Commit f3d8ad8f authored by Dmitriy Terekhin's avatar Dmitriy Terekhin Committed by Anton Midyukov

uuid-iso: prevent "lazy evaluation" of time for UUID

parent 9ab1285c
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64 aarch64,$(ARCH))) ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64 aarch64,$(ARCH)))
UUID_ISO = $(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-00) UUID_ISO := $(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-00)
UUID_ISO_SHRT = $(shell echo $(UUID_ISO) | sed 's/-//g') UUID_ISO_SHRT := $(shell echo $(UUID_ISO) | sed 's/-//g')
use/uuid-iso: use/uuid-iso:
@$(call add_feature) @$(call add_feature)
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