Commit daa763a0 authored by Anton V. Boyarshinov's avatar Anton V. Boyarshinov

arm buildability

parent c5fc5ff8
......@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ all:
mv kde3-settings/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/scheme.kcsrc "kde3-settings/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/@BRAND_FNAME@ @NAME@.kcsrc"
install: browser-qt ahttpd boot indexhtml
install: browser-qt ahttpd boot-images boot-splash @X86@ indexhtml
......@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
Name: branding-%brand-%theme
Version: 6.0.0
Release: alt4
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: cpio gfxboot >= 4 fonts-ttf-dejavu fonts-ttf-droid
BuildRequires: cpio fonts-ttf-dejavu fonts-ttf-droid
BuildRequires: design-bootloader-source >= 5.0-alt2
%ifnarch %arm
BuildRequires: cpio gfxboot >= 4
BuildRequires(pre): libqt4-core
BuildRequires: libalternatives-devel
......@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ License: GPL
Distro-specific packages with design and texts
%package bootloader
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Summary: Graphical boot logo for grub2, lilo and syslinux
......@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "brandi
Here you find the graphical boot logo. Suitable for both lilo and syslinux.
%package bootsplash
BuildArch: noarch
Summary: Theme for splash animations during bootup
License: Distributable
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
......@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ This package contains some graphics for ALT design.
%package release
Summary: %distribution %Theme release file
Copyright: GPL
License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Provides: %(for n in %provide_list; do echo -n "$n-release = %version-%release "; done) altlinux-release-%theme branding-alt-%theme-release
Obsoletes: %obsolete_list branding-alt-%theme-release
......@@ -209,10 +213,15 @@ ALT Linux index.html welcome page.
%setup -n branding
%ifnarch %arm
%define x86 boot
%define x86 %nil
THEME=%theme NAME='%Theme' BRAND_FNAME='%Brand' BRAND='%brand' STATUS_EN=%status_en STATUS=%status VERSION=%version ./configure
THEME=%theme NAME='%Theme' BRAND_FNAME='%Brand' BRAND='%brand' STATUS_EN=%status_en STATUS=%status VERSION=%version X86='%x86' ./configure
......@@ -326,10 +335,12 @@ shell_config_set /etc/sysconfig/grub2 GRUB_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT %grub_high
%post indexhtml
%ifnarch %arm
%files bootloader
%post bootsplash
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ ahttpd:
# bootloader and bootsplash
cp -a /usr/src/design-bootloader-source ./
cp -a components/bootloader/config design-bootloader-source/
cp -a components/bootloader/gfxboot.cfg design-bootloader-source/data-install/
......@@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ boot:
cp -al boot-800x600.jpg design-bootloader-source/data-boot/back.jpg
convert images/boot.png -resize "800x600!" -fill '#c62530' -font /usr/share/fonts/ttf/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf -style Normal -weight Normal -pointsize 20 -gravity northeast -draw 'text 25,25 "$(STATUS)"' design-bootloader-source/data-install/back.jpg
boot-splash: boot-images
mkdir -p $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)
cp -al boot-800x600.jpg $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)/grub.jpg
cp -al images/background*x*.png $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)/
cp -a components/bootsplash/* $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)
mv $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)/theme.plymouth $(datadir)/plymouth/themes/$(THEME)/$(THEME).plymouth
boot: boot-images
DEFAULT_LANG='--lang-to-subst--' PATH=$(PATH):/usr/sbin make -C design-bootloader-source
install -d -m 755 $(sysconfdir)/../boot/splash/$(THEME)
install -d -m 755 $(datadir)/gfxboot/$(THEME)
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ AC_SUBST(MIDDLE_COLOR_DEC)
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