Commit 1085fa7f authored by Bilal Elmoussaoui's avatar Bilal Elmoussaoui

Init the project using gtk-rs-template

root = true
indent_style = space
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8
indent_size = 2
indent_size = 4
- lint
- test
- review
BUNDLE: "gnome-tour-nightly.flatpak"
image: ""
stage: "test"
MANIFEST_PATH: "build-aux/org.gnome.TourDevel.json"
FLATPAK_MODULE: "gnome-tour"
MESON_ARGS: "-Dprofile=development"
APP_ID: "org.gnome.TourDevel"
- flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
# Build the flatpak repo
- flatpak-builder --run app ${MANIFEST_PATH} meson --prefix=/app ${MESON_ARGS} _build
- flatpak-builder --run app ${MANIFEST_PATH} ninja -C _build install
# Run the tests
- flatpak-builder --finish-only app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
- >
xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24"
flatpak build
meson test -C _build --no-stdsplit --print-errorlogs
# Create a flatpak bundle
- flatpak build-export repo app
- flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} ${APP_ID}
expire_in: 5 days
key: "flatpak"
- .flatpak-builder/downloads/
- .flatpak-builder/git/
- target/
- target_test/
stage: review
- flatpak
- echo "Generating flatpak deployment"
expire_in: 30 days
name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
on_stop: stop_review
stage: review
- echo "Stopping flatpak deployment"
when: manual
name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
action: stop
# Configure and run rustfmt
# Exits and builds fails if on bad format
image: "rust:slim"
stage: "lint"
- rustup component add rustfmt
# Create blank versions of our configured files
# so rustfmt does not yell about non-existent files or completely empty files
- echo -e "" >> src/
- echo -e "" >> src/
- rustc -Vv && cargo -Vv
- cargo fmt --version
- cargo fmt --all -- --color=always --check
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
name = "aho-corasick"
version = "0.7.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
name = "anyhow"
version = "1.0.26"
source = "registry+"
name = "atk"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"atk-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
name = "atk-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "bitflags"
version = "1.1.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "cairo-rs"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
name = "cairo-sys-rs"
version = "0.9.2"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "cc"
version = "1.0.37"
source = "registry+"
name = "cfg-if"
version = "0.1.9"
source = "registry+"
name = "either"
version = "1.5.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "futures-channel"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "futures-core"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "futures-executor"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-task 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-util 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "futures-io"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "futures-macro"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro-hack 0.5.11 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
name = "futures-task"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "futures-util"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-macro 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-task 0.3.1 (registry+",
"pin-utils 0.1.0-alpha.4 (registry+",
"proc-macro-hack 0.5.11 (registry+",
"proc-macro-nested 0.1.3 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
name = "gdk-pixbuf"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"gdk-pixbuf-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gio 0.8.0 (git+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
name = "gdk-pixbuf-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "gdk4"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"cairo-rs 0.8.0 (git+",
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk-pixbuf 0.8.0 (git+",
"gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gio 0.8.0 (git+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pango 0.8.0 (git+",
name = "gdk4-sys"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk-pixbuf-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pango-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "gettext-rs"
version = "0.4.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"gettext-sys 0.19.8 (registry+",
"locale_config 0.2.3 (registry+",
name = "gettext-sys"
version = "0.19.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cc 1.0.37 (registry+",
name = "gio"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"futures-channel 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-io 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-util 0.3.1 (registry+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"once_cell 1.3.1 (registry+",
name = "gio-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "glib"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"futures-channel 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-executor 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-task 0.3.1 (registry+",
"futures-util 0.3.1 (registry+",
"glib-macros 0.9.0 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"once_cell 1.3.1 (registry+",
name = "glib-macros"
version = "0.9.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"anyhow 1.0.26 (registry+",
"heck 0.3.1 (registry+",
"itertools 0.8.2 (registry+",
"proc-macro-error 0.4.5 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
name = "glib-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "gnome-tour"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
"gdk4 0.1.0 (git+",
"gettext-rs 0.4.1 (registry+",
"gio 0.8.0 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"gtk4 0.1.0 (git+",
"log 0.4.7 (registry+",
name = "gobject-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "graphene-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
name = "graphene-sys"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "gsk4"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"cairo-rs 0.8.0 (git+",
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk4 0.1.0 (git+",
"gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"graphene-rs 0.1.0 (git+",
"graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gsk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pango 0.8.0 (git+",
name = "gsk4-sys"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pango-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "gtk4"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"atk 0.8.0 (git+",
"atk-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"cairo-rs 0.8.0 (git+",
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk-pixbuf 0.8.0 (git+",
"gdk-pixbuf-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gdk4 0.1.0 (git+",
"gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gio 0.8.0 (git+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"graphene-rs 0.1.0 (git+",
"graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gsk4 0.1.0 (git+",
"gsk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gtk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"once_cell 1.3.1 (registry+",
"pango 0.8.0 (git+",
"pango-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
name = "gtk4-sys"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "git+"
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"atk-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+",
"gdk-pixbuf-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"gsk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pango-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
name = "heck"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"unicode-segmentation 1.6.0 (registry+",
name = "itertools"
version = "0.8.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
name = "lazy_static"
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "libc"
version = "0.2.59"
source = "registry+"
name = "locale_config"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
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"lazy_static 1.3.0 (registry+",
"regex 1.1.9 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "log"
version = "0.4.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.9 (registry+",
name = "memchr"
version = "2.2.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "once_cell"
version = "1.3.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "pango"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "git+"
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"bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+",
"glib 0.9.1 (git+",
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"once_cell 1.3.1 (registry+",
"pango-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
name = "pango-sys"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+",
"libc 0.2.59 (registry+",
"pkg-config 0.3.14 (registry+",
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version = "0.1.0-alpha.4"
source = "registry+"
name = "pkg-config"
version = "0.3.14"
source = "registry+"
name = "proc-macro-error"
version = "0.4.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro-error-attr 0.4.5 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"rustversion 1.0.1 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
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version = "0.4.5"
source = "registry+"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"rustversion 1.0.1 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
"syn-mid 0.4.0 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro-hack"
version = "0.5.11"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro-nested"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "proc-macro2"
version = "1.0.7"
source = "registry+"
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"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
name = "quote"
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
name = "regex"
version = "1.1.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aho-corasick 0.7.4 (registry+",
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
"regex-syntax 0.6.8 (registry+",
"thread_local 0.3.6 (registry+",
"utf8-ranges 1.0.3 (registry+",
name = "regex-syntax"
version = "0.6.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"ucd-util 0.1.3 (registry+",
name = "rustversion"
version = "1.0.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
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version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "syn"
version = "1.0.13"
source = "registry+"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.7 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.13 (registry+",
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version = "0.3.6"
source = "registry+"
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"lazy_static 1.3.0 (registry+",
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version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
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version = "1.6.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "utf8-ranges"
version = "1.0.3"
source = "registry+"
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version = "0.3.7"
source = "registry+"
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"winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
"winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
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version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
"checksum aho-corasick 0.7.4 (registry+" = "36b7aa1ccb7d7ea3f437cf025a2ab1c47cc6c1bc9fc84918ff449def12f5e282"
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"checksum atk 0.8.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum atk-sys 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum bitflags 1.1.0 (registry+" = "3d155346769a6855b86399e9bc3814ab343cd3d62c7e985113d46a0ec3c281fd"
"checksum cairo-rs 0.8.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum cairo-sys-rs 0.9.2 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum cc 1.0.37 (registry+" = "39f75544d7bbaf57560d2168f28fd649ff9c76153874db88bdbdfd839b1a7e7d"
"checksum cfg-if 0.1.9 (registry+" = "b486ce3ccf7ffd79fdeb678eac06a9e6c09fc88d33836340becb8fffe87c5e33"
"checksum either 1.5.3 (registry+" = "bb1f6b1ce1c140482ea30ddd3335fc0024ac7ee112895426e0a629a6c20adfe3"
"checksum futures-channel 0.3.1 (registry+" = "fcae98ca17d102fd8a3603727b9259fcf7fa4239b603d2142926189bc8999b86"
"checksum futures-core 0.3.1 (registry+" = "79564c427afefab1dfb3298535b21eda083ef7935b4f0ecbfcb121f0aec10866"
"checksum futures-executor 0.3.1 (registry+" = "1e274736563f686a837a0568b478bdabfeaec2dca794b5649b04e2fe1627c231"
"checksum futures-io 0.3.1 (registry+" = "e676577d229e70952ab25f3945795ba5b16d63ca794ca9d2c860e5595d20b5ff"
"checksum futures-macro 0.3.1 (registry+" = "52e7c56c15537adb4f76d0b7a76ad131cb4d2f4f32d3b0bcabcbe1c7c5e87764"
"checksum futures-task 0.3.1 (registry+" = "0bae52d6b29cf440e298856fec3965ee6fa71b06aa7495178615953fd669e5f9"
"checksum futures-util 0.3.1 (registry+" = "c0d66274fb76985d3c62c886d1da7ac4c0903a8c9f754e8fe0f35a6a6cc39e76"
"checksum gdk-pixbuf 0.8.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gdk-pixbuf-sys 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gdk4 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gdk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gettext-rs 0.4.1 (registry+" = "b2502071e088651bd5fec87a896be2a5b908e817070d350a534a305abc9c6048"
"checksum gettext-sys 0.19.8 (registry+" = "62c644c0b8b73706fb8c7420533fd30abf6f41c2703994bc6f0826fceb7fb3d6"
"checksum gio 0.8.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gio-sys 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum glib 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum glib-macros 0.9.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum glib-sys 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gobject-sys 0.9.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum graphene-rs 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum graphene-sys 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gsk4 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gsk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gtk4 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum gtk4-sys 0.1.0 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum heck 0.3.1 (registry+" = "20564e78d53d2bb135c343b3f47714a56af2061f1c928fdb541dc7b9fdd94205"
"checksum itertools 0.8.2 (registry+" = "f56a2d0bc861f9165be4eb3442afd3c236d8a98afd426f65d92324ae1091a484"
"checksum lazy_static 1.3.0 (registry+" = "bc5729f27f159ddd61f4df6228e827e86643d4d3e7c32183cb30a1c08f604a14"
"checksum libc 0.2.59 (registry+" = "3262021842bf00fe07dbd6cf34ff25c99d7a7ebef8deea84db72be3ea3bb0aff"
"checksum locale_config 0.2.3 (registry+" = "73ac19ebe45489e5d53b4346d8b90bb3dd03275c5fdf2ce22a982516d86b535c"
"checksum log 0.4.7 (registry+" = "c275b6ad54070ac2d665eef9197db647b32239c9d244bfb6f041a766d00da5b3"
"checksum memchr 2.2.1 (registry+" = "88579771288728879b57485cc7d6b07d648c9f0141eb955f8ab7f9d45394468e"
"checksum once_cell 1.3.1 (registry+" = "b1c601810575c99596d4afc46f78a678c80105117c379eb3650cf99b8a21ce5b"
"checksum pango 0.8.0 (git+" = "<none>"
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name = "gnome-tour"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Bilal Elmoussaoui <>"]
edition = "2018"
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gio = { git = "" }
log = "0.4"
gettext-rs= { version = "0.4", features = ["gettext-system"] }
package = "gdk4"
git = ""
package = "gtk4"
git = ""
Copyright © 2019, Bilal Elmoussaoui
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The Software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders X be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Bilal Elmoussaoui shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the Bilal Elmoussaoui.
\ No newline at end of file
# GNOME Greeter & Tour
\ No newline at end of file
export MESON_BUILD_ROOT="$1"
export CARGO_HOME="$CARGO_TARGET_DIR"/cargo-home
if [[ $4 = "Devel" ]]
cargo build --manifest-path \
"$MESON_SOURCE_ROOT"/Cargo.toml --verbose && \
cp "$CARGO_TARGET_DIR"/debug/$5 $3
cargo build --manifest-path \
"$MESON_SOURCE_ROOT"/Cargo.toml --release && \
cp "$CARGO_TARGET_DIR"/release/$5 $3
export DIST="$1"
export SOURCE_ROOT="$2"
mkdir "$DIST"/.cargo
cargo vendor | sed 's/^directory = ".*"/directory = "vendor"/g' > $DIST/.cargo/config
# Move vendor into dist tarball directory
mv vendor "$DIST"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from os import environ, path
from subprocess import call
if not environ.get('DESTDIR', ''):
PREFIX = environ.get('MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX', '/usr/local')
DATA_DIR = path.join(PREFIX, 'share')
print('Updating icon cache...')
call(['gtk-update-icon-cache', '-qtf', path.join(DATA_DIR, 'icons/hicolor')])
print("Compiling new schemas...")
call(["glib-compile-schemas", path.join(DATA_DIR, 'glib-2.0/schemas')])
print("Updating desktop database...")
call(["update-desktop-database", path.join(DATA_DIR, 'applications')])
"app-id": "org.gnome.TourDevel",
"runtime" : "org.gnome.Platform",
"runtime-version" : "master",
"sdk" : "org.gnome.Sdk",
"sdk-extensions" : [
"command" : "gnome-tour",
"tags" : [
"desktop-file-name-suffix" : " (Devel)",
"finish-args" : [
"build-options" : {
"append-path" : "/usr/lib/sdk/rust-stable/bin",
"build-args" : [
"env" : {
"RUSTFLAGS" : "--remap-path-prefix =../",
"CARGO_HOME" : "/run/build/gnome-tour/cargo",
"modules" : [
"name" : "gnome-tour",
"buildsystem" : "meson",
"config-opts" : [
"sources" : [
"type" : "git",
"url" : ""
install_dir: iconsdir / 'hicolor' / 'scalable' / 'apps'
install_dir: iconsdir / 'hicolor' / 'symbolic' / 'apps',
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<use xlink:href="#surface10752" mask="url(#mask4)"/>
# Desktop file
desktop_conf = configuration_data()
desktop_conf.set('icon', application_id)
desktop_file = i18n.merge_file (
type: 'desktop',
input: configure_file(
input: ''.format(base_id),
output: '@BASENAME@',
configuration: desktop_conf
output: '@0@.desktop'.format(application_id),
po_dir: podir,
install: true,
install_dir: datadir / 'applications'
# Validate Desktop file
if desktop_file_validate.found()
args: [
# Appdata
appdata_conf = configuration_data()
appdata_conf.set('app-id', application_id)
appdata_conf.set('gettext-package', gettext_package)
appdata_file = i18n.merge_file (
input: configure_file(
input: ''.format(base_id),
output: '@BASENAME@',
configuration: appdata_conf
output: '@0@.metainfo.xml'.format(application_id),
po_dir: podir,
install: true,
install_dir: datadir / 'metainfo'
# Validate Appdata
if appstream_util.found()
'validate-appdata', appstream_util,
args: [
'validate', '--nonet', appdata_file.full_path()
# GSchema
gschema_conf = configuration_data()
gschema_conf.set('app-id', application_id)
gschema_conf.set('gettext-package', gettext_package)
input: ''.format(base_id),
output: '@0@.gschema.xml'.format(application_id),
configuration: gschema_conf,
install: true,
install_dir: datadir / 'glib-2.0' / 'schemas'
# Validata GSchema
if glib_compile_schemas.found()
'validate-gschema', glib_compile_schemas,
args: [
'--strict', '--dry-run', meson.current_source_dir()
# Resources
resources = gnome.compile_resources(
gresource_bundle: true,
source_dir: meson.current_build_dir()
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Greeter & Tour
# Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<schema path="/org/gnome/Tour/" id="@app-id@" gettext-domain="@gettext-package@">
<key name="window-width" type="i">
<summary>Default window width</summary>
<description>Default window width</description>
<key name="window-height" type="i">
<summary>Default window height</summary>
<description>Default window height</description>
<key name="window-x" type="i">
<summary>Default window x position</summary>
<description>Default window x position</description>
<key name="window-y" type="i">
<summary>Default window y position</summary>
<description>Default window y position</description>
<key name="is-maximized" type="b">
<summary>Default window maximized behaviour</summary>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Bilal Elmoussaoui 2019 <> -->
<component type="desktop-application">
<name>GNOME Tour</name>
<summary>A GTK + Rust application template.</summary>
<p>A boilerplate template for GTK + Rust. It uses Meson as a build system and has flatpak support by default.</p>
<screenshot type="default">
<caption>Main Window</caption>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
<url type="donation"></url>
<content_rating type="oars-1.0" />
<release version="0.0.1" date="2019-07-11" />
GNOME Software kudos:
<developer_name>Bilal Elmoussaoui</developer_name>
<translation type="gettext">@gettext-package@</translation>
<launchable type="desktop-id">@app-id@.desktop</launchable>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gresource prefix="/org/gnome/Tour/">
<file compressed="true" alias="style.css">resources/style.css</file>
.large-title {
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 24pt;
letter-spacing: 0.2rem;
.title-1 {
font-weight: 800;
font-size: 20pt;
.title-2 {
font-weight: 800;
font-size: 15pt;
.title-3 {
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 15pt;
.title-4 {
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 13pt;
.heading {
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 11pt;
.body {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 11pt;
.caption-heading {
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 9pt;
.caption {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 9pt;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name xml:lang="en">GNOME Tour</name>
<shortdesc xml:lang="en">
GNOME Tour and Greeter
<bug-database rdf:resource="" />
<category rdf:resource="" />
<foaf:name>Bilal Elmoussaoui</foaf:name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
# Source:
if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
echo "Failed to install rustup"
if ! rustup component list|grep rustfmt &> /dev/null; then
echo "Installing rustfmt.."
rustup component add rustfmt
echo "--Checking style--"
cargo fmt --all -- --check
if test $? != 0; then
echo "--Checking style fail--"
echo "Please fix the above issues, either manually or by running: cargo fmt --all"
exit -1
echo "--Checking style pass--"
version: '0.0.1',
license: 'MIT',
meson_version : '>= 0.50')
i18n = import('i18n')
gnome = import('gnome')
base_id = 'org.gnome.Tour'
dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.56')
dependency('gio-2.0', version: '>= 2.56')
dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.24.7')
glib_compile_resources = find_program('glib-compile-resources', required: true)
glib_compile_schemas = find_program('glib-compile-schemas', required: true)
desktop_file_validate = find_program('desktop-file-validate', required: false)
appstream_util = find_program('appstream-util', required: false)
cargo = find_program('cargo', required: false)
cargo_script = find_program('build-aux/')
version = meson.project_version()
version_array = version.split('.')
major_version = version_array[0].to_int()
minor_version = version_array[1].to_int()
version_micro = version_array[2].to_int()
prefix = get_option('prefix')
bindir = prefix / get_option('bindir')
localedir = prefix / get_option('localedir')
datadir = prefix / get_option('datadir')
pkgdatadir = datadir / meson.project_name()
iconsdir = datadir / 'icons'
podir =meson.source_root () / 'po'
gettext_package = meson.project_name()
if get_option('profile') == 'development'
profile = 'Devel'
name_suffix = ' (Devel)'
vcs_tag = run_command('git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD').stdout().strip()
if vcs_tag == ''
version_suffix = '-devel'
version_suffix = '-@0@'.format (vcs_tag)
profile = ''
name_suffix = ''
version_suffix = ''
application_id = '@0@@1@'.format(base_id, profile)
meson.build_root() / 'meson-dist' / meson.project_name() + '-' + version,
if get_option('profile') == 'development'
# Setup pre-commit hook for ensuring coding style is always consistent
message('Setting up git pre-commit hook..')
run_command('cp', '-f', 'hooks/pre-commit.hook', '.git/hooks/pre-commit')
option (
type: 'combo',
choices: [
value: 'default',
description: 'The build profile for GNOME Tour. One of "default" or "development".'
i18n.gettext(gettext_package, preset: 'glib')
max_width = 200
edition = "2018"
use gio::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use std::env;
use crate::config;
use crate::utils;
use crate::widgets::Window;
pub struct Application {
app: gtk::Application,
window: Window,
impl Application {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let app = gtk::Application::new(Some(config::APP_ID), gio::ApplicationFlags::FLAGS_NONE).unwrap();
let window = Window::new(&app);
let application = Self { app, window };
fn setup_gactions(&self) {
// Quit
clone!(@strong as app => move |_, _| {
clone!(@strong as app => move |_, _| {
);"app.quit", &["<primary>q"]);
fn setup_signals(&self) {!(@weak self.window.widget as window => move |app| {
fn setup_css(&self) {
let p = gtk::CssProvider::new();
gtk::CssProvider::load_from_resource(&p, "/org/gnome/Tour/style.css");
if let Some(display) = gdk::Display::get_default() {
gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_display(&display, &p, 500);
pub fn run(&self) {
info!("GNOME Tour{} ({})", config::NAME_SUFFIX, config::APP_ID);
info!("Version: {} ({})", config::VERSION, config::PROFILE);
info!("Datadir: {}", config::PKGDATADIR);
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();;
pub static APP_ID: &'static str = @APP_ID@;
pub static PKGDATADIR: &'static str = @PKGDATADIR@;
pub static PROFILE: &'static str = @PROFILE@;
pub static NAME_SUFFIX: &'static str = @NAME_SUFFIX@;
pub static VERSION: &'static str = @VERSION@;
pub static GETTEXT_PACKAGE: &'static str = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@;
pub static LOCALEDIR: &'static str = @LOCALEDIR@;
extern crate log;
extern crate glib;
use gettextrs::*;
mod application;
mod config;
mod static_resources;
mod utils;
mod widgets;
use application::Application;
fn main() {
// Prepare i18n
setlocale(LocaleCategory::LcAll, "");
glib::set_application_name(&format!("Tour{}", config::NAME_SUFFIX));
gtk::init().expect("Unable to start GTK3");
static_resources::init().expect("Failed to initialize the resource file.");
let app = Application::new();;
global_conf = configuration_data()
global_conf.set_quoted('APP_ID', application_id)
global_conf.set_quoted('PKGDATADIR', pkgdatadir)
global_conf.set_quoted('PROFILE', profile)
global_conf.set_quoted('NAME_SUFFIX', name_suffix)
global_conf.set_quoted('VERSION', version + version_suffix)
global_conf.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', gettext_package)
global_conf.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', localedir)
config = configure_file(
input: '',
output: '',
configuration: global_conf
# Copy the output to the source directory.
meson.build_root() / 'src' / '',
meson.source_root() / 'src' / '',
check: true
# include_bytes! only takes a string literal
resource_conf = configuration_data()
resource_conf.set_quoted('RESOURCEFILE', resources.full_path())
resource_rs = configure_file(
input: '',
output: '',
configuration: resource_conf
check: true
sources = files(
build_by_default: true,
input: sources,
output: meson.project_name(),
console: true,
install: true,
install_dir: bindir,
depends: resources,
command: [
// Source:
use gio::{resources_register, Resource};
use glib::{Bytes, Error};
pub(crate) fn init() -> Result<(), Error> {
// load the gresource binary at build time and include/link it into the final
// binary.
let res_bytes = include_bytes!(@RESOURCEFILE@);
// Create Resource it will live as long the value lives.
let gbytes = Bytes::from_static(res_bytes.as_ref());
let resource = Resource::new_from_data(&gbytes)?;
// Register the resource so it won't be dropped and will continue to live in
// memory.
pub fn action<T, F>(thing: &T, name: &str, action: F)
T: gio::ActionMapExt,
for<'r, 's> F: Fn(&'r gio::SimpleAction, Option<&glib::Variant>) + 'static,
// Create a stateless, parameterless action
let act = gio::SimpleAction::new(name, None);
// Connect the handler
// Add it to the map
use gtk::prelude::*;
pub struct Headerbar {
pub widget: gtk::HeaderBar,
impl Headerbar {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let widget = gtk::HeaderBar::new();
Self { widget }
mod headerbar;
mod pages;
mod window;
pub use window::Window;
mod welcome;
pub use welcome::WelcomePageWidget;
use gtk::prelude::*;
pub struct WelcomePageWidget {
pub widget: gtk::Box,
impl WelcomePageWidget {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let widget = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0);
let welcome_page = Self { widget };
fn init(&self) {
let logo = gtk::Image::new_from_icon_name(Some("start-here-symbolic"));
let title = gtk::Label::new(Some("Welcome to GNOME 3.34"));
let text = gtk::Label::new(Some("Take the tour to learn some essential fatures. It only takes a minute."));
let actions_container = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 12);
let start_tour_btn = gtk::Button::new();
start_tour_btn.add(&gtk::Label::new(Some("Take the Tour")));
let skip_tour_btn = gtk::Button::new();
use gtk::prelude::*;
use super::headerbar::Headerbar;
use super::pages::WelcomePageWidget;
use crate::config::PROFILE;
pub struct Window {
pub widget: gtk::ApplicationWindow,
impl Window {
pub fn new(app: &gtk::Application) -> Self {
let widget = gtk::ApplicationWindow::new(app);
let window_widget = Window { widget };
fn init(&self) {
self.widget.set_default_size(920, 640);
// Devel Profile
if PROFILE == "Devel" {
let headerbar = Headerbar::new();
let container = gtk::Stack::new();
let welcome_page = WelcomePageWidget::new();
container.add_named(&welcome_page.widget, "welcome");
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