 * sfnttofnt.  Bitmap only ttf to Window fnt file converter
 * Copyright 2004 Huw Davies
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
# include <getopt.h>


#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_SFNT_NAMES_H

#include "wine/unicode.h"
#include "wingdi.h"
#include "basetsd.h"

#include "pshpack1.h"

typedef struct
    INT16 dfType;
    INT16 dfPoints;
    INT16 dfVertRes;
    INT16 dfHorizRes;
    INT16 dfAscent;
    INT16 dfInternalLeading;
    INT16 dfExternalLeading;
    BYTE  dfItalic;
    BYTE  dfUnderline;
    BYTE  dfStrikeOut;
    INT16 dfWeight;
    BYTE  dfCharSet;
    INT16 dfPixWidth;
    INT16 dfPixHeight;
    BYTE  dfPitchAndFamily;
    INT16 dfAvgWidth;
    INT16 dfMaxWidth;
    BYTE  dfFirstChar;
    BYTE  dfLastChar;
    BYTE  dfDefaultChar;
    BYTE  dfBreakChar;
    INT16 dfWidthBytes;
    LONG  dfDevice;
    LONG  dfFace;
    LONG  dfBitsPointer;
    LONG  dfBitsOffset;
    BYTE  dfReserved;
    LONG  dfFlags;
    INT16 dfAspace;
    INT16 dfBspace;
    INT16 dfCspace;
    LONG  dfColorPointer;
    LONG  dfReserved1[4];

typedef struct
    WORD dfVersion;
    DWORD dfSize;
    char dfCopyright[60];
    FONTINFO16 fi;

typedef struct
    WORD  offset;
    WORD  length;
    WORD  flags;
    WORD  id;
    WORD  handle;
    WORD  usage;

typedef struct
    WORD  type_id;
    WORD  count;
    DWORD resloader;

#define NE_FFLAGS_SINGLEDATA    0x0001
#define NE_FFLAGS_WIN32         0x0010
#define NE_FFLAGS_FRAMEBUF      0x0100
#define NE_FFLAGS_CONSOLE       0x0200
#define NE_FFLAGS_GUI           0x0300
#define NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD      0x0800
#define NE_FFLAGS_LINKERROR     0x2000
#define NE_FFLAGS_CALLWEP       0x4000
#define NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE     0x8000

#define NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS      0x02

#define NE_RSCTYPE_FONTDIR            0x8007
#define NE_RSCTYPE_FONT               0x8008

#define NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA        0x0001
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_ALLOCATED   0x0002
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED      0x0004
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_ITERATED    0x0008
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_MOVEABLE    0x0010
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_SHAREABLE   0x0020
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_PRELOAD     0x0040
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_READONLY    0x0080
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_RELOC_DATA  0x0100
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_SELFLOAD    0x0800
#define NE_SEGFLAGS_32BIT       0x2000

typedef struct {
    WORD width;
    DWORD offset;

typedef struct {
    DWORD version;
    ULONG numSizes;
} eblcHeader_t;

typedef struct {
    CHAR ascender;
    CHAR descender;
    BYTE widthMax;
    CHAR caretSlopeNumerator;
    CHAR caretSlopeDenominator;
    CHAR caretOffset;
    CHAR minOriginSB;
    CHAR minAdvanceSB;
    CHAR maxBeforeBL;
    CHAR maxAfterBL;
    CHAR pad1;
    CHAR pad2;
} sbitLineMetrics_t;

typedef struct {
    ULONG indexSubTableArrayOffset;
    ULONG indexTableSize;
    ULONG numberOfIndexSubTables;
    ULONG colorRef;
    sbitLineMetrics_t hori;
    sbitLineMetrics_t vert;
    USHORT startGlyphIndex;
    USHORT endGlyphIndex;
    BYTE ppemX;
    BYTE ppemY;
    BYTE bitDepth;
    CHAR flags;
} bitmapSizeTable_t;

typedef struct
    FT_Int major;
    FT_Int minor;
    FT_Int patch;
} FT_Version_t;
static FT_Version_t FT_Version;

#include "poppack.h"

#define GET_BE_WORD(ptr)  MAKEWORD( ((BYTE *)(ptr))[1], ((BYTE *)(ptr))[0] )
#define GET_BE_DWORD(ptr) ((DWORD)MAKELONG( GET_BE_WORD(&((WORD *)(ptr))[1]), \
                                            GET_BE_WORD(&((WORD *)(ptr))[0]) ))
static WORD byteswap_word(WORD x)
    return ( ( (x & 0xff) << 8) |
	     ( (x & 0xff00) >> 8) );
static DWORD byteswap_dword(DWORD x)
    return ( ( (x & 0xff) << 24) |
	     ( (x & 0xff00) << 8) |
	     ( (x & 0xff0000) >> 8) |
	     ( (x & 0xff000000) >> 24) );
# define PUT_LE_WORD(x) byteswap_word(x)
# define PUT_LE_DWORD(x) byteswap_dword(x)
# define PUT_LE_WORD(x) (x)
# define PUT_LE_DWORD(x) (x)

struct fontinfo
    FNT_HEADER hdr;
    CHAR_TABLE_ENTRY dfCharTable[258];
    BYTE *data;

static const BYTE MZ_hdr[] =
    'M',  'Z',  0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
    0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x0e, 0x1f, 0xba, 0x0e, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x09, 0xcd, 0x21, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x4c, 0xcd, 0x21, 'T',  'h',
    'i',  's',  ' ',  'P',  'r',  'o',  'g',  'r',  'a',  'm',  ' ',  'c',  'a',  'n',  'n',  'o',
    't',  ' ',  'b',  'e',  ' ',  'r',  'u',  'n',  ' ',  'i',  'n',  ' ',  'D',  'O',  'S',  ' ',
    'm',  'o',  'd',  'e',  0x0d, 0x0a, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

static char *option_output;
static int option_defchar = ' ';
static int option_dpi = 96;
static int option_fnt_mode = 0;
static int option_quiet = 0;

static const char *output_name;

static FT_Library ft_library;

static void usage(char **argv)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] input.ttf ppem,enc,avg_width ...\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -h       Display help\n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "  -d char  Set the font default char\n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "  -o file  Set output file name\n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "  -q       Quiet mode\n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "  -r dpi   Set resolution in DPI (default: 96)\n" );
    fprintf(stderr, "  -s       Single .fnt file mode\n" );

#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __attribute__(X)

/* atexit handler to cleanup files */
static void cleanup(void)
    if (output_name) unlink( output_name );

static void exit_on_signal( int sig )
    exit(1);  /* this will call the atexit functions */

static void error(const char *s, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)));

static void error(const char *s, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, s);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: ");
    vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);

static const char *get_face_name( const struct fontinfo *info )
    return (const char *)info->data + info->hdr.fi.dfFace - info->hdr.fi.dfBitsOffset;

static int lookup_charset(int enc)
    /* FIXME: make winelib app and use TranslateCharsetInfo */
    switch(enc) {
    case 1250:
        return EE_CHARSET;
    case 1251:
        return RUSSIAN_CHARSET;
    case 1252:
        return ANSI_CHARSET;
    case 1253:
        return GREEK_CHARSET;
    case 1254:
        return TURKISH_CHARSET;
    case 1255:
        return HEBREW_CHARSET;
    case 1256:
        return ARABIC_CHARSET;
    case 1257:
        return BALTIC_CHARSET;
    case 1258:
        return VIETNAMESE_CHARSET;
    case 437:
    case 737:
    case 775:
    case 850:
    case 852:
    case 855:
    case 857:
    case 860:
    case 861:
    case 862:
    case 863:
    case 864:
    case 865:
    case 866:
    case 869:
        return OEM_CHARSET;
    case 874:
        return THAI_CHARSET;
    case 932:
        return SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;
    case 936:
        return GB2312_CHARSET;
    case 949:
        return HANGUL_CHARSET;
    case 950:
        return CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET;
    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown encoding %d - using OEM_CHARSET\n", enc);

    return OEM_CHARSET;

static int get_char(const union cptable *cptable, int enc, int index)
    /* Korean has the Won sign in place of '\\' */
    if(enc == 949 && index == '\\')
        return 0x20a9;

    return cptable->sbcs.cp2uni[index];

static struct fontinfo *fill_fontinfo( const char *face_name, int ppem, int enc, int dpi,
                                       unsigned char def_char, int avg_width )
    FT_Face face;
    int ascent = 0, il, el, width_bytes = 0, space_size, max_width = 0;
    BYTE left_byte, right_byte, byte;
    DWORD start;
    int i, x, y, x_off, x_end, first_char;
    FT_UInt gi;
    int num_names;
    const union cptable *cptable;
    FT_SfntName sfntname;
    TT_OS2 *os2;
    FT_ULong needed;
    eblcHeader_t *eblc;
    bitmapSizeTable_t *size_table;
    int num_sizes;
    struct fontinfo *info;
    size_t data_pos;

    if (FT_New_Face(ft_library, face_name, 0, &face)) error( "Cannot open face %s\n", face_name );
    if (FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, ppem, ppem)) error( "cannot set face size to %u\n", ppem );

    cptable = wine_cp_get_table(enc);
        error("Can't find codepage %d\n", enc);

    if(cptable->info.char_size != 1) {
        /* for double byte charsets we actually want to use cp1252 */
        cptable = wine_cp_get_table(1252);
            error("Can't find codepage 1252\n");

    assert( face->size->metrics.y_ppem == ppem );

    needed = 0;
    if (FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(face, TTAG_EBLC, 0, NULL, &needed))
        fprintf(stderr,"Can't find EBLC table\n");
        eblc = malloc(needed);
        FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(face, TTAG_EBLC, 0, (FT_Byte *)eblc, &needed);

        num_sizes = GET_BE_DWORD(&eblc->numSizes);

        size_table = (bitmapSizeTable_t *)(eblc + 1);
        for(i = 0; i < num_sizes; i++)
            if( (signed char)size_table->hori.ascender - (signed char)size_table->hori.descender == ppem)
                ascent = size_table->hori.ascender;


    /* Versions of fontforge prior to early 2006 have incorrect
       ascender values in the eblc table, so we won't find the 
       correct bitmapSizeTable.  In this case use the height of
       the Aring glyph instead. */
    if(ascent == 0) 
        if(FT_Load_Char(face, 0xc5, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT))
            error("Can't find Aring\n");
        ascent = face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY >> 6;

    start = sizeof(FNT_HEADER);

    if(FT_Load_Char(face, 'M', FT_LOAD_DEFAULT))
        error("Can't find M\n");
    il = ascent - (face->glyph->metrics.height >> 6);

    /* Hack: Courier has no internal leading, nor do any Chinese or Japanese fonts */
    if(!strcmp(face->family_name, "Courier") || enc == 936 || enc == 950 || enc == 932)
        il = 0;
    /* Japanese system fonts have an external leading (not small font) */
    if (enc == 932 && ppem > 11)
        el = 2;
        el = 0;

    first_char = FT_Get_First_Char(face, &gi);
    if(first_char == 0xd) /* fontforge's first glyph is 0xd, we'll catch this and skip it */
        first_char = 32; /* FT_Get_Next_Char for some reason returns too high
                            number in this case */

    info = calloc( 1, sizeof(*info) );

    info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar = first_char;
    info->hdr.fi.dfLastChar = 0xff;
    start += ((unsigned char)info->hdr.fi.dfLastChar - (unsigned char)info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar + 3 ) * sizeof(*info->dfCharTable);

    num_names = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count(face);
    for(i = 0; i <num_names; i++) {
        FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(face, i, &sfntname);
        if(sfntname.platform_id == 1 && sfntname.encoding_id == 0 &&
           sfntname.language_id == 0 && sfntname.name_id == 0) {
            size_t len = min( sfntname.string_len, sizeof(info->hdr.dfCopyright)-1 );
            memcpy(info->hdr.dfCopyright, sfntname.string, len);
            info->hdr.dfCopyright[len] = 0;

    os2 = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(face, ft_sfnt_os2);
    for(i = first_char; i < 0x100; i++) {
        int c = get_char(cptable, enc, i);
        gi = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, c);
        if(gi == 0 && !option_quiet)
            fprintf(stderr, "warning: %s %u: missing glyph for char %04x\n",
                    face->family_name, ppem, cptable->sbcs.cp2uni[i]);
        if(FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error loading char %d - bad news!\n", i);
        info->dfCharTable[i].width = face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6;
        info->dfCharTable[i].offset = start + (width_bytes * ppem);
        width_bytes += ((face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6) + 7) >> 3;
        if(max_width < (face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6))
            max_width = face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6;
    /* space */
    space_size = (ppem + 3) / 4;
    info->dfCharTable[i].width = space_size;
    info->dfCharTable[i].offset = start + (width_bytes * ppem);
    width_bytes += (space_size + 7) >> 3;
    /* sentinel */
    info->dfCharTable[++i].width = 0;
    info->dfCharTable[i].offset = start + (width_bytes * ppem);

    info->hdr.fi.dfType = 0;
    info->hdr.fi.dfPoints = ((ppem - il - el) * 72 + dpi/2) / dpi;
    info->hdr.fi.dfVertRes = dpi;
    info->hdr.fi.dfHorizRes = dpi;
    info->hdr.fi.dfAscent = ascent;
    info->hdr.fi.dfInternalLeading = il;
    info->hdr.fi.dfExternalLeading = el;
    info->hdr.fi.dfItalic = (face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) ? 1 : 0;
    info->hdr.fi.dfUnderline = 0;
    info->hdr.fi.dfStrikeOut = 0;
    info->hdr.fi.dfWeight = os2->usWeightClass;
    info->hdr.fi.dfCharSet = lookup_charset(enc);
    info->hdr.fi.dfPixWidth = (face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH) ? avg_width : 0;
    info->hdr.fi.dfPixHeight = ppem;
    info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily = FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH(face) ? 0 : TMPF_FIXED_PITCH;
    switch(os2->panose[PAN_FAMILYTYPE_INDEX]) {
        info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily |= FF_SCRIPT;
        info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily |= FF_DECORATIVE;
        if(info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily == 0) /* fixed */
	    info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily = FF_MODERN;
	else {
	    switch(os2->panose[PAN_SERIFSTYLE_INDEX]) {
	        info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily |= FF_SWISS;
	        info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily |= FF_ROMAN;
        info->hdr.fi.dfPitchAndFamily |= FF_DONTCARE;

    info->hdr.fi.dfAvgWidth = avg_width;
    info->hdr.fi.dfMaxWidth = max_width;
    info->hdr.fi.dfDefaultChar = def_char - info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar;
    info->hdr.fi.dfBreakChar = ' ' - info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar;
    info->hdr.fi.dfWidthBytes = (width_bytes + 1) & ~1;

    info->hdr.fi.dfFace = start + info->hdr.fi.dfWidthBytes * ppem;
    info->hdr.fi.dfBitsOffset = start;
    info->hdr.fi.dfFlags = 0x10; /* DFF_1COLOR */
    info->hdr.fi.dfFlags |= FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH(face) ? 1 : 2; /* DFF_FIXED : DFF_PROPORTIONAL */

    info->hdr.dfVersion = 0x300;
    info->hdr.dfSize = start + info->hdr.fi.dfWidthBytes * ppem + strlen(face->family_name) + 1;

    info->data = calloc( info->hdr.dfSize - start, 1 );
    data_pos = 0;

    for(i = first_char; i < 0x100; i++) {
        int c = get_char(cptable, enc, i);
        if(FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)) {
        assert(info->dfCharTable[i].width == face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6);

        for(x = 0; x < ((info->dfCharTable[i].width + 7) / 8); x++) {
            for(y = 0; y < ppem; y++) {
                if(y < ascent - face->glyph->bitmap_top ||
                   y >=  face->glyph->bitmap.rows + ascent - face->glyph->bitmap_top) {
                    info->data[data_pos++] = 0;
                x_off = face->glyph->bitmap_left / 8;
                x_end = (face->glyph->bitmap_left + face->glyph->bitmap.width - 1) / 8;
                if(x < x_off || x > x_end) {
                    info->data[data_pos++] = 0;
                if(x == x_off)
                    left_byte = 0;
                    left_byte = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer[(y - (ascent - face->glyph->bitmap_top)) * face->glyph->bitmap.pitch + x - x_off - 1];

                /* On the last non-trivial output byte (x == x_end) have we got one or two input bytes */
                if(x == x_end && (face->glyph->bitmap_left % 8 != 0) && ((face->glyph->bitmap.width % 8 == 0) || (x != (((face->glyph->bitmap.width) & ~0x7) + face->glyph->bitmap_left) / 8)))
                    right_byte = 0;
                    right_byte = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer[(y - (ascent - face->glyph->bitmap_top)) * face->glyph->bitmap.pitch + x - x_off];

                byte = (left_byte << (8 - (face->glyph->bitmap_left & 7))) & 0xff;
                byte |= ((right_byte >> (face->glyph->bitmap_left & 7)) & 0xff);
                info->data[data_pos++] = byte;
    data_pos += ((space_size + 7) / 8) * ppem;
    if (width_bytes & 1) data_pos += ppem;

    memcpy( info->data + data_pos, face->family_name, strlen( face->family_name ));
    data_pos += strlen( face->family_name ) + 1;
    assert( start + data_pos == info->hdr.dfSize );

    FT_Done_Face( face );
    return info;

static void adjust_fontinfo( FONTINFO16 * fi )
    fi->dfType = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfType);
    fi->dfPoints = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfPoints);
    fi->dfVertRes = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfVertRes);
    fi->dfHorizRes = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfHorizRes);
    fi->dfAscent = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfAscent);
    fi->dfInternalLeading = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfInternalLeading);
    fi->dfExternalLeading = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfExternalLeading);
    fi->dfWeight = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfWeight);
    fi->dfPixWidth = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfPixWidth);
    fi->dfPixHeight = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfPixHeight);
    fi->dfAvgWidth = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfAvgWidth);
    fi->dfMaxWidth = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfMaxWidth);
    fi->dfWidthBytes = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfWidthBytes);
    fi->dfAspace = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfAspace);
    fi->dfBspace = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfBspace);
    fi->dfCspace = PUT_LE_WORD(fi->dfCspace);
    fi->dfDevice = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfDevice);
    fi->dfFace = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfFace);
    fi->dfBitsPointer = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfBitsPointer);
    fi->dfBitsOffset = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfBitsOffset);
    fi->dfFlags = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfFlags);
    fi->dfColorPointer = PUT_LE_DWORD(fi->dfColorPointer);

static void write_fontinfo( const struct fontinfo *info, FILE *fp )
    FNT_HEADER tmp_hdr;
    int num_chars, i;
    CHAR_TABLE_ENTRY tmp_chartable[258];
    memcpy(&tmp_hdr, &info->hdr, sizeof(info->hdr));
    tmp_hdr.dfVersion = PUT_LE_WORD(tmp_hdr.dfVersion);
    tmp_hdr.dfSize = PUT_LE_DWORD(tmp_hdr.dfSize);
    fwrite( &tmp_hdr, sizeof(info->hdr), 1, fp );
    num_chars = ((unsigned char)info->hdr.fi.dfLastChar - (unsigned char)info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar) + 3;

    memcpy(&tmp_chartable, info->dfCharTable + info->hdr.fi.dfFirstChar, num_chars * sizeof(CHAR_TABLE_ENTRY));
    for (i=0; i < num_chars; ++i) {
        tmp_chartable[i].width = PUT_LE_WORD(tmp_chartable[i].width);
        tmp_chartable[i].offset = PUT_LE_DWORD(tmp_chartable[i].offset);
    fwrite( tmp_chartable, sizeof(CHAR_TABLE_ENTRY), num_chars, fp );
    fwrite( info->data, info->hdr.dfSize - info->hdr.fi.dfBitsOffset, 1, fp );

/* parse options from the argv array and remove all the recognized ones */
static char **parse_options( int argc, char **argv )
    int optc;

    while ((optc = getopt( argc, argv, "d:ho:qr:s" )) != -1)
        case 'd':
            option_defchar = atoi( optarg );
        case 'o':
            option_output = strdup( optarg );
        case 'q':
            option_quiet = 1;
        case 'r':
            option_dpi = atoi( optarg );
        case 's':
            option_fnt_mode = 1;
        case 'h':
        case '?':
    return &argv[optind];

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, j;
    FILE *ofp;
    short align, num_files;
    int resource_table_len, non_resident_name_len, resident_name_len;
    unsigned short resource_table_off, resident_name_off, module_ref_off, non_resident_name_off, fontdir_off, font_off;
    char resident_name[200];
    int fontdir_len = 2;
    char non_resident_name[200];
    unsigned short first_res = 0x0050, pad, res;
    NE_TYPEINFO rc_type;
    NE_NAMEINFO rc_name;
    struct fontinfo **info;
    char *input_file;
    char **args;
    short tmp16;

    args = parse_options( argc, argv );

    input_file = *args++;
    if (!input_file || !*args)

        error("ft init failure\n");


    num_files = 0;
    while (args[num_files]) num_files++;

    if (option_fnt_mode && num_files > 1)
        error( "can only specify one font in .fnt mode\n" );

    info = malloc( num_files * sizeof(*info) );
    for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++)
        int ppem, enc, avg_width;
        const char *name;

        if (sscanf( args[i], "%d,%d,%d", &ppem, &enc, &avg_width ) != 3)
        if (!(info[i] = fill_fontinfo( input_file, ppem, enc, option_dpi, option_defchar, avg_width )))

        name = get_face_name( info[i] );
        fontdir_len += 0x74 + strlen(name) + 1;
        if(i == 0) {
            sprintf(non_resident_name, "FONTRES 100,%d,%d : %s %d",
                    info[i]->hdr.fi.dfVertRes, info[i]->hdr.fi.dfHorizRes,
                    name, info[i]->hdr.fi.dfPoints );
            strcpy(resident_name, name);
        } else {
            sprintf(non_resident_name + strlen(non_resident_name), ",%d", info[i]->hdr.fi.dfPoints );

    if (option_dpi <= 108)
        strcat(non_resident_name, " (VGA res)");
        strcat(non_resident_name, " (8514 res)");
    non_resident_name_len = strlen(non_resident_name) + 4;

    /* shift count + fontdir entry + num_files of font + nul type + \007FONTDIR */
    resource_table_len = sizeof(align) + sizeof("FONTDIR") +
                         sizeof(NE_TYPEINFO) + sizeof(NE_NAMEINFO) +
                         sizeof(NE_TYPEINFO) + sizeof(NE_NAMEINFO) * num_files +
    resource_table_off = sizeof(NE_hdr);
    resident_name_off = resource_table_off + resource_table_len;
    resident_name_len = strlen(resident_name) + 4;
    module_ref_off = resident_name_off + resident_name_len;
    non_resident_name_off = sizeof(MZ_hdr) + module_ref_off + sizeof(align);

    memset(&NE_hdr, 0, sizeof(NE_hdr));
    NE_hdr.ne_magic = PUT_LE_WORD(0x454e);
    NE_hdr.ne_ver = 5;
    NE_hdr.ne_rev = 1;
    NE_hdr.ne_cbnrestab = PUT_LE_WORD(non_resident_name_len);
    NE_hdr.ne_segtab = PUT_LE_WORD(sizeof(NE_hdr));
    NE_hdr.ne_rsrctab = PUT_LE_WORD(sizeof(NE_hdr));
    NE_hdr.ne_restab = PUT_LE_WORD(resident_name_off);
    NE_hdr.ne_modtab = PUT_LE_WORD(module_ref_off);
    NE_hdr.ne_imptab = PUT_LE_WORD(module_ref_off);
    NE_hdr.ne_enttab = NE_hdr.ne_modtab;
    NE_hdr.ne_nrestab = PUT_LE_DWORD(non_resident_name_off);
    NE_hdr.ne_align = PUT_LE_WORD(4);
    NE_hdr.ne_exetyp = NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS;
    NE_hdr.ne_expver = PUT_LE_WORD(0x400);

    fontdir_off = (non_resident_name_off + non_resident_name_len + 15) & ~0xf;
    font_off = (fontdir_off + fontdir_len + 15) & ~0x0f;

    atexit( cleanup );
    signal( SIGTERM, exit_on_signal );
    signal( SIGINT, exit_on_signal );
#ifdef SIGHUP
    signal( SIGHUP, exit_on_signal );

    if (!option_output)  /* build a default output name */
        char *p = strrchr( input_file, '/' );
        if (p) p++;
        else p = input_file;
        option_output = malloc( strlen(p) + sizeof(".fon") );
        strcpy( option_output, p );
        p = strrchr( option_output, '.' );
        if (!p) p = option_output + strlen(option_output);
        strcpy( p, option_fnt_mode ? ".fnt" : ".fon" );

    if (!(ofp = fopen(option_output, "wb")))
        perror( option_output );
    output_name = option_output;
    if (option_fnt_mode)
        write_fontinfo( info[0], ofp );
        goto done;

    fwrite(MZ_hdr, sizeof(MZ_hdr), 1, ofp);
    fwrite(&NE_hdr, sizeof(NE_hdr), 1, ofp);

    align = PUT_LE_WORD(4);
    fwrite(&align, sizeof(align), 1, ofp);

    rc_type.type_id = PUT_LE_WORD(NE_RSCTYPE_FONTDIR);
    rc_type.count = PUT_LE_WORD(1);
    rc_type.resloader = 0;
    fwrite(&rc_type, sizeof(rc_type), 1, ofp);

    rc_name.offset = PUT_LE_WORD(fontdir_off >> 4);
    rc_name.length = PUT_LE_WORD((fontdir_len + 15) >> 4);
    rc_name.id = PUT_LE_WORD(resident_name_off - sizeof("FONTDIR") - sizeof(NE_hdr));
    rc_name.handle = 0;
    rc_name.usage = 0;
    fwrite(&rc_name, sizeof(rc_name), 1, ofp);

    rc_type.type_id = PUT_LE_WORD(NE_RSCTYPE_FONT);
    rc_type.count = PUT_LE_WORD(num_files);
    rc_type.resloader = 0;
    fwrite(&rc_type, sizeof(rc_type), 1, ofp);

    for(res = first_res | 0x8000, i = 0; i < num_files; i++, res++) {
        int len = (info[i]->hdr.dfSize + 15) & ~0xf;

        rc_name.offset = PUT_LE_WORD(font_off >> 4);
        rc_name.length = PUT_LE_WORD(len >> 4);
        rc_name.id = PUT_LE_WORD(res);
        rc_name.handle = 0;
        rc_name.usage = 0;
        fwrite(&rc_name, sizeof(rc_name), 1, ofp);

        font_off += len;

    /* empty type info */
    memset(&rc_type, 0, sizeof(rc_type));
    fwrite(&rc_type, sizeof(rc_type), 1, ofp);

    fputc(strlen("FONTDIR"), ofp);
    fwrite("FONTDIR", strlen("FONTDIR"), 1, ofp);
    fputc(strlen(resident_name), ofp);
    fwrite(resident_name, strlen(resident_name), 1, ofp);

    fputc(0x00, ofp);    fputc(0x00, ofp);
    fputc(0x00, ofp);
    fputc(0x00, ofp);    fputc(0x00, ofp);

    fputc(strlen(non_resident_name), ofp);
    fwrite(non_resident_name, strlen(non_resident_name), 1, ofp);
    fputc(0x00, ofp); /* terminator */

    /* empty ne_modtab and ne_imptab */
    fputc(0x00, ofp);
    fputc(0x00, ofp);

    pad = ftell(ofp) & 0xf;
    if(pad != 0)
        pad = 0x10 - pad;
    for(i = 0; i < pad; i++)
        fputc(0x00, ofp);

    /* FONTDIR resource */
    tmp16 = PUT_LE_WORD(num_files);
    fwrite(&tmp16, sizeof(tmp16), 1, ofp);

    for(res = first_res, i = 0; i < num_files; i++, res++) {
        FNT_HEADER tmp_hdr;
        int sz;
        const char *name = get_face_name( info[i] );
        tmp16 = PUT_LE_WORD(res);
        fwrite(&tmp16, sizeof(tmp16), 1, ofp);
        sz = FIELD_OFFSET(FNT_HEADER,fi.dfBitsOffset);
        memcpy(&tmp_hdr, &info[i]->hdr, sz);
        tmp_hdr.dfVersion = PUT_LE_WORD(tmp_hdr.dfVersion);
        tmp_hdr.dfSize = PUT_LE_DWORD(tmp_hdr.dfSize);
        fwrite(&tmp_hdr, FIELD_OFFSET(FNT_HEADER,fi.dfBitsOffset), 1, ofp);
        fputc(0x00, ofp);
        fwrite(name, strlen(name) + 1, 1, ofp);

    pad = ftell(ofp) & 0xf;
    if(pad != 0)
        pad = 0x10 - pad;
    for(i = 0; i < pad; i++)
        fputc(0x00, ofp);

    for(res = first_res, i = 0; i < num_files; i++, res++) {
        write_fontinfo( info[i], ofp );
        pad = info[i]->hdr.dfSize & 0xf;
        if(pad != 0)
            pad = 0x10 - pad;
        for(j = 0; j < pad; j++)
            fputc(0x00, ofp);
    output_name = NULL;

#else /* HAVE_FREETYPE */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    fprintf( stderr, "%s needs to be built with FreeType support\n", argv[0] );

#endif /* HAVE_FREETYPE */