export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2019"# Install DLL in port prefix (used winetricks)
export PW_NO_FSYNC=0 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
export PW_NO_ESYNC=0 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=1 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
export PW_COMMENT_DB="\nНа данный момент игра работает, но долго запускаеться из Лаунчера.\nПосле установки игры, при повторном запуске, игра будет запускаться быстро.\n"
export PW_COMMENT_DB="На данный момент игра работает, но долго запускаеться из Лаунчера. После установки игры, при повторном запуске, игра будет запускаться быстро."
export PW_COMMENT_DB="At the moment the game works, but it takes a long time to start from the Launcher. After installing the game, when restarting, the game will start quickly."
add_in_start_portwine ()
add_in_start_portwine ()
echo"Override $portwine_exe to ${PATH_TO_GAME}/MWO.exe"
#echo "Override $portwine_exe to ${PATH_TO_GAME}/MWO.exe"
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2012 vcrun2019 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9"# Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2012 vcrun2019 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9"# Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.