Commit 620b6381 authored by Anton V. Boyarshinov's avatar Anton V. Boyarshinov

release notes from master branch

parent b8acabf5
......@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
<title>Notcation: terms of use of the Software and the Works Contained therein</title>
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<h1>Notification: terms of use of the Software and the Works Contained therein</h1>
Hereby ALT Linux informs the owner (you) of the present copy of the Linux Master 4.0 distribution (hereafter referred to as "the Distribution") about the following terms of use of the Software included in the Distribution:
<p>Copyright in the Works</p>
Computer programs and other works included in the Distribution (hereafter referred to as "the Works") are protected by copyright according to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, other international treaties and national legislation of the country where the Distribution has been purchased.
A holder of the copyright in a particular Works is indicated in a Work concerned or in the documentation supplied with it.
<p>Fair use of the Works</p>
<p>You can, without any further authorization by a copyright holder, use the Works in a limited number of ways as it is permitted under the Berne Convention or the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, other international treaties in the field and national legislation of the country where the Distribution has been purchased (right of a fair use).</p>
<p>The use of Free Works</p>
<p>All the Works in the Distribution, except for the Works listed below, are licensed to you under so called 'free licenses' and, therefore, are Free Works. Under a free license, you are granted the following rights in addition to the usual right of fair use:
<li>to obtain and to study the source code of a Work;</li>
<li>to install, copy and use a Work on an unlimited number of computers for any purpose;</li>
<li> to make any modifications to a Work;</li>
<li>to launch, lease, and distribute a Work by any means either in the original or a modified form, either gratis or for a fee, provided that you accompany them with a copy of the original license agreement (free license).</li>
By performing one of the acts of use allowed under a free licence, when this use would otherwise exceed the scope of a fair use of a Work, you agree to the terms of that license.
Upon request from you, or any third party interested, made within three years from the day of publication of this Distribution, ALT Linux will give the source code of a Work for the cost of physically performing source distribution.
<p>The use of Proprietary Works</p>
<p>The Works listed below are distributed by ALT Linux on conditions different from those stated in the previous clause. Holders of a copyright (exclusive rights) for these Works can limit, in one way or another, your freedom to use these Works. You should familiarize yourself with the terms of license agreements by which these Works are accompanied to find out the ways, if any, in which you can use each of the Works, apart from the usual right of a fair use. These Works are the following:
<li>ATI video-card drivers</li>
<li>Firmware for Intel WiFi cards</li>
<li>NVidia video-card drivers</li>
<li>VIA video-card drivers</li>
<li>Matrox video-card drivers</li>
<li>NVidia NForce chipset drivers</li>
<li>pct789 (PCTel), cm8738, i8xx, sis and via686a modem drivers</li>
<li>Promise IDE/RAID controller drivers</li>
<li>Lucent/Agere modem support modules</li>
<li>Adobe Flash Player Plugin</li>
<li>Java 2 (SUN) Runtime Environment, Standard Edition</li>
ALT Linux has a permission to distribute ATI, NVidia and VIA video-card drivers as part of the ALT Linux distributions.
<title>License agreement</title>
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<h1>License agreement</h1>
<h2>for @BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ @STATUS@ and included software applications</h2>
<p><b>1. Agreement information</b></p>
<p>1.1 Parties to the contract</p>
<p>This Software License Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective by and between ALT Linux Ltd. ("Developer"), which owns rights for <strong>@BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ @STATUS@</strong> ("Distribution") and you ("Licensee"), end-user of the Distribution.</p>
<p>1.2 Agreement object</p>
<p>This Agreement regulates rights of an owner of a Distribution's copy for using the Distribution and computer programs ("Applications") that are part of the Distribution and other intellectual property and means of individualization to extent specified in this Agreement.</p>
<p>1.3 Formation of a contract</p>
<p>This License Agreement is a contract of adhesion and does not require a written contract formation. Use of the Distribution in ways specified in this Agreement means accepting of the Agreement's conditions and leads to formation of the contract.</p>
<p><strong>2. Licensee rights</strong></p>
<p>2.1 Free reproduction of the Distribution</p>
<p>Owner of the Distribution as a person that lawfully own a copy of a computer program has a right to freely reproduce the Distribution according to provisions of the applicable copyright law regardless of provisions of the Agreement or license agreements for individual Applications included in the Distribution.</p>
<p>2.2 Use of free applications included in the Distribution</p>
<p>All but those listed in item 2.3 applications included in the Distribution are licensed as free applications and are accompanied by license agreements that permanently and freely of charge additionally (to free reproduction) grants the following non-exclusive rights valid on territory of any country:</p>
<li>right to use Applications (copies of Applications) on an unlimited amount of computers for any purpose;</li>
<li>right to modify Applications, publish and distribute modifications free of charge or for a fee on conditions of the license for the original Application;</li>
<li>roght to pass Application to third parties free of charge or for a fee without paying royalty to copyright owners; </li>
<li>right to have a freely access to source code of the Application and to study this source code.</li>
<p>ALT Linux Ltd. undertakes to provide source code of any FREE APPLICATION included in Distribution on your demand within three years for a fee that is not higher than cost of physical copy of the source code.</p>
<p>2.3 Use of non-free applications included in Distribution. </p>
<p>The following APPLICATIONS are used and distributed by ALT Linux Ltd. on conditions other than those listed in item 2.2 of the Agreement:</p>
<li> Firmware for Intel WiFi adapters</li>
<li> NVIDIA video adapter drivers</li>
<li> Matrox video adapter drivers</li>
<li> VIA video adapter drivers</li>
<li> NVIDIA NForce video adapter drivers</li>
<li> Drivers for pct789 (PCTel), cm8738, i8xx, sis and via686a modems</li>
<li> Promise IDE/RAID controller drivers</li>
<li> Lucent/Agere support modules </li>
<li> Adobe Flash Player Plugin</li>
<li> Java 2 (SUN) Runtime Environment, Standard Edition</li>
<p>Owners of exclusive rights for the listed above APPLICATIONS this way or the other limit your freedom of using these APPLICATIONS. Please familiarize yourself with license agreements accompanying these APPLICATIONS to decide, whether any use of any of those APPLICATIONS is legitimate, if it's outside boundaries of "free reproduction". License agreements for these APPLICATIONS are inside correspondent packages of the Distribution.
<p>Drivers for ATI, NVIDIA and VIA video adapters are allowed to be distributed as part of ALT Linux distributions.</p>
<p>2.4 Use of Distribution's design elements and text on its cover or box</p>
<p>Rights of ALT Linux Ltd. for design elements of the Distribution and text on its cover or box are subject to copyright, trade marks and industrial design law. Their use in ways specified by applicable law that demands availability of exclusive rights is possible only with written consent given by ALT Linux Ltd.</p>
<p>2.5 Other rights</p>
<p>Copyright, right on name and other personal non-property rights of an author that are unalienable in line with applicable national legislation or that are not granted to you by applicable legislation or license agreements for standalone Applications included in the Distribution are preserved by their owners and cannot be granted to owner of a copy of the Distribution.</p>
<p>2.6 Reports on use of the Distribution</p>
<p>ALT Linux Ltd. does not demand reports on using the Distribution from owners of a copy of the Distribution.</p>
<p><strong>3. Amenability of parties</strong></p>
<p>Copyright for Applications that are part of the Distribution, including exclusive right to allow use of applications, is subject to applicable copyright law, including applicable international agreements on copyright. Users are solely responsible for observation of national legislation while using Applications that are part of the Distribution.</p>
<p>ALT Linux Ltd. guarantees replacement of production defected media of the Distribution.</p>
<p>ALT Linux Ltd. hope that Applications that are part of the Distribution will will be useful, but does not give any warranty for their fitness for any particular purpose or their quality (including absence of errors or standards conformity) and is not in charge for any possible damage, direct or implied, that is result of using these Applications.</p>
<p>Technical support responsibilities of ALT Linux Ltd. for users of the Distribution are listed in the technical support coupon and can be extended with an additional agreement.</p>
<em>ALT Linux Ltd. Moscow, 5th Donskoy proezd, 15/6<br>
<title>Уведомление о правах</title>
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<h1>Уведомление о правах</h1>
<h2>на программное обеспечение и включенные в него произведения</h2>
Настоящим ООО «Альт Линукс» уведомляет вас как владельца экземпляра Линукс Мастер (далее&nbsp;— ДИСТРИБУТИВ) о нижеследующем:
Авторские права на включенные в состав ДИСТРИБУТИВА программы для ЭВМ и другие произведения (далее&nbsp;— ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ), включая исключительное право разрешать использование произведения, охраняются применимым законодательством об авторском праве, включая применимые международные договоры об авторском праве (далее&nbsp;— ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВО).
Обладатели авторских прав на отдельные ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ перечислены в этих произведениях или сопровождающих их материалах.
Права «свободного использования» произведений
ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВО закрепляет за вами как обладателем копии правомерно введенного в оборот произведения определенный объем прав на «свободное использование», принадлежащих вам независимо от положений настоящего Уведомления или авторских договоров («лицензий») на отдельные ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ.
<p>Права на свободные произведения</p>
<p>Все ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ, за исключением перечисленных в следующем пункте, лицензированы как СВОБОДНЫЕ ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ, то есть сопровождаются авторскими договорами («свободными лицензиями»), бессрочно и безвозмездно предоставляющими вам, в дополнение к правам «свободного использования», следующие права:
<li>беспрепятственно получать и изучать исходные тексты ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЙ;</li>
<li>эксплуатировать ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ (пользоваться экземплярами ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЙ) на неограниченном количестве компьютеров в любых целях;</li>
<li>использовать (включая воспроизведение, распространение, переработку, сдачу в аренду) на безвозмездной или возмездной основе (по вашему выбору) ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ в неизменном либо модифицированном виде (по вашему выбору), сопровождая их копией того же авторского договора («свободной лицензии»).</li>
Использование СВОБОДНОГО ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ, выходящее за пределы «свободного использования», означает принятие публичной оферты, содержащейся в таком авторском договоре («свободной лицензии»).
По требованию от вас или от какого-либо другого лица ООО «Альт Линукс» обязуется предоставить исходные тексты любого СВОБОДНОГО ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ за цену физического предоставления исходного текста.
<p>Права на несвободные произведения</p>
<p>Следующие ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ используются (распространяются) ООО «Альт Линукс» на условиях, отличных от перечисленных в предыдущем пункте:
<li>Драйверы видеокарт ATI</li>
<li>Firmware для WiFi карт Intel</li>
<li>Драйверы видеокарт NVidia</li>
<li>Драйверы видеокарт Matrox</li>
<li>Драйверы видеокарт VIA</li>
<li>Драйверы чипсета NVidia NForce</li>
<li>Драйверы модемов pct789 (PCTel), cm8738, i8xx, sis и via686a</li>
<li>Драйверы контроллеров Promise IDE/RAID</li>
<li>Модули поддержки модемов Lucent/Agere</li>
<li>Adobe Flash Player Plugin</li>
<li>Java 2 (SUN) Runtime Environment, Standard Edition</li>
Обладатели исключительных прав на перечисленные ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ так или иначе ограничивают вашу свободу в использовании этих ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЙ.
Ознакомьтесь с текстами сопровождающих указанные произведения договоров для того, чтобы определить, правомерно ли то или иное использование того
или иного ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ, выходящее за пределы «свободного использования».
Драйверы видеокарт ATI, NVidia и VIA разрешено распространять в составе дистрибутивов ALT Linux.
<em>ООО «Альт Линукс». г. Москва, 5-й Донской проезд, д. 15, строение 11, 1 этаж. ИНН 7704222179<br/>
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<p>Linux Master 4.0 distribution is installed and ready to use.</p>
<p>Log files from installation process are in <em>/root/.install-log/</em> directory</p>
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<p>Дистрибутив Линукс Мастер 4.0 установлен.</p>
<p>Протоколы установки находятся в каталоге <em>/root/.install-log/</em></p>
<p>@BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ distribution is installed and ready to use.</p>
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<H2>Благодарим Вас за
тестирование @BRAND_FNAME@ @VERSION@ @NAME@ @STATUS@!</H2>
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