/* * Unit tests for IPropertyStore and related interfaces * * Copyright 2012 Vincent Povirk * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define COBJMACROS #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "propsys.h" #include "wine/test.h" #include "initguid.h" DEFINE_GUID(PKEY_WineTest, 0x7b317433, 0xdfa3, 0x4c44, 0xad, 0x3e, 0x2f, 0x80, 0x4b, 0x90, 0xdb, 0xf4); DEFINE_GUID(DUMMY_GUID1, 0x12345678, 0x1234,0x1234, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19); #define EXPECT_REF(obj,ref) _expect_ref((IUnknown *)obj, ref, __LINE__) static void _expect_ref(IUnknown *obj, ULONG ref, int line) { ULONG rc; IUnknown_AddRef(obj); rc = IUnknown_Release(obj); ok_(__FILE__,line)(rc == ref, "expected refcount %d, got %d\n", ref, rc); } static void test_inmemorystore(void) { IPropertyStoreCache *propcache; HRESULT hr; PROPERTYKEY pkey; PROPVARIANT propvar; DWORD count; PSC_STATE state; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_InMemoryPropertyStore, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IPropertyStoreCache, (void**)&propcache); ok(hr == S_OK, "CoCreateInstance failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { skip("CLSID_InMemoryPropertyStore not supported\n"); return; } hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetCount(propcache, NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "GetCount failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetCount(propcache, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetCount failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(count == 0, "GetCount returned %i, expected 0\n", count); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_Commit(propcache); ok(hr == S_OK, "Commit failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_Commit(propcache); ok(hr == S_OK, "Commit failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetAt(propcache, 0, &pkey); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "GetAt failed, hr=%x\n", hr); pkey.fmtid = PKEY_WineTest; pkey.pid = 4; memset(&propvar, 0, sizeof(propvar)); propvar.vt = VT_I4; propvar.u.lVal = 12345; if (0) { /* Crashes on Windows 7 */ hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetValue(propcache, NULL, &propvar); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "SetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetValue(propcache, &pkey, NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "SetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); } hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetValue(propcache, &pkey, &propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetCount(propcache, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetCount failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(count == 1, "GetCount returned %i, expected 0\n", count); memset(&pkey, 0, sizeof(pkey)); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetAt(propcache, 0, &pkey); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetAt failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(IsEqualGUID(&pkey.fmtid, &PKEY_WineTest), "got wrong pkey\n"); ok(pkey.pid == 4, "got pid of %i, expected 4\n", pkey.pid); pkey.fmtid = PKEY_WineTest; pkey.pid = 4; memset(&propvar, 0, sizeof(propvar)); if (0) { /* Crashes on Windows 7 */ hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValue(propcache, NULL, &propvar); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "GetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); } hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValue(propcache, &pkey, NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "GetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValue(propcache, &pkey, &propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(propvar.vt == VT_I4, "expected VT_I4, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(propvar.u.lVal == 12345, "expected 12345, got %d\n", propvar.u.lVal); pkey.fmtid = PKEY_WineTest; pkey.pid = 10; /* Get information for field that isn't set yet */ propvar.vt = VT_I2; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValue(propcache, &pkey, &propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetValue failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(propvar.vt == VT_EMPTY, "expected VT_EMPTY, got %d\n", propvar.vt); state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetState(propcache, &pkey, &state); ok(hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND, "GetState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(state == PSC_NORMAL, "expected PSC_NORMAL, got %d\n", state); propvar.vt = VT_I2; state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValueAndState(propcache, &pkey, &propvar, &state); ok(hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND, "GetValueAndState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(propvar.vt == VT_EMPTY, "expected VT_EMPTY, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(state == PSC_NORMAL, "expected PSC_NORMAL, got %d\n", state); /* Set state on an unset field */ hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetState(propcache, &pkey, PSC_NORMAL); ok(hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND, "SetState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); /* Manipulate state on already set field */ pkey.fmtid = PKEY_WineTest; pkey.pid = 4; state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetState(propcache, &pkey, &state); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(state == PSC_NORMAL, "expected PSC_NORMAL, got %d\n", state); hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetState(propcache, &pkey, 10); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetState(propcache, &pkey, &state); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(state == 10, "expected 10, got %d\n", state); propvar.vt = VT_I4; propvar.u.lVal = 12346; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetValueAndState(propcache, &pkey, &propvar, 5); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetValueAndState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); memset(&propvar, 0, sizeof(propvar)); state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValueAndState(propcache, &pkey, &propvar, &state); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetValueAndState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(propvar.vt == VT_I4, "expected VT_I4, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(propvar.u.lVal == 12346, "expected 12346, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(state == 5, "expected 5, got %d\n", state); /* Set new field with state */ pkey.fmtid = PKEY_WineTest; pkey.pid = 8; propvar.vt = VT_I4; propvar.u.lVal = 12347; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_SetValueAndState(propcache, &pkey, &propvar, PSC_DIRTY); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetValueAndState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); memset(&propvar, 0, sizeof(propvar)); state = 0xdeadbeef; hr = IPropertyStoreCache_GetValueAndState(propcache, &pkey, &propvar, &state); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetValueAndState failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(propvar.vt == VT_I4, "expected VT_I4, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(propvar.u.lVal == 12347, "expected 12347, got %d\n", propvar.vt); ok(state == PSC_DIRTY, "expected PSC_DIRTY, got %d\n", state); IPropertyStoreCache_Release(propcache); } static void test_persistserialized(void) { IPropertyStore *propstore; IPersistSerializedPropStorage *serialized; HRESULT hr; SERIALIZEDPROPSTORAGE *result; DWORD result_size; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_InMemoryPropertyStore, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IPropertyStore, (void**)&propstore); ok(hr == S_OK, "CoCreateInstance failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_QueryInterface(propstore, &IID_IPersistSerializedPropStorage, (void**)&serialized); todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "QueryInterface failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { IPropertyStore_Release(propstore); skip("IPersistSerializedPropStorage not supported\n"); return; } hr = IPersistSerializedPropStorage_GetPropertyStorage(serialized, NULL, &result_size); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "GetPropertyStorage failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPersistSerializedPropStorage_GetPropertyStorage(serialized, &result, NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "GetPropertyStorage failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPersistSerializedPropStorage_GetPropertyStorage(serialized, &result, &result_size); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetPropertyStorage failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ok(result_size == 0, "expected 0 bytes, got %i\n", result_size); CoTaskMemFree(result); } hr = IPersistSerializedPropStorage_SetPropertyStorage(serialized, NULL, 4); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "SetPropertyStorage failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPersistSerializedPropStorage_SetPropertyStorage(serialized, NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetPropertyStorage failed, hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_GetCount(propstore, &result_size); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetCount failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(result_size == 0, "expecting 0, got %d\n", result_size); IPropertyStore_Release(propstore); IPersistSerializedPropStorage_Release(serialized); } static void test_PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(void) { IPropertyStore *propstore, *propstore1; IPersistSerializedPropStorage *serialized; IPropertyStoreCache *propstorecache; HRESULT hr; /* PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPropertyStore, NULL); crashes */ hr = PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPropertyStore, (void **)&propstore); ok(hr == S_OK, "PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(propstore != NULL, "got %p.\n", propstore); EXPECT_REF(propstore, 1); hr = PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPersistSerializedPropStorage, (void **)&serialized); todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); todo_wine ok(serialized != NULL, "got %p.\n", serialized); EXPECT_REF(propstore, 1); if(serialized) { EXPECT_REF(serialized, 1); IPersistSerializedPropStorage_Release(serialized); } hr = PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPropertyStoreCache, (void **)&propstorecache); ok(hr == S_OK, "PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(propstorecache != NULL, "got %p.\n", propstore); ok(propstorecache != (IPropertyStoreCache *)propstore, "pointer are equal: %p, %p.\n", propstorecache, propstore); EXPECT_REF(propstore, 1); EXPECT_REF(propstorecache, 1); hr = PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPropertyStore, (void **)&propstore1); ok(hr == S_OK, "PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(propstore1 != NULL, "got %p.\n", propstore); ok(propstore1 != propstore, "pointer are equal: %p, %p.\n", propstore1, propstore); EXPECT_REF(propstore, 1); EXPECT_REF(propstore1, 1); EXPECT_REF(propstorecache, 1); IPropertyStore_Release(propstore1); IPropertyStore_Release(propstore); IPropertyStoreCache_Release(propstorecache); } static void test_propertystore(void) { IPropertyStore *propstore; HRESULT hr; PROPVARIANT propvar, ret_propvar; PROPERTYKEY propkey; DWORD count = 0; hr = PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(&IID_IPropertyStore, (void **)&propstore); ok(hr == S_OK, "PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(propstore != NULL, "got %p.\n", propstore); hr = IPropertyStore_GetCount(propstore, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_GetCount failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(!count, "got wrong property count: %d, expected 0.\n", count); PropVariantInit(&propvar); propvar.vt = VT_I4; U(propvar).lVal = 123; propkey.fmtid = DUMMY_GUID1; propkey.pid = PID_FIRST_USABLE; hr = IPropertyStore_SetValue(propstore, &propkey, &propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_SetValue failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_Commit(propstore); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_Commit failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_GetCount(propstore, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_GetCount failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(count == 1, "got wrong property count: %d, expected 1.\n", count); PropVariantInit(&ret_propvar); ret_propvar.vt = VT_I4; hr = IPropertyStore_GetValue(propstore, &propkey, &ret_propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_GetValue failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(ret_propvar.vt == VT_I4, "got wrong property type: %x.\n", ret_propvar.vt); ok(U(ret_propvar).lVal == 123, "got wrong value: %d, expected 123.\n", U(ret_propvar).lVal); PropVariantClear(&propvar); PropVariantClear(&ret_propvar); PropVariantInit(&propvar); propkey.fmtid = DUMMY_GUID1; propkey.pid = PID_FIRST_USABLE; hr = IPropertyStore_SetValue(propstore, &propkey, &propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_SetValue failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_Commit(propstore); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_Commit failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); hr = IPropertyStore_GetCount(propstore, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_GetCount failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(count == 1, "got wrong property count: %d, expected 1.\n", count); PropVariantInit(&ret_propvar); hr = IPropertyStore_GetValue(propstore, &propkey, &ret_propvar); ok(hr == S_OK, "IPropertyStore_GetValue failed: 0x%08x.\n", hr); ok(ret_propvar.vt == VT_EMPTY, "got wrong property type: %x.\n", ret_propvar.vt); ok(!U(ret_propvar).lVal, "got wrong value: %d, expected 0.\n", U(ret_propvar).lVal); PropVariantClear(&propvar); PropVariantClear(&ret_propvar); IPropertyStore_Release(propstore); } START_TEST(propstore) { CoInitialize(NULL); test_inmemorystore(); test_persistserialized(); test_PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(); test_propertystore(); CoUninitialize(); }