 * Unit test suite for file functions
 * Copyright 2002 Bill Currie
 * Copyright 2005 Paul Rupe
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "wine/test.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <errno.h>

static void test_fdopen( void )
    static const char buffer[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    char ibuf[10];
    int fd;
    FILE *file;

    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, _S_IREAD |_S_IWRITE);
    write (fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
    close (fd);

    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
    lseek (fd, 5, SEEK_SET);
    file = fdopen (fd, "rb");
    ok (fread (ibuf, 1, sizeof (buffer), file) == 5, "read wrong byte count\n");
    ok (memcmp (ibuf, buffer + 5, 5) == 0, "read wrong bytes\n");
    fclose (file);
    unlink ("fdopen.tst");

static void test_fileops( void )
    static const char outbuffer[] = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";
    char buffer[256];
    WCHAR wbuffer[256];
    int fd;
    FILE *file;
    fpos_t pos;
    int i, c;

    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, _S_IREAD |_S_IWRITE);
    write (fd, outbuffer, sizeof (outbuffer));
    close (fd);

    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
    file = fdopen (fd, "rb");
    ok(strlen(outbuffer) == (sizeof(outbuffer)-1),"strlen/sizeof error\n");
    ok(fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),file) !=0,"fgets failed unexpected\n");
    ok(fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),file) ==0,"fgets didn't signal EOF\n");
    ok(feof(file) !=0,"feof doesn't signal EOF\n");
    ok(fgets(buffer,strlen(outbuffer),file) !=0,"fgets failed unexpected\n");
    ok(lstrlenA(buffer) == lstrlenA(outbuffer) -1,"fgets didn't read right size\n");
    ok(fgets(buffer,sizeof(outbuffer),file) !=0,"fgets failed unexpected\n");
    ok(strlen(buffer) == 1,"fgets dropped chars\n");
    ok(buffer[0] == outbuffer[strlen(outbuffer)-1],"fgets exchanged chars\n");

    for (i = 0, c = EOF; i < sizeof(outbuffer); i++)
        ok((c = fgetc(file)) == outbuffer[i], "fgetc returned wrong data\n");
    ok((c = fgetc(file)) == EOF, "getc did not return EOF\n");
    ok(feof(file), "feof did not return EOF\n");
    ok(ungetc(c, file) == EOF, "ungetc(EOF) did not return EOF\n");
    ok(feof(file), "feof after ungetc(EOF) did not return EOF\n");
    ok((c = fgetc(file)) == EOF, "getc did not return EOF\n");
    c = outbuffer[sizeof(outbuffer) - 1];
    ok(ungetc(c, file) == c, "ungetc did not return its input\n");
    ok(!feof(file), "feof after ungetc returned EOF\n");
    ok((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF, "getc after ungetc returned EOF\n");
    ok(c == outbuffer[sizeof(outbuffer) - 1],
       "getc did not return ungetc'd data\n");
    ok(!feof(file), "feof after getc returned EOF prematurely\n");
    ok((c = fgetc(file)) == EOF, "getc did not return EOF\n");
    ok(feof(file), "feof after getc did not return EOF\n");

    ok(fgetpos(file,&pos) == 0, "fgetpos failed unexpected\n");
    ok(pos == 0, "Unexpected result of fgetpos 0x%Lx\n", pos);
    pos = (ULONGLONG)sizeof (outbuffer);
    ok(fsetpos(file, &pos) == 0, "fsetpos failed unexpected\n");
    ok(fgetpos(file,&pos) == 0, "fgetpos failed unexpected\n");
    ok(pos == (ULONGLONG)sizeof (outbuffer), "Unexpected result of fgetpos 0x%Lx\n", pos);

    fclose (file);
    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_RDONLY | O_TEXT);
    file = fdopen (fd, "rt"); /* open in TEXT mode */
    ok(fgetws(wbuffer,sizeof(wbuffer),file) !=0,"fgetws failed unexpected\n");
    ok(fgetws(wbuffer,sizeof(wbuffer),file) ==0,"fgetws didn't signal EOF\n");
    ok(feof(file) !=0,"feof doesn't signal EOF\n");
    ok(fgetws(wbuffer,strlen(outbuffer),file) !=0,"fgetws failed unexpected\n");
    ok(lstrlenW(wbuffer) == (lstrlenA(outbuffer) -1),"fgetws didn't read right size\n");
    ok(fgetws(wbuffer,sizeof(outbuffer),file) !=0,"fgets failed unexpected\n");
    ok(lstrlenW(wbuffer) == 1,"fgets dropped chars\n");
    fclose (file);
    unlink ("fdopen.tst");

static WCHAR* AtoW( char* p )
    WCHAR* buffer;
    DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, p, -1, NULL, 0 );
    buffer = malloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, p, -1, buffer, len );
    return buffer;

static void test_fgetwc( void )
#define LLEN 512

  char* tempf;
  FILE *tempfh;
  static const char mytext[]= "This is test_fgetwc\n";
  WCHAR wtextW[LLEN+1];
  WCHAR *mytextW = NULL, *aptr, *wptr;
  BOOL diff_found = FALSE;
  unsigned int i;

  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"wt"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"rt");
  mytextW = AtoW ((char*)mytext);
  aptr = mytextW;
  wptr = wtextW;

  for (i=0; i<strlen(mytext); i++, aptr++, wptr++)
      diff_found |= (*aptr != *wptr);
  ok(!(diff_found), "fgetwc difference found in TEXT mode\n");
  if(mytextW) free (mytextW);

static void test_file_put_get( void )
  char* tempf;
  FILE *tempfh;
  static const char mytext[]=  "This is a test_file_put_get\n";
  static const char dostext[]= "This is a test_file_put_get\r\n";
  char btext[LLEN];
  WCHAR wtextW[LLEN+1];
  WCHAR *mytextW = NULL, *aptr, *wptr;
  BOOL diff_found = FALSE;
  unsigned int i;

  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"wt"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"rb"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok( strlen(mytext) + 1 == strlen(btext),"TEXT/BINARY mode not handled for write\n");
  ok( btext[strlen(mytext)-1] == '\r', "CR not written\n");
  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"wb"); /* open in BINARY mode */
  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"rt"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok(strcmp(btext, mytext) == 0,"_O_TEXT read doesn't strip CR\n");
  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"rb"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok(strcmp(btext, dostext) == 0,"_O_BINARY read doesn't preserve CR\n");

  tempfh = fopen(tempf,"rt"); /* open in TEXT mode */
  mytextW = AtoW ((char*)mytext);
  aptr = mytextW;
  wptr = wtextW;

  for (i=0; i<strlen(mytext); i++, aptr++, wptr++)
      diff_found |= (*aptr != *wptr);
  ok(!(diff_found), "fgetwc doesn't strip CR in TEXT mode\n");
  if(mytextW) free (mytextW);

static void test_file_write_read( void )
  char* tempf;
  int tempfd;
  static const char mytext[]=  "This is test_file_write_read\nsecond line\n";
  static const char dostext[]= "This is test_file_write_read\r\nsecond line\r\n";
  char btext[LLEN];
  int ret;

  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC|_O_TEXT|_O_RDWR,
                     _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
  ok( tempfd != -1,
     "Can't open '%s': %d\n", tempf, errno); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok(_write(tempfd,mytext,strlen(mytext)) == lstrlenA(mytext),
     "_write _O_TEXT bad return value\n");
  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY,0); /* open in BINARY mode */
  ok(_read(tempfd,btext,LLEN) == lstrlenA(dostext),
     "_read _O_BINARY got bad length\n");
  ok( memcmp(dostext,btext,strlen(dostext)) == 0,
      "problems with _O_TEXT _write / _O_BINARY _read\n");
  ok( btext[strlen(dostext)-2] == '\r', "CR not written or read\n");
  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_RDONLY|_O_TEXT); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok(_read(tempfd,btext,LLEN) == lstrlenA(mytext),
     "_read _O_TEXT got bad length\n");
  ok( memcmp(mytext,btext,strlen(mytext)) == 0,
      "problems with _O_TEXT _write / _read\n");
  ret = unlink(tempf);
  ok( ret !=-1 ,"Can't unlink '%s': %d\n", tempf, errno);

  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC|_O_BINARY|_O_RDWR,0);
  ok( tempfd != -1,
     "Can't open '%s': %d\n", tempf, errno); /* open in BINARY mode */
  ok(_write(tempfd,dostext,strlen(dostext)) == lstrlenA(dostext),
     "_write _O_BINARY bad return value\n");
  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY,0); /* open in BINARY mode */
  ok(_read(tempfd,btext,LLEN) == lstrlenA(dostext),
     "_read _O_BINARY got bad length\n");
  ok( memcmp(dostext,btext,strlen(dostext)) == 0,
      "problems with _O_BINARY _write / _read\n");
  ok( btext[strlen(dostext)-2] == '\r', "CR not written or read\n");
  tempfd = _open(tempf,_O_RDONLY|_O_TEXT); /* open in TEXT mode */
  ok(_read(tempfd,btext,LLEN) == lstrlenA(mytext),
     "_read _O_TEXT got bad length\n");
  ok( memcmp(mytext,btext,strlen(mytext)) == 0,
      "problems with _O_BINARY _write / _O_TEXT _read\n");

   ret =_chmod (tempf, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
  ok( ret == 0,
     "Can't chmod '%s' to read-write: %d\n", tempf, errno);
  ret = unlink(tempf);
  ok( ret !=-1 ,"Can't unlink '%s': %d\n", tempf, errno);

static void test_file_inherit_child(const char* fd_s)
    int fd = atoi(fd_s);
    char buffer[32];
    int ret;

    ret =write(fd, "Success", 8);
    ok( ret == 8, "Couldn't write in child process on %d (%s)\n", fd, strerror(errno));
    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ok(read(fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == 8, "Couldn't read back the data\n");
    ok(memcmp(buffer, "Success", 8) == 0, "Couldn't read back the data\n");

static void test_file_inherit_child_no(const char* fd_s)
    int fd = atoi(fd_s);
    int ret;

    ret = write(fd, "Success", 8);
    ok( ret == -1 && errno == EBADF, 
       "Wrong write result in child process on %d (%s)\n", fd, strerror(errno));
static void test_file_inherit( const char* selfname )
    int			fd;
    const char*		arg_v[5];
    char 		buffer[16];

    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, _S_IREAD |_S_IWRITE);
    ok(fd != -1, "Couldn't create test file\n");
    arg_v[0] = selfname;
    arg_v[1] = "tests/file.c";
    arg_v[2] = buffer; sprintf(buffer, "%d", fd);
    arg_v[3] = 0;
    _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, selfname, arg_v);
    ok(tell(fd) == 8, "bad position %lu expecting 8\n", tell(fd));
    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ok(read(fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == 8 && memcmp(buffer, "Success", 8) == 0, "Couldn't read back the data\n");
    close (fd);
    ok(unlink("fdopen.tst") != 1, "Couldn't unlink\n");
    fd = open ("fdopen.tst", O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_NOINHERIT, _S_IREAD |_S_IWRITE);
    ok(fd != -1, "Couldn't create test file\n");
    arg_v[0] = selfname;
    arg_v[1] = "tests/file.c";
    arg_v[2] = buffer; sprintf(buffer, "%d", fd);
    arg_v[3] = buffer;
    arg_v[4] = 0;
    _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, selfname, arg_v);
    ok(tell(fd) == 0, "bad position %lu expecting 0\n", tell(fd));
    ok(read(fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == 0, "Found unexpected data (%s)\n", buffer);
    close (fd);
    ok(unlink("fdopen.tst") != 1, "Couldn't unlink\n");

static void test_tmpnam( void )
  char name[MAX_PATH] = "abc";
  char *res;

  res = tmpnam(NULL);
  ok(res != NULL, "tmpnam returned NULL\n");
  ok(res[0] == '\\', "first character is not a backslash\n");
  ok(strchr(res+1, '\\') == 0, "file not in the root directory\n");
  ok(res[strlen(res)-1] == '.', "first call - last character is not a dot\n");

  res = tmpnam(name);
  ok(res != NULL, "tmpnam returned NULL\n");
  ok(res == name, "supplied buffer was not used\n");
  ok(res[0] == '\\', "first character is not a backslash\n");
  ok(strchr(res+1, '\\') == 0, "file not in the root directory\n");
  ok(res[strlen(res)-1] != '.', "second call - last character is a dot\n");

static void test_chsize( void )
    int fd;
    long cur, pos, count;
    char temptext[] = "012345678";
    char *tempfile = _tempnam( ".", "tst" );
    ok( tempfile != NULL, "Couldn't create test file: %s\n", tempfile );

    fd = _open( tempfile, _O_CREAT|_O_TRUNC|_O_RDWR, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE );
    ok( fd > 0, "Couldn't open test file\n" );

    count = _write( fd, temptext, sizeof(temptext) );
    ok( count > 0, "Couldn't write to test file\n" );

    /* get current file pointer */
    cur = _lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR );

    /* make the file smaller */
    ok( _chsize( fd, sizeof(temptext) / 2 ) == 0, "_chsize() failed\n" );

    pos = _lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR );
    ok( cur == pos, "File pointer changed from: %ld to: %ld\n", cur, pos );
    ok( _filelength( fd ) == sizeof(temptext) / 2, "Wrong file size\n" );

    /* enlarge the file */
    ok( _chsize( fd, sizeof(temptext) * 2 ) == 0, "_chsize() failed\n" ); 

    pos = _lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR );
    ok( cur == pos, "File pointer changed from: %ld to: %ld\n", cur, pos );
    ok( _filelength( fd ) == sizeof(temptext) * 2, "Wrong file size\n" );

    _close( fd );
    _unlink( tempfile );

    int arg_c;
    char** arg_v;

    arg_c = winetest_get_mainargs( &arg_v );

    if (arg_c >= 3)
	if (arg_c == 3) test_file_inherit_child(arg_v[2]); else test_file_inherit_child_no(arg_v[2]);
