready) {
		delete $killedalready{$pid} if (!$kids{$pid} );
	# kill all subprocesses called 'wine'. Do not kill find, diff, sh
	# and friends, which are also subprocesses of us.
	foreach (keys %kids) {
		next unless ($cmdline{$_} =~ /((.|)wine|dosmod)/);
		# if we have already killed it using -TERM, use -KILL
		if ($killedalready{$_}) {
			kill(9,$_);	# FIXME: use correct number?
		} else {
			kill(15,$_);	# FIXME: use correct number?
	alarm($waittime);		# wait again...

# borrowed from tools/ipcl. See comments there.
# killing wine subprocesses unluckily leaves all of their IPC stuff lying
# around. We have to wipe it or we run out of it.
sub cleanup_wine_ipc {
	while(<IPCS>) {
	    # try to find out the IPC-ID, assume it is the first number.
	    foreach (@_) {
		$_ ne int($_) && next;	# not a decimal number
	    # was there before start of this script, skip it.
	    # FIXME: this doesn't work for programs started during the testrun.
	    if (/sem/i .. /^\s*$/ ) {
		index($_,$USER)>=0 || next;
	foreach (@sem) {
	    $sem_used{$_} && next;
	    semctl($_, 0, $IPC_RMID,0);

# kill all subwineprocesses for automatic runs.
sub alarmhandler {
	print "timer triggered.\n";

$SIG{'ALRM'} = "alarmhandler";

# NOTE: following find will also cross NFS mounts, so be sure to have nothing
# mounted that's not on campus or add relevant ! -fstype nfs or similar.

$startdir = '/';

$startdir = $ARGV[0] if ($ARGV[0] && (-d $ARGV[0]));

open(FIND,"find $startdir -type f  \\( -name \"*.EXE\" -o -name \"*.exe\" -o -name \"*.scr\" -o -name \"*.SCR\" \\) -print|");
while ($exe=<FIND>) {

	# This could change during a testrun (by doing 'make' for instance)
	# FIXME: doesn't handle missing libwine.so during compile...
	(-x $wine)  || die "no $wine executable found!\n";

	# Skip all mssetup, acmsetup , installshield whatever exes. 
	# they seem to work, mostly and starting them is just annoying.
	next if ($exe =~ /acmsetup|unwise|testexit|_msset|isun|st4u|st5u|_mstest|_isdel|ms-setup|~ms|unin/io);

	$runfile = $exe;
	$runfile =~ s/[\/ ]/_/g;
	$runfile =~ s/\.exe$//g;
	$runfile =~ s/\.scr$//ig;
	# Check if changelog is newer, if not, continue
	if (	-e "runs/${runfile}.out" && 
		(-M $changelog > -M "runs/${runfile}.out") && 
		(-M $exe > -M "runs/${runfile}.out")
	) {
		#print "skipping $exe, already done.\n";
	# now testrun...
	print "$exe:\n";
	$dir = $exe;
	$dir =~ s/^(.*)\/[^\/]*$/$1/; #cut of the basename.


	chdir($dir)||die "$dir:$!";
	if ($exe =~ /\.scr/i) {
		system("echo quit|$wine $wineoptions \"$exe /s\" >$cwd/${runfile}.out 2>&1");
	} else {
		system("echo quit|$wine $wineoptions \"$exe\" >$cwd/${runfile}.out 2>&1");
	alarm(1000);# so it doesn't trigger in the diff, kill or find.

	system("touch $cwd/runs/${runfile}.out");
	system("$diff $cwd/runs/${runfile}.out $cwd/${runfile}.out|head -$trunclines");
	system("head -$trunclines $cwd/${runfile}.out >$cwd/runs/${runfile}.out");