 * IDL Compiler
 * Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven
 * Copyright 2006-2008 Robert Shearman
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "widl.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "typelib.h"
#include "typegen.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "typetree.h"

#if defined(YYBYACC)
	/* Berkeley yacc (byacc) doesn't seem to know about these */
	/* Some *BSD supplied versions do define these though */
# ifndef YYEMPTY
#  define YYEMPTY	(-1)	/* Empty lookahead value of yychar */
# endif
# ifndef YYLEX
#  define YYLEX		yylex()
# endif

#elif defined(YYBISON)
	/* Bison was used for original development */
	/* #define YYEMPTY -2 */
	/* #define YYLEX   yylex() */

	/* No yacc we know yet */
# if !defined(YYEMPTY) || !defined(YYLEX)
#  error Yacc version/type unknown. This version needs to be verified for settings of YYEMPTY and YYLEX.
# elif defined(__GNUC__)	/* gcc defines the #warning directive */
#  warning Yacc version/type unknown. It defines YYEMPTY and YYLEX, but is not tested
  /* #else we just take a chance that it works... */
# endif


static unsigned char pointer_default = RPC_FC_UP;
static int is_object_interface = FALSE;

typedef struct list typelist_t;
struct typenode {
  type_t *type;
  struct list entry;

struct _import_t
  char *name;
  int import_performed;

typedef struct _decl_spec_t
  type_t *type;
  attr_list_t *attrs;
  enum storage_class stgclass;
} decl_spec_t;

typelist_t incomplete_types = LIST_INIT(incomplete_types);

static void fix_incomplete(void);
static void fix_incomplete_types(type_t *complete_type);

static str_list_t *append_str(str_list_t *list, char *str);
static attr_list_t *append_attr(attr_list_t *list, attr_t *attr);
static attr_list_t *append_attr_list(attr_list_t *new_list, attr_list_t *old_list);
static decl_spec_t *make_decl_spec(type_t *type, decl_spec_t *left, decl_spec_t *right, attr_t *attr, enum storage_class stgclass);
static attr_t *make_attr(enum attr_type type);
static attr_t *make_attrv(enum attr_type type, unsigned long val);
static attr_t *make_attrp(enum attr_type type, void *val);
static expr_list_t *append_expr(expr_list_t *list, expr_t *expr);
static array_dims_t *append_array(array_dims_t *list, expr_t *expr);
static void set_type(var_t *v, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, const declarator_t *decl, int top);
static var_list_t *set_var_types(attr_list_t *attrs, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls);
static ifref_list_t *append_ifref(ifref_list_t *list, ifref_t *iface);
static ifref_t *make_ifref(type_t *iface);
static var_list_t *append_var_list(var_list_t *list, var_list_t *vars);
static declarator_list_t *append_declarator(declarator_list_t *list, declarator_t *p);
static declarator_t *make_declarator(var_t *var);
static func_list_t *append_func(func_list_t *list, func_t *func);
static func_t *make_func(var_t *def);
static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type);
static typelib_t *make_library(const char *name, const attr_list_t *attrs);
static type_t *append_ptrchain_type(type_t *ptrchain, type_t *type);

static type_t *reg_typedefs(decl_spec_t *decl_spec, var_list_t *names, attr_list_t *attrs);
static type_t *find_type_or_error(const char *name, int t);
static type_t *find_type_or_error2(char *name, int t);

static var_t *reg_const(var_t *var);

static char *gen_name(void);
static void check_arg(var_t *arg);
static void check_statements(const statement_list_t *stmts, int is_inside_library);
static void check_all_user_types(const statement_list_t *stmts);
static attr_list_t *check_iface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_function_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_typedef_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_enum_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_struct_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_union_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_field_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_library_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_dispiface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_module_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
static attr_list_t *check_coclass_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs);
const char *get_attr_display_name(enum attr_type type);
static void add_explicit_handle_if_necessary(var_t *func);
static void check_def(const type_t *t);

static statement_t *make_statement(enum statement_type type);
static statement_t *make_statement_type_decl(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_reference(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_declaration(var_t *var);
static statement_t *make_statement_library(typelib_t *typelib);
static statement_t *make_statement_cppquote(const char *str);
static statement_t *make_statement_importlib(const char *str);
static statement_t *make_statement_module(type_t *type);
static statement_t *make_statement_typedef(var_list_t *names);
static statement_t *make_statement_import(const char *str);
static statement_t *make_statement_typedef(var_list_t *names);
static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt);

%union {
	attr_t *attr;
	attr_list_t *attr_list;
	str_list_t *str_list;
	expr_t *expr;
	expr_list_t *expr_list;
	array_dims_t *array_dims;
	type_t *type;
	var_t *var;
	var_list_t *var_list;
	declarator_t *declarator;
	declarator_list_t *declarator_list;
	func_t *func;
	func_list_t *func_list;
	statement_t *statement;
	statement_list_t *stmt_list;
	ifref_t *ifref;
	ifref_list_t *ifref_list;
	char *str;
	UUID *uuid;
	unsigned int num;
	double dbl;
	interface_info_t ifinfo;
	typelib_t *typelib;
	struct _import_t *import;
	struct _decl_spec_t *declspec;
	enum storage_class stgclass;

%token <str> aIDENTIFIER
%token <str> aKNOWNTYPE
%token <num> aNUM aHEXNUM
%token <dbl> aDOUBLE
%token <str> aSTRING aWSTRING
%token <uuid> aUUID
%token aEOF
%token SHL SHR
%token tDEFAULT
%token tENDPOINT
%token tFALSE
%token tFASTCALL
%token tFLOAT
%token tHANDLE
%token tHANDLET
%token tHIDDEN
%token tIIDIS
%token tINT tINT64
%token tLCID
%token tLOCAL
%token tLONG
%token tMETHODS
%token tMODULE
%token tNULL
%token tOPTIONAL
%token tOUT
%token tPASCAL
%token tPTR
%token tPUBLIC
%token tRANGE
%token tREGISTER
%token tRETVAL
%token tSHORT
%token tSIGNED
%token tSMALL
%token tSOURCE
%token tSTATIC
%token tSTDCALL
%token tTRUE
%token tTYPEDEF
%token tUNION
%token tUNIQUE
%token tUNSIGNED
%token tUUID
%token tV1ENUM
%token tVARARG
%token tVERSION
%token tVOID

%type <attr> attribute type_qualifier function_specifier
%type <attr_list> m_attributes attributes attrib_list m_type_qual_list
%type <str_list> str_list
%type <expr> m_expr expr expr_const expr_int_const array
%type <expr_list> m_exprs /* exprs expr_list */ expr_list_int_const
%type <ifinfo> interfacehdr
%type <stgclass> storage_cls_spec
%type <declspec> decl_spec decl_spec_no_type m_decl_spec_no_type
%type <type> inherit interface interfacedef interfacedec
%type <type> dispinterface dispinterfacehdr dispinterfacedef
%type <type> module modulehdr moduledef
%type <type> base_type int_std
%type <type> enumdef structdef uniondef typedecl
%type <type> type
%type <ifref> coclass_int
%type <ifref_list> coclass_ints
%type <var> arg ne_union_field union_field s_field case enum declaration
%type <var_list> m_args no_args args fields ne_union_fields cases enums enum_list dispint_props field
%type <var> m_ident ident
%type <declarator> declarator direct_declarator init_declarator
%type <declarator_list> declarator_list
%type <func> funcdef
%type <type> coclass coclasshdr coclassdef
%type <num> pointer_type version
%type <str> libraryhdr callconv cppquote importlib import t_ident
%type <uuid> uuid_string
%type <import> import_start
%type <typelib> library_start librarydef
%type <statement> statement typedef
%type <stmt_list> gbl_statements imp_statements int_statements dispint_meths

%left ','
%right '?' ':'
%left '|'
%left '^'
%left '&'
%left SHL SHR
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left '.' MEMBERPTR '[' ']'


input:   gbl_statements				{ fix_incomplete();
						  check_statements($1, FALSE);

gbl_statements:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| gbl_statements interfacedec		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_reference($2)); }
	| gbl_statements interfacedef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2)); }
	| gbl_statements coclass ';'		{ $$ = $1;
						  reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
	| gbl_statements coclassdef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2));
						  reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
	| gbl_statements moduledef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_module($2)); }
	| gbl_statements librarydef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_library($2)); }
	| gbl_statements statement		{ $$ = append_statement($1, $2); }

imp_statements:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| imp_statements interfacedec		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_reference($2)); }
	| imp_statements interfacedef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2)); }
	| imp_statements coclass ';'		{ $$ = $1; reg_type($2, $2->name, 0); }
	| imp_statements coclassdef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_type_decl($2));
						  reg_type($2, $2->name, 0);
	| imp_statements moduledef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_module($2)); }
	| imp_statements statement		{ $$ = append_statement($1, $2); }
	| imp_statements importlib		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_importlib($2)); }
	| imp_statements librarydef		{ $$ = append_statement($1, make_statement_library($2)); }

int_statements:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| int_statements statement		{ $$ = append_statement($1, $2); }

	| ';'

	  cppquote				{ $$ = make_statement_cppquote($1); }
	| typedecl ';'				{ $$ = make_statement_type_decl($1); }
	| declaration ';'			{ $$ = make_statement_declaration($1); }
	| import				{ $$ = make_statement_import($1); }
	| typedef ';'				{ $$ = $1; }

	| structdef
	| uniondef
	| attributes enumdef                    { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_enum_attrs($1); }
	| attributes structdef                  { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_struct_attrs($1); }
	| attributes uniondef                   { $$ = $2; $$->attrs = check_union_attrs($1); }

cppquote: tCPPQUOTE '(' aSTRING ')'		{ $$ = $3; }
import_start: tIMPORT aSTRING ';'		{ assert(yychar == YYEMPTY);
						  $$ = xmalloc(sizeof(struct _import_t));
						  $$->name = $2;
						  $$->import_performed = do_import($2);
						  if (!$$->import_performed) yychar = aEOF;

import: import_start imp_statements aEOF	{ $$ = $1->name;
						  if ($1->import_performed) pop_import();

importlib: tIMPORTLIB '(' aSTRING ')'
	   semicolon_opt			{ $$ = $3; if(!parse_only) add_importlib($3); }

libraryhdr: tLIBRARY aIDENTIFIER		{ $$ = $2; }
library_start: attributes libraryhdr '{'	{ $$ = make_library($2, check_library_attrs($2, $1));
						  if (!parse_only) start_typelib($$);
librarydef: library_start imp_statements '}'
	    semicolon_opt			{ $$ = $1;
						  $$->stmts = $2;
						  if (!parse_only) end_typelib();

m_args:						{ $$ = NULL; }
	| args

no_args:  tVOID					{ $$ = NULL; }

args:	  arg					{ check_arg($1); $$ = append_var( NULL, $1 ); }
	| args ',' arg				{ check_arg($3); $$ = append_var( $1, $3); }
	| no_args

/* split into two rules to get bison to resolve a tVOID conflict */
arg:	  attributes decl_spec declarator	{ $$ = $3->var;
						  $$->attrs = $1;
						  if ($2->stgclass != STG_NONE && $2->stgclass != STG_REGISTER)
						    error_loc("invalid storage class for function parameter\n");
						  set_type($$, $2, $3, TRUE);
	| decl_spec declarator			{ $$ = $2->var;
						  if ($1->stgclass != STG_NONE && $1->stgclass != STG_REGISTER)
						    error_loc("invalid storage class for function parameter\n");
						  set_type($$, $1, $2, TRUE);

array:	  '[' m_expr ']'			{ $$ = $2; }
	| '[' '*' ']'				{ $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }

m_attributes:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| attributes

	  '[' attrib_list ']'			{ $$ = $2; }

attrib_list: attribute                          { $$ = append_attr( NULL, $1 ); }
	| attrib_list ',' attribute             { $$ = append_attr( $1, $3 ); }
	| attrib_list ']' '[' attribute         { $$ = append_attr( $1, $4 ); }

str_list: aSTRING                               { $$ = append_str( NULL, $1 ); }
	| str_list ',' aSTRING                  { $$ = append_str( $1, $3 ); }

attribute:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| tAGGREGATABLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_AGGREGATABLE); }
	| tAPPOBJECT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_APPOBJECT); }
	| tASYNC				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_ASYNC); }
	| tAUTOHANDLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_AUTO_HANDLE); }
	| tBINDABLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_BINDABLE); }
	| tBROADCAST				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_BROADCAST); }
	| tCALLAS '(' ident ')'			{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_CALLAS, $3); }
	| tCASE '(' expr_list_int_const ')'	{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_CASE, $3); }
	| tCONTEXTHANDLE			{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE, 0); }
	| tCONTROL				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_CONTROL); }
	| tDEFAULT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DEFAULT); }
	| tDEFAULTVALUE '(' expr_const ')'	{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_DEFAULTVALUE, $3); }
	| tDISPLAYBIND				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DISPLAYBIND); }
	| tDLLNAME '(' aSTRING ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_DLLNAME, $3); }
	| tDUAL					{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_DUAL); }
	| tENDPOINT '(' str_list ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ENDPOINT, $3); }
	| tENTRY '(' expr_const ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ENTRY, $3); }
	| tHANDLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_HANDLE); }
	| tHELPCONTEXT '(' expr_int_const ')'	{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPCONTEXT, $3); }
	| tHELPFILE '(' aSTRING ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPFILE, $3); }
	| tHELPSTRING '(' aSTRING ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRING, $3); }
	| tHELPSTRINGCONTEXT '(' expr_int_const ')'	{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT, $3); }
	| tHELPSTRINGDLL '(' aSTRING ')'	{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_HELPSTRINGDLL, $3); }
	| tHIDDEN				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_HIDDEN); }
	| tID '(' expr_int_const ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_ID, $3); }
	| tIDEMPOTENT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_IDEMPOTENT); }
	| tIIDIS '(' expr ')'			{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_IIDIS, $3); }
	| tIN					{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_IN); }
	| tINPUTSYNC				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_INPUTSYNC); }
	| tLENGTHIS '(' m_exprs ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_LENGTHIS, $3); }
	| tLCID	'(' expr_int_const ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_LIBLCID, $3); }
	| tLCID					{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PARAMLCID); }
	| tLOCAL				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_LOCAL); }
	| tNONBROWSABLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_NONBROWSABLE); }
	| tNONCREATABLE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_NONCREATABLE); }
	| tOBJECT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OBJECT); }
	| tODL					{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_ODL); }
	| tOPTIONAL                             { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OPTIONAL); }
	| tOUT					{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_OUT); }
	| tPOINTERDEFAULT '(' pointer_type ')'	{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT, $3); }
	| tPROPGET				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPGET); }
	| tPROPPUT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPPUT); }
	| tPROPPUTREF				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PROPPUTREF); }
	| tPUBLIC				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC); }
	| tRANGE '(' expr_int_const ',' expr_int_const ')'
						{ expr_list_t *list = append_expr( NULL, $3 );
						  list = append_expr( list, $5 );
						  $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_RANGE, list); }
	| tREADONLY				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_READONLY); }
	| tREQUESTEDIT				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_REQUESTEDIT); }
	| tRESTRICTED				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_RESTRICTED); }
	| tRETVAL				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_RETVAL); }
	| tSIZEIS '(' m_exprs ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SIZEIS, $3); }
	| tSOURCE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_SOURCE); }
	| tSTRICTCONTEXTHANDLE                  { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_STRICTCONTEXTHANDLE); }
	| tSTRING				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_STRING); }
	| tSWITCHIS '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHIS, $3); }
	| tSWITCHTYPE '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHTYPE, $3); }
	| tTRANSMITAS '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_TRANSMITAS, $3); }
	| tUUID '(' uuid_string ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_UUID, $3); }
	| tV1ENUM				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_V1ENUM); }
	| tVARARG				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_VARARG); }
	| tVERSION '(' version ')'		{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_VERSION, $3); }
	| tWIREMARSHAL '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_WIREMARSHAL, $3); }
	| pointer_type				{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERTYPE, $1); }

	| aSTRING				{ if (!is_valid_uuid($1))
						    error_loc("invalid UUID: %s\n", $1);
						  $$ = parse_uuid($1); }

callconv: tCDECL				{ $$ = $<str>1; }
	| tFASTCALL				{ $$ = $<str>1; }
	| tPASCAL				{ $$ = $<str>1; }
	| tSTDCALL				{ $$ = $<str>1; }

cases:						{ $$ = NULL; }
	| cases case				{ $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }

case:	  tCASE expr_int_const ':' union_field	{ attr_t *a = make_attrp(ATTR_CASE, append_expr( NULL, $2 ));
						  $$ = $4; if (!$$) $$ = make_var(NULL);
						  $$->attrs = append_attr( $$->attrs, a );
	| tDEFAULT ':' union_field		{ attr_t *a = make_attr(ATTR_DEFAULT);
						  $$ = $3; if (!$$) $$ = make_var(NULL);
						  $$->attrs = append_attr( $$->attrs, a );

enums:						{ $$ = NULL; }
	| enum_list ','				{ $$ = $1; }
	| enum_list

enum_list: enum					{ if (!$1->eval)
						    $1->eval = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, 0 /* default for first enum entry */);
                                                  $$ = append_var( NULL, $1 );
	| enum_list ',' enum			{ if (!$3->eval)
                                                    var_t *last = LIST_ENTRY( list_tail($$), var_t, entry );
                                                    $3->eval = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, last->eval->cval + 1);
                                                  $$ = append_var( $1, $3 );

enum:	  ident '=' expr_int_const		{ $$ = reg_const($1);
						  $$->eval = $3;
                                                  $$->type = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT, 0);
	| ident					{ $$ = reg_const($1);
                                                  $$->type = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT, 0);

enumdef: tENUM t_ident '{' enums '}'		{ $$ = type_new_enum($2, TRUE, $4); }

m_exprs:  m_expr                                { $$ = append_expr( NULL, $1 ); }
	| m_exprs ',' m_expr                    { $$ = append_expr( $1, $3 ); }

exprs:						{ $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }
	| expr_list

expr_list: expr
	| expr_list ',' expr			{ LINK($3, $1); $$ = $3; }

m_expr:						{ $$ = make_expr(EXPR_VOID); }
	| expr

expr:	  aNUM					{ $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, $1); }
	| aHEXNUM				{ $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_HEXNUM, $1); }
	| aDOUBLE				{ $$ = make_exprd(EXPR_DOUBLE, $1); }
	| tFALSE				{ $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_TRUEFALSE, 0); }
	| tNULL					{ $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_NUM, 0); }
	| tTRUE					{ $$ = make_exprl(EXPR_TRUEFALSE, 1); }
	| aSTRING				{ $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_STRLIT, $1); }
	| aWSTRING				{ $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_WSTRLIT, $1); }
	| aIDENTIFIER				{ $$ = make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $1); }
	| expr '?' expr ':' expr		{ $$ = make_expr3(EXPR_COND, $1, $3, $5); }
	| expr LOGICALOR expr			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LOGOR, $1, $3); }
	| expr LOGICALAND expr			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LOGAND, $1, $3); }
	| expr '|' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_OR , $1, $3); }
	| expr '^' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_XOR, $1, $3); }
	| expr '&' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_AND, $1, $3); }
	| expr EQUALITY expr			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_EQUALITY, $1, $3); }
	| expr INEQUALITY expr			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_INEQUALITY, $1, $3); }
	| expr '>' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_GTR, $1, $3); }
	| expr '<' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LESS, $1, $3); }
	| expr GREATEREQUAL expr		{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_GTREQL, $1, $3); }
	| expr LESSEQUAL expr			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_LESSEQL, $1, $3); }
	| expr SHL expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SHL, $1, $3); }
	| expr SHR expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SHR, $1, $3); }
	| expr '+' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_ADD, $1, $3); }
	| expr '-' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_SUB, $1, $3); }
	| expr '%' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MOD, $1, $3); }
	| expr '*' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MUL, $1, $3); }
	| expr '/' expr				{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_DIV, $1, $3); }
	| '!' expr				{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_LOGNOT, $2); }
	| '~' expr				{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_NOT, $2); }
	| '+' expr %prec POS			{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_POS, $2); }
	| '-' expr %prec NEG			{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_NEG, $2); }
	| '&' expr %prec ADDRESSOF		{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_ADDRESSOF, $2); }
	| '*' expr %prec PPTR			{ $$ = make_expr1(EXPR_PPTR, $2); }
	| expr MEMBERPTR aIDENTIFIER		{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MEMBER, make_expr1(EXPR_PPTR, $1), make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $3)); }
	| expr '.' aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_MEMBER, $1, make_exprs(EXPR_IDENTIFIER, $3)); }
	| '(' type ')' expr %prec CAST		{ $$ = make_exprt(EXPR_CAST, $2, $4); }
	| tSIZEOF '(' type ')'			{ $$ = make_exprt(EXPR_SIZEOF, $3, NULL); }
	| expr '[' expr ']'			{ $$ = make_expr2(EXPR_ARRAY, $1, $3); }
	| '(' expr ')'				{ $$ = $2; }

expr_list_int_const: expr_int_const		{ $$ = append_expr( NULL, $1 ); }
	| expr_list_int_const ',' expr_int_const	{ $$ = append_expr( $1, $3 ); }

expr_int_const: expr				{ $$ = $1;
						  if (!$$->is_const)
						      error_loc("expression is not an integer constant\n");

expr_const: expr				{ $$ = $1;
						  if (!$$->is_const && $$->type != EXPR_STRLIT && $$->type != EXPR_WSTRLIT)
						      error_loc("expression is not constant\n");

fields:						{ $$ = NULL; }
	| fields field				{ $$ = append_var_list($1, $2); }

field:	  m_attributes decl_spec declarator_list ';'
						{ const char *first = LIST_ENTRY(list_head($3), declarator_t, entry)->var->name;
						  check_field_attrs(first, $1);
						  $$ = set_var_types($1, $2, $3);
	| m_attributes uniondef ';'		{ var_t *v = make_var(NULL);
						  v->type = $2; v->attrs = $1;
						  $$ = append_var(NULL, v);

	  s_field ';'				{ $$ = $1; }
	| attributes ';'			{ $$ = make_var(NULL); $$->attrs = $1; }

ne_union_fields:				{ $$ = NULL; }
	| ne_union_fields ne_union_field	{ $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }

	  s_field ';'				{ $$ = $1; }
	| ';'					{ $$ = NULL; }

s_field:  m_attributes decl_spec declarator	{ $$ = $3->var;
						  $$->attrs = check_field_attrs($$->name, $1);
						  set_type($$, $2, $3, FALSE);

	  m_attributes decl_spec declarator	{ var_t *v = $3->var;
						  v->attrs = check_function_attrs(v->name, $1);
						  set_type(v, $2, $3, FALSE);
						  $$ = make_func(v);

	  attributes decl_spec init_declarator
						{ $$ = $3->var;
						  $$->attrs = $1;
						  set_type($$, $2, $3, FALSE);
	| decl_spec init_declarator		{ $$ = $2->var;
						  set_type($$, $1, $2, FALSE);

m_ident:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| ident

t_ident:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| aIDENTIFIER				{ $$ = $1; }
	| aKNOWNTYPE				{ $$ = $1; }

ident:	  aIDENTIFIER				{ $$ = make_var($1); }
/* some "reserved words" used in attributes are also used as field names in some MS IDL files */
	| aKNOWNTYPE				{ $$ = make_var($<str>1); }

base_type: tBYTE				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| tWCHAR				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| int_std
	| tSIGNED int_std			{ $$ = type_new_int(type_basic_get_type($2), -1); }
	| tUNSIGNED int_std			{ $$ = type_new_int(type_basic_get_type($2), 1); }
	| tUNSIGNED				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT, 1); }
	| tFLOAT				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| tDOUBLE				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| tBOOLEAN				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| tERRORSTATUST				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
	| tHANDLET				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }

	| tINT

int_std:  tINT					{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT, 0); }
	| tSHORT m_int				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT16, 0); }
	| tSMALL				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT8, 0); }
	| tLONG m_int				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT32, 0); }
	| tHYPER m_int				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_HYPER, 0); }
	| tINT64				{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT64, 0); }
	| tCHAR					{ $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_CHAR, 0); }

coclass:  tCOCLASS aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = type_new_coclass($2); }
	| tCOCLASS aKNOWNTYPE			{ $$ = find_type($2, 0);
						  if (type_get_type_detect_alias($$) != TYPE_COCLASS)
						    error_loc("%s was not declared a coclass at %s:%d\n",
							      $2, $$->loc_info.input_name,

coclasshdr: attributes coclass			{ $$ = $2;
						  $$->attrs = check_coclass_attrs($2->name, $1);

coclassdef: coclasshdr '{' coclass_ints '}' semicolon_opt
						{ $$ = type_coclass_define($1, $3); }

coclass_ints:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| coclass_ints coclass_int		{ $$ = append_ifref( $1, $2 ); }

	  m_attributes interfacedec		{ $$ = make_ifref($2); $$->attrs = $1; }

dispinterface: tDISPINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER	{ $$ = get_type(TYPE_INTERFACE, $2, 0); }
	|      tDISPINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE	{ $$ = get_type(TYPE_INTERFACE, $2, 0); }

dispinterfacehdr: attributes dispinterface	{ attr_t *attrs;
						  is_object_interface = TRUE;
						  $$ = $2;
						  attrs = make_attr(ATTR_DISPINTERFACE);
						  $$->attrs = append_attr( check_dispiface_attrs($2->name, $1), attrs );
						  $$->defined = TRUE;

dispint_props: tPROPERTIES ':'			{ $$ = NULL; }
	| dispint_props s_field ';'		{ $$ = append_var( $1, $2 ); }

dispint_meths: tMETHODS ':'			{ $$ = NULL; }
	| dispint_meths funcdef ';'		{ $$ = append_func( $1, $2 ); }

dispinterfacedef: dispinterfacehdr '{'
	  '}'					{ $$ = $1;
						  type_dispinterface_define($$, $3, $4);
	| dispinterfacehdr
	 '{' interface ';' '}' 			{ $$ = $1;
						  type_dispinterface_define_from_iface($$, $3);

inherit:					{ $$ = NULL; }
	| ':' aKNOWNTYPE			{ $$ = find_type_or_error2($2, 0); }

interface: tINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER		{ $$ = get_type(TYPE_INTERFACE, $2, 0); }
	|  tINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE		{ $$ = get_type(TYPE_INTERFACE, $2, 0); }

interfacehdr: attributes interface		{ $$.interface = $2;
						  $$.old_pointer_default = pointer_default;
						  if (is_attr($1, ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT))
						    pointer_default = get_attrv($1, ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT);
						  is_object_interface = is_object($1);
						  $2->attrs = check_iface_attrs($2->name, $1);
						  $2->defined = TRUE;

interfacedef: interfacehdr inherit
	  '{' int_statements '}' semicolon_opt	{ $$ = $1.interface;
						  type_interface_define($$, $2, $4);
						  pointer_default = $1.old_pointer_default;
/* MIDL is able to import the definition of a base class from inside the
 * definition of a derived class, I'll try to support it with this rule */
	| interfacehdr ':' aIDENTIFIER
	  '{' import int_statements '}'
	   semicolon_opt			{ $$ = $1.interface;
						  type_interface_define($$, find_type_or_error2($3, 0), $6);
						  pointer_default = $1.old_pointer_default;
	| dispinterfacedef semicolon_opt	{ $$ = $1; }

	  interface ';'				{ $$ = $1; }
	| dispinterface ';'			{ $$ = $1; }

module:   tMODULE aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = type_new_module($2); }
	| tMODULE aKNOWNTYPE			{ $$ = type_new_module($2); }

modulehdr: attributes module			{ $$ = $2;
						  $$->attrs = check_module_attrs($2->name, $1);

moduledef: modulehdr '{' int_statements '}'
	   semicolon_opt			{ $$ = $1;
                                                  type_module_define($$, $3);

	  tEXTERN				{ $$ = STG_EXTERN; }
	| tSTATIC				{ $$ = STG_STATIC; }
	| tREGISTER				{ $$ = STG_REGISTER; }

	  tINLINE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_INLINE); }

	  tCONST				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_CONST); }

m_type_qual_list:				{ $$ = NULL; }
	| m_type_qual_list type_qualifier	{ $$ = append_attr($1, $2); }

decl_spec: type m_decl_spec_no_type		{ $$ = make_decl_spec($1, $2, NULL, NULL, STG_NONE); }
	| decl_spec_no_type type m_decl_spec_no_type
						{ $$ = make_decl_spec($2, $1, $3, NULL, STG_NONE); }

m_decl_spec_no_type:				{ $$ = NULL; }
	| decl_spec_no_type

	  type_qualifier m_decl_spec_no_type	{ $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, $1, STG_NONE); }
	| function_specifier m_decl_spec_no_type  { $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, $1, STG_NONE); }
	| storage_cls_spec m_decl_spec_no_type  { $$ = make_decl_spec(NULL, $2, NULL, NULL, $1); }

	  '*' m_type_qual_list declarator %prec PPTR
						{ $$ = $3; $$->type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, type_new_pointer(pointer_default, NULL, $2)); }
	| callconv declarator			{ $$ = $2; $$->type->attrs = append_attr($$->type->attrs, make_attrp(ATTR_CALLCONV, $1)); }
	| direct_declarator

	  ident					{ $$ = make_declarator($1); }
	| '(' declarator ')'			{ $$ = $2; }
	| direct_declarator array		{ $$ = $1; $$->array = append_array($$->array, $2); }
	| direct_declarator '(' m_args ')'	{ $$ = $1;
						  $$->func_type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, type_new_function($3));
						  $$->type = NULL;

	  declarator				{ $$ = append_declarator( NULL, $1 ); }
	| declarator_list ',' declarator	{ $$ = append_declarator( $1, $3 ); }

	  declarator				{ $$ = $1; }
	| declarator '=' expr_const		{ $$ = $1; $1->var->eval = $3; }

	  tREF					{ $$ = RPC_FC_RP; }
	| tUNIQUE				{ $$ = RPC_FC_UP; }
	| tPTR					{ $$ = RPC_FC_FP; }

structdef: tSTRUCT t_ident '{' fields '}'	{ $$ = type_new_struct($2, TRUE, $4); }

type:	  tVOID					{ $$ = type_new_void(); }
	| aKNOWNTYPE				{ $$ = find_type_or_error($1, 0); }
	| base_type				{ $$ = $1; }
	| enumdef				{ $$ = $1; }
	| tENUM aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = type_new_enum($2, FALSE, NULL); }
	| structdef				{ $$ = $1; }
	| tSTRUCT aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = type_new_struct($2, FALSE, NULL); }
	| uniondef				{ $$ = $1; }
	| tUNION aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = type_new_nonencapsulated_union($2, FALSE, NULL); }
	| tSAFEARRAY '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_safearray($3); }

typedef: tTYPEDEF m_attributes decl_spec declarator_list
						{ reg_typedefs($3, $4, check_typedef_attrs($2));
						  $$ = make_statement_typedef($4);

uniondef: tUNION t_ident '{' ne_union_fields '}'
						{ $$ = type_new_nonencapsulated_union($2, TRUE, $4); }
	| tUNION t_ident
	  tSWITCH '(' s_field ')'
	  m_ident '{' cases '}'			{ $$ = type_new_encapsulated_union($2, $5, $7, $9); }

	  aNUM					{ $$ = MAKEVERSION($1, 0); }
	| aNUM '.' aNUM				{ $$ = MAKEVERSION($1, $3); }


static void decl_builtin_basic(const char *name, enum type_basic_type type)
  type_t *t = type_new_basic(type);
  reg_type(t, name, 0);

static void decl_builtin_alias(const char *name, type_t *t)
  reg_type(type_new_alias(t, name), name, 0);

void init_types(void)
  decl_builtin_basic("byte", TYPE_BASIC_BYTE);
  decl_builtin_basic("wchar_t", TYPE_BASIC_WCHAR);
  decl_builtin_basic("float", TYPE_BASIC_FLOAT);
  decl_builtin_basic("double", TYPE_BASIC_DOUBLE);
  decl_builtin_basic("error_status_t", TYPE_BASIC_ERROR_STATUS_T);
  decl_builtin_basic("handle_t", TYPE_BASIC_HANDLE);
  decl_builtin_alias("boolean", type_new_basic(TYPE_BASIC_BYTE));

static str_list_t *append_str(str_list_t *list, char *str)
    struct str_list_entry_t *entry;

    if (!str) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    entry = xmalloc( sizeof(*entry) );
    entry->str = str;
    list_add_tail( list, &entry->entry );
    return list;

static attr_list_t *append_attr(attr_list_t *list, attr_t *attr)
    attr_t *attr_existing;
    if (!attr) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr_existing, list, attr_t, entry)
        if (attr_existing->type == attr->type)
            parser_warning("duplicate attribute %s\n", get_attr_display_name(attr->type));
            /* use the last attribute, like MIDL does */
    list_add_tail( list, &attr->entry );
    return list;

static attr_list_t *move_attr(attr_list_t *dst, attr_list_t *src, enum attr_type type)
  attr_t *attr;
  if (!src) return dst;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, src, attr_t, entry)
    if (attr->type == type)
      return append_attr(dst, attr);
  return dst;

static attr_list_t *append_attr_list(attr_list_t *new_list, attr_list_t *old_list)
  struct list *entry;

  if (!old_list) return new_list;

  while ((entry = list_head(old_list)))
    attr_t *attr = LIST_ENTRY(entry, attr_t, entry);
    new_list = append_attr(new_list, attr);
  return new_list;

static attr_list_t *dupattrs(const attr_list_t *list)
  attr_list_t *new_list;
  const attr_t *attr;

  if (!list) return NULL;

  new_list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
  list_init( new_list );
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, list, const attr_t, entry)
    attr_t *new_attr = xmalloc(sizeof(*new_attr));
    *new_attr = *attr;
    list_add_tail(new_list, &new_attr->entry);
  return new_list;

static decl_spec_t *make_decl_spec(type_t *type, decl_spec_t *left, decl_spec_t *right, attr_t *attr, enum storage_class stgclass)
  decl_spec_t *declspec = left ? left : right;
  if (!declspec)
    declspec = xmalloc(sizeof(*declspec));
    declspec->type = NULL;
    declspec->attrs = NULL;
    declspec->stgclass = STG_NONE;
  declspec->type = type;
  if (left && declspec != left)
    declspec->attrs = append_attr_list(declspec->attrs, left->attrs);
    if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
      declspec->stgclass = left->stgclass;
    else if (left->stgclass != STG_NONE)
      error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");
  if (right && declspec != right)
    declspec->attrs = append_attr_list(declspec->attrs, right->attrs);
    if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
      declspec->stgclass = right->stgclass;
    else if (right->stgclass != STG_NONE)
      error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");

  declspec->attrs = append_attr(declspec->attrs, attr);
  if (declspec->stgclass == STG_NONE)
    declspec->stgclass = stgclass;
  else if (stgclass != STG_NONE)
    error_loc("only one storage class can be specified\n");

  /* apply attributes to type */
  if (type && declspec->attrs)
    attr_list_t *attrs;
    declspec->type = duptype(type, 1);
    attrs = dupattrs(type->attrs);
    declspec->type->attrs = append_attr_list(attrs, declspec->attrs);
    declspec->attrs = NULL;

  return declspec;

static attr_t *make_attr(enum attr_type type)
  attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
  a->type = type;
  a->u.ival = 0;
  return a;

static attr_t *make_attrv(enum attr_type type, unsigned long val)
  attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
  a->type = type;
  a->u.ival = val;
  return a;

static attr_t *make_attrp(enum attr_type type, void *val)
  attr_t *a = xmalloc(sizeof(attr_t));
  a->type = type;
  a->u.pval = val;
  return a;

static expr_list_t *append_expr(expr_list_t *list, expr_t *expr)
    if (!expr) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &expr->entry );
    return list;

static array_dims_t *append_array(array_dims_t *list, expr_t *expr)
    if (!expr) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &expr->entry );
    return list;

static struct list type_pool = LIST_INIT(type_pool);
typedef struct
  type_t data;
  struct list link;
} type_pool_node_t;

type_t *alloc_type(void)
  type_pool_node_t *node = xmalloc(sizeof *node);
  list_add_tail(&type_pool, &node->link);
  return &node->data;

void set_all_tfswrite(int val)
  type_pool_node_t *node;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(node, &type_pool, type_pool_node_t, link)
    node->data.tfswrite = val;

void clear_all_offsets(void)
  type_pool_node_t *node;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(node, &type_pool, type_pool_node_t, link)
    node->data.typestring_offset = node->data.ptrdesc = 0;

static void type_function_add_head_arg(type_t *type, var_t *arg)
    if (!type->details.function->args)
        type->details.function->args = xmalloc( sizeof(*type->details.function->args) );
        list_init( type->details.function->args );
    list_add_head( type->details.function->args, &arg->entry );

static type_t *append_ptrchain_type(type_t *ptrchain, type_t *type)
  type_t *ptrchain_type;
  if (!ptrchain)
    return type;
  for (ptrchain_type = ptrchain; type_pointer_get_ref(ptrchain_type); ptrchain_type = type_pointer_get_ref(ptrchain_type))
  assert(ptrchain_type->type_type == TYPE_POINTER);
  ptrchain_type->details.pointer.ref = type;
  return ptrchain;

static void set_type(var_t *v, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, const declarator_t *decl,
                     int top)
  expr_list_t *sizes = get_attrp(v->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS);
  expr_list_t *lengs = get_attrp(v->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS);
  int sizeless;
  expr_t *dim;
  type_t **ptype;
  array_dims_t *arr = decl ? decl->array : NULL;
  type_t *func_type = decl ? decl->func_type : NULL;
  type_t *type = decl_spec->type;

  if (is_attr(type->attrs, ATTR_INLINE))
    if (!func_type)
      error_loc("inline attribute applied to non-function type\n");
      type_t *t;
      /* move inline attribute from return type node to function node */
      for (t = func_type; is_ptr(t); t = type_pointer_get_ref(t))
      t->attrs = move_attr(t->attrs, type->attrs, ATTR_INLINE);

  /* add type onto the end of the pointers in pident->type */
  v->type = append_ptrchain_type(decl ? decl->type : NULL, type);
  v->stgclass = decl_spec->stgclass;

  /* check for pointer attribute being applied to non-pointer, non-array
   * type */
  if (!arr)
    int ptr_attr = get_attrv(v->attrs, ATTR_POINTERTYPE);
    const type_t *ptr = NULL;
    /* pointer attributes on the left side of the type belong to the function
     * pointer, if one is being declared */
    type_t **pt = func_type ? &func_type : &v->type;
    for (ptr = *pt; ptr && !ptr_attr; )
      ptr_attr = get_attrv(ptr->attrs, ATTR_POINTERTYPE);
      if (!ptr_attr && type_is_alias(ptr))
        ptr = type_alias_get_aliasee(ptr);
    if (is_ptr(ptr))
      if (ptr_attr && ptr_attr != RPC_FC_UP &&
          type_get_type(type_pointer_get_ref(ptr)) == TYPE_INTERFACE)
                           "%s: pointer attribute applied to interface "
                           "pointer type has no effect\n", v->name);
      if (!ptr_attr && top && (*pt)->details.pointer.def_fc != RPC_FC_RP)
        /* FIXME: this is a horrible hack to cope with the issue that we
         * store an offset to the typeformat string in the type object, but
         * two typeformat strings may be written depending on whether the
         * pointer is a toplevel parameter or not */
        *pt = duptype(*pt, 1);
    else if (ptr_attr)
       error_loc("%s: pointer attribute applied to non-pointer type\n", v->name);

  if (is_attr(v->attrs, ATTR_STRING) && !is_ptr(v->type) && !arr)
    error_loc("'%s': [string] attribute applied to non-pointer, non-array type\n",

  if (is_attr(v->attrs, ATTR_V1ENUM))
    if (type_get_type_detect_alias(v->type) != TYPE_ENUM)
      error_loc("'%s': [v1_enum] attribute applied to non-enum type\n", v->name);

  ptype = &v->type;
  sizeless = FALSE;
  if (arr) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_REV(dim, arr, expr_t, entry)
    if (sizeless)
      error_loc("%s: only the first array dimension can be unspecified\n", v->name);

    if (dim->is_const)
      if (dim->cval <= 0)
        error_loc("%s: array dimension must be positive\n", v->name);

      /* FIXME: should use a type_memsize that allows us to pass in a pointer size */
      if (0)
        unsigned int align = 0;
        unsigned int size = type_memsize(v->type, &align);

        if (0xffffffffu / size < dim->cval)
          error_loc("%s: total array size is too large\n", v->name);
      sizeless = TRUE;

    *ptype = type_new_array(NULL, *ptype, FALSE,
                            dim->is_const ? dim->cval : 0,
                            dim->is_const ? NULL : dim, NULL,

  ptype = &v->type;
  if (sizes) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, sizes, expr_t, entry)
    if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
      if (is_array(*ptype))
        if (type_array_get_conformance(*ptype)->is_const)
          error_loc("%s: cannot specify size_is for a fixed sized array\n", v->name);
          *ptype = type_new_array((*ptype)->name,
                                  type_array_get_element(*ptype), FALSE,
                                  0, dim, NULL, 0);
      else if (is_ptr(*ptype))
        *ptype = type_new_array((*ptype)->name, type_pointer_get_ref(*ptype), TRUE,
                                0, dim, NULL, pointer_default);
        error_loc("%s: size_is attribute applied to illegal type\n", v->name);

    if (is_ptr(*ptype))
      ptype = &(*ptype)->details.pointer.ref;
    else if (is_array(*ptype))
      ptype = &(*ptype)->details.array.elem;
      error_loc("%s: too many expressions in size_is attribute\n", v->name);

  ptype = &v->type;
  if (lengs) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, lengs, expr_t, entry)
    if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
      if (is_array(*ptype))
        *ptype = type_new_array((*ptype)->name,
                                dim, type_array_get_ptr_default_fc(*ptype));
        error_loc("%s: length_is attribute applied to illegal type\n", v->name);

    if (is_ptr(*ptype))
      ptype = &(*ptype)->details.pointer.ref;
    else if (is_array(*ptype))
      ptype = &(*ptype)->details.array.elem;
      error_loc("%s: too many expressions in length_is attribute\n", v->name);

  /* v->type is currently pointing to the type on the left-side of the
   * declaration, so we need to fix this up so that it is the return type of the
   * function and make v->type point to the function side of the declaration */
  if (func_type)
    type_t *ft, *t;
    type_t *return_type = v->type;
    v->type = func_type;
    for (ft = v->type; is_ptr(ft); ft = type_pointer_get_ref(ft))
    assert(type_get_type_detect_alias(ft) == TYPE_FUNCTION);
    ft->details.function->rettype = return_type;
    /* move calling convention attribute, if present, from pointer nodes to
     * function node */
    for (t = v->type; is_ptr(t); t = type_pointer_get_ref(t))
      ft->attrs = move_attr(ft->attrs, t->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV);
    if (is_object_interface && !is_attr(ft->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV))
      static char *stdmethodcalltype;
      if (!stdmethodcalltype) stdmethodcalltype = strdup("STDMETHODCALLTYPE");
      ft->attrs = append_attr(NULL, make_attrp(ATTR_CALLCONV, stdmethodcalltype));
    type_t *t;
    for (t = v->type; is_ptr(t); t = type_pointer_get_ref(t))
      if (is_attr(t->attrs, ATTR_CALLCONV))
        error_loc("calling convention applied to non-function-pointer type\n");

static var_list_t *set_var_types(attr_list_t *attrs, decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls)
  declarator_t *decl, *next;
  var_list_t *var_list = NULL;

  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( decl, next, decls, declarator_t, entry )
    var_t *var = decl->var;

    var->attrs = attrs;
    set_type(var, decl_spec, decl, 0);
    var_list = append_var(var_list, var);
  return var_list;

static ifref_list_t *append_ifref(ifref_list_t *list, ifref_t *iface)
    if (!iface) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &iface->entry );
    return list;

static ifref_t *make_ifref(type_t *iface)
  ifref_t *l = xmalloc(sizeof(ifref_t));
  l->iface = iface;
  l->attrs = NULL;
  return l;

var_list_t *append_var(var_list_t *list, var_t *var)
    if (!var) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &var->entry );
    return list;

static var_list_t *append_var_list(var_list_t *list, var_list_t *vars)
    if (!vars) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_move_tail( list, vars );
    return list;

var_t *make_var(char *name)
  var_t *v = xmalloc(sizeof(var_t));
  v->name = name;
  v->type = NULL;
  v->attrs = NULL;
  v->eval = NULL;
  v->stgclass = STG_NONE;
  return v;

static declarator_list_t *append_declarator(declarator_list_t *list, declarator_t *d)
  if (!d) return list;
  if (!list) {
    list = xmalloc(sizeof(*list));
  list_add_tail(list, &d->entry);
  return list;

static declarator_t *make_declarator(var_t *var)
  declarator_t *d = xmalloc(sizeof(*d));
  d->var = var;
  d->type = NULL;
  d->func_type = NULL;
  d->array = NULL;
  return d;

static func_list_t *append_func(func_list_t *list, func_t *func)
    if (!func) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &func->entry );
    return list;

static func_t *make_func(var_t *def)
  func_t *f = xmalloc(sizeof(func_t));
  f->def = def;
  return f;

static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type)
  return type_new_array(NULL, type_new_alias(type, "SAFEARRAY"), TRUE, 0,
                        NULL, NULL, RPC_FC_RP);

static typelib_t *make_library(const char *name, const attr_list_t *attrs)
    typelib_t *typelib = xmalloc(sizeof(*typelib));
    typelib->name = xstrdup(name);
    typelib->filename = NULL;
    typelib->attrs = attrs;
    list_init( &typelib->importlibs );
    return typelib;

#define HASHMAX 64

static int hash_ident(const char *name)
  const char *p = name;
  int sum = 0;
  /* a simple sum hash is probably good enough */
  while (*p) {
    sum += *p;
  return sum & (HASHMAX-1);

/***** type repository *****/

struct rtype {
  const char *name;
  type_t *type;
  int t;
  struct rtype *next;

struct rtype *type_hash[HASHMAX];

type_t *reg_type(type_t *type, const char *name, int t)
  struct rtype *nt;
  int hash;
  if (!name) {
    error_loc("registering named type without name\n");
    return type;
  hash = hash_ident(name);
  nt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct rtype));
  nt->name = name;
  nt->type = type;
  nt->t = t;
  nt->next = type_hash[hash];
  type_hash[hash] = nt;
  if ((t == tsSTRUCT || t == tsUNION))
  return type;

static int is_incomplete(const type_t *t)
  return !t->defined &&
    (type_get_type_detect_alias(t) == TYPE_STRUCT ||
     type_get_type_detect_alias(t) == TYPE_UNION ||
     type_get_type_detect_alias(t) == TYPE_ENCAPSULATED_UNION);

void add_incomplete(type_t *t)
  struct typenode *tn = xmalloc(sizeof *tn);
  tn->type = t;
  list_add_tail(&incomplete_types, &tn->entry);

static void fix_type(type_t *t)
  if (type_is_alias(t) && is_incomplete(t)) {
    type_t *ot = type_alias_get_aliasee(t);
    if (type_get_type_detect_alias(ot) == TYPE_STRUCT ||
        type_get_type_detect_alias(ot) == TYPE_UNION ||
        type_get_type_detect_alias(ot) == TYPE_ENCAPSULATED_UNION)
      t->details.structure = ot->details.structure;
    t->defined = ot->defined;

static void fix_incomplete(void)
  struct typenode *tn, *next;

  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tn, next, &incomplete_types, struct typenode, entry) {

static void fix_incomplete_types(type_t *complete_type)
  struct typenode *tn, *next;

  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tn, next, &incomplete_types, struct typenode, entry)
    if (type_is_equal(complete_type, tn->type))
      tn->type->details.structure = complete_type->details.structure;

static type_t *reg_typedefs(decl_spec_t *decl_spec, declarator_list_t *decls, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const declarator_t *decl;
  int is_str = is_attr(attrs, ATTR_STRING);
  type_t *type = decl_spec->type;

  if (is_str)
    type_t *t = decl_spec->type;

    while (is_ptr(t))
      t = type_pointer_get_ref(t);

    if (type_get_type(t) != TYPE_BASIC &&
        (get_basic_fc(t) != RPC_FC_CHAR &&
         get_basic_fc(t) != RPC_FC_BYTE &&
         get_basic_fc(t) != RPC_FC_WCHAR))
      decl = LIST_ENTRY( list_head( decls ), const declarator_t, entry );
      error_loc("'%s': [string] attribute is only valid on 'char', 'byte', or 'wchar_t' pointers and arrays\n",

  /* We must generate names for tagless enum, struct or union.
     Typedef-ing a tagless enum, struct or union means we want the typedef
     to be included in a library hence the public attribute.  */
  if ((type_get_type_detect_alias(type) == TYPE_ENUM ||
       type_get_type_detect_alias(type) == TYPE_STRUCT ||
       type_get_type_detect_alias(type) == TYPE_UNION ||
       type_get_type_detect_alias(type) == TYPE_ENCAPSULATED_UNION) &&
      !type->name && !parse_only)
    if (! is_attr(attrs, ATTR_PUBLIC))
      attrs = append_attr( attrs, make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC) );
    type->name = gen_name();
  else if (is_attr(attrs, ATTR_UUID) && !is_attr(attrs, ATTR_PUBLIC))
    attrs = append_attr( attrs, make_attr(ATTR_PUBLIC) );

  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( decl, decls, const declarator_t, entry )
    var_t *name = decl->var;

    if (name->name) {
      type_t *cur;

      cur = find_type(name->name, 0);
      if (cur)
          error_loc("%s: redefinition error; original definition was at %s:%d\n",
                    cur->name, cur->loc_info.input_name,

      /* set the attributes to allow set_type to do some checks on them */
      name->attrs = attrs;
      set_type(name, decl_spec, decl, 0);
      cur = type_new_alias(name->type, name->name);
      cur->attrs = attrs;

      if (is_incomplete(cur))
      reg_type(cur, cur->name, 0);
  return type;

type_t *find_type(const char *name, int t)
  struct rtype *cur = type_hash[hash_ident(name)];
  while (cur && (cur->t != t || strcmp(cur->name, name)))
    cur = cur->next;
  return cur ? cur->type : NULL;

static type_t *find_type_or_error(const char *name, int t)
  type_t *type = find_type(name, t);
  if (!type) {
    error_loc("type '%s' not found\n", name);
    return NULL;
  return type;

static type_t *find_type_or_error2(char *name, int t)
  type_t *tp = find_type_or_error(name, t);
  return tp;

int is_type(const char *name)
  return find_type(name, 0) != NULL;

type_t *get_type(enum type_type type, char *name, int t)
  type_t *tp;
  if (name) {
    tp = find_type(name, t);
    if (tp) {
      return tp;
  tp = make_type(type);
  tp->name = name;
  if (!name) return tp;
  return reg_type(tp, name, t);

/***** constant repository *****/

struct rconst {
  char *name;
  var_t *var;
  struct rconst *next;

struct rconst *const_hash[HASHMAX];

static var_t *reg_const(var_t *var)
  struct rconst *nc;
  int hash;
  if (!var->name) {
    error_loc("registering constant without name\n");
    return var;
  hash = hash_ident(var->name);
  nc = xmalloc(sizeof(struct rconst));
  nc->name = var->name;
  nc->var = var;
  nc->next = const_hash[hash];
  const_hash[hash] = nc;
  return var;

var_t *find_const(const char *name, int f)
  struct rconst *cur = const_hash[hash_ident(name)];
  while (cur && strcmp(cur->name, name))
    cur = cur->next;
  if (!cur) {
    if (f) error_loc("constant '%s' not found\n", name);
    return NULL;
  return cur->var;

static char *gen_name(void)
  static const char format[] = "__WIDL_%s_generated_name_%08lX";
  static unsigned long n = 0;
  static const char *file_id;
  static size_t size;
  char *name;

  if (! file_id)
    char *dst = dup_basename(input_name, ".idl");
    file_id = dst;

    for (; *dst; ++dst)
      if (! isalnum((unsigned char) *dst))
        *dst = '_';

    size = sizeof format - 7 + strlen(file_id) + 8;

  name = xmalloc(size);
  sprintf(name, format, file_id, n++);
  return name;

struct allowed_attr
    unsigned int dce_compatible : 1;
    unsigned int acf : 1;
    unsigned int on_interface : 1;
    unsigned int on_function : 1;
    unsigned int on_arg : 1;
    unsigned int on_type : 1;
    unsigned int on_enum : 1;
    unsigned int on_struct : 1;
    unsigned int on_union : 1;
    unsigned int on_field : 1;
    unsigned int on_library : 1;
    unsigned int on_dispinterface : 1;
    unsigned int on_module : 1;
    unsigned int on_coclass : 1;
    const char *display_name;

struct allowed_attr allowed_attr[] =
    /* attr                        { D ACF I Fn ARG T En St Un Fi  L  DI M  C  <display name> } */
    /* ATTR_AGGREGATABLE */        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "aggregatable" },
    /* ATTR_APPOBJECT */           { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "appobject" },
    /* ATTR_ASYNC */               { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "async" },
    /* ATTR_AUTO_HANDLE */         { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "auto_handle" },
    /* ATTR_BINDABLE */            { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "bindable" },
    /* ATTR_BROADCAST */           { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "broadcast" },
    /* ATTR_CALLAS */              { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "call_as" },
    /* ATTR_CALLCONV */            { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL },
    /* ATTR_CASE */                { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "case" },
    /* ATTR_CONST */               { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "const" },
    /* ATTR_CONTEXTHANDLE */       { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "context_handle" },
    /* ATTR_CONTROL */             { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, "control" },
    /* ATTR_DEFAULT */             { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, "default" },
    /* ATTR_DEFAULTCOLLELEM */     { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "defaultcollelem" },
    /* ATTR_DEFAULTVALUE */        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "defaultvalue" },
    /* ATTR_DEFAULTVTABLE */       { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "defaultvtable" },
    /* ATTR_DISPINTERFACE */       { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL },
    /* ATTR_DISPLAYBIND */         { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "displaybind" },
    /* ATTR_DLLNAME */             { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "dllname" },
    /* ATTR_DUAL */                { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "dual" },
    /* ATTR_ENDPOINT */            { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "endpoint" },
    /* ATTR_ENTRY */               { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "entry" },
    /* ATTR_EXPLICIT_HANDLE */     { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "explicit_handle" },
    /* ATTR_HANDLE */              { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "handle" },
    /* ATTR_HELPCONTEXT */         { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpcontext" },
    /* ATTR_HELPFILE */            { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "helpfile" },
    /* ATTR_HELPSTRING */          { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpstring" },
    /* ATTR_HELPSTRINGCONTEXT */   { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "helpstringcontext" },
    /* ATTR_HELPSTRINGDLL */       { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "helpstringdll" },
    /* ATTR_HIDDEN */              { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, "hidden" },
    /* ATTR_ID */                  { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "id" },
    /* ATTR_IDEMPOTENT */          { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "idempotent" },
    /* ATTR_IIDIS */               { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "iid_is" },
    /* ATTR_IMMEDIATEBIND */       { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "immediatebind" },
    /* ATTR_IMPLICIT_HANDLE */     { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "implicit_handle" },
    /* ATTR_IN */                  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "in" },
    /* ATTR_INLINE */              { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "inline" },
    /* ATTR_INPUTSYNC */           { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "inputsync" },
    /* ATTR_LENGTHIS */            { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "length_is" },
    /* ATTR_LIBLCID */             { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "lcid" },
    /* ATTR_LOCAL */               { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "local" },
    /* ATTR_NONBROWSABLE */        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "nonbrowsable" },
    /* ATTR_NONCREATABLE */        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "noncreatable" },
    /* ATTR_NONEXTENSIBLE */       { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "nonextensible" },
    /* ATTR_OBJECT */              { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "object" },
    /* ATTR_ODL */                 { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, "odl" },
    /* ATTR_OLEAUTOMATION */       { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "oleautomation" },
    /* ATTR_OPTIONAL */            { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "optional" },
    /* ATTR_OUT */                 { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "out" },
    /* ATTR_PARAMLCID */           { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "lcid" },
    /* ATTR_POINTERDEFAULT */      { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "pointer_default" },
    /* ATTR_POINTERTYPE */         { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ref, unique or ptr" },
    /* ATTR_PROPGET */             { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propget" },
    /* ATTR_PROPPUT */             { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propput" },
    /* ATTR_PROPPUTREF */          { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "propputref" },
    /* ATTR_PUBLIC */              { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "public" },
    /* ATTR_RANGE */               { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "range" },
    /* ATTR_READONLY */            { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "readonly" },
    /* ATTR_REQUESTEDIT */         { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "requestedit" },
    /* ATTR_RESTRICTED */          { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "restricted" },
    /* ATTR_RETVAL */              { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "retval" },
    /* ATTR_SIZEIS */              { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "size_is" },
    /* ATTR_SOURCE */              { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, "source" },
    /* ATTR_STRICTCONTEXTHANDLE */ { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "strict_context_handle" },
    /* ATTR_STRING */              { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "string" },
    /* ATTR_SWITCHIS */            { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "switch_is" },
    /* ATTR_SWITCHTYPE */          { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "switch_type" },
    /* ATTR_TRANSMITAS */          { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "transmit_as" },
    /* ATTR_UUID */                { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "uuid" },
    /* ATTR_V1ENUM */              { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "v1_enum" },
    /* ATTR_VARARG */              { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "vararg" },
    /* ATTR_VERSION */             { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "version" },
    /* ATTR_WIREMARSHAL */         { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "wire_marshal" },

const char *get_attr_display_name(enum attr_type type)
    return allowed_attr[type].display_name;

static attr_list_t *check_iface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_interface)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for interface %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_function_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_function)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for function %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static void check_arg(var_t *arg)
  const type_t *t = arg->type;
  const attr_t *attr;

  if (type_get_type(t) == TYPE_VOID)
    error_loc("argument '%s' has void type\n", arg->name);

  if (arg->attrs)
    LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, arg->attrs, const attr_t, entry)
      if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_arg)
        error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for argument %s\n",
                  allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, arg->name);

static attr_list_t *check_typedef_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_type)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for typedef\n",
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_enum_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_enum)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for enum\n",
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_struct_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_struct)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for struct\n",
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_union_attrs(attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_union)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for union\n",
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_field_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_field)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for field %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_library_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_library)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for library %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_dispiface_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_dispinterface)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for dispinterface %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_module_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_module)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for module %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static attr_list_t *check_coclass_attrs(const char *name, attr_list_t *attrs)
  const attr_t *attr;
  if (!attrs) return attrs;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(attr, attrs, const attr_t, entry)
    if (!allowed_attr[attr->type].on_coclass)
      error_loc("inapplicable attribute %s for coclass %s\n",
                allowed_attr[attr->type].display_name, name);
  return attrs;

static int is_allowed_conf_type(const type_t *type)
    switch (type_get_type(type))
    case TYPE_ENUM:
        return TRUE;
    case TYPE_BASIC:
        switch (type_basic_get_type(type))
        case TYPE_BASIC_INT8:
        case TYPE_BASIC_INT16:
        case TYPE_BASIC_INT32:
        case TYPE_BASIC_INT64:
        case TYPE_BASIC_INT:
        case TYPE_BASIC_CHAR:
        case TYPE_BASIC_HYPER:
        case TYPE_BASIC_BYTE:
        case TYPE_BASIC_WCHAR:
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
    case TYPE_ALIAS:
        /* shouldn't get here because of type_get_type call above */
        /* fall through */
    case TYPE_STRUCT:
    case TYPE_UNION:
    case TYPE_ARRAY:
    case TYPE_POINTER:
    case TYPE_VOID:
    case TYPE_MODULE:
    case TYPE_COCLASS:
        return FALSE;
    return FALSE;

static int is_ptr_guid_type(const type_t *type)
    unsigned int align = 0;

    /* first, make sure it is a pointer to something */
    if (!is_ptr(type)) return FALSE;

    /* second, make sure it is a pointer to something of size sizeof(GUID),
     * i.e. 16 bytes */
    return (type_memsize(type_pointer_get_ref(type), &align) == 16);

static void check_conformance_expr_list(const char *attr_name, const var_t *arg, const type_t *container_type, expr_list_t *expr_list)
    expr_t *dim;
    struct expr_loc expr_loc;
    expr_loc.v = arg;
    expr_loc.attr = attr_name;
    if (expr_list) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dim, expr_list, expr_t, entry)
        if (dim->type != EXPR_VOID)
            const type_t *expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, dim);
            if (!is_allowed_conf_type(expr_type))
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to integral type <= 32bits for attribute %s\n",

static void check_remoting_fields(const var_t *var, type_t *type);

/* checks that properties common to fields and arguments are consistent */
static void check_field_common(const type_t *container_type,
                               const char *container_name, const var_t *arg)
    type_t *type = arg->type;
    int more_to_do;
    const char *container_type_name = NULL;

    switch (type_get_type_detect_alias(type))
    case TYPE_STRUCT:
        container_type_name = "struct";
    case TYPE_UNION:
        container_type_name = "union";
        container_type_name = "encapsulated union";
        container_type_name = "function";

    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS) &&
        (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_STRING) || is_aliaschain_attr(arg->type, ATTR_STRING)))
                       "string and length_is specified for argument %s are mutually exclusive attributes\n",

    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS))
        expr_list_t *size_is_exprs = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_SIZEIS);
        check_conformance_expr_list("size_is", arg, container_type, size_is_exprs);
    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS))
        expr_list_t *length_is_exprs = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_LENGTHIS);
        check_conformance_expr_list("length_is", arg, container_type, length_is_exprs);
    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_IIDIS))
        struct expr_loc expr_loc;
        expr_t *expr = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_IIDIS);
        if (expr->type != EXPR_VOID)
            const type_t *expr_type;
            expr_loc.v = arg;
            expr_loc.attr = "iid_is";
            expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, expr);
            if (!expr_type || !is_ptr_guid_type(expr_type))
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to pointer to GUID type for attribute iid_is\n");
    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_SWITCHIS))
        struct expr_loc expr_loc;
        expr_t *expr = get_attrp(arg->attrs, ATTR_SWITCHIS);
        if (expr->type != EXPR_VOID)
            const type_t *expr_type;
            expr_loc.v = arg;
            expr_loc.attr = "switch_is";
            expr_type = expr_resolve_type(&expr_loc, container_type, expr);
            if (!expr_type || !is_allowed_conf_type(expr_type))
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "expression must resolve to integral type <= 32bits for attribute %s\n",

        more_to_do = FALSE;

        switch (typegen_detect_type(type, arg->attrs, TDT_IGNORE_STRINGS))
        case TGT_STRUCT:
        case TGT_UNION:
            check_remoting_fields(arg, type);
        case TGT_INVALID:
            switch (type_get_type(type))
            case TYPE_VOID:
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "parameter \'%s\' of %s \'%s\' cannot derive from void *\n",
                               arg->name, container_type_name, container_name);
            case TYPE_FUNCTION:
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "parameter \'%s\' of %s \'%s\' cannot be a function pointer\n",
                               arg->name, container_type_name, container_name);
            case TYPE_COCLASS:
            case TYPE_INTERFACE:
            case TYPE_MODULE:
                /* FIXME */
        case TGT_CTXT_HANDLE:
            /* FIXME */
        case TGT_POINTER:
            type = type_pointer_get_ref(type);
            more_to_do = TRUE;
        case TGT_ARRAY:
            type = type_array_get_element(type);
            more_to_do = TRUE;
        case TGT_USER_TYPE:
        case TGT_STRING:
        case TGT_IFACE_POINTER:
        case TGT_BASIC:
        case TGT_ENUM:
            /* nothing to do */
    } while (more_to_do);

static void check_remoting_fields(const var_t *var, type_t *type)
    const var_t *field;
    const var_list_t *fields = NULL;

    type = type_get_real_type(type);

    if (type->checked)

    type->checked = TRUE;

    if (type_get_type(type) == TYPE_STRUCT)
        if (type_is_complete(type))
            fields = type_struct_get_fields(type);
            error_loc_info(&var->loc_info, "undefined type declaration %s\n", type->name);
    else if (type_get_type(type) == TYPE_UNION || type_get_type(type) == TYPE_ENCAPSULATED_UNION)
        fields = type_union_get_cases(type);

    if (fields) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( field, fields, const var_t, entry )
        if (field->type) check_field_common(type, type->name, field);

/* checks that arguments for a function make sense for marshalling and unmarshalling */
static void check_remoting_args(const var_t *func)
    const char *funcname = func->name;
    const var_t *arg;

    if (func->type->details.function->args) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, func->type->details.function->args, const var_t, entry )
        const type_t *type = arg->type;

        /* check that [out] parameters have enough pointer levels */
        if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_OUT))
            switch (typegen_detect_type(type, arg->attrs, TDT_ALL_TYPES))
            case TGT_BASIC:
            case TGT_ENUM:
            case TGT_STRUCT:
            case TGT_UNION:
            case TGT_CTXT_HANDLE:
            case TGT_USER_TYPE:
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "out parameter \'%s\' of function \'%s\' is not a pointer\n", arg->name, funcname);
            case TGT_IFACE_POINTER:
                error_loc_info(&arg->loc_info, "out interface pointer \'%s\' of function \'%s\' is not a double pointer\n", arg->name, funcname);
            case TGT_STRING:
                if (!is_array(type))
                    /* FIXME */
            case TGT_INVALID:
                /* already error'd before we get here */
            case TGT_CTXT_HANDLE_POINTER:
            case TGT_POINTER:
            case TGT_ARRAY:
                /* OK */

        check_field_common(func->type, funcname, arg);

static void add_explicit_handle_if_necessary(var_t *func)
    const var_t* explicit_handle_var;
    const var_t* explicit_generic_handle_var = NULL;
    const var_t* context_handle_var = NULL;

    /* check for a defined binding handle */
    explicit_handle_var = get_explicit_handle_var(func);
    if (!explicit_handle_var)
        explicit_generic_handle_var = get_explicit_generic_handle_var(func);
        if (!explicit_generic_handle_var)
            context_handle_var = get_context_handle_var(func);
            if (!context_handle_var)
                /* no explicit handle specified so add
                 * "[in] handle_t IDL_handle" as the first parameter to the
                 * function */
                var_t *idl_handle = make_var(xstrdup("IDL_handle"));
                idl_handle->attrs = append_attr(NULL, make_attr(ATTR_IN));
                idl_handle->type = find_type_or_error("handle_t", 0);
                type_function_add_head_arg(func->type, idl_handle);

static void check_functions(const type_t *iface, int is_inside_library)
    const statement_t *stmt;
    if (is_attr(iface->attrs, ATTR_EXPLICIT_HANDLE))
        STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
            var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
    if (!is_inside_library && !is_attr(iface->attrs, ATTR_LOCAL))
        STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC( stmt, type_iface_get_stmts(iface) )
            const var_t *func = stmt->u.var;
            if (!is_attr(func->attrs, ATTR_LOCAL))

static void check_statements(const statement_list_t *stmts, int is_inside_library)
    const statement_t *stmt;

    if (stmts) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry)
      if (stmt->type == STMT_LIBRARY)
          check_statements(stmt->u.lib->stmts, TRUE);
      else if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && type_get_type(stmt->u.type) == TYPE_INTERFACE)
          check_functions(stmt->u.type, is_inside_library);

static void check_all_user_types(const statement_list_t *stmts)
  const statement_t *stmt;

  if (stmts) LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(stmt, stmts, const statement_t, entry)
    if (stmt->type == STMT_LIBRARY)
    else if (stmt->type == STMT_TYPE && type_get_type(stmt->u.type) == TYPE_INTERFACE &&
      const statement_t *stmt_func;
      STATEMENTS_FOR_EACH_FUNC(stmt_func, type_iface_get_stmts(stmt->u.type)) {
        const var_t *func = stmt_func->u.var;

int is_valid_uuid(const char *s)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
    if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23)
      if (s[i] != '-')
        return FALSE;
      if (!isxdigit(s[i]))
        return FALSE;

  return s[i] == '\0';

static statement_t *make_statement(enum statement_type type)
    statement_t *stmt = xmalloc(sizeof(*stmt));
    stmt->type = type;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_type_decl(type_t *type)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPE);
    stmt->u.type = type;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_reference(type_t *type)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPEREF);
    stmt->u.type = type;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_declaration(var_t *var)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_DECLARATION);
    stmt->u.var = var;
    if (var->stgclass == STG_EXTERN && var->eval)
        warning("'%s' initialised and declared extern\n", var->name);
    if (is_const_decl(var))
        if (var->eval)
    else if (type_get_type(var->type) == TYPE_FUNCTION)
        check_function_attrs(var->name, var->attrs);
    else if (var->stgclass == STG_NONE || var->stgclass == STG_REGISTER)
        error_loc("instantiation of data is illegal\n");
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_library(typelib_t *typelib)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_LIBRARY);
    stmt->u.lib = typelib;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_cppquote(const char *str)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_CPPQUOTE);
    stmt->u.str = str;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_importlib(const char *str)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_IMPORTLIB);
    stmt->u.str = str;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_import(const char *str)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_IMPORT);
    stmt->u.str = str;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_module(type_t *type)
    statement_t *stmt = make_statement(STMT_MODULE);
    stmt->u.type = type;
    return stmt;

static statement_t *make_statement_typedef(declarator_list_t *decls)
    declarator_t *decl, *next;
    statement_t *stmt;
    type_list_t **type_list;

    if (!decls) return NULL;

    stmt = make_statement(STMT_TYPEDEF);
    stmt->u.type_list = NULL;
    type_list = &stmt->u.type_list;

    LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( decl, next, decls, declarator_t, entry )
        var_t *var = decl->var;
        type_t *type = find_type_or_error(var->name, 0);
        *type_list = xmalloc(sizeof(type_list_t));
        (*type_list)->type = type;
        (*type_list)->next = NULL;

        type_list = &(*type_list)->next;

    return stmt;

static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *stmt)
    if (!stmt) return list;
    if (!list)
        list = xmalloc( sizeof(*list) );
        list_init( list );
    list_add_tail( list, &stmt->entry );
    return list;

void init_loc_info(loc_info_t *i)
    i->input_name = input_name ? input_name : "stdin";
    i->line_number = line_number;
    i->near_text = parser_text;

static void check_def(const type_t *t)
    if (t->defined)
        error_loc("%s: redefinition error; original definition was at %s:%d\n",
                  t->name, t->loc_info.input_name, t->loc_info.line_number);