Commit 041ac9d0 authored by Mikhail Tergoev's avatar Mikhail Tergoev

Merge branch 'Htylol-gtk-themes-1' into devel

parents b6ceaa3f b366de16
...@@ -1385,6 +1385,21 @@ msgid "If downloading steam covers is enabled, they will be downloaded and " ...@@ -1385,6 +1385,21 @@ msgid "If downloading steam covers is enabled, they will be downloaded and "
"is unavailable for some reason)" "is unavailable for some reason)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
msgid "compact"
msgstr ""
msgid "classic"
msgstr ""
msgid "dark"
msgstr ""
msgid "light"
msgstr ""
msgid "Recommended value" msgid "Recommended value"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -1407,12 +1422,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -1407,12 +1422,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa" msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Choice gui themes" msgid "Select PortProton theme"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton" msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "Select gtk theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for GTK."
msgstr ""
msgid "Time display" msgid "Time display"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -1810,6 +1810,21 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -1810,6 +1810,21 @@ msgstr ""
"crearán. (La desactivación se proporciona en los casos en que su descarga no " "crearán. (La desactivación se proporciona en los casos en que su descarga no "
"esté disponible por algún motivo)" "esté disponible por algún motivo)"
msgid "default"
msgstr "por defecto"
msgid "compact"
msgstr "compacto"
msgid "classic"
msgstr "clásico"
msgid "dark"
msgstr "oscuro"
msgid "light"
msgstr "ligero"
msgid "Recommended value" msgid "Recommended value"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -1835,12 +1850,18 @@ msgstr "Controlador de audio de vino elegido" ...@@ -1835,12 +1850,18 @@ msgstr "Controlador de audio de vino elegido"
msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa" msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa"
msgstr "Corrige el sonido estallido de elección alsa alsa" msgstr "Corrige el sonido estallido de elección alsa alsa"
msgid "Choice gui themes" msgid "Select PortProton theme"
msgstr "Temas de interfaz gráfica de usuario elegidos" msgstr "Seleccione el tema PortProton"
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton" msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton"
msgstr "Le permite seleccionar un tema para PortProton" msgstr "Le permite seleccionar un tema para PortProton"
msgid "Select gtk theme"
msgstr "Seleccione el tema gtk"
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for GTK."
msgstr "Le permite seleccionar un tema para GTK."
msgid "Time display" msgid "Time display"
msgstr "Mostrar tiempo" msgstr "Mostrar tiempo"
...@@ -2231,6 +2252,9 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -2231,6 +2252,9 @@ msgid ""
"list below:" "list below:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Choice gui themes"
#~ msgstr "Temas de interfaz gráfica de usuario elegidos"
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid ""
#~ "A higher number of duplicate desktop files were found for this file." #~ "A higher number of duplicate desktop files were found for this file."
#~ "\\nShould I delete the extra ones or not?" #~ "\\nShould I delete the extra ones or not?"
...@@ -1788,6 +1788,21 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -1788,6 +1788,21 @@ msgstr ""
"создаваться. (Отключение предусмотрено в тех случаях, когда их скачивание по " "создаваться. (Отключение предусмотрено в тех случаях, когда их скачивание по "
"каким-то причинам недоступно)" "каким-то причинам недоступно)"
msgid "default"
msgstr "по умолчанию"
msgid "compact"
msgstr "компактная"
msgid "classic"
msgstr "классическая"
msgid "dark"
msgstr "тёмная"
msgid "light"
msgstr "светлая"
msgid "Recommended value" msgid "Recommended value"
msgstr "Рекомендуемое значение" msgstr "Рекомендуемое значение"
...@@ -1813,12 +1828,18 @@ msgstr "Выбрать звуковой драйвер" ...@@ -1813,12 +1828,18 @@ msgstr "Выбрать звуковой драйвер"
msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa" msgid "Fixes sound popling if choice alsa"
msgstr "Выбор alsa исправляет заикание звука" msgstr "Выбор alsa исправляет заикание звука"
msgid "Choice gui themes" msgid "Select PortProton theme"
msgstr "Выбор графической темы" msgstr "Выбрать тему PortProton"
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton" msgid "Allows you to select a theme for PortProton"
msgstr "Позволяет выбрать тему для PortProton" msgstr "Позволяет выбрать тему для PortProton"
msgid "Select gtk theme"
msgstr "Выбрать тему GTK"
msgid "Allows you to select a theme for GTK."
msgstr "Позволяет выбрать светлую или тёмную тему"
msgid "Time display" msgid "Time display"
msgstr "Отображение времени" msgstr "Отображение времени"
...@@ -2225,6 +2246,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -2225,6 +2246,9 @@ msgstr ""
"--autoinstall и название того, что необходимо установить, указано в списке " "--autoinstall и название того, что необходимо установить, указано в списке "
"ниже:" "ниже:"
#~ msgid "Choice gui themes"
#~ msgstr "Выбор графической темы"
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid ""
#~ "A higher number of duplicate desktop files were found for this file." #~ "A higher number of duplicate desktop files were found for this file."
#~ "\\nShould I delete the extra ones or not?" #~ "\\nShould I delete the extra ones or not?"
...@@ -5686,12 +5686,34 @@ gui_userconf () { ...@@ -5686,12 +5686,34 @@ gui_userconf () {
YAD_DPI_VAR="disabled" YAD_DPI_VAR="disabled"
fi fi
if [[ $GUI_THEME == default ]] ; then GUI_THEME=${translations[default]}
elif [[ $GUI_THEME == compact ]] ; then GUI_THEME=${translations[compact]}
elif [[ $GUI_THEME == classic ]] ; then GUI_THEME=${translations[classic]}
if command -v gsettings ; then
YAD_GTK_THEME_CHECK=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme)
if [[ -n $YAD_GTK_THEME_CHECK ]] ; then
if [[ ! ${YAD_GTK_THEME_CHECK,,} == adwaita ]] ; then
elif [[ ${YAD_GTK_THEME_CHECK,,} == breeze ]] ; then
if [[ -z $GTK_THEME ]] ; then GTK_THEME=${translations[default]}
elif [[ $GTK_THEME =~ light$ ]] ; then GTK_THEME="${GTK_THEME//light/${translations[light]}}"
elif [[ $GTK_THEME =~ dark$ ]] ; then GTK_THEME="${GTK_THEME//dark/${translations[dark]}}"
"${pw_yad}" --plug=$KEY_USERCONF_GUI --tabnum="2" --form --columns=1 --separator="%" --homogeneous-row \ "${pw_yad}" --plug=$KEY_USERCONF_GUI --tabnum="2" --form --columns=1 --separator="%" --homogeneous-row \
--gui-type-text="$PANED_GUI_TYPE_TEXT_DOWN" --gui-type-layout="$PANED_GUI_TYPE_LAYOUT_DOWN" \ --gui-type-text="$PANED_GUI_TYPE_TEXT_DOWN" --gui-type-layout="$PANED_GUI_TYPE_LAYOUT_DOWN" \
--field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$GPU_VAR" "$GET_GPU_NAMES")" \ --field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$GPU_VAR" "$GET_GPU_NAMES")" \
--field="${translations[Force dpi]}!${translations[Here you can set forced dpi for applications wine]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$YAD_DPI_VAR" "${translations[Recommended value]}!96!120!144!168!192!216!240!264!288")" \ --field="${translations[Force dpi]}!${translations[Here you can set forced dpi for applications wine]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$YAD_DPI_VAR" "${translations[Recommended value]}!96!120!144!168!192!216!240!264!288")" \
--field="${translations[Choice wine audio driver]}!${translations[Fixes sound popling if choice alsa]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$SOUND_DRIVER_VAR" "alsa!oss!pulse")" \ --field="${translations[Choice wine audio driver]}!${translations[Fixes sound popling if choice alsa]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$SOUND_DRIVER_VAR" "alsa!oss!pulse")" \
--field="${translations[Choice gui themes]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GUI_THEME" "default!compact!classic")" \ --field="${translations[Select PortProton theme]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GUI_THEME" "${translations[default]}!${translations[compact]}!${translations[classic]}")" \
--field="${translations[Select gtk theme]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for GTK.]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GTK_THEME" "${YAD_GTK_THEME}Adwaita:${translations[light]}!Adwaita:${translations[dark]}!${translations[default]}")" \
--field="${translations[Time display]}!${translations[Displays time spent in an application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$DESKTOP_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \ --field="${translations[Time display]}!${translations[Displays time spent in an application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$DESKTOP_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \
--field="${translations[Sort shortcuts by time]}!${translations[This setting sorts the shortcuts in the main menu depending on the time spent in the application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$SORT_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \ --field="${translations[Sort shortcuts by time]}!${translations[This setting sorts the shortcuts in the main menu depending on the time spent in the application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$SORT_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \
1> "${PW_TMPFS_PATH}/tmp_yad_userconf_set_cb" 2>/dev/null & 1> "${PW_TMPFS_PATH}/tmp_yad_userconf_set_cb" 2>/dev/null &
...@@ -5733,9 +5755,18 @@ gui_userconf () { ...@@ -5733,9 +5755,18 @@ gui_userconf () {
fi fi
DESKTOP_WITH_TIME="${PW_ADD_SETTINGS_UC[4]}" if [[ $GUI_THEME == ${translations[default]} ]] ; then GUI_THEME=default
SORT_WITH_TIME="${PW_ADD_SETTINGS_UC[5]}" elif [[ $GUI_THEME == ${translations[compact]} ]] ; then GUI_THEME=compact
edit_user_conf_from_gui PW_GPU_USE PW_WINE_DPI_VALUE PW_SOUND_DRIVER_USE GUI_THEME DESKTOP_WITH_TIME SORT_WITH_TIME elif [[ $GUI_THEME == ${translations[classic]} ]] ; then GUI_THEME=classic
if [[ $GTK_THEME == ${translations[default]} ]] ; then unset GTK_THEME
elif [[ $GTK_THEME =~ ${translations[light]} ]] ; then GTK_THEME="${GTK_THEME//${translations[light]}/light}"
elif [[ $GTK_THEME =~ ${translations[dark]} ]] ; then GTK_THEME="${GTK_THEME//${translations[dark]}/dark}"
restart_pp restart_pp
;; ;;
esac esac
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