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Commit 70320a83 authored by Dmitriy Terekhin's avatar Dmitriy Terekhin Committed by Anton Midyukov

alt-server: "Workstation" profile has been replaced with "Home server"

lists/centaurus/samba has been changed to use Samba as a file server. Made at the request of Evgeny Sinelnikov <> This patch was co-authored by Anton Abramov
parent 5d973275
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ endif
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64 ppc64le aarch64 e2k%,$(ARCH)))
distro/alt-server: server_groups_desktop = $(addprefix centaurus/,\
80-desktop emulators freenx-server mate office pidgin vlc xorg scanning)
80-desktop emulators freenx-server mate office pidgin vlc xorg scanning samba)
ifeq (,$(filter-out x86_64,$(ARCH)))
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ru_RU]=Рабочая станция
X-Alterator-Groups=centaurus/mate centaurus/office centaurus/alterator centaurus/bacula-client-a centaurus/bacula-client centaurus/xorg centaurus/docs centaurus/vlc centaurus/cups centaurus/nm-daemon
Name=Home server
Name[ru_RU]=Домашний сервер
X-Alterator-Groups=centaurus/mate centaurus/samba centaurus/diag-tools centaurus/alterator centaurus/bacula-client-a centaurus/bacula-client centaurus/xorg centaurus/docs centaurus/cups centaurus/nm-daemon
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