# build asciidoc books ifneq (,$(BUILDDIR)) DEST = -D "$(BUILDDIR)" endif ifneq (,$(DEBUG)) VERBOSE = --verbose endif # avoid common DEBUG for the time being -include $(HOME)/.mkimage/profiles.mk PROJECT = mkimage-profiles TOPLEVEL_DOC = $(PROJECT).asciidoc A2X = a2x FXC = .fop.xconf L = ru DEPTH = 3 # common args (and the source file to process) come last XSLT_ARGS = --stringparam toc.max.depth $(DEPTH) COMMON_ARGS = -d book -a lang="$L" $(DEST) $(VERBOSE) $(TOPLEVEL_DOC) HTML_ARGS = -a data-uri --icons -r . \ --xsltproc-opts='$(XSLT_ARGS)' $(COMMON_ARGS) # most convenient deliverables DOCS_OUT = mkimage-profiles.7 $(PROJECT).pdf $(PROJECT).html docbook-xsl.css # intermediate files DOCS_TMP = $(PROJECT).fo $(PROJECT).xml .PHONY: all prep chunked xhtml pdf clean all: chunked xhtml pdf # NB: destination defined externally publish: all @if [ -n "$(DOCS_PUBLISH)" ]; then \ rsync -qa $(DOCS_OUT) "$(DOCS_PUBLISH)"; \ fi prep: @if [ -n "$(BUILDDIR)" ]; then mkdir -p "$(BUILDDIR)"; fi chunked xhtml: prep @echo "** building $@ book" @$(A2X) -f $@ $(HTML_ARGS) pdf: prep @echo "** building $@ book" @$(A2X) --xsltproc-opts='$(XSLT_ARGS) \ --stringparam title.font.family "DejaVu Sans" \ --stringparam body.font.family "DejaVu Serif" \ --stringparam monospace.font.family "DejaVu Sans Mono"' \ --fop --fop-opts='-c $(FXC)' -f pdf $(COMMON_ARGS) clean: @echo "** cleaning up" @if [ -d "$(BUILDDIR)" ]; then cd "$(BUILDDIR)"; fi; \ rm -rf $(DOCS_OUT) $(DOCS_TMP) $(PROJECT).chunked/