PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO=${translations[A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)]}
PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO=${translations[A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)]}
PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS_INFO=${translations[Disable the window for selecting startup modes and WINE versions]}
PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS_INFO=${translations[Disable the window for selecting startup modes and WINE versions]}
PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO=${translations[Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)]}
PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO=${translations[Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)]}
PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE_INFO=${translations[Increases RAM usage limits for 32-bit applications from two to four gigabytes]}
PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO=${translations[Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)]}
PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO=${translations[Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_INFO=${translations[Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_INFO=${translations[Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)]}
PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO=${translations[Using automatic system optimization to improve performance in games (provided the gamemode package is installed on the system, doesn\'t work with ananicy)]}
PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO=${translations[Using automatic system optimization to improve performance in games (provided the gamemode package is installed on the system, doesn\'t work with ananicy)]}