/* * NT basis DLL * * This file contains the Nt* API functions of NTDLL.DLL. * In the original ntdll.dll they all seem to just call int 0x2e (down to the NTOSKRNL) * * Copyright 1996-1998 Marcus Meissner * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include "wine/port.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H # include <sys/param.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H # include <sys/sysctl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_MACHINE_CPU_H # include <machine/cpu.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_MACH_MACHINE_H # include <mach/machine.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <time.h> #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "windef.h" #include "winternl.h" #include "ntdll_misc.h" #include "wine/server.h" #include "ddk/wdm.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <mach/mach_init.h> #include <mach/mach_host.h> #include <mach/vm_map.h> #endif WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(ntdll); /* * Token */ /****************************************************************************** * NtDuplicateToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwDuplicateToken [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtDuplicateToken( IN HANDLE ExistingToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, IN SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, IN TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, OUT PHANDLE NewToken) { NTSTATUS status; TRACE("(%p,0x%08x,%s,0x%08x,0x%08x,%p)\n", ExistingToken, DesiredAccess, debugstr_ObjectAttributes(ObjectAttributes), ImpersonationLevel, TokenType, NewToken); if (ObjectAttributes && ObjectAttributes->SecurityQualityOfService) { SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *SecurityQOS = ObjectAttributes->SecurityQualityOfService; TRACE("ObjectAttributes->SecurityQualityOfService = {%d, %d, %d, %s}\n", SecurityQOS->Length, SecurityQOS->ImpersonationLevel, SecurityQOS->ContextTrackingMode, SecurityQOS->EffectiveOnly ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); ImpersonationLevel = SecurityQOS->ImpersonationLevel; } SERVER_START_REQ( duplicate_token ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( ExistingToken ); req->access = DesiredAccess; req->attributes = ObjectAttributes ? ObjectAttributes->Attributes : 0; req->primary = (TokenType == TokenPrimary); req->impersonation_level = ImpersonationLevel; status = wine_server_call( req ); if (!status) *NewToken = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->new_handle ); } SERVER_END_REQ; return status; } /****************************************************************************** * NtOpenProcessToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwOpenProcessToken [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenProcessToken( HANDLE ProcessHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, HANDLE *TokenHandle) { return NtOpenProcessTokenEx( ProcessHandle, DesiredAccess, 0, TokenHandle ); } /****************************************************************************** * NtOpenProcessTokenEx [NTDLL.@] * ZwOpenProcessTokenEx [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenProcessTokenEx( HANDLE process, DWORD access, DWORD attributes, HANDLE *handle ) { NTSTATUS ret; TRACE("(%p,0x%08x,0x%08x,%p)\n", process, access, attributes, handle); SERVER_START_REQ( open_token ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( process ); req->access = access; req->attributes = attributes; req->flags = 0; ret = wine_server_call( req ); if (!ret) *handle = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->token ); } SERVER_END_REQ; return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtOpenThreadToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwOpenThreadToken [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenThreadToken( HANDLE ThreadHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, BOOLEAN OpenAsSelf, HANDLE *TokenHandle) { return NtOpenThreadTokenEx( ThreadHandle, DesiredAccess, OpenAsSelf, 0, TokenHandle ); } /****************************************************************************** * NtOpenThreadTokenEx [NTDLL.@] * ZwOpenThreadTokenEx [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenThreadTokenEx( HANDLE thread, DWORD access, BOOLEAN as_self, DWORD attributes, HANDLE *handle ) { NTSTATUS ret; TRACE("(%p,0x%08x,%u,0x%08x,%p)\n", thread, access, as_self, attributes, handle ); SERVER_START_REQ( open_token ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( thread ); req->access = access; req->attributes = attributes; req->flags = OPEN_TOKEN_THREAD; if (as_self) req->flags |= OPEN_TOKEN_AS_SELF; ret = wine_server_call( req ); if (!ret) *handle = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->token ); } SERVER_END_REQ; return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtAdjustPrivilegesToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken [NTDLL.@] * * FIXME: parameters unsafe */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAdjustPrivilegesToken( IN HANDLE TokenHandle, IN BOOLEAN DisableAllPrivileges, IN PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, IN DWORD BufferLength, OUT PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, OUT PDWORD ReturnLength) { NTSTATUS ret; TRACE("(%p,0x%08x,%p,0x%08x,%p,%p)\n", TokenHandle, DisableAllPrivileges, NewState, BufferLength, PreviousState, ReturnLength); SERVER_START_REQ( adjust_token_privileges ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( TokenHandle ); req->disable_all = DisableAllPrivileges; req->get_modified_state = (PreviousState != NULL); if (!DisableAllPrivileges) { wine_server_add_data( req, NewState->Privileges, NewState->PrivilegeCount * sizeof(NewState->Privileges[0]) ); } if (PreviousState && BufferLength >= FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges )) wine_server_set_reply( req, PreviousState->Privileges, BufferLength - FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges ) ); ret = wine_server_call( req ); if (PreviousState) { *ReturnLength = reply->len + FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges ); PreviousState->PrivilegeCount = reply->len / sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES); } } SERVER_END_REQ; return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtQueryInformationToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwQueryInformationToken [NTDLL.@] * * NOTES * Buffer for TokenUser: * 0x00 TOKEN_USER the PSID field points to the SID * 0x08 SID * */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryInformationToken( HANDLE token, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS tokeninfoclass, PVOID tokeninfo, ULONG tokeninfolength, PULONG retlen ) { ULONG len; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE("(%p,%d,%p,%d,%p)\n", token,tokeninfoclass,tokeninfo,tokeninfolength,retlen); switch (tokeninfoclass) { case TokenSource: len = sizeof(TOKEN_SOURCE); break; case TokenType: len = sizeof (TOKEN_TYPE); break; case TokenImpersonationLevel: len = sizeof(SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL); break; case TokenStatistics: len = sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS); break; default: len = 0; } if (retlen) *retlen = len; if (tokeninfolength < len) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; switch (tokeninfoclass) { case TokenUser: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_sid ) { TOKEN_USER * tuser = tokeninfo; PSID sid = tuser + 1; DWORD sid_len = tokeninfolength < sizeof(TOKEN_USER) ? 0 : tokeninfolength - sizeof(TOKEN_USER); req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); req->which_sid = tokeninfoclass; wine_server_set_reply( req, sid, sid_len ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (retlen) *retlen = reply->sid_len + sizeof(TOKEN_USER); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { tuser->User.Sid = sid; tuser->User.Attributes = 0; } } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenGroups: { char stack_buffer[256]; unsigned int server_buf_len = sizeof(stack_buffer); void *buffer = stack_buffer; BOOLEAN need_more_memory; /* we cannot work out the size of the server buffer required for the * input size, since there are two factors affecting how much can be * stored in the buffer - number of groups and lengths of sids */ do { need_more_memory = FALSE; SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_groups ) { TOKEN_GROUPS *groups = tokeninfo; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); wine_server_set_reply( req, buffer, server_buf_len ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { if (buffer == stack_buffer) buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reply->user_len); else buffer = RtlReAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer, reply->user_len); if (!buffer) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; server_buf_len = reply->user_len; need_more_memory = TRUE; } else if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { struct token_groups *tg = buffer; unsigned int *attr = (unsigned int *)(tg + 1); ULONG i; const int non_sid_portion = (sizeof(struct token_groups) + tg->count * sizeof(unsigned int)); SID *sids = (SID *)((char *)tokeninfo + FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_GROUPS, Groups[tg->count] )); ULONG needed_bytes = FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_GROUPS, Groups[tg->count] ) + reply->user_len - non_sid_portion; if (retlen) *retlen = needed_bytes; if (needed_bytes <= tokeninfolength) { groups->GroupCount = tg->count; memcpy( sids, (char *)buffer + non_sid_portion, reply->user_len - non_sid_portion ); for (i = 0; i < tg->count; i++) { groups->Groups[i].Attributes = attr[i]; groups->Groups[i].Sid = sids; sids = (SID *)((char *)sids + RtlLengthSid(sids)); } } else status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else if (retlen) *retlen = 0; } SERVER_END_REQ; } while (need_more_memory); if (buffer != stack_buffer) RtlFreeHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer); break; } case TokenPrimaryGroup: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_sid ) { TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP *tgroup = tokeninfo; PSID sid = tgroup + 1; DWORD sid_len = tokeninfolength < sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) ? 0 : tokeninfolength - sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP); req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); req->which_sid = tokeninfoclass; wine_server_set_reply( req, sid, sid_len ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (retlen) *retlen = reply->sid_len + sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) tgroup->PrimaryGroup = sid; } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenPrivileges: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_privileges ) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *tpriv = tokeninfo; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); if (tpriv && tokeninfolength > FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges )) wine_server_set_reply( req, tpriv->Privileges, tokeninfolength - FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges ) ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (retlen) *retlen = FIELD_OFFSET( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, Privileges ) + reply->len; if (tpriv) tpriv->PrivilegeCount = reply->len / sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES); } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenOwner: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_sid ) { TOKEN_OWNER *towner = tokeninfo; PSID sid = towner + 1; DWORD sid_len = tokeninfolength < sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER) ? 0 : tokeninfolength - sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER); req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); req->which_sid = tokeninfoclass; wine_server_set_reply( req, sid, sid_len ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (retlen) *retlen = reply->sid_len + sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) towner->Owner = sid; } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenImpersonationLevel: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_impersonation_level ) { SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL *impersonation_level = tokeninfo; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) *impersonation_level = reply->impersonation_level; } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenStatistics: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_statistics ) { TOKEN_STATISTICS *statistics = tokeninfo; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { statistics->TokenId.LowPart = reply->token_id.low_part; statistics->TokenId.HighPart = reply->token_id.high_part; statistics->AuthenticationId.LowPart = 0; /* FIXME */ statistics->AuthenticationId.HighPart = 0; /* FIXME */ statistics->ExpirationTime.u.HighPart = 0x7fffffff; statistics->ExpirationTime.u.LowPart = 0xffffffff; statistics->TokenType = reply->primary ? TokenPrimary : TokenImpersonation; statistics->ImpersonationLevel = reply->impersonation_level; /* kernel information not relevant to us */ statistics->DynamicCharged = 0; statistics->DynamicAvailable = 0; statistics->GroupCount = reply->group_count; statistics->PrivilegeCount = reply->privilege_count; statistics->ModifiedId.LowPart = reply->modified_id.low_part; statistics->ModifiedId.HighPart = reply->modified_id.high_part; } } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenType: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_statistics ) { TOKEN_TYPE *token_type = tokeninfo; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) *token_type = reply->primary ? TokenPrimary : TokenImpersonation; } SERVER_END_REQ; break; case TokenDefaultDacl: SERVER_START_REQ( get_token_default_dacl ) { TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL *default_dacl = tokeninfo; ACL *acl = (ACL *)(default_dacl + 1); DWORD acl_len; if (tokeninfolength < sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)) acl_len = 0; else acl_len = tokeninfolength - sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL); req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( token ); wine_server_set_reply( req, acl, acl_len ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (retlen) *retlen = reply->acl_len + sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (reply->acl_len) default_dacl->DefaultDacl = acl; else default_dacl->DefaultDacl = NULL; } } SERVER_END_REQ; break; default: { ERR("Unhandled Token Information class %d!\n", tokeninfoclass); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * NtSetInformationToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwSetInformationToken [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtSetInformationToken( HANDLE TokenHandle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, PVOID TokenInformation, ULONG TokenInformationLength) { NTSTATUS ret = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; TRACE("%p %d %p %u\n", TokenHandle, TokenInformationClass, TokenInformation, TokenInformationLength); switch (TokenInformationClass) { case TokenDefaultDacl: if (TokenInformationLength < sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)) { ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; break; } if (!TokenInformation) { ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; } SERVER_START_REQ( set_token_default_dacl ) { ACL *acl = ((TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL *)TokenInformation)->DefaultDacl; WORD size; if (acl) size = acl->AclSize; else size = 0; req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( TokenHandle ); wine_server_add_data( req, acl, size ); ret = wine_server_call( req ); } SERVER_END_REQ; break; default: FIXME("unimplemented class %u\n", TokenInformationClass); break; } return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtAdjustGroupsToken [NTDLL.@] * ZwAdjustGroupsToken [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAdjustGroupsToken( HANDLE TokenHandle, BOOLEAN ResetToDefault, PTOKEN_GROUPS NewState, ULONG BufferLength, PTOKEN_GROUPS PreviousState, PULONG ReturnLength) { FIXME("%p %d %p %u %p %p\n", TokenHandle, ResetToDefault, NewState, BufferLength, PreviousState, ReturnLength); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtPrivilegeCheck [NTDLL.@] * ZwPrivilegeCheck [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtPrivilegeCheck( HANDLE ClientToken, PPRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges, PBOOLEAN Result) { NTSTATUS status; SERVER_START_REQ( check_token_privileges ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( ClientToken ); req->all_required = ((RequiredPrivileges->Control & PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY) ? TRUE : FALSE); wine_server_add_data( req, RequiredPrivileges->Privilege, RequiredPrivileges->PrivilegeCount * sizeof(RequiredPrivileges->Privilege[0]) ); wine_server_set_reply( req, RequiredPrivileges->Privilege, RequiredPrivileges->PrivilegeCount * sizeof(RequiredPrivileges->Privilege[0]) ); status = wine_server_call( req ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) *Result = (reply->has_privileges ? TRUE : FALSE); } SERVER_END_REQ; return status; } /* * Section */ /****************************************************************************** * NtQuerySection [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySection( IN HANDLE SectionHandle, IN SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS SectionInformationClass, OUT PVOID SectionInformation, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG ResultLength) { FIXME("(%p,%d,%p,0x%08x,%p) stub!\n", SectionHandle,SectionInformationClass,SectionInformation,Length,ResultLength); return 0; } /* * ports */ /****************************************************************************** * NtCreatePort [NTDLL.@] * ZwCreatePort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreatePort(PHANDLE PortHandle,POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, ULONG MaxConnectInfoLength,ULONG MaxDataLength,PULONG reserved) { FIXME("(%p,%p,%u,%u,%p),stub!\n",PortHandle,ObjectAttributes, MaxConnectInfoLength,MaxDataLength,reserved); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtConnectPort [NTDLL.@] * ZwConnectPort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtConnectPort( PHANDLE PortHandle, PUNICODE_STRING PortName, PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQos, PLPC_SECTION_WRITE WriteSection, PLPC_SECTION_READ ReadSection, PULONG MaximumMessageLength, PVOID ConnectInfo, PULONG pConnectInfoLength) { FIXME("(%p,%s,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p),stub!\n", PortHandle,debugstr_w(PortName->Buffer),SecurityQos, WriteSection,ReadSection,MaximumMessageLength,ConnectInfo, pConnectInfoLength); if (ConnectInfo && pConnectInfoLength) TRACE("\tMessage = %s\n",debugstr_an(ConnectInfo,*pConnectInfoLength)); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtSecureConnectPort (NTDLL.@) * ZwSecureConnectPort (NTDLL.@) */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtSecureConnectPort( PHANDLE PortHandle, PUNICODE_STRING PortName, PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQos, PLPC_SECTION_WRITE WriteSection, PSID pSid, PLPC_SECTION_READ ReadSection, PULONG MaximumMessageLength, PVOID ConnectInfo, PULONG pConnectInfoLength) { FIXME("(%p,%s,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p),stub!\n", PortHandle,debugstr_w(PortName->Buffer),SecurityQos, WriteSection,pSid,ReadSection,MaximumMessageLength,ConnectInfo, pConnectInfoLength); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtListenPort [NTDLL.@] * ZwListenPort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtListenPort(HANDLE PortHandle,PLPC_MESSAGE pLpcMessage) { FIXME("(%p,%p),stub!\n",PortHandle,pLpcMessage); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtAcceptConnectPort [NTDLL.@] * ZwAcceptConnectPort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAcceptConnectPort( PHANDLE PortHandle, ULONG PortIdentifier, PLPC_MESSAGE pLpcMessage, BOOLEAN Accept, PLPC_SECTION_WRITE WriteSection, PLPC_SECTION_READ ReadSection) { FIXME("(%p,%u,%p,%d,%p,%p),stub!\n", PortHandle,PortIdentifier,pLpcMessage,Accept,WriteSection,ReadSection); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtCompleteConnectPort [NTDLL.@] * ZwCompleteConnectPort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCompleteConnectPort(HANDLE PortHandle) { FIXME("(%p),stub!\n",PortHandle); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort [NTDLL.@] * ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort(HANDLE PortHandle) { FIXME("(%p),stub!\n",PortHandle); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtRequestWaitReplyPort [NTDLL.@] * ZwRequestWaitReplyPort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtRequestWaitReplyPort( HANDLE PortHandle, PLPC_MESSAGE pLpcMessageIn, PLPC_MESSAGE pLpcMessageOut) { FIXME("(%p,%p,%p),stub!\n",PortHandle,pLpcMessageIn,pLpcMessageOut); if(pLpcMessageIn) { TRACE("Message to send:\n"); TRACE("\tDataSize = %u\n",pLpcMessageIn->DataSize); TRACE("\tMessageSize = %u\n",pLpcMessageIn->MessageSize); TRACE("\tMessageType = %u\n",pLpcMessageIn->MessageType); TRACE("\tVirtualRangesOffset = %u\n",pLpcMessageIn->VirtualRangesOffset); TRACE("\tClientId.UniqueProcess = %p\n",pLpcMessageIn->ClientId.UniqueProcess); TRACE("\tClientId.UniqueThread = %p\n",pLpcMessageIn->ClientId.UniqueThread); TRACE("\tMessageId = %lu\n",pLpcMessageIn->MessageId); TRACE("\tSectionSize = %lu\n",pLpcMessageIn->SectionSize); TRACE("\tData = %s\n", debugstr_an((const char*)pLpcMessageIn->Data,pLpcMessageIn->DataSize)); } return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtReplyWaitReceivePort [NTDLL.@] * ZwReplyWaitReceivePort [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtReplyWaitReceivePort( HANDLE PortHandle, PULONG PortIdentifier, PLPC_MESSAGE ReplyMessage, PLPC_MESSAGE Message) { FIXME("(%p,%p,%p,%p),stub!\n",PortHandle,PortIdentifier,ReplyMessage,Message); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* * Misc */ /****************************************************************************** * NtSetIntervalProfile [NTDLL.@] * ZwSetIntervalProfile [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtSetIntervalProfile( ULONG Interval, KPROFILE_SOURCE Source) { FIXME("%u,%d\n", Interval, Source); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static SYSTEM_CPU_INFORMATION cached_sci; static ULONGLONG cpuHz = 1000000000; /* default to a 1GHz */ #define AUTH 0x68747541 /* "Auth" */ #define ENTI 0x69746e65 /* "enti" */ #define CAMD 0x444d4163 /* "cAMD" */ /* Calls cpuid with an eax of 'ax' and returns the 16 bytes in *p * We are compiled with -fPIC, so we can't clobber ebx. */ static inline void do_cpuid(unsigned int ax, unsigned int *p) { #ifdef __i386__ __asm__("pushl %%ebx\n\t" "cpuid\n\t" "movl %%ebx, %%esi\n\t" "popl %%ebx" : "=a" (p[0]), "=S" (p[1]), "=c" (p[2]), "=d" (p[3]) : "0" (ax)); #endif } /* From xf86info havecpuid.c 1.11 */ static inline int have_cpuid(void) { #ifdef __i386__ unsigned int f1, f2; __asm__("pushfl\n\t" "pushfl\n\t" "popl %0\n\t" "movl %0,%1\n\t" "xorl %2,%0\n\t" "pushl %0\n\t" "popfl\n\t" "pushfl\n\t" "popl %0\n\t" "popfl" : "=&r" (f1), "=&r" (f2) : "ir" (0x00200000)); return ((f1^f2) & 0x00200000) != 0; #else return 0; #endif } static inline void get_cpuinfo(SYSTEM_CPU_INFORMATION* info) { unsigned int regs[4], regs2[4]; if (!have_cpuid()) return; do_cpuid(0x00000000, regs); /* get standard cpuid level and vendor name */ if (regs[0]>=0x00000001) /* Check for supported cpuid version */ { do_cpuid(0x00000001, regs2); /* get cpu features */ switch ((regs2[0] >> 8) & 0xf) /* cpu family */ { case 3: info->Level = 3; break; case 4: info->Level = 4; break; case 5: info->Level = 5; break; case 15: /* PPro/2/3/4 has same info as P1 */ case 6: info->Level = 6; break; default: FIXME("unknown cpu family %d, please report! (-> setting to 386)\n", (regs2[0] >> 8)&0xf); info->Level = 3; break; } user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = !(regs2[3] & 1); user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_RDTSC_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE] = (regs2[3] & (1 << 4 )) >> 4; user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_DOUBLE] = (regs2[3] & (1 << 8 )) >> 8; user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = (regs2[3] & (1 << 23)) >> 23; if (regs[1] == AUTH && regs[3] == ENTI && regs[2] == CAMD) { do_cpuid(0x80000000, regs); /* get vendor cpuid level */ if (regs[0] >= 0x80000001) { do_cpuid(0x80000001, regs2); /* get vendor features */ user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_3DNOW_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = (regs2[3] & (1 << 31 )) >> 31; } } } } /****************************************************************** * fill_cpu_info * * inits a couple of places with CPU related information: * - cached_sci & cpuHZ in this file * - Peb->NumberOfProcessors * - SharedUserData->ProcessFeatures[] array * * It creates a registry subhierarchy, looking like: * "\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\<processornumber>\Identifier (CPU x86)". * Note that there is a hierarchy for every processor installed, so this * supports multiprocessor systems. This is done like Win95 does it, I think. * * It creates some registry entries in the environment part: * "\HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment". These are * always present. When deleted, Windows will add them again. */ void fill_cpu_info(void) { memset(&cached_sci, 0, sizeof(cached_sci)); /* choose sensible defaults ... * FIXME: perhaps overridable with precompiler flags? */ cached_sci.Architecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; cached_sci.Level = 5; /* 586 */ cached_sci.Revision = 0; cached_sci.Reserved = 0; cached_sci.FeatureSet = 0x1fff; /* FIXME: set some sensible defaults out of ProcessFeatures[] */ NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = 1; /* Hmm, reasonable processor feature defaults? */ #ifdef linux { char line[200]; FILE *f = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"); if (!f) return; while (fgets(line,200,f) != NULL) { char *s,*value; /* NOTE: the ':' is the only character we can rely on */ if (!(value = strchr(line,':'))) continue; /* terminate the valuename */ s = value - 1; while ((s >= line) && ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t'))) s--; *(s + 1) = '\0'; /* and strip leading spaces from value */ value += 1; while (*value==' ') value++; if ((s = strchr(value,'\n'))) *s='\0'; if (!strcasecmp(line, "processor")) { /* processor number counts up... */ unsigned int x; if (sscanf(value, "%d",&x)) if (x + 1 > NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors) NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = x + 1; continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "model")) { /* First part of Revision */ int x; if (sscanf(value, "%d",&x)) cached_sci.Revision = cached_sci.Revision | (x << 8); continue; } /* 2.1 method */ if (!strcasecmp(line, "cpu family")) { if (isdigit(value[0])) { cached_sci.Level = atoi(value); } continue; } /* old 2.0 method */ if (!strcasecmp(line, "cpu")) { if (isdigit(value[0]) && value[1] == '8' && value[2] == '6' && value[3] == 0) { switch (cached_sci.Level = value[0] - '0') { case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: break; default: FIXME("unknown Linux 2.0 cpu family '%s', please report ! (-> setting to 386)\n", value); cached_sci.Level = 3; break; } } continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "stepping")) { /* Second part of Revision */ int x; if (sscanf(value, "%d",&x)) cached_sci.Revision = cached_sci.Revision | x; continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "cpu MHz")) { double cmz; if (sscanf( value, "%lf", &cmz ) == 1) { /* SYSTEMINFO doesn't have a slot for cpu speed, so store in a global */ cpuHz = cmz * 1000 * 1000; } continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "fdiv_bug")) { if (!strncasecmp(value, "yes",3)) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_PRECISION_ERRATA] = TRUE; continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "fpu")) { if (!strncasecmp(value, "no",2)) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = TRUE; continue; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "flags") || !strcasecmp(line, "features")) { if (strstr(value, "cx8")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_DOUBLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(value, "mmx")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(value, "tsc")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_RDTSC_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(value, "3dnow")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_3DNOW_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; /* This will also catch sse2, but we have sse itself * if we have sse2, so no problem */ if (strstr(value, "sse")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_XMMI_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(value, "sse2")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_XMMI64_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(value, "pae")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_PAE_ENABLED] = TRUE; continue; } } fclose(f); } #elif defined (__NetBSD__) { int mib[2]; int value; size_t val_len; char model[256]; char *cpuclass; FILE *f = fopen("/var/run/dmesg.boot", "r"); /* first deduce as much as possible from the sysctls */ mib[0] = CTL_MACHDEP; #ifdef CPU_FPU_PRESENT mib[1] = CPU_FPU_PRESENT; val_len = sizeof(value); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &value, &val_len, NULL, 0) >= 0) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = !value; #endif #ifdef CPU_SSE mib[1] = CPU_SSE; /* this should imply MMX */ val_len = sizeof(value); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &value, &val_len, NULL, 0) >= 0) if (value) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; #endif #ifdef CPU_SSE2 mib[1] = CPU_SSE2; /* this should imply MMX */ val_len = sizeof(value); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &value, &val_len, NULL, 0) >= 0) if (value) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; #endif mib[0] = CTL_HW; mib[1] = HW_NCPU; val_len = sizeof(value); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &value, &val_len, NULL, 0) >= 0) if (value > NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors) NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = value; mib[1] = HW_MODEL; val_len = sizeof(model)-1; if (sysctl(mib, 2, model, &val_len, NULL, 0) >= 0) { model[val_len] = '\0'; /* just in case */ cpuclass = strstr(model, "-class"); if (cpuclass != NULL) { while(cpuclass > model && cpuclass[0] != '(') cpuclass--; if (!strncmp(cpuclass+1, "386", 3)) { cached_sci.Level= 3; } if (!strncmp(cpuclass+1, "486", 3)) { cached_sci.Level= 4; } if (!strncmp(cpuclass+1, "586", 3)) { cached_sci.Level= 5; } if (!strncmp(cpuclass+1, "686", 3)) { cached_sci.Level= 6; /* this should imply MMX */ user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; } } } /* it may be worth reading from /var/run/dmesg.boot for additional information such as CX8, MMX and TSC (however this information should be considered less reliable than that from the sysctl calls) */ if (f != NULL) { while (fgets(model, 255, f) != NULL) { int cpu, features; if (sscanf(model, "cpu%d: features %x<", &cpu, &features) == 2) { /* we could scan the string but it is easier to test the bits directly */ if (features & 0x1) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = TRUE; if (features & 0x10) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_RDTSC_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (features & 0x100) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_DOUBLE] = TRUE; if (features & 0x800000) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; break; } } fclose(f); } } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) { int ret, num; size_t len; get_cpuinfo( &cached_sci ); /* Check for OS support of SSE -- Is this used, and should it be sse1 or sse2? */ /*len = sizeof(num); ret = sysctlbyname("hw.instruction_sse", &num, &len, NULL, 0); if (!ret) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_XMMI_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = num;*/ len = sizeof(num); ret = sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &num, &len, NULL, 0); if (!ret) NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = num; } #elif defined(__sun) { int num = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN ); if (num == -1) num = 1; get_cpuinfo( &cached_sci ); NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = num; } #elif defined (__APPLE__) { size_t valSize; unsigned long long longVal; int value; int cputype; char buffer[256]; valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("hw.optional.floatingpoint", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { if (value) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = FALSE; else user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_FLOATING_POINT_EMULATED] = TRUE; } valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("hw.ncpu", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors = value; /* FIXME: we don't use the "hw.activecpu" value... but the cached one */ valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("hw.cputype", &cputype, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { switch (cputype) { case CPU_TYPE_POWERPC: cached_sci.Architecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_PPC; valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("hw.cpusubtype", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { switch (value) { case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_601: case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_602: cached_sci.Level = 1; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603: cached_sci.Level = 3; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603e: case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603ev: cached_sci.Level = 6; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604: cached_sci.Level = 4; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604e: cached_sci.Level = 9; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_620: cached_sci.Level = 20; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_750: /* G3/G4 derive from 603 so ... */ case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400: case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450: cached_sci.Level = 6; break; case CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_970: cached_sci.Level = 9; /* :o) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_ALTIVEC_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] ;-) */ break; default: break; } } break; /* CPU_TYPE_POWERPC */ case CPU_TYPE_I386: cached_sci.Architecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("machdep.cpu.family", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { cached_sci.Level = value; } valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("machdep.cpu.model", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) cached_sci.Revision = (value << 8); valSize = sizeof(int); if (sysctlbyname ("machdep.cpu.stepping", &value, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) cached_sci.Revision |= value; valSize = sizeof(buffer); if (sysctlbyname ("machdep.cpu.features", buffer, &valSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { cached_sci.Revision |= value; if (strstr(buffer, "CX8")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_DOUBLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "MMX")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "TSC")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_RDTSC_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "3DNOW")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_3DNOW_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "SSE")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_XMMI_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "SSE2")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_XMMI64_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE] = TRUE; if (strstr(buffer, "PAE")) user_shared_data->ProcessorFeatures[PF_PAE_ENABLED] = TRUE; } break; /* CPU_TYPE_I386 */ default: break; } /* switch (cputype) */ } valSize = sizeof(longVal); if (!sysctlbyname("hw.cpufrequency", &longVal, &valSize, NULL, 0)) cpuHz = longVal; } #else FIXME("not yet supported on this system\n"); #endif TRACE("<- CPU arch %d, level %d, rev %d, features 0x%x\n", cached_sci.Architecture, cached_sci.Level, cached_sci.Revision, cached_sci.FeatureSet); } /****************************************************************************** * NtQuerySystemInformation [NTDLL.@] * ZwQuerySystemInformation [NTDLL.@] * * ARGUMENTS: * SystemInformationClass Index to a certain information structure * SystemTimeAdjustmentInformation SYSTEM_TIME_ADJUSTMENT * SystemCacheInformation SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION * SystemConfigurationInformation CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION * observed (class/len): * 0x0/0x2c * 0x12/0x18 * 0x2/0x138 * 0x8/0x600 * 0x25/0xc * SystemInformation caller supplies storage for the information structure * Length size of the structure * ResultLength Data written */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySystemInformation( IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, OUT PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG ResultLength) { NTSTATUS ret = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG len = 0; TRACE("(0x%08x,%p,0x%08x,%p)\n", SystemInformationClass,SystemInformation,Length,ResultLength); switch (SystemInformationClass) { case SystemBasicInformation: { SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION sbi; virtual_get_system_info( &sbi ); len = sizeof(sbi); if ( Length == len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &sbi, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; case SystemCpuInformation: if (Length >= (len = sizeof(cached_sci))) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy(SystemInformation, &cached_sci, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; break; case SystemPerformanceInformation: { SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION spi; static BOOL fixme_written = FALSE; memset(&spi, 0 , sizeof(spi)); len = sizeof(spi); if (Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &spi, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; if(!fixme_written) { FIXME("info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION\n"); fixme_written = TRUE; } } break; case SystemTimeOfDayInformation: { SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION sti; memset(&sti, 0 , sizeof(sti)); /* liKeSystemTime, liExpTimeZoneBias, uCurrentTimeZoneId */ sti.liKeBootTime.QuadPart = server_start_time; if (Length <= sizeof(sti)) { len = Length; if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &sti, Length); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; case SystemProcessInformation: { SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION* spi = SystemInformation; SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION* last = NULL; HANDLE hSnap = 0; WCHAR procname[1024]; WCHAR* exename; DWORD wlen = 0; DWORD procstructlen = 0; SERVER_START_REQ( create_snapshot ) { req->flags = SNAP_PROCESS | SNAP_THREAD; req->attributes = 0; if (!(ret = wine_server_call( req ))) hSnap = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->handle ); } SERVER_END_REQ; len = 0; while (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SERVER_START_REQ( next_process ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( hSnap ); req->reset = (len == 0); wine_server_set_reply( req, procname, sizeof(procname)-sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!(ret = wine_server_call( req ))) { /* Make sure procname is 0 terminated */ procname[wine_server_reply_size(reply) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; /* Get only the executable name, not the path */ if ((exename = strrchrW(procname, '\\')) != NULL) exename++; else exename = procname; wlen = (strlenW(exename) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); procstructlen = sizeof(*spi) + wlen + ((reply->threads - 1) * sizeof(SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION)); if (Length >= len + procstructlen) { /* ftCreationTime, ftUserTime, ftKernelTime; * vmCounters, ioCounters */ memset(spi, 0, sizeof(*spi)); spi->NextEntryOffset = procstructlen - wlen; spi->dwThreadCount = reply->threads; /* spi->pszProcessName will be set later on */ spi->dwBasePriority = reply->priority; spi->UniqueProcessId = UlongToHandle(reply->pid); spi->ParentProcessId = UlongToHandle(reply->ppid); spi->HandleCount = reply->handles; /* spi->ti will be set later on */ len += procstructlen; } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } } SERVER_END_REQ; if (ret != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (ret == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES) ret = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } else /* Length is already checked for */ { int i, j; /* set thread info */ i = j = 0; while (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SERVER_START_REQ( next_thread ) { req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( hSnap ); req->reset = (j == 0); if (!(ret = wine_server_call( req ))) { j++; if (UlongToHandle(reply->pid) == spi->UniqueProcessId) { /* ftKernelTime, ftUserTime, ftCreateTime; * dwTickCount, dwStartAddress */ memset(&spi->ti[i], 0, sizeof(spi->ti)); spi->ti[i].CreateTime.QuadPart = 0xdeadbeef; spi->ti[i].ClientId.UniqueProcess = UlongToHandle(reply->pid); spi->ti[i].ClientId.UniqueThread = UlongToHandle(reply->tid); spi->ti[i].dwCurrentPriority = reply->base_pri + reply->delta_pri; spi->ti[i].dwBasePriority = reply->base_pri; i++; } } } SERVER_END_REQ; } if (ret == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES) ret = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* now append process name */ spi->ProcessName.Buffer = (WCHAR*)((char*)spi + spi->NextEntryOffset); spi->ProcessName.Length = wlen - sizeof(WCHAR); spi->ProcessName.MaximumLength = wlen; memcpy( spi->ProcessName.Buffer, exename, wlen ); spi->NextEntryOffset += wlen; last = spi; spi = (SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*)((char*)spi + spi->NextEntryOffset); } } if (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS && last) last->NextEntryOffset = 0; if (hSnap) NtClose(hSnap); } break; case SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation: { SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION *sppi = NULL; unsigned int cpus = 0; int out_cpus = Length / sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION); if (out_cpus == 0) { len = 0; ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; break; } else #ifdef __APPLE__ { processor_cpu_load_info_data_t *pinfo; mach_msg_type_number_t info_count; if (host_processor_info (mach_host_self (), PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO, &cpus, (processor_info_array_t*)&pinfo, &info_count) == 0) { int i; cpus = min(cpus,out_cpus); len = sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * cpus; sppi = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0,len); for (i = 0; i < cpus; i++) { sppi[i].IdleTime.QuadPart = pinfo[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE]; sppi[i].KernelTime.QuadPart = pinfo[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM]; sppi[i].UserTime.QuadPart = pinfo[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER]; } vm_deallocate (mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t) pinfo, info_count * sizeof(natural_t)); } } #else { FILE *cpuinfo = fopen("/proc/stat", "r"); if (cpuinfo) { unsigned usr,nice,sys; unsigned long idle; int count; char name[10]; char line[255]; /* first line is combined usage */ if (fgets(line,255,cpuinfo)) count = sscanf(line, "%s %u %u %u %lu", name, &usr, &nice, &sys, &idle); else count = 0; /* we set this up in the for older non-smp enabled kernels */ if (count == 5 && strcmp(name, "cpu") == 0) { sppi = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION)); sppi->IdleTime.QuadPart = idle; sppi->KernelTime.QuadPart = sys; sppi->UserTime.QuadPart = usr; cpus = 1; len = sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION); } do { if (fgets(line, 255, cpuinfo)) count = sscanf(line, "%s %u %u %u %lu", name, &usr, &nice, &sys, &idle); else count = 0; if (count == 5 && strncmp(name, "cpu", 3)==0) { out_cpus --; if (name[3]=='0') /* first cpu */ { sppi->IdleTime.QuadPart = idle; sppi->KernelTime.QuadPart = sys; sppi->UserTime.QuadPart = usr; } else /* new cpu */ { len = sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * (cpus+1); sppi = RtlReAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sppi, len); sppi[cpus].IdleTime.QuadPart = idle; sppi[cpus].KernelTime.QuadPart = sys; sppi[cpus].UserTime.QuadPart = usr; cpus++; } } else break; } while (out_cpus > 0); fclose(cpuinfo); } } #endif if (cpus == 0) { static int i = 1; sppi = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION)); memset(sppi, 0 , sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION)); FIXME("stub info_class SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION\n"); /* many programs expect these values to change so fake change */ len = sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION); sppi->KernelTime.QuadPart = 1 * i; sppi->UserTime.QuadPart = 2 * i; sppi->IdleTime.QuadPart = 3 * i; i++; } if (Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, sppi, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; RtlFreeHeap(GetProcessHeap(),0,sppi); } break; case SystemModuleInformation: /* FIXME: should be system-wide */ if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else ret = LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation( SystemInformation, Length, &len ); break; case SystemHandleInformation: { SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION shi; memset(&shi, 0, sizeof(shi)); len = sizeof(shi); if ( Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &shi, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; FIXME("info_class SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION\n"); } break; case SystemCacheInformation: { SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION sci; memset(&sci, 0, sizeof(sci)); /* FIXME */ len = sizeof(sci); if ( Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &sci, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; FIXME("info_class SYSTEM_CACHE_INFORMATION\n"); } break; case SystemInterruptInformation: { SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION sii; memset(&sii, 0, sizeof(sii)); len = sizeof(sii); if ( Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &sii, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; FIXME("info_class SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION\n"); } break; case SystemKernelDebuggerInformation: { SYSTEM_KERNEL_DEBUGGER_INFORMATION skdi; skdi.DebuggerEnabled = FALSE; skdi.DebuggerNotPresent = TRUE; len = sizeof(skdi); if ( Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else memcpy( SystemInformation, &skdi, len); } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; case SystemRegistryQuotaInformation: { /* Something to do with the size of the registry * * Since we don't have a size limitation, fake it * * This is almost certainly wrong. * * This sets each of the three words in the struct to 32 MB, * * which is enough to make the IE 5 installer happy. */ SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION srqi; srqi.RegistryQuotaAllowed = 0x2000000; srqi.RegistryQuotaUsed = 0x200000; srqi.Reserved1 = (void*)0x200000; len = sizeof(srqi); if ( Length >= len) { if (!SystemInformation) ret = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; else { FIXME("SystemRegistryQuotaInformation: faking max registry size of 32 MB\n"); memcpy( SystemInformation, &srqi, len); } } else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; default: FIXME("(0x%08x,%p,0x%08x,%p) stub\n", SystemInformationClass,SystemInformation,Length,ResultLength); /* Several Information Classes are not implemented on Windows and return 2 different values * STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED or STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS * in 95% of the cases it's STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS, so use this as the default */ ret = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } if (ResultLength) *ResultLength = len; return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtSetSystemInformation [NTDLL.@] * ZwSetSystemInformation [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtSetSystemInformation(SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG Length) { FIXME("(0x%08x,%p,0x%08x) stub\n",SystemInformationClass,SystemInformation,Length); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * NtCreatePagingFile [NTDLL.@] * ZwCreatePagingFile [NTDLL.@] */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreatePagingFile( PUNICODE_STRING PageFileName, PLARGE_INTEGER MinimumSize, PLARGE_INTEGER MaximumSize, PLARGE_INTEGER ActualSize) { FIXME("(%p %p %p %p) stub\n", PageFileName, MinimumSize, MaximumSize, ActualSize); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * NtDisplayString [NTDLL.@] * * writes a string to the nt-textmode screen eg. during startup */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtDisplayString ( PUNICODE_STRING string ) { STRING stringA; NTSTATUS ret; if (!(ret = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &stringA, string, TRUE ))) { MESSAGE( "%.*s", stringA.Length, stringA.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &stringA ); } return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * NtInitiatePowerAction [NTDLL.@] * */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtInitiatePowerAction( IN POWER_ACTION SystemAction, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MinSystemState, IN ULONG Flags, IN BOOLEAN Asynchronous) { FIXME("(%d,%d,0x%08x,%d),stub\n", SystemAction,MinSystemState,Flags,Asynchronous); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /****************************************************************************** * NtPowerInformation [NTDLL.@] * */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtPowerInformation( IN POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL InformationLevel, IN PVOID lpInputBuffer, IN ULONG nInputBufferSize, IN PVOID lpOutputBuffer, IN ULONG nOutputBufferSize) { TRACE("(%d,%p,%d,%p,%d)\n", InformationLevel,lpInputBuffer,nInputBufferSize,lpOutputBuffer,nOutputBufferSize); switch(InformationLevel) { case SystemPowerCapabilities: { PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES PowerCaps = lpOutputBuffer; FIXME("semi-stub: SystemPowerCapabilities\n"); if (nOutputBufferSize < sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES)) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; /* FIXME: These values are based off a native XP desktop, should probably use APM/ACPI to get the 'real' values */ PowerCaps->PowerButtonPresent = TRUE; PowerCaps->SleepButtonPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->LidPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->SystemS1 = TRUE; PowerCaps->SystemS2 = FALSE; PowerCaps->SystemS3 = FALSE; PowerCaps->SystemS4 = TRUE; PowerCaps->SystemS5 = TRUE; PowerCaps->HiberFilePresent = TRUE; PowerCaps->FullWake = TRUE; PowerCaps->VideoDimPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->ApmPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->UpsPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->ThermalControl = FALSE; PowerCaps->ProcessorThrottle = FALSE; PowerCaps->ProcessorMinThrottle = 100; PowerCaps->ProcessorMaxThrottle = 100; PowerCaps->DiskSpinDown = TRUE; PowerCaps->SystemBatteriesPresent = FALSE; PowerCaps->BatteriesAreShortTerm = FALSE; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[0].Granularity = 0; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[0].Capacity = 0; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[1].Granularity = 0; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[1].Capacity = 0; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[2].Granularity = 0; PowerCaps->BatteryScale[2].Capacity = 0; PowerCaps->AcOnLineWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; PowerCaps->SoftLidWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; PowerCaps->RtcWake = PowerSystemSleeping1; PowerCaps->MinDeviceWakeState = PowerSystemUnspecified; PowerCaps->DefaultLowLatencyWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } case SystemExecutionState: { PULONG ExecutionState = lpOutputBuffer; WARN("semi-stub: SystemExecutionState\n"); /* Needed for .NET Framework, but using a FIXME is really noisy. */ if (lpInputBuffer != NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* FIXME: The actual state should be the value set by SetThreadExecutionState which is not currently implemented. */ *ExecutionState = ES_USER_PRESENT; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } case ProcessorInformation: { PPROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION cpu_power = lpOutputBuffer; WARN("semi-stub: ProcessorInformation\n"); if (nOutputBufferSize < sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION)) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; cpu_power->Number = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->NumberOfProcessors; cpu_power->MaxMhz = cpuHz / 1000000; cpu_power->CurrentMhz = cpuHz / 1000000; cpu_power->MhzLimit = cpuHz / 1000000; cpu_power->MaxIdleState = 0; /* FIXME */ cpu_power->CurrentIdleState = 0; /* FIXME */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } default: /* FIXME: Needed by .NET Framework */ WARN("Unimplemented NtPowerInformation action: %d\n", InformationLevel); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } /****************************************************************************** * NtShutdownSystem [NTDLL.@] * */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtShutdownSystem(SHUTDOWN_ACTION Action) { FIXME("%d\n",Action); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId (NTDLL.@) */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId(PLUID Luid) { NTSTATUS status; TRACE("%p\n", Luid); if (!Luid) return STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; SERVER_START_REQ( allocate_locally_unique_id ) { status = wine_server_call( req ); if (!status) { Luid->LowPart = reply->luid.low_part; Luid->HighPart = reply->luid.high_part; } } SERVER_END_REQ; return status; } /****************************************************************************** * VerSetConditionMask (NTDLL.@) */ ULONGLONG WINAPI VerSetConditionMask( ULONGLONG dwlConditionMask, DWORD dwTypeBitMask, BYTE dwConditionMask) { if(dwTypeBitMask == 0) return dwlConditionMask; dwConditionMask &= 0x07; if(dwConditionMask == 0) return dwlConditionMask; if(dwTypeBitMask & VER_PRODUCT_TYPE) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 7*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_SUITENAME) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 6*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 5*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_SERVICEPACKMINOR) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 4*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_PLATFORMID) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 3*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_BUILDNUMBER) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 2*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_MAJORVERSION) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 1*3; else if (dwTypeBitMask & VER_MINORVERSION) dwlConditionMask |= dwConditionMask << 0*3; return dwlConditionMask; } /****************************************************************************** * NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm (NTDLL.@) * ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm (NTDLL.@) */ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, HANDLE HandleId, PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, BOOLEAN ObjectCreation, PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, PBOOLEAN AccessStatus, PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose) { FIXME("(%s, %p, %s, %p, 0x%08x, %p, %d, %p, %p, %p), stub\n", debugstr_us(SubsystemName), HandleId, debugstr_us(ObjectTypeName), SecurityDescriptor, DesiredAccess, GenericMapping, ObjectCreation, GrantedAccess, AccessStatus, GenerateOnClose); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }