Commit cea3c9c9 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

evz-openvz: don't use vz commands directly

parent db21e4e9
# Copyright (C) 2017 Etersoft
# Copyright (C) 2017 Vitaly Lipatov <>
# Copyright (C) 2017, 2020 Etersoft
# Copyright (C) 2017, 2020 Vitaly Lipatov <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
......@@ -19,6 +19,17 @@
# TODO: add all support for all cases
a= vzlist -1 "$@" | line_filter
a= vzlist -1 -a "$@" | line_filter
......@@ -28,31 +39,31 @@ case $CMD in
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
info "Stopping $i ..."
vzctl stop $i
docmd vzctl stop $i
# TODO: check if enabled
vzctl set $i --onboot no --save
docmd vzctl set $i --onboot no --save
on) # HELPCMD: enable start on boot and start container(s)
for i in "$@" ; do
info "Starting $i ..."
# TODO: check if enabled
vzctl set $i --onboot yes --save
vzctl start $i
docmd vzctl set $i --onboot yes --save
docmd vzctl start $i
status) # HELPCMD: print container(s) status
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
info "Do $CMD for $LIST ..."
info "Do vzctl $CMD for $LIST ..."
for i in $LIST ; do
vzctl $CMD $i
a= vzctl $CMD $i
compact) # HELPCMD: do named operation on container(s)
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
info "Do $CMD on $i ..."
vzctl $CMD $i
#info "Do $CMD on $i ..."
docmd vzctl $CMD $i
set) # HELPCMD: set param. Use with --option param
......@@ -61,35 +72,35 @@ case $CMD in
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
info "Do $CMD on $i ..."
vzctl $CMD $i $OPTIONS --save
a= vzctl $CMD $i $OPTIONS --save
ubc) # HELPCMD: print resource using via vzubc
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
#info "Do $CMD on $i ..."
vzubc $i
a= vzubc $i
stop) # HELPCMD: stop container(s)
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in "$@" ; do
info "Stopping $i ..."
vzctl stop $i
docmd vzctl stop $i
start) # HELPCMD: start container(s)
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
info "Starting $i ..."
vzctl start $i
docmd vzctl start $i
restart) # HELPCMD: restart container(s)
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
for i in $LIST ; do
info "Restarting $i ..."
vzctl restart $i
docmd vzctl restart $i
list) # HELPCMD: list avaiable container(s) (use -q|-1 for list only ID, list ALL|-a for list ever stopped containers)
......@@ -109,11 +120,13 @@ case $CMD in
#info "Executing on $i ..."
#printf "%3d: %s" $i "$(vzctl exec $i "$INCMD")"
#vzctl exec $i "$INCMD" | sed -e "s|^|$(printf "%3d: " $i)|g"
vzctl exec $i "$INCMD"
showcmd vzctl exec $i "$INCMD"
a= vzctl exec $i "$INCMD"
enter) # HELPCMD: enter in a container with ID
exec vzctl enter "$1"
showcmd exec vzctl enter "$1"
exec vzctl enter "$1"
info) # HELPCMD: print containers(s) info (vzlist like)
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
......@@ -123,20 +136,34 @@ case $CMD in
#vzctl exec $i "$INCMD" | sed -e "s|^|$(printf "%3d: " $i)|g"
#vzctl exec $i "$INCMD"
# TODO: internal IP, red if internal hostname differs
vzlist $LIST -o ctid,ip,hostname,diskspace
showcmd vzlist $LIST -o ctid,ip,hostname,diskspace
load) # HELPCMD: print load average for container(s) by list
for id in $(get_list "$@") ; do
test -r $CONF || continue
# TODO: drop long part?
eval `cat $CONF | grep ^HOSTNAME | sed -e "s|||g"`
printf "%4s (%30s):" $id $HOSTNAME
a= vzctl exec $id uptime
#echo "---"
destroy) # HELPCMD: destroy container(s) by list
echo "You request to destroy follow containers:"
vzlist -a "$@"
#vzlist -a "$@"
LIST=$(get_list "$@")
echo "$LIST"
#local response
read -r -p "Are you sure? [Yes/No]" response
[ "$response" = "Yes" ] || fatal "Have no receive your accept."
for i in "$@" ; do
info "Stopping $i ..."
vzctl stop $i
vzctl destroy $i
for i in "$LIST" ; do
#info "Stopping $i ..."
docmd vzctl stop $i
docmd vzctl destroy $i
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