Commit 3efa3893 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

syslinux: fixed RESCUE_BOOTARGS support

"Forensic mode" submenu has fallen apart after the original commit as the tricky logic in mkimage::tools/mki-copy-efiboot failed to pick up the new variant; this should all be redone (solo@ has started doing something but it needs a time-consuming review). Fixes: 79d02088
parent e46b6f3d
label rescue_session label rescue_session
menu label Rescue with sess^ions support menu label Rescue with sess^ions support
kernel alt0/vmlinuz kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue live_rw @rescue_bootargs@ append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue @rescue_bootargs@ live_rw
label rescue_forensic label rescue_forensic
menu label ^Forensic mode (leave disks alone) menu label ^Forensic mode (leave disks alone)
kernel alt0/vmlinuz kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue max_loop=16 forensic hash=@rescue_hash@ @rescue_bootargs@ append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue @rescue_bootargs@ max_loop=16 forensic hash=@rescue_hash@
label rescue_remote label rescue_remote
menu label Rescue with remote SSH ^access (DHCP) menu label Rescue with remote SSH ^access (DHCP)
kernel alt0/vmlinuz kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue quiet ip=dhcp port=22 rootpw=AUTO @rescue_bootargs@ append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue @rescue_bootargs@ quiet ip=dhcp port=22 rootpw=AUTO
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