@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: boosty.to/port
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: boosty.to/port
###Scripts version 2122###
* added the pp-games-lib plugin to the new PortProton/data/plugins/ details directory on github (plugin author: comrade zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* updated scripts for installing and launching League of Legends (updated WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - from now on there is no need to enter the root password to launch League of Legends)
* for GALLIUM_NINE to work, PROTON_GE is used by default
* in GALLIUM_NINE mode, the operation of launchers (such as Epic Games) has been fixed
* for Wargaming Game Center, the startup argument "--disable-gpu" is disabled automatically when using VULKAN mode.
* when using the DOTNET prefix, the black screen display in some applications has been fixed
* added a choice of downloading and automatic installation of WINE versions from Kron4ek
###Scripts version 2121###
###Scripts version 2121###
* updated "PROTON_GE" to version 7-26
* updated "PROTON_GE" to version 7-26
* fixed creation of shortcuts for WGC (to automatically fix existing shortcuts, just run the WGC installer from PortProton)
* fixed creation of shortcuts for WGC (to automatically fix existing shortcuts, just run the WGC installer from PortProton)
* добавлен плагин pp-games-lib в новый каталог PortProton/data/plugins/ подробности на github (автор плагина: товарищ zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* обновлены срипты установки и запуска League of Legends (обновлен WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - отныне нет необходимости вводить пароль рут для запуска League of Legends)
* для работы GALLIUM_NINE по умолчанию используется PROTON_GE
* в режиме GALLIUM_NINE исправлена работа лаунчеров (таких как Epic Games)
* для Wargaming Game Center аргумент запуска "--disable-gpu" отключаестя автоматически при исползовании режима VULKAN.
* при использовании префикса DOTNET исправлено отображение черного экрана в некоторых приложениях
* добавлен выбор скачивания и автоматической установки версий WINE от Kron4ek
###Scripts version 2121###
###Scripts version 2121###
* обновлен "PROTON_GE" до версии 7-26
* обновлен "PROTON_GE" до версии 7-26
* исправлено создание ярлыков для WGC (для атоматического исправления уже существующих ярлыков, просто запустите установщик WGC из PortProton)
* исправлено создание ярлыков для WGC (для атоматического исправления уже существующих ярлыков, просто запустите установщик WGC из PortProton)
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
[["${UNPACK_STATUS}"!= 0 ]]&&exit 1
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_USE_GAMEMODE=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
then try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib/wine/i386-windows/dxgi.dll "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/dxgi.dll"
then try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/dxgi.dll "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/dxgi.dll"
echo"Try link wine d3d filese..."
for wine_build_dll in d3d11 d3d10 d3d10core d3d10_1 dxgi ;do
then try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}/lib/wine/i386-windows/${wine_build_dll}.dll""${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/${wine_build_dll}.dll"
then try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/${wine_build_dll}.dll""${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/${wine_build_dll}.dll"
FIND_D3D_MODULE=`dirname$(find /usr/ -maxdepth 4 -type f -name"d3dadapter9.so.*") 2>/dev/null`
FIND_D3D_MODULE=`dirname$(find /usr/ -maxdepth 4 -type f -name"d3dadapter9.so.*") 2>/dev/null`