--field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${GPU_VAR}" "${GET_GPU_NAMES}")" \
--field="${translations[Choice gui themes]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "${GUI_THEME}" "default!compact!classic")" \
--field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$GPU_VAR" "$GET_GPU_NAMES")" \
--field="${translations[Choice gui themes]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GUI_THEME" "default!compact!classic")" \
--field="${translations[Time display]}!${translations[Displays time spent in an application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$DESKTOP_WITH_TIME" "enabled!disabled")" \
--field="${translations[Sort shortcuts by time]}!${translations[This setting sorts the shortcuts in the main menu depending on the time spent in the application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$SORT_WITH_TIME" "enabled!disabled")" \