/* * cryptui dll resources * * Copyright 2008 Juan Lang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "cryptuires.h" LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT STRINGTABLE { IDS_CERTIFICATE "Certificate" IDS_CERTIFICATEINFORMATION "Certificate Information" IDS_CERT_INFO_BAD_SIG "This certificate has an invalid signature. The certificate may have been altered or corrupted." IDS_CERT_INFO_UNTRUSTED_CA "This root certificate is not trusted. To trust it, add it to your system's trusted root certificate store." IDS_CERT_INFO_UNTRUSTED_ROOT "This certificate could not be validated to a trusted root certificate." IDS_CERT_INFO_PARTIAL_CHAIN "This certificate's issuer could not be found." IDS_CERT_INFO_BAD_PURPOSES "All the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified." IDS_CERT_INFO_PURPOSES "This certificate is intended for the following purposes:" IDS_SUBJECT_HEADING "Issued to: " IDS_ISSUER_HEADING "Issued by: " IDS_VALID_FROM "Valid from " IDS_VALID_TO " to " IDS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_SIGNATURE "This certificate has an invalid signature." IDS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_TIME "This certificate has expired or is not yet valid." IDS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_TIMENEST "This certificate's validity period exceeds that of its issuer." IDS_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED "This certificate was revoked by its issuer." IDS_CERTIFICATE_VALID "This certificate is OK." IDS_FIELD "Field" IDS_VALUE "Value" IDS_FIELDS_ALL "<All>" IDS_FIELDS_V1 "Version 1 Fields Only" IDS_FIELDS_EXTENSIONS "Extensions Only" IDS_FIELDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSIONS "Critical Extensions Only" IDS_FIELDS_PROPERTIES "Properties Only" IDS_FIELD_VERSION "Version" IDS_FIELD_SERIAL_NUMBER "Serial number" IDS_FIELD_ISSUER "Issuer" IDS_FIELD_VALID_FROM "Valid from" IDS_FIELD_VALID_TO "Valid to" IDS_FIELD_SUBJECT "Subject" IDS_FIELD_PUBLIC_KEY "Public key" IDS_FIELD_PUBLIC_KEY_FORMAT "%s (%d bits)" IDS_PROP_HASH "SHA1 hash" IDS_PROP_ENHKEY_USAGE "Enhanced key usage (property)" IDS_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME "Friendly name" IDS_PROP_DESCRIPTION "Description" IDS_CERTIFICATE_PROPERTIES "Certificate Properties" IDS_CERTIFICATE_PURPOSE_ERROR "Please enter an OID in the form" IDS_CERTIFICATE_PURPOSE_EXISTS "The OID you entered already exists." IDS_SELECT_STORE_TITLE "Select Certificate Store" IDS_SELECT_STORE "Please select a certificate store." IDS_IMPORT_WIZARD "Certificate Import Wizard" IDS_IMPORT_TYPE_MISMATCH "The file contains objects that do not match the given criteria. Please select another file." IDS_IMPORT_FILE_TITLE "File to Import" IDS_IMPORT_FILE_SUBTITLE "Specify the file you want to import." IDS_IMPORT_STORE_TITLE "Certificate Store" IDS_IMPORT_STORE_SUBTITLE "Certificate stores are collections of certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists." IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_CERT "X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_PFX "Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx; *.p12)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_CRL "Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_CTL "Certificate Trust List (*.stl)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_SERIALIZED_STORE "Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_CMS "CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.spc; *.p7b)" IDS_IMPORT_FILTER_ALL "All files (*.*)" IDS_IMPORT_EMPTY_FILE "Please select a file." IDS_IMPORT_BAD_FORMAT "The file format is not recognized. Please select another file." IDS_IMPORT_OPEN_FAILED "Could not open " IDS_IMPORT_DEST_DETERMINED "Determined by the program" IDS_IMPORT_SELECT_STORE "Please select a store" IDS_IMPORT_STORE_SELECTION "Certificate Store Selected" IDS_IMPORT_DEST_AUTOMATIC "Automatically determined by the program" IDS_IMPORT_FILE "File" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT "Content" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_CERT "Certificate" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_CRL "Certificate Revocation List" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_CTL "Certificate Trust List" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_CMS "CMS/PKCS #7 Message" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_PFX "Personal Information Exchange" IDS_IMPORT_CONTENT_STORE "Certificate Store" IDS_IMPORT_SUCCEEDED "The import was successful." IDS_IMPORT_FAILED "The import failed." IDS_WIZARD_TITLE_FONT "Arial" IDS_PURPOSE_ALL "<All>" IDS_PURPOSE_ADVANCED "<Advanced Purposes>" IDS_SUBJECT_COLUMN "Issued To" IDS_ISSUER_COLUMN "Issued By" IDS_EXPIRATION_COLUMN "Expiration Date" IDS_FRIENDLY_NAME_COLUMN "Friendly Name" IDS_ALLOWED_PURPOSE_ALL "<All>" IDS_ALLOWED_PURPOSE_NONE "<None>" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_MY "You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with this certificate, or sign messages with it.\nAre you sure you want to remove this certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_MY "You will no longer be able to decrypt messages with these certificates, or sign messages with them.\nAre you sure you want to remove these certificates?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_ADDRESSBOOK "You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with this certificate, or verify messages signed with it.\nAre you sure you want to remove this certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_ADDRESSBOOK "You will no longer be able to encrypt messages with these certificates, or verify messages signed with it.\nAre you sure you want to remove these certificates?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_CA "Certificates issued by this certification authority will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove this certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_CA "Certificates issued by these certification authorities will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove these certificates?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_ROOT "Certificates issued by this root certification authority, or any certification authorities it issued, will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove this trusted root certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_ROOT "Certificates issued by these root certification authorities, or any certification authorities they issued, will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove these trusted root certificates?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_TRUSTEDPUBLISHER "Software signed by this publisher will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove this certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_TRUSTEDPUBLISHER "Software signed by these publishers will no longer be trusted.\nAre you sure you want to remove these certificates?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_DEFAULT "Are you sure you want to remove this certificate?" IDS_WARN_REMOVE_PLURAL_DEFAULT "Are you sure you want to remove these certificates?" IDS_CERT_MGR "Certificates" IDS_FRIENDLY_NAME_NONE "<None>" IDS_PURPOSE_SERVER_AUTH "Ensures the identity of a remote computer" IDS_PURPOSE_CLIENT_AUTH "Proves your identity to a remote computer" IDS_PURPOSE_CODE_SIGNING "Ensures software came from software publisher\nProtects software from alteration after publication" IDS_PURPOSE_EMAIL_PROTECTION "Protects e-mail messages" IDS_PURPOSE_IPSEC "Allows secure communication over the Internet" IDS_PURPOSE_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING "Allows data to be signed with the current time" IDS_PURPOSE_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING "Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list" IDS_PURPOSE_EFS "Allows data on disk to be encrypted" IDS_PURPOSE_EFS_RECOVERY "File Recovery" IDS_PURPOSE_WHQL "Windows Hardware Driver Verification" IDS_PURPOSE_NT5 "Windows System Component Verification" IDS_PURPOSE_OEM_WHQL "OEM Windows System Component Verification" IDS_PURPOSE_EMBEDDED_NT "Embedded Windows System Component Verification" IDS_PURPOSE_ROOT_LIST_SIGNER "Root List Signer" IDS_PURPOSE_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION "Qualified Subordination" IDS_PURPOSE_KEY_RECOVERY "Key Recovery" IDS_PURPOSE_DOCUMENT_SIGNING "Document Signing" IDS_PURPOSE_LIFETIME_SIGNING "Lifetime Signing" IDS_PURPOSE_DRM "Digital Rights" IDS_PURPOSE_LICENSES "Key Pack Licenses" IDS_PURPOSE_LICENSE_SERVER "License Server Verification" IDS_PURPOSE_ENROLLMENT_AGENT "Certificate Request Agent" IDS_PURPOSE_SMARTCARD_LOGON "Smart Card Logon" IDS_PURPOSE_CA_EXCHANGE "Private Key Archival" IDS_PURPOSE_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT "Key Recovery Agent" IDS_PURPOSE_DS_EMAIL_REPLICATION "Directory Service Email Replication" IDS_EXPORT_WIZARD "Certificate Export Wizard" IDS_EXPORT_FORMAT_TITLE "Export Format" IDS_EXPORT_FORMAT_SUBTITLE "Choose the format in which the content will be saved." IDS_EXPORT_FILE_TITLE "Export Filename" IDS_EXPORT_FILE_SUBTITLE "Specify the name of the file in which the content will be saved." IDS_EXPORT_FILE_EXISTS "The specified file already exists. Do you want to replace it?" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_CERT "DER-Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_BASE64_CERT "Base64-Encoded X.509 (*.cer)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_CRL "Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_CTL "Certificate Trust List (*.stl)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_CMS "CMS/PKCS #7 Messages (*.p7b)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_PFX "Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx)" IDS_EXPORT_FILTER_SERIALIZED_CERT_STORE "Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)" IDS_EXPORT_FORMAT "File Format" IDS_EXPORT_INCLUDE_CHAIN "Include all certificates in certificate path" IDS_EXPORT_KEYS "Export keys" IDS_YES "Yes" IDS_NO "No" IDS_EXPORT_SUCCEEDED "The export was successful." IDS_EXPORT_FAILED "The export failed." IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_TITLE "Export Private Key" IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_SUBTITLE "The certificate contains a private key which may be exported along with the certificate." IDS_EXPORT_PASSWORD_TITLE "Enter Password" IDS_EXPORT_PASSWORD_SUBTITLE "You may password-protect a private key." IDS_EXPORT_PASSWORD_MISMATCH "The passwords do not match." IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_UNAVAILABLE "Note: The private key for this certificate could not be opened." IDS_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY_NON_EXPORTABLE "Note: The private key for this certificate is not exportable." } LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL /* @makedep: smallicons.bmp */ IDB_SMALL_ICONS BITMAP smallicons.bmp /* @makedep: cert.bmp */ IDB_CERT BITMAP cert.bmp /* @makedep: certerror.bmp */ IDB_CERT_ERROR BITMAP certerror.bmp /* @makedep: certwarning.bmp */ IDB_CERT_WARNING BITMAP certwarning.bmp /* @makedep: checks.bmp */ IDB_CHECKS BITMAP checks.bmp /* @makedep: certwatermark.bmp */ IDB_CERT_WATERMARK BITMAP certwatermark.bmp /* @makedep: certheader.bmp */ IDB_CERT_HEADER BITMAP certheader.bmp